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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8761438 No.8761438 [Reply] [Original]

Who BLOG here?

Tell us about the NEET things happening in your life, anon.

>> No.8761447

Not a single thing is happening, anon.

>> No.8761446

I'm working on creating an imaginary girl inside of my mind.

>> No.8761452

Played Ninja Gaiden 3 mission mode for most of the day. Team Ninja is worthless without Itagaki & co.

>> No.8761456

Once upon a time there was a person who came back from a weekend trip. With a few hours to burn before going to bed and going off to work tomorrow, he pretended to be a NEET on /jp/. The end.

>> No.8761462
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Gettng kicked out from home. Afraid to leave my room while everyone is till awake. 1AM here and I'm eating leftovers from the fridge since I no longer get food. Looking for a place that sells oven bags to make a helium exit bag from.

>> No.8761463

I spent a few hours going to various threads on different boards where people talked about how depressed they were, with the intention of saying positive things and trying to at least make them a little happy. But then I got nervous that they would just yell at me for being naive and chickened out.

>> No.8761469

You are cute.

>> No.8761482
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>> No.8761494
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I've been playing video games for the last couple hours. About to run out of beer and its not even 2:00 am yet. Been thinking about how I kind of want to get a kitten but knowing that I'm probably not responsible enough to actually take care of one. Also my heads phones are all fucked up and now only one of the little ear cup things actually works.

>> No.8761508
File: 122 KB, 600x420, Seagull wing underside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your image has inspired me to push on with my suicide plans.

>> No.8761511

I purchased Tales on Innocence R last night, so I will probably play that for a bit~

>> No.8761513

I woke up at 2pm and it was very warm and sunny. My mum took me to the shop and bought me some drinks and told me not to drink them too fast but I couldn't help it. Then I played osu and now I am going to sleep.

>> No.8761517
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I went out for a coffee earlier.

The trip had actually been quite pleasant until I was approached by a childhood friend who I became sort of distanced from in highschool. Very friendly, genuine person who seemed as though he really wanted to catch up. The interaction started out great, until I gradually started to lose it. My voice became increasingly muffled, eye contact started become inconsistent and my responses became increasingly incoherent. Then my hands and posture just began violently shaking. I wasn't nervous, frightened, upset or any negative emotion whatsoever. What the fuck. He obviously became aware of my literal convulsions and wrapped things up quite tactfully out of courtesy.

I don't even have problems with anxiety in public or even social situations for the most part. Never again.

>> No.8761525


Why aren't there more people like you


>> No.8761533

I was woken up by a guy opening my door at 5PM-ish. He was apparently doing a room inspection. I haven't cleaned my room in 6 months.
He waited outside for me to get dressed, I picked up a few things off the floor and let him in.He inspected my bathroom for 10 seconds, then left. I think I should have been more ashamed about it, but I didn't really care at the time plus I'd just woken up, bed hair and all. Passed the bathroom inspection apparently. He said something about 65 minutes but I was too drowsy to understand it.
So yeah after that I tidied up a bit and played osu! for a few hours. I'm much better at it on Monday for some reason.

>> No.8761535


All I want is one of those little one room apartments like I see in my japanese cartoons, but everything is so expensive around here I probably couldn't afford even that and I don't even think we have places like that.

>> No.8761542

The same thing I do every night. It's 6:40am so I will be going to sleep now. Ever since I last woke up I have just been on the computer and played games. I will likely wake up at near 6pm and have some cereal and be on the computer again until sleep time.

You can't really blog when you are NEET as the same thing happens everyday for me

>> No.8761551

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai

f*cking up weeaboo shit online with my 2hu themed army

>> No.8761612
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It happened to me the first time I met a current friend of mine who is literally the first otaku friend I meet in YEARS. Prior to that we talked on Facebook every now and then, but meeting him... oh god, I was so excited I started to lose it.

I immediately went out for a smoke. And it worked wonders, it kept me from going insane.

First impression: successful. Now I had a friend who shared my interests. And after years and years of hanging out with normalfags, that felt so, so good.

>> No.8761614

>go to work [NEET w/ job here deal with it]
>forget to take pills
>spend day playing doom on ipod
>be miserable
>want to quit job
>go over all the better things I could be doing with my life
>probably going to die working here

>> No.8761633

My hand hurts from masturbating too much.
Using the other hand is too much effort.

>> No.8761637

>NEET w/job here deal with it
Go to bed, Ryan.

>> No.8761656

Been a NEET for almost three years now, I haven't left my house for anything other than food and mail since 4 months after I graduated high school. Also I have relatives coming over tomorrow which is pretty horrifying because they will inevitably ask 'So anon, what have you been up to?'.

>> No.8761667

>go to work [NEET w/ job here deal with it]
>NEET w/ job

So you're not in education, employment, or training while being employed? What crazy universe do you live in and how are you posting on my universe's 4chan? Wormholes? Please share your scientific knowledge with us.

>> No.8761668


"I'm writing a book".

>> No.8761680

Question: how do you all get money? Is it literally leeching off of family or are NEETs all on some kind of disability?

>> No.8761682

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8761684
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I went next door to a close friend's dorm and we cooped Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST together in 24 hours on legendary. Beat both games back to back.

Then a few other friends came over and we had some alcohol. Then I went back to my room late in the night, and played some Virtual-On and some Halo Reach.

Then I bought some Disgaea 4 DLC and went to bed.

Now, the next day, I am getting ready to pack up and visit the parents. I'm about to graduate from university this semester.

>> No.8761686


>> No.8761689

Tonight I tried using one of the empty bottles of water stacked around my desk. Rubbing it against my dick as opposed to my hand definitely freshened the process up a bit. I walked away from the experience with generally positive sentiments.

>> No.8761695

I can't speak for the rest of the neeties here, but I have investments made from back when I still thought I had a future. When it runs out, or most likely some time before, I plan on visiting Gensokyo.

>> No.8761702

I could have sworn the OP said this was a NEET thread. Get out, Fake NEETs.

>> No.8761706

I'm a true NEET. Trust me.

>> No.8761722

I don't get the "sarcasm" here, Anonymous, he's right.

>> No.8761724

Played some Ninja Gaiden 3 and watched anime.

>> No.8761731
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I've been watching movies all day for the past couple months increasing my culture level in that area.

>> No.8761734
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Just recently I've noticed that I have difficulty sleeping. yesterday I went to my bed at 10:15am... and today I feel like I could probably stay up for one whole day.

Is their any decent methods on going to bed at a reasonable time and not missing out on meals? I know I should take it easy and sleep whenever I feel tired... but this is annoying the fuck out of me.

>> No.8761740

That sounds less annoying than sleeping 16 hours a day, which is what my body sometimes coerces me to do.

>> No.8761741
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Having similar problems myself anon. I fall asleep at around 11 am, get woken up at 5 pm, sleep till 9 pm, sleep at 1 am, wake up at 4 am rinse repeat.

>> No.8761745

I received my first text message from someone who wasn't my mother. It took me over 20 minutes to work up to courage to ask who it was, only to find that it was a wrong number.
I really didn't expect it to be meant for me but I have to admit I was a little disappointed.

>> No.8761747

My 21st birthday is this week, and I'm feeling...strange. Like a bored restlessness. It's quite troubling.

What else...got back on top of my economics class, though it's still confusing as hell. I haven't been this totally lost in a class since I took Spanish in middle school.

>> No.8761757

I got a text message in ebonics not too long ago. I'm still not sure what it says.

>> No.8761755

I bought TripleQ's latest image set. Expect something new to go with my misguided, one-sided discussion about the nature of peril as a fetish in the next guro thread, whenever that is.

>> No.8761763

I'm using my sister's old phone because she got a new one, and one of her friends texted me thinking it was her. I'm thinking about replying pretending to be my sister.

>> No.8761765

Not for me it's not. When I usually go to bed at retarded times I'm usually having to force myself awake so that I don't miss out on stuff like dinner (because I always miss breakfast). If I don't force myself awake then I'll sleep longer than 10 or 12 hours (I know it sounds dull for you guys but this is annoying for me).

That usually doesn't happen to me that much... well only when I'm trying to fall asleep for the first time. There's the odd moments that when I wake I'll fall asleep... but once I'm awake, I'm awake (and sometimes I STILL feel tired because my body hasn't had enough rest).

I know I should do something about it (and I know yous both are probably trying as well), but everytime I bring it up with my mother she usually tells me not to worry about it. Because missing out on one meal (so that I don't lose weight) and sleeping most the day away is something to 'not' worry about right?

I'm sorry that I just wrote a load of crap in a space of 5 minutes. I just don't like this insomnia I'm having (currently 7:40am and it's bright as fuck outside).

>> No.8761774

I least you can force yourself awake. I've tried alarm clocks, phone alarm, whatever. My body's ability to whack a snooze button and then slip right back into REM sleep is unbelievable.

>> No.8761783

Move the alarm clock out of arms reach?

>> No.8761788

I have the same problem. I've even answered the door asleep on a number of occasions, thankfully I still live at home or I'm sure I would open the outside door for someone I shouldn't and sleep through the whole thing.

>> No.8761801

Yeah but the thing is that I can't force myself awake at the 'correct' time at all. If I want to wake myself at say... 5 or 6am, my body won't respond at all and it's only at around 10 or 12pm is when I can FINALLY get my body to move and make myself awake.

...An alarm clock would be handy to help me wake at a sensible time... but everytime I set it at a time I want to wake up at, I'll usually wake up an hour before it and turn it off and go back to sleep. And we all know what happens when you turn an alarm off when you want to wake up early right?

I'm a light sleeper, but if there's one thing I just don't like is that I can't force myself awake at the time I want it to be. Even if I were to go to bed at like say.... 9pm and experience restless nights and falling alseep 5 hours later, waking up at a time I agree on isn't as easy as I like it to be. It's just.... so... FRUSTRATING as fuck!

I think I've severely went off-track with that rant just now. But yeah sums it down to this;

- Have difficulty sleeping and feeling tired that I could probably stay up at ridiculously long times (to me that is).
- When I sleep I have a hard time forcing myself awake at the correct time. If I want to wake myself at 6am it won't work. Only way to do so is if someone knocks or opens my door.

I should consider a DS just for an alarm system. Something that is not 'loud' enough to wake the whole bloody house.

>> No.8761807

I've tried having my phone on alarm placed behind my mini-fridge. I can somehow still get to it fast enough.

In the past if I had some hard deadline that required me to be up, I could force myself up maybe fifteen minutes before that time but never more.

Perhaps a cell phone? Some models of alarm clocks also allow for multiple alarm settings, so setting both alarms five minutes apart might work.

>> No.8761808

I tried pushups and now I feel itchy and sick all over.

>> No.8761809

Why don't you post it here? I might be able to help.

>> No.8761820

Don't have one sadly. I've just never been a cellphone kind of person.

I'll think of something eventually though. but I don't know what chance that'll do (because always putting an alarm on makes me wake up before it goes off). Any way to sort that problem out?

>> No.8761829

When you wake up and the alarm hasn't gone off just go back to sleep without turning off the alarm?

Alternatively, if it only an hour or less ahead, just get up early, if you have the willpower.

>> No.8761844

What I usually do is that if I'm awake before the alarm goes off, I usually turn it off and go back to sleep.

I'll consider trying that method then. I have done it in the past when I 'did' have an alarm... but a few things bothered me (which I'll list right now).

- Eyes hurt like fuck to the point it's like someone has beat me black and blue.
- sometimes feel ill and have a bad case of diaherra.

If those two things don't bother me then my day usually progresses quite well. It's usually 2 that screws me over whenever I eat at a time that I'm not use to.

>> No.8762492

