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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8759434 No.8759434 [Reply] [Original]

When was it, that you thought to your self "Nope, I can't become normal after this, I can't fit into society. Not at this point"?

>> No.8759437

When I raped my cat.

>> No.8759442

mid 2002

>> No.8759445

after pullin my dik out ur moms vag lol

>> No.8759444

When I fapped to guro.

>> No.8759446

I was ~7yo and it was he.
[spolier][And I'm not even joking./spolier]

>> No.8759448

I can go and be a part of society any time.
Just because I fap to crazy things or have seen cruel things doesnt means that I have to tell everyone about it

>> No.8759453

When my cat raped me.

>> No.8759457

Probably never. Since some normal members of society are murderers, rapists, sex-offenders, perverts, scammers. etc

And some of them are doing ok.

>> No.8759462

It was a gradual realization. I have tried to be normal but I always end up back here.

>> No.8759463

When the medical field failed me

>> No.8759472

When I turned into a raped little girl.

>> No.8759475 [DELETED] 
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This thread will be:
woe is me and people trying to one-up each other
spam, trolls and shitposting.

>> No.8759489

But that's just like any other thread.

Also inb4 self-diagnosed schizos.

>> No.8759493

When I realized that I consider 6 hours straight of playing video games an evening well-spent.

>> No.8759495

I have autism, was raped as a child, kicked out of my house as a teen, spent a few months in the woods and then several years in institutional. Come at me.

>> No.8759516
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When this.

>> No.8759520

When I fucked you're mom.

>> No.8759529

What am I looking at exactly?

>> No.8759528

Hive five, brosef!

>> No.8759542

I've never spoken to or been touched by a human being and I have never been outside of my room. Get on my level, scrub.

>> No.8759543


Faggot: "I'm lonely. I'd like a perfect girlfriend, but being NEET is OK, too. I'm interested in having a tulpa. I will now speak with my tulpa. [Conversation with tulpa about shitty video games.]"

>> No.8759553

Hi, the OP here.
This guy pretty much sums it up.

>> No.8759560


I can never understand the reason why someone would use smilies on written paper.

>> No.8759569

To emulate talking to a cute girl online.

>> No.8759583

Since I was 6, when my best friend who is a girl. Our love is too strong and we never plan on dating each other introduced me to anime and video games.

>> No.8759584
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>> No.8759598

When I sucked cocks in a glory hole

>> No.8759637

That feel when /jp/ posters aren't strong enough to notice there isn't "the society" and still hang on to the idea that they either fit or do not fit society.

Just because you have no social skills it doesn't mean that the people who do are any more of a normal than you. They're just more skilled. "The society" is the result you get when everyone puts up with other people's judgements due to common interests/necessities. The vast majority are different people inside their houses.

>> No.8759712

Around high school. You see, I've always been a pretty honest person. Long story short: I mentioned things most people would keep secret, found out it wasn't normal to do these things, got my ass kicked everyday after school. I was going to write out the whole story, but that would've taken too long and I didn't feel like.

>> No.8759900

when i realized that everyone is some sort of weirdo, therefore I am a weirdo as well; but probably to a greater extent than the "average joe"

>> No.8759924

Jesus christ, pseudo-intellectuals are the worst.

>> No.8759972

>and still hang on to the idea that they either fit or do not fit society
>"The society" is the result you get when everyone puts up with other people's judgements due to common interests/necessities

Okay, then when someone cannot "put up with other people's judgments due to common interests/necessities", then they by your definition cannot participate in society and therefore can be said to "not fit" into society.

>> No.8760223

tell more, im interested personally

>> No.8760242

itt: normalfags trolling /jp/

>> No.8760300
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Never In my opinion I don't let society define who I am and what I like. Which is why I like /jp/ due to it semi diverse user-base and it friendly attitude. Point is most /jp/er can very well fit in and mimic proper social behavior but that does not mean it enjoyable to do so.

>> No.8760322
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>> No.8760330
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>> No.8760332

I just have a very narrow idea of what people should be, and don't associate with others who don't fit that criteria.
That leaves /jp/, my parents, and luckier than most here, 3 friends.

>> No.8761364
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When I made my imaginary girlfriend and hallucinated for the first time. When I heard her voice I knew that was it. There was no going back from here.

It was both the beginning of a new chapter of my life and the final nail in the coffin of any chance of me ever becoming normal. Since then it has just degraded further and further, but I've also become increasingly happier as I've learned to embrace it.

>> No.8761370

I came on my cat and it hissed at my penis

>> No.8761377

I discovered I had no emotional attachment to anyone around me. Parents, siblings, pets, etc.

>> No.8761386

The day I fell in love with my cousin.

>> No.8761396

The day I first fapped to loli. Or the day I first fapped to my sister. Or when I first started learning Japanese for porn games.

I'm not sure which exactly, but it's been years since any of those and I'm far gone now.

>> No.8761403

They can't because they have no skills for it. While they aren't able to participate in society that way, it doesn't mean society requires you to be a certain type of person to actually participate in it.

Opinions, man. Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.8761422

You know, it's this thing about what you see. About the way we conceive, how we perceive each other, the world, and the possibility of things.

I could talk about literature and the world, but it's all music. Not just the form of it or the sound, but it's the complexity of the movement of music. This music is energy and it moves from the universe, through me, to you. It's as wide and varied as the world. Every person is music and we vibrate to our own tempo and it goes out into the universe.

Does it return? Return to whom? What are we?

>> No.8761429

It was gradual but I believe "that fall" started in 2007
Society is shit though.

>> No.8761460

After seeing societies reaction to 9/11 and ridiculous amounts of people insisting that it changed their lives forever while not realizing that nothing changed in their lives at all.

I swear people are just swelling with emotion just waiting for any god damn opportunity to explode with it.

>> No.8761465

They know, anon.

They just know.

>> No.8761464

Not everyone is defining 'not fitting in' the same way, though. I have plenty of friends, go out partying, hang out, drinking, whatever, but I can't relate to them in the same way they can each other, so I say I don't really 'fit in.' It's not lacking skills, it's lacking people sharing the same niche interests.

>> No.8761478

As long as I can get a job I don't care. I'm not as bad as some of the people I've seen on /jp/, although to be honest I hope they are pretending to be as maladjusted as they show.

My parents are probably realizing they'll never have grandchildren. I'm sure as hell not going to get married unless a perfect girl who accepts my idiocy falls into my lap and my sister had her uterus removed for cancer purposes.

>> No.8762370

My initial understanding about what you were trying to say with your sister's uterus removal was that you can't fuck her and make kids. Then I read your post again and you're too much of a normal to actually entertain that notion.

>> No.8762727

>nothing changed in their lives at all
Did you go to an airport after 9/11, by any chance?

>> No.8762729

This is exactly how I feel. I can be surrounded by people yet feel completely alone

>> No.8762737

When I dropped out of school so I could get away from people and stay on the computer longer.

>> No.8762740

when i cut my dick throwed it like cum grenade

>> No.8762742

when I started posting here

>> No.8762745

When I was in a grocery store and saw a little girl.

The first thought that passed through my head was "heh, loli."
Not even attracted to 3D either.

>> No.8762747

So are you fucking your sister on a regular basis, or what?

>> No.8762803

Go for it anon. Don't worry. I'll cue the banjos in!

>> No.8762809

I'm the same too. I pretty much need to drink in social situations or I'm hopeless though.

This might sound weird or whatever, but we'll always feel lonely and misunderstood because that is the nature of subjective experience. We can be in the same place as people and half totally opposite experiences, even with people who also enjoyed it they still had a different experience. We can't "mind meld" or become "one" with another person, we'll always be alone, having own interpretations of experiences we can't share with other people.

I know saying these types of things on 4chan brings in mockery but whatever, it's still true.

>> No.8762850

Just because it's true doesn't mean people can't share similar experiences, or understand others.

>> No.8762869

The only we know they shared a similar experience is buy communicating it with language. It isn't the same. I guess I'm talking about a more subtle kind of understanding. Sort of like what Trungpa says here. When I read this I was blown away because I've thought it for so long.

>At this point, having completely renounced his own comfort and privacy, paradoxically, the warrior finds himself more alone. He is like an island sitting alone in the middle of a lake. Occasional ferry boats and commuters go back and forth between the shore and the island, but all that activity only expresses the further loneliness, or the aloneness, of the island. Although the warrior's life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others. The fullness of his experience is his own, and he must live with his own truth. Yet he is more and more in love with the world.

>> No.8762876

This thread's getting deep.

>> No.8763056

>Or when I first started learning Japanese for porn games.
This was probably about it for me.

>> No.8763060

when i woke up with midget clowns covered in salad dressing

>> No.8763076

When I rejected a seriously cute, friendly, intelligent girl because she couldn't hold up to my 2D standards. I had rejected girls before but that was because they were dumb average bitches, but this girl was actually good. That's when I realized.
