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File: 49 KB, 364x300, eazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8758876 No.8758876 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8758883

Shit, I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder,

>> No.8758888



>> No.8758892

Aww shit thanks.
I was going to browse /jp/ all night again.

>> No.8758901

I still haven't learned all accents in spanish being that my mother tongue. I'm going to do accent reps.

>> No.8758911

you a busta

>> No.8758912
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 方-tred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that this Kanji we all know so well... looks a bit like it has a beret on top.
Even the kanji wear silly hats in touhou.

>> No.8758918

Already did my reps after I woke up. Adding new kanji is a pain, though.

>> No.8758929

Already did them, just broke the 1,000 kanji mark. At this rate I will be able to read a full good VN by September. Compound words will be a bitch but I can use a dictionary for them.

>> No.8758950

Thanks, Eazy.

>> No.8758989

Does anyone still have the image guide to learning japanese

I wanna do something with my life for once

>> No.8758996

And I mean the big one that basically spoon feeds it to me

>> No.8759004

please respond

>> No.8759012

have this.
I don't mean to be rude, but being a bit more self-reliant will be crucial to your learning. You could have browsed to archive, for example.

>> No.8759074

After a brief experience with rosetta stone, only to soon realize I was being trolled all along, im gonna start learning hirigana and katakana. thanks eazy.

>> No.8759084

Thank you

If you live in Eastern Canada I would suck your cock

>> No.8759090
File: 19 KB, 300x277, My_Japanese_Coach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy told me recently about this - It might seem silly, but this is a quite decent learning program. Especially when you don't have a tablet (or similar) to draw on. Saves you wasting lots of paper like I did while learning kana...

>> No.8759101

Would /jp/ reccomend listning to lyrical japanese music while studying, or before studying?

>> No.8759106

Doing reps is fine but it doesn't feel fun. Anyone know of any way to make reps more fun, or any supplementary techniques?

>> No.8759151

dun wanna, dun wanna

>> No.8759145

Set up a reward system. Every time you complete your reps, give yourself a reward. I'm planning on buying an anal masturbator for this very purpose. If I do a full week's worth of reps, I'll reward myself by dressing up and masturbating with my butt.

>> No.8759166

I broke the 1,000 kanji mark a few days ago as well.

>> No.8759694

Feels nice to hit a milestone. I feel like I am not gonna give up like I do on most things.

I notice my retention is better when I do my reps early in the mourning and my physical flash cards at the end of the night.

>> No.8759791

I do mine with vocab, but I haven't tried to read anything in Japanese for a while and I ran out of new words a few days ago.

Figure it's about time to start a VN, but I haven't decided which one yet.

>> No.8760848

Not to demotivate you, but you aren't going to be able to read shit knowing only kanji.

>> No.8760858

I keep doing my reps every day without fail for months and then just randomly stop because I don't feel like it anymore. Fuck I'm so lazy.

>> No.8760902
File: 50 KB, 639x319, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My day is just not the same without my Anki reps anymore.

>> No.8761107

I already know simple grammar and I don't intend on stopping at kanji. I will know enough kanji by July which leaves me 2 months to learn other things if I am to meet the September goal.

>> No.8761146

I finished RTK 1 and moved onto Core 2k vocab. The male voice never ceases to amuse me when he acts out his lines.

>> No.8762200

Can't let down a dead nigger with AIDS.

>> No.8762214
File: 102 KB, 389x356, [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_03_[h264-720p][6DDE5ACE].mkv_snapshot_13.50_[2012.01.30_16.52.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After learning my first 2000 words, studying vocabulary gets really dull, because I no longer consistently encounter the vocabulary I learn while reading.

What do you guys suggest I do? Push on anyway? Switch to just studying vocabulary I encounter instead of pulling them from vocabulary lists? Or just say fuck it and focus on reading?

>> No.8762222

Read a lot and signle out those unknown encountered words that seem to be usefull. I mean, learning each word that you encounter is not that good either, learn to estimate their value.

>> No.8762225

Focus on reading, but expand on your reading list. Especially in terms of difficulty.

>> No.8762226

I'm pretty good at reading already but when I need to write sentences of my own my head just goes blank and I don't feel like writing because it would be full of errors

>> No.8762234

I believe the only important thing to do is look up new words at a sustainable pace that you find enjoyable. If you are cool with looking up every word and can continue doing this forever without losing motivation, than do it. Otherwise, look up stuff that seems interesting. Often people look up words after appearing at least a few times. Whatever keeps you moving forward and obtaining knowledge at the same time.

>> No.8762244

Problem is, estimating how useful words will be to learn requires some extra thought processes, which makes reading a lot more tiresome and boring.

>> No.8762725

I like to use lang-8. All of those filthy Nips correct my Japanese and I don't do anything for their English.

>> No.8762748

Planning to do another 6 hours of kanji grindan like I've been doing for the last 2-3 weeks every day.

At 301/1760 kanji atm.

>> No.8762785

What's the point of learning Japanese? I can't even bring myself to finish all the translated eroge.

>> No.8762806

To actually read the VNs that interest you instead of the VNs picked for you by the translators?

>> No.8762827

6 hours everyday for 2-3 weeks and only at 301?

Not trying to be mean or something but that seems excessively slow for such a huge amount of time invested. You should be easily able to do 70-100 every day including all your reps if you really spend 6 hours on this.

>> No.8762848

I only manage to memorize 20 kanji every day with those 6 hours. Might be because im pretty autistic when it comes to memorizing radicals and whatnot. I pretty much memorize it to the point where I can say all the radicals used,onyomi,kunyomi meanings,keyword of every single kanji.

And 70-100 every day? Do you have photographic memory or something?

>> No.8762856

>I pretty much memorize it to the point where I can say all the radicals used,onyomi,kunyomi meanings,keyword of every single kanji.
That's your problem, you're memorizing a bunch of useless shit that you won't need.

>> No.8762859

don't memorize onyomi and kunyomi
learn words.

>> No.8762866

How am I able to read compound words when kanji in a jukugo I know appear? I need to know the onyomi meanings of both kanji to be able to read them. Also the kunyomi meaning whenever okurigana is present.

>> No.8762873

No, you learn those as you learn vocabulary, you'll pick them up automatically.

>> No.8762881

In what way does the method of only memorizing the keyword make it any faster and "automatically" picking up vocab as you go?

>> No.8762884
File: 46 KB, 632x281, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done 2000 reps in a day? What are you, gay?

>> No.8762888

You don't "automatically" pick up vocab, no matter how many kanji you know. Whether or not you know kanji, you're going to be doing vocab reps once you're done with kanji, and a lot of the things that you're learning with your kanji will end up being redundant.

>> No.8763034

Dont listen to these guys, the bottom fact is that you do it the kanjidamage way or the proper way, and they do it the Heisig way.which is shit

Also you wont be needing to do as much vocab or any chinese readings as they have to, as you picked it up from each kanji you learned. You shouldn't focus that much on radicals though, sure it's useful when it comes to seperating lookalikes from each other.

>> No.8763070

Look at Lord Autismo over here thinking he won't have to do vocab after he's done with kanjidamage.

>> No.8763084

Great news, after learning Roman script, you'll never need to learn vocabulary for pretty much 80% of the languages on Earth, seeing as you already got down the reading perfectly.

>> No.8763114
File: 37 KB, 295x349, grinbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me not learning anything, and lazing around on /jp/ refreshing the board every 10 seconds.

>> No.8763192
File: 46 KB, 776x602, getaloadofthisfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wont have to do vocab
Also you wont be needing to do as much vocab
>as much
>as much
>as much
>as much

What part didn't you get, Sir Autismo?

>> No.8763211

Protip: You'll still have to do all of the vocab.

>> No.8763286

I've found that learning kanji and vocabulary at the same time is better rather than just memorizing the first ~500 or so kanjis and then moving into vocab.

Also remember that not everyone has the same goals as you do. So while others bother with learning "useless shit", you might do with the minimum if your only goal is to read visual novels asap.

>> No.8763324
File: 135 KB, 720x540, 1332655333404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was me a week ago. Now I "know" 100 kanji. What's your excuse, nigga?

>> No.8763432

Shame that none of you will ever have a use for speaking Japanese eh?

>> No.8763438

Until I move to glorious Nippon and get a Japanese waifu.

>> No.8763441

Started 1.5 years ago, did Heisig's RTK1 and Tae Kim's grammar guide in a few months. After that, it has just been grinding 20 new sentences and reviewing for 20 or 30 minutes at most per day. Never bothered to learn kun-yomi or on-yomi exclusively, just went through with KO sentences and Core10k after finishing RTK1. When I'm not practicing, I spend all my time on Japanese sites, watching NND videos, playing untranslated games, reading untranslated doujinshi and VNs, and watching raw anime. That constitutes a good 90% of my practice, and I would say is more effective than wasting time on learning every single aspect of a single Kanji when you will most likely never actually need it, unless you're doing this to take some JLPT or whatever those tests are called.

>> No.8763443

Speak for yourself. I have every intention of making a trip to Comiket at some point.

>> No.8763448
File: 1.06 MB, 175x131, AHkVJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking Japanese

>> No.8763497

RTK1 coupled with the koohii website stories is Elder God tier. You burn through those kanji so quickly that you need to be retarded or autistic to diss the technique.

>> No.8766213

Many evenings, we visited the glory hole in the restroom at Sears.

>> No.8766264

