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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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875593 No.875593 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/....

Imouto cafe or Maid Cafe?

What would you rather go to?

>> No.875602

Imouto. I want to be called onii-chan.

>> No.875606

I'd like Sauce for $300, Alex.

>> No.875608

Isn't there only like...1 imouto cafe but a lot of maid cafes though?

Has anyone here been to either?

>> No.875610

Maid cafe, I want to be a master rather than a lowly scum like I get treated every day :(

>> No.875622

Imouto maid cafe.

>> No.875623

Maid cafes are overrated.

>> No.875624


>> No.875626

>>875610 :(
Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.875631

Source is it's somewhere in striped cats if I remember correctly.

>> No.875635

Tsundere imouto maid cafe.

>> No.875644

For the love of God, if you don't spell check things before you edit, at least have the decency of checking for common mistake.

>> No.875654

Imouto cafe only works if they're lolis, but child labor laws etc...

So I'll stay inside and listen to the onii-chan cd instead.

>> No.875655

Master Bastion, the guests have arrived.

>> No.875662

Do you not watch anime or read manga at all? Honestly, there's at least a mistake an episode/chapter from all but the best of groups.

>> No.875684


what happens to this girl in it?

>> No.875690

Not a mistake like "masterbation."

I'm staff of a fansub group. Once, a guy missed a "it's/its" mistake, he got shit from us for months. If it's some random typo or easy to miss yet complicated grammar mistake, people are just going to be like "Well, fuck, we'll fix this in the batch," but it you pull something like "their/they're" out, no one's going to let you forget that for a long time.

Translators are immune to this (obviously, that's why we have editors in the first place), but it's really bad when someone else (usually another group) points out something that was completely and utterly mistranslated in our release. We don't give the translator the kind of shit that we'd give an editor for making an obvious mistake, but we all feel like crap.


>> No.875695



downloading. good thing it's on /rs/

>> No.875691

She's laying down masturbating with a blanket covering her, oldersister/cousin/can'tremember walks in, gets curious and pulls the blanket off, sex ensues.

>> No.875701

what do you sub you worthless cockblight? Naruto? Bleach? Crayon Shin-Chan?

Eat shit and die, my translation work is always good.

>> No.875703

What's the actual name?

>> No.875705

Cocksucking faggot eat shit and die.

>> No.875707


eat shit and die jew.

>> No.875710


stripe cats.

>> No.875718

Cool! I'm a fansubber too! Let's share stories an-
Fucker. Like you're all cool and shit because "omg i fansub". Yes, I'm an editor as well. I'm not talking about typos or "complicated grammar mistake" I'm talking about you're/your level stuff that nobody recognizes anymore since nobody that's under 25 seems to know what a homophone is. Things like completely fucking up tense, not "hey that was a comma splice!" Or even number agreement on subject/verb/adjective. It's simple mistakes that even groups like SHS and Lunar make, who are supposed to be the editing gods, going so far as saying that editing is above translation integrity.

If you work for anyone besides the two aforementioned groups, I've found errors in just about every one of your releases that any person with a high-school-graduate level knowledge of grammar would recognize as wrong and easily fixed.

>> No.875730

Show me any release by any decent group with a mistake on the level of "your/you're," "its/it's," "masterbate," "use/used," etc. You know, the kind you see in scanlations all the time.

I think you're just trolling.

>> No.875729

Grammar, serious fucking business.

I did rage a bit at "masterbation", though.

>> No.875733

Go back to bed you underaged Anons.

And stop watching South Park, it's a bad influence on you. I know that's where you learned that "jew" word from.

>> No.875736

Alright, I'll undertake a project that will inevitably take hours of time to find a semi-relevant example which you can just dismiss with a wave of a hand as being a mere oversight that nobody would have noticed in the first place.

Gimme a few minutes.

>> No.875739
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>I'm staff of a fansub group

>> No.875742

>I'm not talking about typos or "complicated grammar mistakes." I'm talking about you're/your level stuff that nobody recognizes anymore since nobody that's under 25 seems to know what a homophone is.

Fixed. Using "typos" followed by "mistake" gives a clumsy sounding sentence as you're mixing a plural and singular noun. Also, you ran straight on into the next phrase without either a comma or a full stop.

>> No.875746
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ITT translator shitstorm part II
(Part I was this Yukkuri comic)

>> No.875747

When you see it, you'll shit bricks

>> No.875749

Oldest trick in the book.


>> No.875750


>> No.875754

I support quotation integrity. Also, oops I missed the comma key after hitting shift+'. Way to be a fag about posting on 4chan, where writing is more like dialogue than anything else.

>> No.875759


>> No.875766

If you're just going to call me stupid names that don't even fit, then I'm just going to find a different thread. Fuck this.

>> No.875762

Why did she do that

>> No.875774

>I'm just going to find a different thread.

>> No.875775

But I'm actually the first fansubber. Yes, I defended the guy I was arguing against because "LOL YOU MISSED A COMMA ON 4CHAN" is just ridiculous.

>> No.875776

Wait what. But that wasn't even for you, it was for >>875749.

>> No.875777

Way to point out the irony! It would appear you were intelligent enough to catch why the statement was humorous. Congratulations.

>> No.875784

Translators, fansubbers, I don't give a shit who you are.

If you got the time to bicker like this, get back to work. Faggots.

>> No.875786

>Way to point out the irony!

>> No.875790

Sorry, group's not doing anything this season. I work freelance making fun of the QC teams of other groups in the off-time.

>> No.875791

True Anonymous

>> No.875794

Most of the fansub shitstorms on /a/ are just fansubbers trolling other fansubbers.

Which is hilarious, because everyone just blames it on "Anon" on IRC/forums/main page, when they were arguing with other fansubbers all along.

>> No.875800
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1214222390043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Deculture's (BSS's) Zettai Karen Children 10, 16:04. There's another error in this episode I was chastising one of their staff over; I'm still watching to find it though.

>> No.875809

Dude, Deculture was created so BSS could slack off, be late and do whatever the fuck they want without "tarnishing their name." That was the worst example you could have picked.

>> No.875812

This doesn't prevent them from having a self-righteous editor. Fine, there was something in one of the more recent episodes of Lunar's Macross Frontier that ticked me off, I guess I'll go rewatch from 6+ to see if I can find it.

>> No.875819

Something sounds familiar about this... Oh, could it be:
>Alright, I'll undertake a project that will inevitably take hours of time to find a semi-relevant example which you can just dismiss with a wave of a hand as being a mere oversight that nobody would have noticed in the first place.

>you can just dismiss with a wave of a hand

The guy found an actual error in a matter of 20 minutes, on demand. Gotta give him credit for that much.

>> No.875823

>This doesn't prevent them from having a self-righteous editor.
Who edits for Deculture? iriseyes?

>> No.875833

Fuck if I know, just I'm told by my contact that she has something equivalent to OCD for grammar, and after pointing out a particularly bad error in a previous episode, she was apparently going nuts trying to figure out how the fuck it got through edit and QC.

>> No.875846

Actually, I recall an error in Zombie Loan 3/4 (I was watching it somewhere away from home among other people, and I remember thinking that I should just hold my tongue) by Shinsen. That'll be easier to find than something in "the latter half of Macross Frontier". Give me another probably 30 minutes while I rewatch two full episodes of anime trying to find an actual error just so that you can get down off your high horse of grammatical elitism.

>> No.875856

Remind me again, who the fuck are you?

>> No.875866
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, 1214223438129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, fuckers need to learn how to spell

>> No.875869

No, I know who you are on 4chan. It was your relation to the fansubbers that I've forgotten. You're in a prominent position of some group, though which and what you do escapes me.

>> No.875871


>> No.875872

What's wrong?

>> No.875873
File: 250 KB, 951x1400, 1214223573492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough fansub drama, let's get back to the original topic, incest and masturbation.

>> No.875875
File: 47 KB, 1024x576, 1214223598387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever troll. Though, he is right that they missed a spelling error. Not the previous error I was referring to, but I was lacking much sleep at that point so I'm not too surprised I hadn't noticed this.

>> No.875883

Oh God, that's horrible. I concede defeat.

>> No.875897

I have a good memory. I was suspecting you were attached to BSS, and were in fact the "head" of the group, though I don't know what you actually do (I'd wager probably typesetting or encoding or something), nor do I think I ever knew. I just didn't want to through that out into the thread because then there's the whole thing about defending your own name, etc, etc. So I figured if you were willing to volunteer your ties, it'd be easier.

>> No.875904

That'd be "throw" - I've been having this tendency lately and I can't place why I would confuse the two while typing.

>> No.875912

"I was suspecting you were attached to BSS, and were in fact the "head" of the group, throw I don't know what you actually do"?

>> No.875919

Tsundere Imouto Meido café

>> No.875925
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>> No.875938
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>> No.875957

Is she one of those editors that takes like three hours, or is she actually efficient? Anyone can take a few hours and eliminate any errors, it takes a good editor to get rid of most in less than an hour.

>> No.875960

apparently she's also a dirty filthy whore. Is this true?

>> No.875967


If it's actually a she, there's no way it can't be true.

>> No.875972
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, 1214225257001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, is this thing male or female? I just like knowing if it's a trap before I fap.

God this shit's hard to watch at 6 in the morning when I haven't had my meds for 2 days.

>> No.875994

Trap. Sorry.

>> No.875998


I lol'ed, well played anon, well played.

>> No.875997

What? That just changes how I'd go about playing with him. Are you saying you wouldn't fap to a trap?

>> No.876034

I am the translator for musashi quality and I am loving this thread.
Editors - The real shit of the translation group.
Coherence and pretty much direction is in their field. And I have to agree that editing is above translation integrity. There is no such thing as a good "translation" in context to Japanese-English translation. The language is pretty much written in a backwards standard context compared to English.

But back onto off topic. Quality checkers and editors are the meat of a group. No matter how shitty the translation, good editors are invaluable and what separates a good group from shit pie. There's nothing wrong with being a righteous editor or quality checker and I wish to see more groups with them.
Most translators are wrong with their progressive train of thought in Japanese so it doesn't really matter what they think.

>> No.876039


>I am the translator for musashi quality

I love you.

>> No.876048

There's a difference between being a self-absorbed fag and a good editor though. If you're going to be an elitist prick, then you can go fuck yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and people need to stop believing that certain "good" groups are above the rest of humanity and can't possibly make a single error in a whole series, let alone multiple episodes. It's about minimizing your errors and getting things to the point of being understandably correct in grammar.

This doesn't excuse retards that don't know the difference between the homophones, though. Ignorance is not a mistake.

>> No.876057


>> No.876060

You've never been to Voile, aren't you?

>> No.876064

You don't understand what the job description of an editor is it seems. Nor know how to make good scrambled eggs.
Sure, you could add chilies or even soy sauce to it, but there is always the same process to go through to make them come out right. You don't include egg shells EVER. You think people enjoy egg shells in their scrambled eggs? I fucking hate and would sue a resturant, even if they were giving shit out for free in a soup kitchen. I would fucking HATE that someone doesn't fucking care enough to have enough care to keep those pieces of mother fucking egg shell in my fucking free chili and soy sauce scrambled eggs.


I don't follow your logic.

>> No.876065

People revere the group as being godly, because we all know that in the fansub world, time spent on an episode is equivalent to its quality. Pointing out errors in SHS's work is akin to spitting on the Buddha. It makes it all the more gratifying to do so.

>> No.876069
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They were young and energetic enough to suit the role ^_^

Dragging this thread back on topic, I've been to the imouto cafe in Akiba before (Pash Cafe Nagomi). It's kinda small, the atmosphere was ok, but the staff weren't so used to gaijin so either speak good Japanese or bring a friend who can. Food was so-so, although "imouto's surprise" drink was tasty. I think if you order two on a weekend you get a chance for janken to win something (like a photo with the waitresses).

Cafe with cat is a pretty good cafe. As in doujin work anime, fill up your member's card and get special privileges. Here's a nice blurry shot from miko event around new years this year. Neko-mimi mikos, how's that? :D

>> No.876068

Excuse me? Try making sense.

>> No.876072
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>> No.876073

I have no idea what you're trying to say with your metaphor. I'll reiterate my complaint more simply:

Editors need to stop acting like they're too good to make mistakes.

>> No.876077

>Dragging this thread back on topic
Look, this thread has been so far and so effectively derailed, you're now trying to derail it. Go make a new thread if you wanna talk about maid cafes.

>> No.876109

You've never seen hell's kitchen.
Their job is to stop other people from being retarded. If you can't do it right, then you are a stupid fag. There is no "Oh well these kiddies are just a-lern'n how to do their junk. Let's give them a break."
NO. If someone is wrong, they need to have their ass ragged on about it. This isn't happy fun time. As a community based on love and respect for the works there is a certain standard that has to be set. We aren't Japanglish.com trying to make out everyone to be able to understand Japanese.
Surprisingly enough, not everyone seeks to be a Samurai Spirit holding embodiment of Japanese culture. They want to see a story. In this context, there is nothing wrong with dubs. (Just the actors are horrible. See Chaos Wars for how hard it is to get a job as a voice actor) But I digress again.

If the editor makes an elementary mistake, then he's a retarded faggot. If nobody else in the entire group can see it then they are retarded for relying on an editor that makes elementary mistakes.
If you are too retarded to notice why something isn't a mistake then you lack the capacity to read past an 8th grade level.

You can't spell retard without elementary function deficits.

>> No.876118
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>> No.876120

hooo.... Is this Iriseyes*?

*wow I am terrible at spelling.

>> No.876125
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>> No.876135

Disgusting, 3d, pig, of, speed, fapping, light, board, in, worksafe, etc.

>> No.876168

Fansubbers aren't known for their knowledge of English grammar. You guys make mistakes all the time which most people don't notice. Those who do, like me, don't really give a shit. As long as I still know what you're trying to say, it doesn't matter to me

>> No.876183

I should be going to a maid café soon, as long as Gotanda Anon calls me either any time from tomorrow evening onwards.

>> No.876549

Anyone hear about the Maid Café that opened in LA?

>> No.876583

http://www.royal-t.org is their website.

>> No.876616
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I'm never going to a maid cafe after reading this.

>> No.876633

>>Royalty French toast $6.00


>> No.876635

Explain what is going on here?

>> No.876655

I want to know what happened with Anonymous of Seven.

>> No.876665

It'd take too long. Just read it, it's called Maid Shokun, about an otaku that falls in love with a girl that works at a maid cafe.

>> No.876671


>> No.876674

been to a maid store, not as appealing as i thought, so knowing you pay for love or the illusion of already being love by a little sister would be much better

>> No.876678

Why can't /jp/ always be like this?
This is probably the best thread we had in a while.

>> No.876700
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>> No.876704

Whatever, I'll just summarize the events so far.
Guy meets girl, blahblahblah, they get to know eachother, she comes over to his place and doesn't care he's an otaku, treats him like her real master, etc.
Eventually they end up at a love hotel, she says she's not a virgin, and he flips out and they end up not doing anything.
Later on, she says he didn't really like her, just her the maid, and he didn't know anything about the real her, so she was going to disappear and never see him again.
She changes her cell number, the cafe gets closed down, and she starts dating the asshole ex-owner of it(RAGE).
Latest chapter is the otaku saying goodbye to her for the last time since she was only going to meet with him once more.
It pisses me off because I really want to like her, but she just won't give him a chance. There was this other girl that worked there that was like him and they had good chemistry, but she's tsundere so it'd never work out.

>> No.876709

It sounds like it's ongoing so it looks like it's going to go on and on and on and on

>> No.876713

Yeah, a tsundere cafe. I would like a moe maid to throw my menu at me, bring me drinks in dirty cups, dump my food onto the table, and cough over my food, all the while talking rudely to me. Then, when I'm about to leave, she'll try to keep me from leaving by looking at me with her moe sad-eyes.

Fuck yes, you are the most strangely erotic cafe ever!

>> No.876720


>> No.876721

Meh thread to shit thread in 16 posts.

>> No.876728

It is ongoing. Though, I think it'll end soon. So long as they don't repeat anything they've already done, all that's left is to see whether or not they get together.

>> No.876723


And then watch it get closed down a year later due to changing economic climate.

>> No.876738

2 endings.


Or the "so ronery" ending

>> No.876740

Not a virgin? That whore!

>> No.876776
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Right? It might be common nowadays for normal people, but knowing that they've done all that other stuff for another man.....it's sick. Probably why I'll never get laid.

>> No.876797

Goddamn, it's very wordy

>> No.876811
File: 176 KB, 691x1100, 1214239770381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds familiar...

>> No.876840
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It's not that wordy. I mean, compared to shounen jump series, maybe, but it's monthly, so it's to be expected.

>> No.876867

>It pisses me off because I really want to like her, but she just won't give him a chance.
It sounds to me from that summary that he's a goddamn asshole and doesn't deserve anything to do with her. They go to a love hotel and he freaks out? Smooth move, Romeo.

>> No.876882
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>>875593 What would you rather go to?

Boy maid cafe.

>> No.876900

He can't help that he knows nothing about her when she never talked about herself. All she did was act like a maid, and then get pissed when he didn't know her real self. Also, he's a virgin.

>> No.876899
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Chaos Wars isn't really a fair case for dubs though. The company localizing the game doesn't have a lot of money, so the CEO used his family to do the English dubs.

>> No.876907

I wonder how much more successful Butler Cafes are

>> No.876938


>> No.876948


>> No.876990

I never read the manga. But when I read "she treats him like a master, she acts like his fucking maid, she doesn't mind he's an otaku" it sounds like she's treating him pretty fucking amazing and then she takes him to a love hotel, she takes him to a love hotel. And what does he do? He freaks out because he finds out she isn't a virgin. Talk about being self centered. She's ridiculously exceedingly kind to him, puts herself in a vulnerable position and then he blows up in her face. That's called being a terrible asshole. Where is she not giving him a chance? She put herself on a platter for him.

>> No.877017
File: 121 KB, 440x621, 1214241699772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love this guy's (girl's?) cover illustrations (Shounen Shikou, etc).

By the way, some guy is translating Cherry Girls:

>> No.877022

I'm pretty sure there is a game like this.

>> No.877035

Because he was the one being fake? It was an act. Once she stopped being a maid, she threw him away. If you haven't read it, I don't see why you're talking as if you know everything.

>> No.877064
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>> No.877082


I like the direction that this thread has taken.

>> No.877090

For anyone who's played Pure妹ミルクぷるん♪
Is Madoka a trap or reversetrap?

>> No.877105

They're fansubbers. I don't expect them to put out professional level translations.

Finding errors and typos on official translations is what I rage at.

>> No.877126

What about fansubbers that refuse to put out anything unless it's professional-level?

Because that's just fucking stupid.

>> No.877132


Hahaha, oh wow. They are all traps.

(Madoka is my favorite, by the way)

>> No.877228


You sound like a butthurt girl to be honest.

I know you are probably damaged goods.

>> No.877418
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>> No.877624

Fuck off.

Go cry about being a woman somewhere else.

>> No.877633


>> No.878462

