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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8755116 No.8755116 [Reply] [Original]

I feel dizzy, sickly, and shakey.
I don't feel well.
I think today is the day I die.
What do I do?
I wanted my last thread to be with you wonderful people.
Sorry about that faggotry.

>> No.8755122

Don't forget to eat, Anon.

>> No.8755127

I ate like 6 hours ago.

>> No.8755137

>I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

>I wish I didn't work so hard.

I have no regrets, this is the only path.

>> No.8755142
File: 166 KB, 850x850, looking koishi (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be Happy! Soon you will be in Gensokyo!

>> No.8755144

Calm down, it's probably an anxiety attack.

Just forget about it and it'll go away. (Go play a video game or something)

Admittedly there's a small chance it could be something else but in all likely hood I doubt it.
Just take it easy.

>> No.8755166

See you in the after life, OP.

I hear we get to take it easy then.

>> No.8755175

I've been like this for 4 hours, I wasn't even feeling anxious

>> No.8755177

You have hypoglycemia.

Have some bread and relax.

>> No.8755190

you could try sitting on the floor and putting your head between your legs. try relaxing
if that doesn't work, do some light exercise and drink a bit of water
also, refrain from posting 3d images on jp please
i hope you get better soon!

>> No.8755208

Ok fine, but still the chances of death are next to none.

Also you can get panic attacks from being a hypochondriac, which you clearly are since you jumped from getting the shivers to imminent death pretty quick.

>> No.8755211

You are probably having an anxiety attack.
It can last for awhile and happen even when you aren't stressed.

I had one randomly at work and thought I was having a heart attack. Ambulance came in and everything. It was very embarrassing, especially when finding out it was nothing.

>> No.8755219
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Just in case OP does die

>> No.8755222
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>> No.8755228

Take your pseudo-sentimemtal Bang shit back to /a/.

>> No.8755240

Now I've justified this to myself in all sorts of ways. It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal. Or we'd outgrown each other, you know, that sort of thing. But let's face it, I ripped them off - my so called mates. But Begbie, I couldn't give a shit about him. And Sick Boy, well he'd done the same to me, if he'd only thought of it first. And Spud, well okay, I felt sorry for Spud - he never hurt anybody. So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers - all false. The truth is that I'm a bad person. But, that's gonna change - I'm going to change. This is the last of that sort of thing. Now I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm gonna be just like you. The job, the family, the fucking big television. The washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electric tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisure wear, luggage, three piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die.

>> No.8755302

Are you still alive OP?

>> No.8755304

Just fapped.
I feel better now.

>> No.8755315

atta boy

>> No.8755320
File: 64 KB, 341x364, E 1585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hop OP gives a real response, so I don't have to worry

>> No.8755331

I was being serious
Sorry for worrying you girls.

>> No.8755347

Turns out a mole I had removed some time ago was malignant. Now they are going to scan my whole body to see if it has spread anywhere else.

I'm pretty sure there's at least one tumor in my brain.

>> No.8755568

And then you realize some faggot in one of the web 2.0 sites adapted that comic to fit their favourite site, claiming the comic to be his own work in the process.
