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8753463 No.8753463 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ see a shrink?

I want to go to one, but I don't know what to expect. I'm relatively distrustful of people, especially in anything more than an impersonal relationship. Also, having difficulties going out in public/speaking on the phone doesn't help either in that venture

>> No.8753471
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No, I'd keep thinking about them judging me and talking about me to their friends.

>> No.8753477
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Psychologists are useless.
Go to your general practitioner and tell him you have anxiety problems. He'll prescribe you something.

>> No.8753483

I just want another anon who knows what I am going through
I don't even want to talk with them I just kinda want to be in a room with them every now and then
I am quite strange

>> No.8753493
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The advantage of a psychiatrist over a clinical psychologist is that the psychiatrist will use medications. What you seem to need is counseling rather than drugs.

>> No.8753496

I went to see one once. It sucked.

>> No.8753502

I've been to shrinks and have been in institutions.

All it really has done is make me realize that I'm an irreparably broken human being. The only solutions in order to function in society are basically faking it.

>> No.8753566

I see a psychiatrist, he doesn't talk much and just throws pills at me. im taking 40 mg of prozac and 10 mg of inderal. I dont have panic attacks but i still get anxiety for no reason some times like sitting in class and such or thinking about driving/having a job. or being somewhere without anybody i know like a bus.

>> No.8753582

I share >>8753502's experiences and conclusions.

>> No.8753588

puberty is not a disorder.

>> No.8753586

"broken" in what way?

>> No.8753594

I fear getting psychologically healthy. At least with the problems I have now and the depression I fight I can find some sort of purpose, something that makes me feel unique and special. If even my problems were to be taken away from me I'd feel like an even smaller person.

>> No.8753623
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I need to find a shrink to talk with about my gender dysphoria

>> No.8753624

Once, when they declare that I have paranoid schizophrenia. They tried to get to to take pills for it but I just run the fuck away thinking that they would poison them.

>> No.8753663

You and me both pal

>> No.8753673



That was mean.

>> No.8753705

>Psychologists are useless.

Are they really?

I actually asked my GP if he could refer me to a shrink at my last checkup, but he advised against it because he didn't want me on anymore mediation than I currently am, and instead suggested a psychologist and I was too beta to decline, so now I have an appointment for next week and I don't really know what to expect and fuck I can already feel the anxiety building up. ;_;

not, blog, etc

>> No.8753739

You're implying I would be able to talk to anyone about my feels outside of the internet.
One of the perks of being anonymous.

>> No.8753802

Whatever you do don't accept any meds, they'll just make you feel way worse and like a zombie.

>> No.8753807


I agree.
Steer clear of mirtazapine particularly, it's nasty.

>> No.8753809

I knew I was right when I was offered prozac years ago.
Straight edge 4 lyfe.

>> No.8753843

Yeah, and then the withdrawal is hell. Your body becomes dependent on it, even though it's doing nothing but making you feel like shit.

Therapy and counseling is fine but if a psychiatrist suggests drugs then just fuck them

>> No.8753867

I've read every school shooter was on meds. Maybe correlation, but it's not worth the risk.

>> No.8753879

I see people who aren't nearly as bad off as me get help, medication, and support from others around them.

Nobody even gave a shit about me when I was a kid and showed all the signs and of course now I'm much worse off. This has caused me to become extremely bitter.

>> No.8753881

Correlation doesn't imply causation.

My personal opinion is that a lot of drugs' effects on your brain are too general and coarse thus while they may solve some problems they also change too many things you wouldn't want to see changed. This doesn't mean that drugs are useless in general, just that one should be careful what they use and only do so after being properly educated about what exactly they do.

>> No.8753890

>they also change too many things you wouldn't want to see changed.

This is pretty much my main problem with medicines, seeing one of my friends turn in to a zombie after he started getting treated for "depression" was not fun

>> No.8753895

>He has friends
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8753903

Actually we pretty much drifted apart after that, and he was the only one I had.

>> No.8753913


>> No.8753927

I was referred to a psychiatrist after being admitted to hospital coming up to my suicide attempt. After an assessment of my suicide risk and clinical depression, I was put on SSRIs.

The medication helped a lot, and allowed me to get out of bed in the morning. With these extra 'action points', I could take positive steps towards getting my life back together.

I was suicidal for two months, and I still struggle with my responsibilities. However, I have a better support network now and I don't allow myself to get overwhelmed. However, I still fantasise about suicide.

I think Madotsuki was still asleep when she went over the rail, and I think she woke up when she hit the ground. If I kill myself, the risk is that this is in fact reality. It's not a wager I want to make. This is reality; it has good points and bad. Mostly hard work.

>> No.8753962

When I went to the mental hospital because I got 5150's by my psychiatrist, they just tried to put me on tons of drugs and believe in God.
Fuck 'em they didn't help for shit.

>> No.8753963

Been to one before. What a waste of time and money. Kind of ironic considering what I'm in university for.

Though, that was just for me - it depends on what kind of problem you have. If you think you're legitimately depressed, or want help getting rid of a phobia or something like that, then by all means, go for it. Psych is really good at helping with some problems (the right techniques can solve everything from phobias, to helping you get to sleep, to compulsive hoarding of objects, etc), and completely useless for solving others (such as overwhelming lack of achievement motivation, which is generally considered a stable personality trait.) So it really depends on what kind of problem you're looking for help with, and also how good of a psychologist you find. I'd wager a good one could even provide some help with social anxiety, though getting there in the first place might be a bit of a challenge.

I'd go for it OP, just don't continue if you feel like it's wasting your money, because it may very well not be for you.

>> No.8753968

>overwhelming lack of achievement motivation
Are there drugs against that?
People always say they can work with Ritalin, but I think even I took that I would just play video games instead of doing nothing at all.

>> No.8753976

I can tell you from personal experience that Ritalin (or any other ADD drug, as I think I've tried most of the major ones by now) isn't going to suddenly make you motivated. It may help you stay focused on whatever you're trying to do, but that's an entirely different thing.

I don't really know much about drugs, but I've never heard of a pill you can pop to help with motivation.

>> No.8753977

Try a hefty dose of man the fuck up.
Or change what you consider doing something, to something you enjoy life doing.

>> No.8753983

What if you don't really enjoy anything.

>> No.8753991

I don't even have real hobbies. I play video games and watch stuff for about 3 hours or so a day, the rest of the time I sleep or browse 4chan and other sites.
I don't know what I would like to do at all.

That sucks.
Guess for some things there's no easy solution.

>> No.8754013

If only it was that easy.

>Guess for some things there's no easy solution.
Unfortunately. Some times you've just got to try to play the hand you're dealt - what else can you do? It's not like lack of achievement motivation is a recognized and accepted problem in society - hell, I still hear people saying ADD and autism are 'made up', somewhat regularly.

>> No.8754017

I don't want to wait for /jp/ to be shitty~

>> No.8754043

You do, that's why you're here, that's why you're interested in otaku culture. You ENJOY IT. You wouldn't do something you don't enjoy, you just don't realize it.
Those are real hobbies. You enjoy them. Just because they're not traditional hobbies, doesn't deny them that terminology.
It is, just do what you enjoy. See above.

>> No.8754056

>You wouldn't do something you don't enjoy
That's not how life works.

>> No.8754062

Browsing the internet is a real hobby now?
It's an incredible passive thing that doesn't give you any skills or things to talk about (with normal people anyway).

>> No.8754061

A job: you go through a temporary trial in order to gain the benefits resulting in pay. You enjoy what you get out of it so you do it. If you didn't enjoy the ramifications of a job, you would be a NEET.

>> No.8754065

>If you didn't enjoy the ramifications of a job, you would be a NEET
What if I don't enjoy being a NEET either?

>> No.8754066

Making model trains doesn't give you any marketable skills.
I've learned many things from browsing the Internet. I read much more than I would have, I've read many wikipedia articles and learned to check citations. I've picked up so many small skills related to computers that gives me an edge over everyone that's a "normalfag" that I know. Believe it or not, this will probably be a normal hobby in the near future.

>> No.8754073

That's fine.
No matter what you're doing, the chances are you do it because you get some sort of enjoyment out of it.
Honestly if you don't enjoy the benefits of being a NEET or having a job, you're probably lying, or just being ignorant of your own self.

>> No.8754071

i had a dream last night that i was at a school. a night school to be precise. we were talking about poetry. there was a woman who was japanese who started talking about a neet then. we all got in a circle and started screaming ``filthy neet! go home, leech! neet! leech! scum!" at her. she started crying and tried to run away but people would shove her back into the middle of the circle and start beating on her. what does this mean?

>> No.8754077

anon, you are the woman

>> No.8754085

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8754091

I know right.
Fucking normalfags trying to define us.

>> No.8754096

Are there people who are intentionally making themselves miserable?
I'd figure NEET life to be rather enjoyable as you can just do whatever you want to do without time restrictions. There can be that problem of sometimes forgetting what one wants to do, but that's easily resolved if you actually just start ON SOMETHING.

>> No.8754100


>> No.8754103

Poe's Law.
16yo angst or trollling.
Some people love it.

>> No.8754105

>I'd figure NEET life to be rather enjoyable
It depends. If you've got parents breathing down your neck and lecturing you for hours every day, probably less so. If you've got autism bux and your own place, then it's time to take it easy.

>> No.8754114

It gets lonely.

>> No.8754111

Even so, in its most extreme form you wouldn't do anything without at least some form of motivation. I'm willing to bet most NEETs are NEETs because they actually enjoy the lifestyle. There may also be some hikki's which happen to be NEETs due to social anxiety problems, but that is different and they shouldn't be confused.

>> No.8754112

I think you're confusing lack of enjoyment to being miserable.

>> No.8754120

>"the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not discuss apathy."
I thought I used to have ampthy, then I turned 16.

>> No.8754121

You don't necessarily do shit because you enjoy it.

You can just as well do it because the other things are scary/require more effort than you can expend/because you formed a habit and so on.

All those armchair psychologists here thinking they have people figured out are hilarious.

>> No.8754122

I went to a psychiatrist and he gave me some shitty drugs. They seemed to work as I was able to go to university for a few weeks but after that everything was back to how it was before. Then he changed them and increased doses but it was the same shit after a few weeks they would lose any effect so I stopped going.

I tried some psychologists too he was useless and uninterested in actually trying to help and would just sprout some pretentious bullshit and expected me to be suddenly inspired or something so I just stopped going after the first session.

>> No.8754129

I'm a neat because I have social anxiety problems.
What do I do?

>> No.8754130

I suppose that would be annoying.
That just means you haven't found something enjoyable yet. That's kind of hard to believe given how damn big the Internet is, you can almost never run out of things to enjoy, unless you really don't know where to look or what to look for, which would be unfortunate.
Maybe, but actual introverts don't need social approval/attention to enjoy life and can find enjoyment within themselves and their immediate environment.

>> No.8754126

I have an ampthy, I'm a rich ojou-sama, I go there to watch my private pianist play.

>> No.8754131

Expect a psychiatrist to just throw pills at you.

A good psychologist is hard to find.

>> No.8754134

>You don't necessarily do shit because you enjoy it. You can just as well do it because the other things are scary/require more effort than you can expend/because you formed a habit and so on.
You kept doing an action because it was beneficial in some way. Hence the development of the habit. You got safety and gratification more easily by avoiding the "scary/more challenging" action.

>> No.8754136

I think I turned myself into an extrovert by spending too much time on 4chan.
How do I fix?

>> No.8754141

I have never gotten lonely.

>> No.8754139

>I tried some psychologists too he was useless and uninterested in actually trying to help and would just sprout some pretentious bullshit and expected me to be suddenly inspired or something so I just stopped going after the first session.

Yeah, you get those kinds - I've seen a psychiatrist who alternated between doing exactly that and stuffing me full of pills. Not exactly a pleasant experience. I still don't get how he thinks he can change things by giving another canned motivational speech. If it was that easy, I wouldn't have even been there.

>> No.8754140

What kind of enjoyment would motivate me to kill myself?

>> No.8754146

Go to bed, Kafuka.

>> No.8754148

A lot of the people he has coming in there are bored housewives so it probably is that easy.

>> No.8754149

Read more books (non-fiction and fiction), enjoy more entertainment (VNs, manga, animu, music, ...), introspect/reflect more. There's nothing really bad about pseudonymous "social" contact though, as long as it's not absolutely required for life.

>> No.8754156

This was someone who specialized in teenagers, years back.

>> No.8754176

I had to because i had panic attacks and felt dizzy every day, even when i wasn't doing anything. Is 40 mg of prozac considered alot? i was just on 30mg for a couple of months and went up to 40.

>> No.8754190

Every human being requires some form of other human contact, even if it's just being around other people and not talking or interacting.

Sure introverts (probably 90% or more of us on /jp/) don't require as much time wih others as extroverts, but not ever talking to someone else or being around another person has severe effects for your health, mental and physical.

>> No.8754237

Absolute isolation or a desolate planet would suck, but that's for a much larger variety of reasons (including lack of any social contact), however I doubt anyone here is in such a situation, social contact is unavoidable, even indirect one - the Internet is full of it.

>> No.8754249

I've been seeing one for half a year. It's helped a lot.

>> No.8754286

/a/, here, since when is /jp/ so tolerant of off-topic crap?

been to a psychologist once. I'm staying the fuck away from them now, it wasn't a comfortable experience

>> No.8754288
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Yeah nigga, just get some pills and you'll feel as if you're a fucking alpha even when it may not be true.

>> No.8754295

/jp/ is literally only off-topic crap and has been since TEAR DOWN THIS WALL

>> No.8754306

I recently got medication to deal with my anxiety attacks. Now I'm always tired but can only sleep for 2 hours at a time, I constantly have head aches, my teeth ache, I keep shaking, my body aches all over, and I can't get hard.

I've only been on it for about two weeks, and I'm considering quitting it before my body starts to depend on it.

>> No.8754315

Complete isolation, as in total and true isolation from the thoughts of others (not even being able to read books, look at art, use anything that was created by anyone else) would suck. But, uh, duh.

>> No.8754353

i went to a psychologist for a year

you get what you pay for

the best way to solve your problems is to take them head on. it's really hard and takes a long time, but it's the difference between actual results and wasted money

>> No.8754458

I don't really know what a psychologist could do for me.
Tell me to man the fuck up and stop being such a worthless loser?
Find a hobby and a goal and work towards it?
I already know that I should do that and I am afraid of the day when I have to do something about my situation.

My main problem is that I absolutely no motivation.
Everything is so exhausting and I don't really enjoy it.

I went to college, but I just dropped out. I have some mild social anxiety, and that was enough to stop me from going to classes I don't care about.

Other people have passions and interests and great goals for the future; I have nothing.
Why am I such a lazy piece of shit?

>> No.8754528

>I don't really know what a psychologist could do for me.
You really don't need one to work out your problems, it's just easier.
>Tell me to man the fuck up and stop being such a worthless loser?
Manning up is different from stopping form being such a worthless loser. It starts with stop calling yourself worthless, it's annoying as fuck, stop complaining like a cry baby.
>Find a hobby and a goal and work towards it?I already know that I should do that and I am afraid of the day when I have to do something about my situation.
For a hobby, I play video games, listen to music (go on /mu/ to find some) and watch anime. My goals aren't big, I just want enough to maintain my lifestyle because it's all I'll ever need.

>My main problem is that I absolutely no motivation. Everything is so exhausting and I don't really enjoy it.
Do the minimum to get what you want. That's fine. If you really want motivation it starts with changing your outlook on life to a positive one with optimism.

>I went to college, but I just dropped out. I have some mild social anxiety, and that was enough to stop me from going to classes I don't care about.
You can make it by without going to college if you want to live a modest life of doing things related to /jp/, you're fine.
>Other people have passions and interests and great goals for the future; I have nothing. Why am I such a lazy piece of shit?
Because you're calling yourself a piece of shit, stop it, that's bullshit. You're the product of billions of years of evolution, act like it. Man the fuck up.
I was in the same position as you and all you got to do is stop the self-loathing and crying and just fucking do it, not for anyone but yourself. I just started looking within myself to get out of my "depression" and I was over it shortly. The mind is a malleable thing, and you'll soon get out of this and find your drive in life.

>> No.8754547
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Sounds like me in the past.

Now I'm better and am going to graduate with a double major in 2013. Those medications really help. Oprah Winfrey shit isn't going to help you.

>> No.8754587

Let me stop thinking and feel for a second.
I'm him.

In my free time I watch anime, read manga, play video games and listen to music. Most people look down on that shit
Fuck 'em I enjoy my life and what I do! Who are they to tell me how I should live my life? I enjoy myself and yeah, you go do that work. Don't think you'll do it, fucking do it with a smile on your face! Enjoy your fucking self to make it fun it's only work if you take that mindset make it entertaining! No matter what I do I put a fun mindset into it, it gets me through the long and hard things if you do that, you'll finish it before you notice and you'll be happy you did and then you'll slowly change everything that's small to fit that mindset until one day you'll wake up and be happy despite what other people view as happy. You'll realize all the good things in your life and change or ignore the bad because forcusing on the bad makes the good so much less enjoyable and life is a wonderful thing, It's supposed to be fun and exciting!

>> No.8754593

You were only able to get better because at heart you are a normalfag.

>> No.8754664
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Grew up in a single parent house hold that went through a pretty vicious divorce.

suffered massive anxiety and depression in grade 6~ , put on Prozac and Clonazapam at 16~ dropped out in grade 8~ ... sat in my room completely agoraphobic for 8 years playing Everquest.

I learned years later that I was taken abruptly off my Clonazapam because they found me literally drooling and sleeping on a public bus babbling shit. They didn't ween me off and that fucked me pretty hard. I also learned that they aren't suppose to prescribe Clonzapam to people under 18.

I am starting to go for walks in the middle of the night now to avoid people but at least I am droping weight quickly.

I know that if my mom ever boots my ass out I'd have a break down and probably starve because I am so afraid of people that I wouldn't even be able to pan handle.

Makes it 100x worse that even if I could handle people enough to get my HS and a job I wouldn't ever amount to anything because I live in Vancouver with a massive cost of a living and housing bubble / cost of living that would make me a permanent debt slave.

I am think I am getting better in the sense that I am exercising and when in social situations I learn how to put on "the mask" to bullshit your way as an alpha male for maybe a couple minuets before going into panic mode, sweating like a stuck pig and becoming unable to form words or think properly.

Problem is I am starting to become a lot more paranoid and fowly pessimistic ... I follow geopolitics at home and can't help but yelling at the local news infested with its propaganda and marketing. I can't even watch TV outside the news because its all commercials, product placement and marketing.

I think I am becoming thin and bitter.

At least Diablo 3 comes out soon, ahh escapism...

>> No.8754670

I have in the past, none of them have really helped so I've not been going since November. I might try and find a new one.

>> No.8754715

In the beginning of high school I was by far the most energetic kid.
Now I have turned into the guy who sits in the front at the front and nobody bothers.
And I hate myself for liking this girl (the only reason is that she reminds me of the energy I had years ago) her breasts have grown and that saddens me a bit.
School isn't going well either, I sit behind the pc all day and unlike other people when I say I don't make homework I don't even think about it and forget it.
All my humor is gone too, in the beginning I could make anyone laugh. Now I'm just a sadistic fucker.

That I haven't gone to the barber for 3 years now isn't helping either, a normal haircut would already do me very good.
fucking anxiety.

I've always had it but the ritalin probably fucked me over.

Being a somewhat extroverted asperger filled with anxiety is really everything except fine.

>> No.8754790
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Wasn't a normal fag before, still not a normal fag. But now with medication I can go outside (or stay inside) without thinking my heart is exploding or that my veins are collapsing.
21 yr old still virgin; doesn't go out like normal people either. I hate that type of shit.
Just saying to OP that medication may allow him to become professionally successful.

>> No.8754835

How could you call that other guy pathetic when you're trying so hard to fit in here? You're probably one of those guys who thinks it's "edgy" and "cool" to be asocial.

>> No.8754858
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You seem awfully stressed.
I don't remember calling someone pathetic.
I'm just offering advice, bro. Telling OP about my situation.
Maybe you should take some medication, too. You seem to be having problems taking it easy.

>> No.8754874

Can't fap.
Sleep all day every day.
Haha, no.

>> No.8754887

Xanax doesn't affect me that much, it just makes me drowsy.

>> No.8754939
File: 39 KB, 580x480, 069c6b3292b9c1d42961333d32b3aebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any benefit to telling my psychiatrist about my waifu? It's like the only thing I hide from him. All I've mentioned to him is that I have a favorite fictional character. What I haven't told him is that I sleep with a dakimakura of her that I engage in sweet talk with. All I'm hoping is that him knowing this might lead to some sort of revelation about some of my problems. Not that I want to "fix" myself and become a normalfag and get a job, but I have serious depression issues even though I'm on medication that isn't helping. Not being able to enjoy my hobbies when I have all the time in the world to engage in them sucks...

>> No.8754946

He'll just tell you you're looking for the love and approval your parents and peer group never gave you.

>> No.8754956

I think you should tell him. >>8754946 is acting jaded; you have nothing to lose by telling him.

>> No.8754980

I love you sudo.

>> No.8755006

Back off bitch, Sudo is mine.

>> No.8755010

fuck you i love him more.

>> No.8755026

Refer to: >>8754946

I told my psychiatrist about my waifu and he told me I'm lacking love and approval from the people I know.

>> No.8755039

why did you think he was wrong?

>> No.8755173


Because "explanations" don't really explain anything. They only do if you want them to give you a sense of explanation (which is a shitty explanation in itself--who can ever take that seriously as an explanation?), or until you trace the line of causality all the way far back until you get tired of thinking.

Not him, btw

>> No.8755213
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saw one for two years for the whole gender thing. Totally worth it as he referred me to the doctor who prescribed my hormones. i stopped seeing him when I stopped really having stuff to talk about

Now I'm waiting to see one at a local center. Recent experiences have shown I have trouble understanding others feelings and it bothers me to not know what it is specifically.

>> No.8756827

>>8755026 heree
The few people I do know (parents, some relatives) show me a lot of love and support for me, enough for me to hate that they do. They still have hope for me, but I just wanna be left alone.

Also my friends from earlier in life before we drifted apart didn't really dislike me either. I was the guy who held the 6 of us together even; there wasn't any "lack of love'"there. I stopped contact with them over time by my own choosing. I kind of forced them away from me.

I was the one pushed away the people who showed me any love. I didn't want to have it. I can't lack what I don't want.

>> No.8756837

Why do you not tell your waifu to fuck off too then?

>> No.8756899

I don't want the kind of affection given to me by the people who do show it to me in real life.

My waifu is Chihaya (iM@S), she's nothing like anyone I've known or currently know. She just fits with me perfectly. If people were like her I might be happier.
