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File: 144 KB, 640x468, nayukimoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
874701 No.874701 [Reply] [Original]

this shit: http://radicalr.pestermom.com/vn.html

see readme for details



>> No.874711

I call shenanigans.

>> No.874710


>> No.874746


>> No.874757

Let's see what this turns out to be.

>> No.874778
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1214205512360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be legit...

>> No.874780

Am I the only one that hates how the portraits are drawn in these games?

>> No.874785

this seems to be legit

here's a megaupload for those of you that fail at rapidshit: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q8RNFTWF

>> No.874787

You better not be letting me down, Anon.

>> No.874795


You and everyone with functioning eyes. This obviously discounts Keyfags as they have long since been blinded by the horrors they love.

Still, if it's for real I suppose it wouldn't kill me to give it a shot. Blind me maybe, but not kill me.

>> No.874796

In before zipfile filled with pictures of a corpse getting fucked in a bathroom full of maggots.

>> No.874803


I would be pleasantly surprised, and I'm not even insulting Key here. I just really want that.

>> No.874811

I think a lot of people are (at least initially) reviled by the old Key style - basically, everything up to Clannad. Clannad, Planetarian and Little Busters! do not suffer from it.

I'm pretty good at mentally 'straightening out' the character pictures now. Anyway, checking out the patch, just because. I'll do a quick skipthrough and make sure that what's translated matches how I remember the game once I've DL'd it.

>> No.874820
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 1214205964102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.874828


>Clannad, Planetarian and Little Busters! do not suffer from it.

Bullshit they don't. Clannad may not be as bad as the older ones, but it's still bad.

>> No.874830

Well, it looks like the SEEN.TXT included is not a complete patch; however, all the individual SEENs appear to be. I think RealLive can read straight SEENs (although the ones included seem to not all follow the proper naming convention) if you put them somewhere (in a subdirectory inside the directory containing the RealLive exe?)

>> No.874831

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just to a far lesser extent.

>> No.874833
File: 72 KB, 287x258, 1214206177420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The file is legit, no corpse porn or anything.

>> No.874836

The game :

>> No.874841

What the hell is wrong with the proportions of her face?

>> No.874843

It's called KEYBETUS.

>> No.874849


Lesser extent, plus you're adjusting to it.

>> No.874850

Alright, Ayu's thoughtrambling (the screens of fading text you get, typically between days) isn't translated at all (they're all images so I guess I understand that). Otherwise, all the text so far (including the TL notes) is replaced.

>> No.874856

>98 MB

lol fail


Is better

>> No.874868

Indeed someone does not know the megaupload limit... anyways torrent might be slow but hell i'll prefer to wait over the fact that i have to /renew my IP 10 times

>> No.874877

what? leak? how the hell did it leak?

I thought the guys who translated this game were waiting for Key to approve their translation

>> No.874885

Think you just answered your question.

>> No.874894

Can anybody validate the readme? Is anything still left untranslated (images aside) like Mai's route or the hscenes?

>> No.874901
File: 66 KB, 646x505, 1214206983475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... okay, this translation is pretty awful in places. It's almost as if this bit was translated without the translator caring about the context _at all_. Come on, WTF.

Otherwise, it's all translated so far. And maybe the included SEENs are better (this is just using the packaged SEEN.TXT so far)

I'm blitzing through Nayuki's route at the moment.

>> No.874921

Should I expect a Kanon shitstorm in /jp/ now?

Not that I mind...

>> No.874937

Life is amazingly sweet sometimes.

>> No.874940

Better than touhou at least.

>> No.874965
File: 116 KB, 646x505, 1214207868487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translated text cuts out partway through.

For all I know this could just be the 57% translation, but adapted to RealLive.

Maybe there's more in the included SEENs. I don't feel like recompiling them and going through that shit, personally.

>> No.874972


Probably. It will be nothing compared to the upcoming Fate/stay Night translation shitstorm though.

>> No.874981

>copy all of these files into there which will create a incomplete but playable english patch for the game. most of the game is translated but stuff like images and some random scenes (mostly eroscenes) will still be in moonrunes. still you should be able to finish every route except for maybe mais. these untranslated scenes have been translated to text in the seens directory so someone just needs to figure out how to put those in the game to make the entire thing playable.

>> No.875016

Man this reminds me that I have to finish a route or two still in One~

>> No.875020

So, how is it compared to the anime?

>> No.875061

I know it says that, but Nayuki's route is definitely not all translated. I kept pressing on anyway (thank my heroic memory that comes from playing the original game like 5-6 times) through the rest of the route. It was not translated. I'll blitz through Ayu's, I guess; maybe it is translated fully. I'm beginning to doubt it, though.

>> No.875068

Hey thx
50% is better than nothing
or im wrong?

>> No.875096


Well, the rest of the trans could still be in the SEENS so maybe if we wait someone will figure that all out and insert it all.

>> No.875106

No Mai route? I'll just pretend I never seen this thread.

>> No.875128

Good question.

>> No.875141

It's miles better than the first anime.. and probably about on-par with the second anime. The second anime actually fixes up a bunch of things that didn't make sense in the game (such as how Ayu was able to keep robbing that monger) and improves a lot of the humour, while remaining generally faithful. However, the individual routes of the game honestly feel stronger than the anime does, because time isn't as divided up between the heroines as it is in the anime.

>> No.875151

So are any routes finishable or do you just get cut off in the middle of every route?

>> No.875240

Okay, all of Ayu's route is translated, except for the H scene (which has no text inserted at all).

What's with leaving KANON's H scenes to the last? I can understand that with pretty much any other eroge, but Key (with the exception of MOON., ugh) have the shortest, least descriptive H scenes ever.

>> No.875249

That's good to hear, thanks.

>> No.875251

Okay, it looks like every route is translated in the SEENs, including H scenes. Anyone feel like going through and getting that shit into a compiled SEEN?

>> No.875364

I hope it works with the all ages version cause that's the one I own.

>> No.875373

Seems to be for the Standard Edition which has the hscenes.

>> No.875422

Yeah, seems like the text is all here (unedited ;_;), so it would take someone with a bit of spare time (and knowledge of RealLive/rldev) to get it all back into the SEENs so that the thing works.

However, meantime, enjoy one of the scenes that I really, really wished was in the anime, because it was the most hilarious thing in Kanon.

{-87-} I slump into my seat, and remain sprawled for some time after the bell goes.
{-88-} Only when the teacher steps up to the board do I prop myself up and open my desk.
{-89-} I pull out my textbooks and workbooks \s{mdash} and an unfamiliar paperback slips out from among them and lands in my lap.
{-8a-} \{\m{A}} "Huh...?"
{-8b-} I pick it up, glance at the cover...
{-8c-} \{\m{A}} "Whoa..."
{-8d-} It doesn't take a genius to work out what genre this work belongs to.
{-8e-} This is one book I suspect it's safe to judge by its cover.
{-8f-} In lurid flesh tones, it depicts a pair of females, stark naked, locked together in an indescribable pose.
{-90-} Someone must have put it there... either as a prank, or because they \breally\r want to broaden my education.
{-91:opt-} Read it!

>> No.875427

{-99-} But that just makes the whole thing more thrilling.
{-9a-} I'm a guy, after all. That's the way we are.
{-9b-} \{\m{A}} "Oh good God! I didn't know people could even DO that!"
{-9c-} I begin to turn the pages faster.
{-9d-} \{Kitagawa} "Shut up!"
{-9e-} A ruler strikes my head from behind, but it's too late to stop me.
{-9f-} \{\m{A}} "Wow... this is amazing!"
{-a0-} Not least because this is the first lesson I've actually enjoyed at this school.

{-a1-} When the lesson finally ends, it becomes clear that this was in fact a prank, when the guy who planted the book on me comes to take it back.
{-a2-} \{Boy} "I can't believe you did that..."
{-a3-} Come to that, nor can I.
{-a4-} Reading right through an erotic novel, in class, under the teacher's nose, really is rather unbelievable...

>> No.875546

in before someone torrent game+this patch leak together on nyaatorrent/hongfire

>> No.875586

I'm pretty sure this shit your guys pulled off will make NDT stop translating, by the way.

>> No.875617

is there a translation for Air? That's the KEY game I'm most interested in

>> No.875632


Wasn't he stopped in the first place, and that's why it happened?

I didn't really follow the drama.

>> No.875637

But they already finished translation, they've been editing.

># 3/21/08 - 50% edited.
># 9/10/07 - Translation is essentially finished. Editing has begun.

...for like half a year.

>> No.875649

Were these the people who were "waiting" on response from KEY for like years?

>> No.875663

Dude, you shouldn't have leaked it. I don't care that much about Kanon. I want other games they're working on. I'd be pissed if they stop translating now

>> No.875680

I don't understand why someone would be upset about a leak. Slightly annoyed? Okay, I can understand that maybe. But actually bothered and upset? Why?

>> No.875714


Wouldn't you be upset if someone took your half-finished homework and submitted it for you?

>> No.875727

Yes, and obviously they were never going to get the go ahead from Key. So I'm glad at least something of it surfaced.

>> No.875732

Hmmm. No.

>> No.875737

No? My only response would be "Yeah, well, it's not finished yet, so download it again later unless you like moonrunes and typos."

>> No.876509
File: 109 KB, 799x541, 1214235600432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah! So much for waiting for approval! I never thought this would ever see the light of day. Thank you anon! Now, I wait for someone to compile the SEEN because I don't want to bother with it in uncomplete form just yet...

>> No.876545

>I don't want to bother with it in uncomplete form just yet...
Just download it and save it somewhere on your computer so you can go to bed tonight with a warm glow knowing it has finally, after this unbelievable length of time, reached the light of day. Rest assured we will get it in working order from here.

>> No.876557

>you should be able to finish every route except for maybe mais


>> No.876558


Thanks anonymous! I knew I could count on you to look out for me!

>> No.876562


Even if someone does compile the SEEN files into a patch, what you have will still be incomplete, as NDT has apparently not finished editing the thing yet. I wonder whether they'll even bother to finish now, not that they were in any danger of finishing before the leak.

>> No.876608


You'd need to clean up the files before compiling, since it's still in double nigger mode:

\{Ayu}"Uh, my chest is kinda flat..."
…\{\m{A}} "小さいな"
\{\m{A}} "Yeah, you are kinda flat."
\{Ayu}"Ugu\e[11]...You aren't supposed to say that!"
…\{\m{A}} "それ以前に、普通はそんなこと訊かないと思うけど"
\{\m{A}} "You said it first, I was just repeating you."
\{Ayu}"But...I'm sensitive about that."

>> No.876618

>I wonder whether they'll even bother to finish now
I don't give a fuck what they do. This will be finished and released from this point on no matter what. They have my eternal gratitude for leaking this thing because otherwise we would still be sitting here in a year talking about this with nothing to show for it.

>> No.876624

Well, allegedly enough to make it to the end. Which is fine for me. Unedited game is fine too, seeing as how I'm pretty sure no one ever thought this patch would be released to the public.

>> No.876630

Game is the embodiment of UGUU~ and leaving it in this state is a sin.

>> No.876668


I don't care! It's either someone compiles it or the faggot translating it decides to finish up. Which is unlikely because IIRC, isn't he waiting for official approval from Key?

>> No.876688

It's translated, but needs rewriting/editing. If you're so intent on a shitty compile, http://dev.haeleth.net/rldev.shtml There's nothing stopping you from doing it yourself.

>> No.876695


>> No.876734
File: 50 KB, 700x525, 1214239160928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that this has been leaked, what are the chances of that 80% Cross Channel translation getting leaked?

>> No.876742

old game is old

>> No.876771

Same year as Tsukihime.

>> No.876773

lol this "patch" sux

>> No.876828

Just give it to me. I'll leak it for you.

>> No.876839

It looks like an old patch, with recent edited scripts. The recent scripts are not inserted.

>> No.876897

so then someone should insert them

>> No.876944

cake lie much?

>> No.876976

How is it "our shit" if someone on the team leaks it?

Just like with the UBW patch, we had nothing to do with leaking it.

>> No.876997

well, insofar as to that 4chan didn't steal it. But I however was both a 4channer and a member of MM. So technically a 4channer did leak it.

>> No.877015

Yeah really, fucking dramafags. This is why I do all translation in a publicly viewable format, because I don't give a fuck if other people see it before it's PERFECT.

>> No.877045

regardless, the leak was caused by internal team problems, not random internet users.

>> No.877055

someone compile this shit into a working patch

>> No.877058

Oh look, a helpguide to the porn was released.

Idiots, I gots me a CG set.

>> No.877083

Well, if you just look at a Key game's HCG and only that then... I believe you're doing it very wrong. There's much hotter HCG out there.

>> No.877098

I know, since i don't read the crappy cookie cutter stories I get more time to run around getting them all.

>> No.877175

How old is this crap exactly?

>> No.877193

the "patch" doesnt work for me...

>> No.877447

this shit don't make no sense
it's not done

>> No.877597

i hope they finish it cause its pretty rough
