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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8746967 No.8746967 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else find it strange how it's generally considered "un-/jp/" to worry about what you are wearing? As a 100% assburger who wants to puke every time he's out in public, there's nothing that helps more than wearing nice clothes and being properly groomed. I spend an hour or so in front of the mirror before going out to the 7/11 at midnight, but it's worth it.

>> No.8746975

Plain sweatpants and tshirt


This list is autistic as fuck

>> No.8746976

Well I am autistic, so.

>> No.8746988

I only own one outfit, so it's pretty easy for me.

>> No.8746996

I don't understand how /jp/ can shun the outside world so much, yet feel confident about walking outside dressed like poop, knowing that everybody is staring at you.

>> No.8746997

It's not really "un-/jp/", it's just the leftover from the the old nerd code of conduct.

Nothing wrong with caring about what you wear or how you look, as long as you just go for things you enjoy wearing and not try to blindly follow fashion or some retarded arbitrary rules(like a good third of the asinine shit on your picture).

Seriously, the only thing that matters is that you like how you look. If some pointers help you achieve that? Great. If you'd rather do something otherwise but the internet fashionistas tell you it's unhip? Fuck them and do your own thing, it's going to be much more attractive to anyone who doesn't have their head up their ass anyway.

>> No.8746998

I used to care about what I was wearing when I went outside. I don't really care when inside (which is now always), but when going out I'll always make sure to pick out clothes to some degree. I'll never wear an outfit that ends up looking like one flat colour, blue jeans with a shirt of the same shade etc.

>> No.8747001

Fuck them. I'm not trying to bring anyone out there home to meet mom.

>> No.8747003

I have multiple pairs of the same outfit

>> No.8747006

What is so bad about being a "tryhard"?

I see hipsters spending more time and trying harder not to match than people who instantly grab a matching color tshirt and chucks.

>> No.8747012

I know a certified autist that only wore solid color sweat pants and sweat shirts through high school. I never saw him wear actual pants until graduation where he was required to wear khakis to receive his diploma.

>> No.8747014


>> No.8747015

I like clothes and dressing up. I'm surprised with all the doll and touhou shenanigans in here that more people aren't taking an interest in clothes.

>> No.8747016

i am wearing $140 jeans

>> No.8747022

>required to wear khakis to receive his diploma

I skipped the graduation ceremony so I guess I lucked out

>> No.8747024

I agree. /jp/ should strive to be beautiful. Not for others, but for ourselves.

>> No.8747027

I would, but all the current styles suck so utterly it's become a bad joke. And I'm not paying $300 for clothes that cost $3 when they were actually one shelves a decade or two ago.

Remember when budget clothes didn't fall apart on the first day?

>> No.8747032

If you just like wearing nice clothes that's fine.

If you worry about how you look because of what others might think then you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.8747039

I don't get it. Why should I not use a blow dryer? Am I supposed to walk around with a wet hair? Do they want me to get a flu?

>> No.8747040

I always put on my suit befor I get on /jp/ to report some threads.

>> No.8747041

Towel dry.

>> No.8747047

Goddamn fucking hipsters. Sure there is some advice anything, but don't ever listen when a hipster tells you you did something wrong.

2) Only straight laced dress shoes are tied that way. Cross laced dress shoes, like most people lace them, are tied in a bow.

5) He makes the common mistake of thinking a blazer and a sport coat are the same thing. The difference between suit jackets and blazers are nuanced, and they can technically overlap. The real difference is suits have matching pants. Sports coats are casual coats with a cut based on a suit. They were the hoodies of their day, they are only considered formal now because they deviate less from suits than hoodies.

6) Everyone knows hipsters with desert boots and selveage jeans with huge glasses are trying way harder than someone with color coordination.

7) Showing off shoe brand and cuffing jeans is obnoxious and hipster. Jeans should be the same length as any other pant, no break, half break, full break. It is personal preference.

8) Fucking fashion pockets. Pockets are meant to be used.

9) This isn't a sleeve length problem, it is a cuff size problem. If you rely on sleeve length to do this, if you move your arms at all you're fucked. It should actually be just past the wrist, not at it.

11) It is what a fucking dryer is for. Things last for decades being stuck in the dryer as long as you don't put shrinkable or graphic shits in it.


Fucking hipsters don't know how to dress.

>> No.8747045

Probably a marked up, off the rack affair.

>> No.8747048

Actually the better you look the MORE attention you get, unless you're extremely ugly.

It's a big part of why I started lifting. I didn't gain confidence, rather the new attention from the opposite sex was giving me terrible anxiety. I'll keep on being a skinny nerd who wears plain walmart shirts, thanks.

however I always do my hair because I like how it looks

>> No.8747050
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Modern fashion looks like shit, I find everyone who believes they look "nice" either look like some prissy fag or a complete douche. I'm rocking the hobo style, and I'm proud of it, you won't catch me wearing some shitty collard polo shirt, or matching my shoes.

>> No.8747053

There's a whole abyss of difference between frilly clothes for girls/dolls and today's criteria of what a male should wear.
If I wore what I liked (and now I'm talking about clothes for males, not dresses and skirts), I would not only look like a clown, I would be one.

>> No.8747061

It's pretty flawed at parts but like all of those /fa/ pics they're guidelines not lawbooks. There is no fashion advice that will work across the board for everyone and that's mostly a starting point. Like oxfords for example. I can't stand the material because of the way it rubs against my skin, I'm too sensitive to wear sandpaper.

>> No.8747056

True men's style is pretty timeless. Don't worry about following teenage fashion trends. Just wear nice clothes that fit you.

>> No.8747063

Do you know how hard it is to find good leather shoes that don't cost nearly $500?

Or how impossible it is to find good casual wear wool trousers anymore?

>> No.8747064

I hate skinny jeans, worst current fashion trend.

>> No.8747065

He said he wants to dress like a hobo.

However, I agree with you. I like to dress well, but not trendy. You might find one or two pieces of my wardrobe that could be considered trendy, but I mostly wear things that are considered improper by hipsters.

The one weird thing I do is I wear plain ties if I need accessorizing (with stuff that should not normally be worn with ties), and I have 7 different bags and a dozen watches.

>> No.8747068 [DELETED] 

There are some outlets that sell at warehouse direct prices, finding them is another thing, though you'll have an easier time finding the black market than those stores.

>> No.8747074

No offense, but from that post, it sounds like you have a good amount of hipster in you.

>> No.8747069

Which watches?

>> No.8747071

Someone that requires 50 points about how to fucking put on a shirt and pants really doesn't need to criticize how other people wear their clothes.

>> No.8747077

The only things you're going to find at those places are chinese knockoffs. Domestically made stuff never turns up at places like that.

Bad fabric, poor stitching, and a bad fit mean more than a brandname, so don't think that's where I'm coming from with this.

>> No.8747075

Go to /fa/. They are the tryhardiest boast ever, and if you try to have something nice, or matching and it isn't something super subtle only a hipster would notice (like selvage or some shit) they will call you a try hard, despite arguing for hours over which $300 jeans to buy, and they will go balistic if they get washed.

>> No.8747076

I wear imitation material clothes and shoes. Building a respectable wardrobe takes a lot of time for someone barely making enough money to live.

>> No.8747080

Actually, really good leather shoes cost from one to two hundred bucks, if you know where to look.

Paying more than $200 is retarded, since at this point you pay only for the brand.

>> No.8747078

Has anyone thought about wearing the same thing every day? It'd be so much easier to just have a closet full of the same clothes.

I'm talking some nice looking yet casual clothes, like the mythbusters guy.

>> No.8747083

>Actually the better you look the MORE attention you get, unless you're extremely ugly.
But it's a quick admirable glance rather than a "what the fuck is this nerd doing here" death stare.
Everybody is different, but all I can say is that it has become a lot easier to buy spaghetti and diapers at the market now that I dress better.

>> No.8747088

I am an assburger, and I wear nothing but sweat pants.

>> No.8747084

Just to clarify something: people who would follow the rules in OP picture are NOT hipsters.

>> No.8747085

/fa/ is my second most frequented board after /jp/. It's one of the boards where you just either browse or criticize unless you have incredibly thick skin.

>> No.8747086
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Is that so? I think that it would be unreasonable to expect girls, women, and mai waifu to dress nicely while not dressing nicely myself. Ties really are wonderful, don't you agree?

>> No.8747087

I just alternate t-shirts and shoes. When it comes to pants it's just jeans or sweatpants. Wear business attire when it's a formal thing.
I never cared for looking fashionable.

>> No.8747090

What brands are you buying at $200 that are really good?
And which styles from them?

>> No.8747091

I wear a dress shirt and casual slacks whenever I have to the house. I usually wear shorts and a t-shirt at home, but I feel uncomfortable dressing like that in public.

>> No.8747098

Back in school I used to have a lot of not identical, but very similar clothes. I remember going on some "spend the weekend at some outside-lodge" type school trip thing. When I opened my suitcase to reveal a load of almost identical jeans one of my "friends" commented that they thought I just wore the same thing all the time. Possibly a joke, but I don't know. They turned out to be a two faced fuck anyway.

Just beware the impression it might give people if you go outside wearing what looks like the same clothes week in week out. Glad I don't have that to worry about.

>> No.8747095

"Hipster" is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else's authenticity into question an, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you've probably sensed the pattern on your own).

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, "ironic" Them.

You can't define what "that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle" actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That's because you don't use "hipster" to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren't for your own insecurities, nothing that a "hipster" could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally.

>> No.8747096

Good to see another /fa/ggot+/jp/sie. All the other boards aren't elitist and dickish enough for me.

>> No.8747106 [DELETED] 

I go to /fa/ as well. You have got to be kidding me if they talk about anything except redwings, oxfords, desert boots, and the occasional chucks.

>> No.8747107

I read /fa/ the same way I read /jp/. I ignore the 90% that are shitposters.

>> No.8747108

The nice thing about being morbidly obese is that you don't really have to worry about what you wear. Because really, what's the point.

>> No.8747110
File: 58 KB, 600x330, santorumvests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are sweater vests considered fashionable?

>> No.8747114

Wearing a sweater with a shirt underneath is okay though.

>> No.8747121

This seems like a weird thing to say. I don't know many people who go commando under their sweater.

>> No.8747117



You can still look nice. Lots of business men are fat. The key is to be well groomed and clean looking. You won't be able to pull off fashion, but you can pull off a little bit out authority and respectability. (Say, Teddy Roosevelt)

>> No.8747124

Those are still creepy uncle and anal sludge territory.

Are waistcoats fashionable again?

>> No.8747125

Only if you're a strong beautiful catholic who don't need no moderate votes.

>> No.8747128

One of the most hideously overweight and profoundly ugly people I've ever had the misfortune to know was hands down the sharpest dresser I've ever seen.

It was jarring to witness.

>> No.8747133

The person you are speaking of, it is me. Hello Tom.

>> No.8747134
File: 145 KB, 700x1051, professor_badass1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are waistcoats fashionable again?

On attractive people. It is one of those things where if an attractive person wears something a bit unusual, it makes them even more attractive.

Or if you're Professor Badass. You have got to be really fashionable to pull off that level of matching, colored shoes, and /fa/ faux pas.

>> No.8747153

I don't think so, Hebib.

>> No.8747172 [DELETED] 

You can be fat and well dressed /jp/. Don't let your lack of confidence in yourself prevent you from impressing your waifu!

>> No.8747167
File: 154 KB, 246x713, 246px-Image_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just try to look like vincent from catherine

>> No.8747201

Red cords? Really?

>> No.8747213

actually i skip that part and just go with dark blue jeans, but the rest is pretty accurate just with different color swaps different days

>> No.8747236

I just wear whatever is comfortable. Usually jeans, a band shirt of some kind and loafers.

>> No.8747244
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>Does anybody else find it strange how it's generally considered "un-/jp/" to worry about what you are wearing?

Yes but not really for the reason you listed. More so because fashion is a pretty large and interesting aspect of Japanese culture that even has a bit of overlap with Otaku stuff. It`s certainly something you can be extremely autistic about too.

This is a really good podcast about the early Harajuku scene that kind of draws that connection near the end:


>> No.8747254 [DELETED] 

T-shirt and basketball shorts all day every day. If it gets too cold I put on a pair of pajama/track/sweat pants over the shorts.

>> No.8747257

I really want to get into brolita fashion. So far I have two dresses, two skirts, and a petticoat. I still need to get a nice blouse, though. Why buy figs and dolls when I can BE the figs and dolls?

>> No.8747262 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 667x1000, IMG_7282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-shirt and basketball shorts all day every day.

>> No.8747277

Why are your fingers so stubby?

>> No.8747290

My whole family has pretty stubby fingers. Genetics I guess.

>> No.8747294

You must have a really big nose and ears then too.

>> No.8747317

Do they go hand in hand or something? I think my ears and nose are a pretty normal size.

>> No.8747327

Think about it, have you ever met someone who couldn't pick their own nose or ears?
The holes have to be proportionate.

>> No.8747330

I'm interested in fashion too but I'm too embarrassed to wear anything more than plain t shirts and jeans when I'm forced to go out. ;_; Even more so when everybody around here dressed like shit and I would stick out like a sore thumb, further increasing my anxiety...

>> No.8747490

Start with something simple.

Like Levi's 501s, or 511s depending on how fat you are. You want the pants to be close to your skin, but not have it be skintight like some skinny jeans.

Then add a button up shirt. I like the ones that have the little straps on the arm that let you roll up the sleeves and button them up. Rolled up sleeves give off a casual, yet more than a t-shirt look. Go with a neutral gray or something. Black is obnoxious, white is formal. A blue would also work.

>> No.8747513

>As a 100% assburger who wants to puke every time he's out in public,

Now we know why Madotsuki won't leave her room.

>> No.8747525

There's a big difference between being ungroomed and washing before you go out to avoid being so painfully aware how awful you seem to other people you want to puke every time someone looks at you.

now fuck off, the lot of you

>> No.8747530
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>> No.8747539

I'm glad the few friends I have don't give a shit about appearances. Clothes were made to protect you and your skin from the elements, not to turn men into Barbie doll dressup loving queers.

>> No.8747548

Eagle man, is that you?

>> No.8747563

haha it's victorian cosplay time

you are a wonderful person

>> No.8747569


If our forefathers saw our modern Americans wearing $500 intentionally shredded/torn skinny jeans and $800 thick-rimmed black glasses despite having perfect eyesight, they would have let the British keep this hopeless country.

>> No.8747572

I only have one father.

>> No.8747598

I'm sorry.

>> No.8747653

i am sorry for your lots

>> No.8747677

walmart tier shirt and jeans. I hate wearing any kind of short pants, guess that's why I have such pale legs...

>> No.8747691

My dress code is as follows:
Does it look stupid: Yes/No

I have to circle No before going outside.

>> No.8747714
File: 225 KB, 1000x750, 1328875308181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like any true autist I'll spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on video games and anime figures but only wear the same 2 pairs of $20 jeans and polo shirts over and over.

>> No.8747737
File: 106 KB, 575x705, asia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I do that too. I guess I really am autistic.

>> No.8747738

Ah, fuck. Half of my post got cut off and I forgot what it said.

>> No.8747746

Just remembered it was something about getting only hundreds of dollars a year while living with my parents.

>> No.8747748

Haha. I guess you really ARE autistic.

>> No.8747765

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8747775

I tl;dr'd at 14, what the hell it isn't just worthy.
