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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8746312 No.8746312 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about j horror here? (if not where can i go, /tv/ doesn't watch horror

I've been looking for horror movies that are legitimately scary. That make you hide from your screen, give you nightmares, and make you afraid of your closet.

I've watch

Ju-on >scariest out of what i'm seen
Kairo >only the scene with the woman walking towards the camera was eerie, everything else was boring
Infection >not scary at all, actually found it silly
reincarnation >extremely slow, only gets weird, slightly silly
Noroi: the curse >was this supposed to be scary? i read it was but nothing remotely scary ever happened

plan to watch
>one missed call
>ju:on the grudge 2
>the eye

and some other countries have good stuff, like Shutter and A Tale Of Two Sisters

>> No.8746325
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>> No.8746343

I watched Noroi the other day. It wasn't very horror-ish but I still liked it. Had a nice atmosphere throughout. What happened to the main dude though? It was said he was missing but he didn't seem to be possesed.

It's not horror but I plan on watching Audition later today. Should be cool.

>> No.8746354

>Can we talk about j horror here? (if not where can i go, /tv/ doesn't watch horror
Nope, sorry

>> No.8746391


no idea.

>> No.8746414

I love j-horror, but this is not the place to discuss about it.

>> No.8746427
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Do otaku waste their nights watching bad horror movies the way nerds do? If so, maybe.

>> No.8746432

No livestream?

>> No.8746433

don't ever watch an american remake to find out the comparison quality. they all suck dick.

>> No.8746435


most j horror is available hard subbed on youtube.

>> No.8746441


Yes it is.

>> No.8746445
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Then it should be confined to a few threads at most.

>> No.8746510

Isn't japanese ring supposed to be scary?

>> No.8746518

ask /x/ about it.

ask them for a stream of them playing that game with that girl who fights ghost with a camera.

you'll gest the best answer there.

>> No.8746524

Fatal Frame you scrublord.

>> No.8746535


>> No.8746537
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I'm bad with scary stuff so I tried to forget about it.

>> No.8746542

There are a lot of otaku related topics that seem to be shunned here. The only thing people seem to want to discuss are VNs, Touhou, and occasionally social disorders and their affects on life.

>> No.8746561
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The only way i can handle anything scary is if i sit in a fetal position hugging a pillow under my bed sheets.

I'm terrible with scary stuff, j-horror and their love for jump scares is the worst.
