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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8746196 No.8746196 [Reply] [Original]

Friday Night, motherfuckers!
What are your plans for tonight? And with what time sinks are you going to relax over the weekend?

>> No.8746198

Tales of Graces f

>> No.8746222

My plans for tonight are to play Rengoku II. My plans for the weekend are to play Rengoku II, I might piss around in Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers too.

>> No.8746226

I'm going to go explore all those places I never go in Mabinogi.

>> No.8746224
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, [NemDiggers] Black Rock Shooter - 5 [720p] [H264 AAC MP4].mp4_snapshot_01.00_[2012.03.24_01.19.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching black rock shooter

>> No.8746227

Prepping for airsoft with my bros tomorrow, and probably playing Totori once I get my gear checked. Dota2 is probably going to happen as well.

>> No.8746228

Spent almost the entire day watching Gamecenter CX. My goodness. It's like "OK I better stop... Wait he played Battletoads? Gotta watch that. Wait, he visited America? Gotta watch that too."

>> No.8746231

I'll say I'll watch some anime, maybe play some touhou. But at best I'll just lurk /g/ and /jp/ for another 5 hours, and maybe get around to watching the new episode of Persona before going to sleep.

>> No.8746234
File: 705 KB, 1403x2000, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to order pizza and some wings then dota2 and browsing /jp/. Might start Wanko route in Majikoi if I get bored of dota.

>> No.8746242
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Initial D
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2
Tales of Graces f
Kill myself
Kill myself
Kill myself
Record/Edit shit
Wake up dead

>> No.8746259

Maybe I'll get some more commerce done in Mabinogi.

>> No.8746267

gonna watch the new episode of Fringe

upload a few FLAC/v0/v2 rips to what.cd

masturbate and go to bed early, missing flanfly.jpg

>> No.8746274

The outside made me tired and depressed today so I'll probably just mop in front of the computer listening to awful denpa songs and blogging on /jp/ in a vain attempt to lift up my mood.

>> No.8746282

I was going to start reading Sword of Shannara but only the second two books came in the mail today, so I'll probably just watch TV and masturbate.

>> No.8746297

Im applying for autism bucks even though I'll probably get rejected.

>> No.8746304

ride like today is the last day to live.

>> No.8746315

Probably just on and off bouts of Tera even though I'm not really feeling it. It's incredibly dull and the faggots playing make you guys here on /jp/ seem like extraordinary gentleman.

>> No.8746320

Catch up on Symphogear and Another and finish Kyouko's route in Madoka Portable.

My night is packed.

>> No.8746322 [DELETED] 
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I skipped doing my reps this evening... I'm such a troublesome person.

>> No.8746321

Might smoke a bit, might just sleep, possibly browse /jp/

>> No.8746345


Make sure to tell them you're depressed too.

If they ask you something like "Why aren't you able to work" reply that you WANT to work, but your condition makes it too difficult or some such thing.

>> No.8746355

Listening to music while browsing /jp/
catch up on ano natsu later
play some little busters
fap some

at least that's what I'm planning, although I doubt I will escape the browse /jp/ and music phase until at least 3 or 4 am

>> No.8746363
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That Kyoko image was the reason i decided to watch Madoka.

Errday i'm 4chanin, maybe later i will finish Kunchuu Buranko.

>> No.8746362

Play some dota, hear some dempa, lurk some jp. Living the dream

>> No.8746367


>> No.8746373


>Kunchuu Buranko.

I wouldn't recommend it for marathoning

>> No.8746371

I've got a lot of anime to catch up on. Also will play some eroge like every weekend.

>> No.8746380

browse /jp/ and shitpost with my fellow /jp/ bros
and chat with my friends in facebook while preparing to go the party of the girlfriend of my best friend

>> No.8746383

No need to masturbate i'll give you a bj

>> No.8746384

I went to the woods after it got dark today. I walked until I couldn't see the lights of the city anymore and stopped on top of a big hill. There I gazed at stars through the leafless treetops while drinking some beer and thinking about life for a while.

It was very nice.

I'm going to read a VN now, maybe watch some anime later.

>> No.8746390

I feel like breaking something after I read your post.

>> No.8746393

glad it made you laugh

>> No.8746410

I only have to watch 2 more episodes to finish it. I'm to lazy to marathon shows, so i usually watch 1 or 2 episodes per day.

>> No.8746553

Today I went out to have a drink with my old man. It's nice to spend some quality time with my father instead of fighting over inane bullshit

>> No.8746586

I always love seeing the friday night macro evolve into increasingly inane bullshit

>> No.8746601

I accidentally saw my reflection in the light, so I guess I'll be spending most of my night trying to fix my face. Though I'll probably just end up making it look worse. I'm not sure why I even care about my appearance anymore.

>> No.8746652

My plan is to add parts until the "You are awwesome!" is in the middle again.

>> No.8746656

I'm gonna do my kanji then watch my new panny plasma till morning

>> No.8746679

Are you that guy who joined a month ago and has already upped like 150 torrents and avatar is of a touhou?

>> No.8746693 [DELETED] 


>> No.8746696


>> No.8746724

Get high and fap.

>> No.8746870


No, that's not me

I joined 3 years ago, and have only uploaded 16Gb so far, not even power user yet

I fell asleep during Fringe and missed the last 15 minutes. ORZ

>> No.8746937
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Managed to miss a doctors appointment by sleeping through it.

I'll just go play more touhou doujin games.

>> No.8746946
File: 634 KB, 780x780, 1326940220718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work on tulpa. It's the only thing I care about anymore.

Nothing else matters, I have no other reason to wake up anymore. This is my last hope. If this is bullshit then I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.8746950
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>> No.8746952

Watching Game Center CX and playing Kid Icarus: Uprising.

>> No.8746954


>Nothing else matters, I have no other reason to wake up anymore. This is my last hope. If this is bullshit then I'm going to kill myself.

Sounds like you're almost insane already, so I'm sure it will work. Good luck!

>> No.8746965

I am here.

>> No.8746978

It's 4am and I just went out with the trash bags that has been piling up. ;_;

>> No.8746985

I think I'm just going to go to sleep, lately I've been sleeping a lot. It feels so good.

>> No.8747019

I recommend it. As long as you are not totally sick.

>> No.8747025


#wow #whoa

>> No.8747031

Don't forget to post pics so /jp/ doesn't forget about you just like that.

>> No.8747030

probably fap to some scat like i do every night. maybe break open another wine bottle. probably play a little bit of super metroid

>> No.8747035

Did some minor changes to KD cosplay accessories, now I'm gonna watch some animoo.


>> No.8747034

It's 4am, I've been awake for 2 hours. Time to scour pixiv and stalk some artists twitter accounts while browsing /jp/.

>> No.8747037

The fuck are you doing playing dusty old games. Why don't you play something like Metroid: Other M.

>> No.8747046

got slightly drunk, trolled tf2lobby and LoL, reviewed some kanji, going to bed

living the dream

>> No.8747055

Just got done playing the newer Dwarf Fortress update released a few days ago. The King and Queen were both vampires so they were publicly executed by the Dwarven Inquisition. Due to my haste to rid myself of the vampire threat, I inadvertently caused a tantrum spiral that resulted in the jailing of 40 dwarves and the hammering of another 20.

The Orange Hills never recovered.

>> No.8747058

All these hours later and I got from H.E.A.V.E.N-A to -C. Currently on 80F. Time to make tea.

>> No.8747066

I spend the entire night fix up an operating system. It's 12:30 now and I haven't got to do anything fun.

This kind of sucks.

>> No.8747072

Think of all the fun things you'll do with it now that you're done!

>> No.8747112 [DELETED] 

My weekend is ruined I can't seem to connect krautchan's /int/ but I can view the other boards just fine and I can't see text with a proxy

>> No.8747126 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1201x686, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image

>> No.8749577

bumping friday night thread when it isn't even friday

>> No.8749613

On Friday I played Quake. Today I will play Quake II and maybe catch up on anime, and possibly get around to actually playing Touhou.

Or I might just spend the whole weekend browsing the boorus.
