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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8745498 No.8745498 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon /jp/, I come from a far and distant board in search of your wisdom. I've only recently stumbled my way into the world of VN's and would love to hear your recommendations for me.

I've completed Katawa Shoujo and Yume Miru Kusuri and really enjoyed them both but don't really know where to go from here, Sexual content of the VN isn't much of an issue with me, though I'd prefer not to feel like plot is being sacrificed for the sake of porn. (There were a few places in YMK where I felt this had been the case and I was kind of disappointed)

Thanks in advance!

>> No.8745505

Read Umineko next.

>> No.8745503

play saya no uta

>> No.8745510

please use vndb
welcome to /jp/

>> No.8745513


You will probably find >>>/vg/2328571 to be most useful.

You will perhaps think I'm trolling or joking or trying to get rid of you, but /jp/ is definitely not the best place to discuss or gain information about VNs. /jp/ is a shit.

Have a nice day.

>> No.8745528
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This is seconded~

>> No.8745541

I haven't been to /jp/ in ages. When did we stop being the /vn/ board? What happened?

>> No.8745545

We still are. Just browse the catalog and you'll find the VN general.

>> No.8745558

>When did we stop being the /vn/ board? What happened?

moot happened. So we refocused on untranslated stuff. The bulk of English-only discussions are on /vg/ now.

>> No.8745644

>When did we stop being the /vn/ board?
We didn't, but our and OP's interests in VNs don't meet.

>> No.8745922

VN noob myself (playing Katawa, now I can kinda see why people play/read VNs); this one is apparently a horror game, will brix be shat? I'm all for scary, but screamers and shit aren't my game.

>> No.8745941

Screamers? No, it's more Lovecraftian type of horror. I have no idea how a "screamer" in VN form would even work.

Also, please refrain from using stale /b/ memes. Or memes in general. People might tolerate you better.

>> No.8745965

My apologies (was just on a brix shat thread moments ago). And idk, just when someone says "horror" in combination with something that I can't really picture scaring me much, the first thing that comes to mind is something that would shock you into fear (screamer).
Anyhow, I appreciate the tolerance as is; I noticed that /jp/ isn't much like that rest of 4chan typically. My main issue here is that I can't seem to get much into otaku things simply from not knowing where to start; I enjoy anime, manga, VNs and all that, but not knowing where to start is kinda shitty, any advice?

>> No.8745970

http://www.google.com would be a good starting point.

>> No.8745969

Play some of the early translated works such as Ever17, Planetarian, Saya no Uta, ...
Use VNDB to actually find anything you want.
Anime? AniDB.

>> No.8745972

I have no idea why you would want to get into otaku things. We just read VNs and play Touhou here. Some play with dolls. You can blame moot for the board title.

>> No.8745974

If you see why people play VNs by playing KS, you would like VNs even more than anyone on /jp/, then. Download any VN, and you will like it.

>> No.8745999

Guys please don't send him to /vg/, new blood can still be saved from becoming the "feel" people who are the VN equivalent of /co/'s pony people.

My personal favorite game is Symphonic rain OP, it is really fun and I think is fine for a beginner, may be kinda slow at first but...its a fucking book, it should be.

Kira kira is one of the firsts I've ever read and is good too, much more "Basic" which is good for you. Please enjoy yourself and don't go to /vg/ where they will tell you to read G-senjou, Sharin, Sengoku Rance, and I think little busters is their most recent masturbatory aid.

Just remember, you are reading it because you want to and you enjoy the stories. (or porn if you roll that way)

>> No.8746004
File: 2.41 MB, 2300x2200, nowgetout.1330299282351.eroge-reccomendation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lotta bumpfriends on right now

>> No.8746005


Read the summaries and see what interests you.

>> No.8746009

>obscure /jp/ shit

>kara no shoujo


>> No.8746031

much appreciated
yeah, you see that issue there is that when I go to google for anime, the result is usually "NARUTO BEST ANIME EVAR", so yeah that just doesn't really provide any good results.
I'm not saying it is the greatest art piece I've ever seen, but I can see how a VN can be enjoyable just from my short time with KS; however, this is based on no experience and others saying "VNs are gay", more or less. I'm sure there is a whole plethora of other VNs that are far beyond KS.

>> No.8746032

As we've established before, that chart is pretty shitty.

>> No.8746051

Scratch Swan Song from that list.
Unless you like DEEP stuff with rape, ntr and all that shit.

>> No.8746053

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GxMdFdb_kk.. I doubt you've ever actually gone to google for anime.

>> No.8746084
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>This thread still here
So much for self-moderation.

>> No.8746087

if you had self moderation you'd think before evading your ban
