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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 460 KB, 750x563, Japanese girl sitting in park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8744763 No.8744763 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is your heart so cold, you mind so small, your dick so limp that you wouldn't say hi to her if you saw her while walking in the park?

>> No.8744767

If I meet eye contact with anyone, I greet them. Always have, always will. It's rude to walk past someone, make eye contact with them, and not say a word.

>> No.8744766

Why would I?
She's just some person.
I probally wouldn't even notice her

>> No.8744769
File: 233 KB, 522x474, 1 (1056).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while walking in the park

>> No.8744768

Hello, giraffe

>> No.8744771

As if I would actually see her anywhere, I'd be far too busy staring into my PSP.

>> No.8744775


>> No.8744777

yes. i'm not interested in pigs.

>> No.8744780

3D: Not even once.

>> No.8744784

Why would I interrupt a reading person?

>> No.8744785

I would piss on her legs.

>> No.8744793
File: 390 KB, 750x563, Japanese girl sitting in park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about now?

>> No.8744798

>japanese girl sitting in park.jpg
>implying that fucking slut isn't a dirty chon

>> No.8744804


what would a painting be doing in a park? I would stop and look at it.

>> No.8744802

How can she be a Japanese girl if there is hangul in the top left?

>> No.8744812
File: 417 KB, 750x563, Japanese girl sitting in park (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8744813

Why should anyone give a fuck about some Korean pig?

>> No.8744817

Are we alone? Then I rape her.

>> No.8744823

Wow it looks like shit. No

>> No.8744836



>> No.8744842

She's deaf, so even if I did say hi to her, she wouldn't respond and I'd feel bad because I thought she was ignoring. Also, no, no I would not because I don't speak unless spoken to

>> No.8744844

Attractive girls get all the attention from the day they're born. They have a lifetime of being praised for being cute and having lavish amounts of attention and gifts piled upon them just for being attractive. They turn up to places and people just give them stuff.

This warps their personalities and makes them worthless to talk to.

>> No.8744851

Help us!

Why is it said that the Korean wave is a forgery?

The reason is stealth bomber marketing.
It is reported that the Korean wave is extreme popularity in Japan.
It is the false news.
The next reason is subliminal.
The biggest reason is brainwashing.
The advertising agency puts Korean pressure on the media and the company.

The Democratic Party is supported by the South Korean pressure groups such as a gambling company or the religious group.
They have the special privileges such as exemptions from taxation.
Even if Dentsu of South Korean advertising agency violates the Antitrust Law, Dentsu is forgiven.
The Democratic Party admitted stealth bomber marketing for Dentsu.

The Japanese entertainer lost civil liberties.
They are forced to praise the Korean wave.
The Japanese entertainer lost human rights.
The entertainer who did not praise the Korean wave was discharged and got rid of work.
These are pressure of Dentsu.

>> No.8744856

Ugly girls receive passive scorn from those around them from the day they're born. They have a lifetime of being subtly discriminated against and constantly judged just for being ugly. They turn up to places and people just give them dirty looks.

This warps their personalities and makes them worthless to talk to.

>> No.8744864

You know, you would have a legitimate point if you actually changed it to something relevant.
Ugly girls are just ignored.

>> No.8744869

My point is that all girls are inherently flawed and broken creatures and if you haven't gone fag by now like the rest of us there is something seriously wrong with you

>> No.8744874

You know, going gay isn't the only solution. Being alone is the other.

>> No.8744878

No, no they are not.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I hang out with normal people fairly often and whenever a bad looking girl enters the room she earns looks of digust from everyone, followed by insults behind her back.

Heck, even my own father screams phrases like "just look at you you fat pig" whenever there is a obese women at tv

I really don't get it

>> No.8744883

Really? Normals are worse than I realised.
Ugly girls are people too, even if I would rather not actually look at them.

>> No.8744884
File: 15 KB, 144x149, jap face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monkey looks furious.

>> No.8744887
File: 195 KB, 750x563, fhogp8zr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8744889

>fat pig
Fat women are different from other women. It's their fault, they deserve this hate.

>> No.8744892

I have to agree here. I keep my body in shape, so seeing fat women around is just irritating.

>> No.8744896

That's silly.
One should hate everyone equally.

I hate people based only on their personality

>> No.8744894

While would I go to the park?

>> No.8744903

You can easily know that how eagerly, systemetically Japanese are doing something 'Dirty works' to put down images of Korea on youtube when you see some threads related Korea on 2ch site of Japan. Even they were so glad of making a Kpop music clip of ten million views deleted. Surely they have a special team for youtube and I've even heard that they have supported some money from some right-wing companies
They are doing anyting they can do with any sauces can make Korea depreciated. Korea's football,politics, plastic surgery, Kpop..etc..They've disorted everything. Koreans call this acting "HUMHAN"

>> No.8744918

I don't like hating people I've never even met.
Although, I'm perfectly entitled to be irritated by them.
What gets me though is I see some fairly plain girl with loose jeans, a backpack, and sensible flat shoes walking around and I want to say hello and see what they're like, but autism kicks in and I just ignore them.
I end up rating girls based on both attractiveness and how stupid the shit they're wearing is. Equally weighted.
Plain clothing with a backpack as a sensible way to carry items and functional shoes gets max or close to maximum points.

>> No.8744939

So ugly, practical women who would tolerate your autism is your fetish?

Actually, that sounds pretty nice.

>> No.8744941

I used to hate fat people, my cousin is so fat, but he is kind as fuck...

>> No.8744951

You see, I don't even realize these people are there until they talk to me for some reason.
That's when I decide whether I should hate them our not

>> No.8744965

No, not ugly. Plain is okay though. Remember, equally weighted. The most practical girl in the world will only get 5/10 if she's physically painful to look at.
And the same in reverse, some girl that looks like she was photoshopped in real life will only score 5/10 if she's wearing high heels and got a shitty little handbag with stupid 'fashionable' tops and such. Bonus points get lost for clothing that doesn't suit the weather. Overly expensive clothing also causes point loss. The type of clothing that you pay $200 for but get some flimsy piece of shit that's supposed to go on the shoulder or some shit.

>> No.8744974

ugly girls can be beautiful... but please don't be fat, that's wrong

>> No.8744975

I might not have been clear, but
>I want to say hello
Is because they seem like people I would want to actually spend time with.
And autism kicking in is basically my social retardation saying 'no you can't handle speaking to a female, don't even try'.

>> No.8744998

Oh, okay. When you said "I end up rating girls based on both attractiveness and how stupid the shit they're wearing is" I thought you meant they were both detrimental.

It's a reasonable way to think. Beautiful women cheat more often, because there's always somebody out there who'll pick her up if she's dumped. It's elementary economics.

>> No.8745018

Well, attractiveness is an opinion rating. But I don't have any problems with it since supermodel girls carrying backpacks around and wearing plain clothing don't exist.
So to get a 10/10 you don't need to be a supermodel, you just have to hit all the characteristics I find most attractive.

>> No.8745125

Yeah I'd talk to her, I'd say "love you inni girl~"

>> No.8745128

It's backwards
