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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2012-03-21-14h49m44s105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8744313 No.8744313 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ loves Cowboy Bebop
/a/ doesn't.
What do you guys think of it?

>> No.8744320
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>mfw /a/ doesn't because /v/ does
I like the dub

>> No.8744325
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This thread just got shitty.

>> No.8744329 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 200x200, don't make me say it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our personal opinions are irrelevant, this is a board dedicated solely to the intellectual discussion of Otaku Culture, and this thread does not provide an adequate basis for discussion.
Please remove yourself.

>> No.8744341

/a/ loves it too, but they are too hipster.

>> No.8744342

>I like the dub
Nigger get serious.

>> No.8744350

Too adult, stoic and serious for people looking for lolis and wacky anime.

>> No.8744354

Good, but very overrated.

>> No.8744356

yeah, it's nothing compared to lucky star

>> No.8744363

it's the Metal Gear Solid of anime.
it's shit.

>> No.8744372
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>Metal Gear Solid

>> No.8744380

MGS is probably my favorite series and I'm looking forward to the new one from Platinum. I got really drunk once and emailed Platinum (I don't remember doing it). I felt kind of bad and weird about it but they replied and said he showed it to everyone and it made them happy. So that's good I guess.

>> No.8744387

Your post made me fuzzy inside.

>> No.8744389

But, I forgot to mention Metal Gear Rising looks fucking terrible.

>> No.8744392
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>> No.8744390

The only good Metal Gear is the Metal Gear Solid 1998

the rest are fucking crap

I want to play game not watching some shitty b-tier movies

>> No.8744394


>> No.8744397

I rewatched it this week. I didn't remember it being that good, so it took me only two days.
I used to like it because it was "cool", but now I really appreciate it for the writing, and especialy the characterization. It's got style and substance.

Then I watched Taishou Yakyuu Musume and I like it too.
I like good anime.
>>8744320 I like the dub
Fuck the dub.
That show has Megumi. Don't watch a fucking dub, swine.

>> No.8744400

> /a/ doesnt like anime that isnt about lolis

Well fuck me i totally didnt see that one coming...

>> No.8744405
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These end scenes man.

>> No.8744418
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I teared up quite a bit..

>> No.8744420

I really liked the setting in Cowboy Bebop, definitely one of my favorites. Also Faye is hot.

>> No.8744426

>Not ZUN!bar
Why? Because "congrats on the marriage" guy?

>> No.8744422
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Hal...I miss you.

>> No.8744428
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Older Faye is meh.
Younger Faye is HNNNGGG tier.

>> No.8744429
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"This is good... Isn't it?"

I did as well.

>> No.8744432

You know, Ed is actually a loli. And also a /prog/.
No wonder why /jp/ likes Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.8744437
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Might just be me, but every scene with Ed made me want to punch something.
Annoying as shit.

>> No.8744440

I still want a Welsh Corgi after all those years.

>> No.8744444
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Do you think wizards in that age still read SICP?

>> No.8744452
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>> No.8744454
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Orson Scott Card: Bebop "better than all but a handful of science fiction films"

>When I first saw the word "anime" on a schedule at a science fiction convention, I thought it was French – ah-NEEM. It was with utter scorn that a fan (of anime, not of my work) told me it was Japanese, and it was pronounced AH-ni-may.

>I didn't even like live-action sci-fi movies in those days. Why would I watch animated fantasy? Especially since all the characters looked alike – big eyes. And they sounded alike, too – high-pitched yammering voices that ranged from whiny to screechy.

>Then my youngest became an anime fan. Which means she became an anime snob, preferring to watch most series in Japanese, with subtitles, rather than suffer the pain of a bad English dub. I could hardly walk into the room when she was watching one; it hurt my ears.


>> No.8744457
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oh shit

>> No.8744456
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Damn it game, dont cry me..Dont cry..

>> No.8744458
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>But times change. The dubs got better. The animes got better, too. The premise of pioneering anime Sailor Moon still makes no sense to me; but more recent animes are first rate.

>"Recent" can mean 1998, but that wasn't so long ago. It was a year of good movies like Deep Impact, Shakespeare in Love, Ever After: A Cinderella Story, The Prince of Egypt and – best by a mile – the classic romantic comedy You've Got Mail.

>It was also the year of Cowboy Bebop, an anime series that is better than all but a handful of science fiction films, ever.

>It's set in a future when an experimental hyperspace gate blew up the moon; debris is still raining down on Earth, making large sections of our planet uninhabitable. (Yep, that's right: The sky is falling.)


>> No.8744460
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>So people have moved out into the solar system, with population centers on various moons and asteroids and a planet or two. And with hyperspace gates now safe to use, you can get from world to world pretty quickly.

>It's a wild place, one big frontier. No government can police the whole solar system – so bounty hunters go after criminals, risking their lives for a chance at some big bucks.

>But that's the big picture. The story we follow involves a group of bounty hunters on the spaceship Bebop. Our main hero is a dangerous wisp of a man named Spike, who used to be an enforcer for the Syndicate, but moved to the right side of the law. He also has a tragic past, complete with a lost love and an old friend who now is his worst enemy.

>The owner of the Bebop is Jet Black, who left official law enforcement because he was sick of the corruption. As a bounty hunter, he can live by his own rules. He and Spike have opposite backgrounds, but they get along fine.


>> No.8744462
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>Together, they ride the Bebop from world to world – then hop into smaller runabout spaceships that allow them to land stealthily where their targets are. Mostly, though, they have to deal with the fact that when you're running out of money, spaceships don't repair themselves and fuel ain't free.

>They are joined by an uninvited guest/stowaway, a drop-dead-sexy female bounty hunter named Faye Valentine, who keeps leaving them to go out on her own, only to be forced to return when her addiction to gambling blows all her money.

>A couple of other characters join them in the process of the series, but I'm afraid I never found "Ed" (the androgynous hacker genius/annoying free-spirited flower child) terribly interesting, and the "data dog" named Ein never amounted to as much as I had hoped.

>Doesn't matter. The stories of Jet, Faye and Spike are compelling, for though each episode is full of mystery and adventure, in the course of the series they all keep running into their past.


>> No.8744463

I teared up

>> No.8744467
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>For Faye, that means eventually recovering some of the memories she lost in a traffic accident. For Jet, it means finding out who it was who betrayed him back when he was a cop. And for Spike, it means finding his lost love – and facing down his nemesis and former partner, named Vicious.

>What can I say, except that to my vast surprise, I found this series brilliant. It's often funny, sexy in a mostly chaste kind of way – these are drawings, after all – and the action is gripping.

>But what held me was a combination of strong relationship-based storytelling, a moody visual style that never got old and really smart dialogue.

>I'd compare this to the great TV series Firefly, except that since Firefly came out in 2002, and resembles Cowboy Bebop in many ways (including quality), I can't guess whether Firefly creator Joss Whedon was influenced by Cowboy Bebop, was deliberately doing an hommage, or created such a similar series by sheer coincidence.


>> No.8744471
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>So ... who's going to enjoy Cowboy Bebop? My wife did, and she likes film sci-fi even less than I do. Not everybody is going to be comfortable with the sometimes eye-popping costumes (though there's no nudity and only rare implied sex).

>I came to love Yoko Kanno's explorations of every kind of jazz, beatnik and '50s rock all woven through a delicious new age sensibility; there's more bebop in this series than just the spaceship of that name. In fact, because of the jazz sensibility, the episodes are called "sessions," as if the story were a mere accompaniment to a jazz jam. And maybe it is.

>Mostly, though, this series is for people who love good storytelling – and plenty of surprises in every episode. The glory of animation is that you can show things that otherwise could never exist, and the writers, artists and voice actors of Cowboy Bebop do an unforgettably good job.

>New copies of the complete series aren't cheap, but you can get used DVD sets for $50 to $70. Up to $400 if you want new.

>Parents, listen to your children about art. You'll hate a lot of things they like – that's why they like them. But by definition, they're cooler than you are, and some of the stuff they find will enrich your life. Culture is at its best when it's a two-way street.



>> No.8744477

>buy anime
Look at this faggot

>> No.8744486

>>8744477 faggot
>Orson Scott Card

>> No.8744513


That made me smile. It's always lovely when even people who shun one genre or another get to taste of the finest examples of it. It opens their eyes just a little. And besides, it's just a damn good series; glad to see people enjoying it

Also, I don't understand why people are bitching about the dub. It was actually pretty fucking amazing. Some consider it better in English than the original Japanese

>> No.8744516

>Some consider it better in English than the original Japanese
People who watched it when they were younger maybe

>> No.8744530


That really doesn't say anything of substance. I can listen to the dub to this day and agree it has excellent voice acting. I don't understand why you disagree, but I guess it comes down to taste

Please do understand, though, that Cowboy Bebop is heralded as an anime with one of the best English dubs ever for a reason, and no amount of "WELL THEY'RE WRONG CUZ I SAID SO" is going to change that

>> No.8744546

I didn't mean to imply I thought the dub was bad, sorry.

Actually you're completely right. Disregard me, I suck cock

>> No.8744552

congrats on not getting married

>> No.8744569

the name says everything you need to know about it.

>> No.8744571

The only reason /a/ doesn't like it is because they think it's 'Entry level shit'.

Which is retarded. By their reckoning Christmas cake is shit because it's an entry level cake.

>> No.8744579

You guys are gay for calling this show overrated. You know what's really overrated? Fucking EVA.

>> No.8744584

i'd rather watch naruto. i want /v/ and /a/ to leave.

>> No.8744586

I grew up with Evangelion and watch CB when I was younger and I still greatly enjoy both series.

>> No.8744597

I cannot enjoy popular things too much except if they're immensely good, like miyazaki stuff.
I kinda remember liking CB back then, but I'm cold about it now... it's too boring and mainstream to say you like it, everybody does.
I'm serious.

>> No.8744600

It was fun enough when I watched it, but I was younger and that was too many years ago.

>> No.8744924

/a/ watches new anime, /v/ watches old.

>> No.8747440
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ed is very cute....

>> No.8747450

Boring. Stopped watching it halfway.

>> No.8747451

I'd forgotten about that scene. Moe as fuck. I don't think I appreciated it as much back then.

>> No.8747472

It's good. /a/ has long since had shit taste.

>> No.8747482

Awesome soundtrack, awesome throwbacks to 70s cinema, awesome writing... It's one of the few titles that is popular for good reason. Though it's so mainstream that asking us about it is pretty insulting to our dedication to otaku culture.

>> No.8747649


Just helping boards bond with each other

>> No.8747652

I haven't been to /a/ in a long time but last time I was there it was widely considered to be a beloved classic, what happened?

>> No.8747654


Moefags took over the board

Before that, they were a minority

>> No.8747656


>> No.8747661

They've actually always been in the majority, but they were also able to appreciate good shows of genres other than the ones they typically prefer. It's sad to see that's apparently not the case anymore.

>> No.8747665

Samefag island.

>> No.8747667


But I'm talking the types of moefags that rage at anything with boys

>> No.8747669

I assume they just want to avoid talking about it since it brings in casuals and normals from other boards. /jp/ does the same thing with plenty of VNs.

>> No.8747671



>> No.8747674

Huh. I'm surprised that there are actually people like that. I'm pretty out of the loop; I've mostly just been watching anime on my own and avoiding the fandom for the past few years.

>> No.8747684
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This thread is becoming more and more /a/.

>> No.8747680
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those who enjoyed Lucky Star also enjoy Nichibros.
Probably because there are girls, too.

>> No.8747685


It's a reaction to people who praise shows like Cowboy Bebop to the heavens and then come to /a/ and bash newer shows.

Of course, there are probably fags who try their hardest to look like "true" Western otaku and hate on popular anime/non-"moe" shows to look cool. Just look at how the waifu shit have blown up there.

>> No.8747688

There was a time when Cowboy Bebop used to be considered "untrollable" in /a/. I'm glad that it got knocked off its sacred cow status, but to see it replaced with this "entry-level shit" position is every bit as, if not even more retarded.

>> No.8747689


This, Bebop is still treated as the finest piece of animated media to come from Japan by normalfags. /a/ doesn't think it's shit, but has disdain for the normalfags who compare every show's quality to it. No one wants to talk about an old show anyway, they've already done that a million times, /a/ is for new shows, not a nostalgia circlejerk.

>> No.8747693
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Cowboy Bebop? More like Cowgay Begay. Shitty music and plotless style-over-substance bullshit.

>> No.8747695

It's too mainstream now... but I did enjoy it. It was pretty fun and well-written, but also a bit linear(I don't know why did I get this feeling) which reminded me of KOTOR 2. I didn't pay much attention to the soundtrack, since I'm not really into jazz.

>> No.8747696


There isn't anyone like that outside of a very small Japanese minority, the anon you're replying to sounds like a disgruntled nostalgiafag from /a/.

>> No.8747710

I didn't think it was that great. It's one of those baby's first animes for western fans. Kind of like how Gundam Wing was the most popular Gundam in the west and lot's of people's first Gundam here.

>> No.8747910


Fun fact: 0080 War in the Pocket was the first Gundam series I actually sat down to finish

Kind of want to watch some of the others, especially 8th MS Team now

>> No.8747934

Too mainstream for the hipsters, and too old for the 12 yo who populate this board and others.

>> No.8747945

I want to punch you every time you post on /jp/,

>> No.8747986

It's the only series in which I can handle the dub. Some are as terrible as always, but I think that the main cast is well done.
