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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8736364 No.8736364 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/


this is a project im working on, and the protagonist, Mike "Trey" Stevens, is an Otaku

problem is, i dont know so much about the otaku culture in general, so can you guys please read through and tell me if its accurate or not?

thank you

ps. i also added an otaku radio station: kawaii radio 90.7

>> No.8736367

> i dont know so much about the otaku culture in general
> ps. i also added an otaku radio station: kawaii radio 90.7
This is either going to be very, very bad or very, very funny.

>> No.8736372

the reason why the protagonist is an otaku is for many reasons:
1. he is frowned upon by many people (funny, given that his friend is a model train nerd & his other friend is obsessed with the edmund fitzgerald)
2. it is unique & something you dont see everyday
3. it makes the protagonist more realistic, given that he has a pastime/hobby

and for the radio station, its mostly eurobeat

>> No.8736379

>kawaii radio 90.7

Tsurupettan all day.

>and for the radio station, its mostly eurobeat

Initial D OST, I guess?

>> No.8736378

Well I just read the character bio and I don't get in what way his hobbies go together. So he's taciturn and owns clubs and has promiscuous sex, but he also likes anime and games? How do those two things go together at all?

>> No.8736386
File: 184 KB, 1280x653, futo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at his past girlfriends. theyre kinda nuts...

the only song from initial d (to my knowledge) it "running in the 90s", which is kinda a popular universal image of eurobeat (to the people i know), similar to how people think of gangbanging when they hear rap-my friends think of drifting when they hear eurobeat

plus, trey's car is an in-game version of a modified AE68, just like in initial d-pic related

>> No.8736387
File: 76 KB, 800x375, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not kawaii enough.

>> No.8736393

This sounds obnoxious.

>> No.8736398
File: 64 KB, 1024x768, trey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets look into trey (pic related-its trey)'s mind

"that car looks sporty. plus, its a bmw. bmws arent japanese. no, i want a shitty japanese compact car just like in 'initial d' that i can modify with bodykits to make it even slower than it is designed to be"

>> No.8736404

I agree, but it might be fun. No offense OP but you sort of strike me as the person who likes writing lore but fails at implementing it. Though I would be happy to be proven wrong.

>> No.8736405

did you read the thing or did you just tl;dr it?

>> No.8736408

I actually read the whole thing, though I might have selectively ignored a few parts.

>> No.8736412

even the missions?

>> No.8736427
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>> No.8736429

"gotta be JUST LIKE initial d, otherwise im not cool"

>> No.8736432

Your kawaii radio should have more songs from Iditial D then. One isn't enough at all.
Don't forget to add some Touhou eurobeat like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bO1RYOfaV0

>> No.8736440
File: 174 KB, 600x576, baked touhous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that I think about it....
is there any touhou Reggae?

>> No.8736441

sure, ill look into your request. i just dont want every single song to be from initial d, ya know?

>> No.8736443

Here is a better idea. Scrap the whole Otaku thing and make a decent Yakuza simulator or something. I am not being a dick but it seems that you are aiming to create nothing more than a parody and to do that you have to know what you are doing and know how to do it correctly.

>> No.8736446

>i just dont want every single song to be from initial d, ya know?

Yeah, of course, that would be boring.

>> No.8736450

I can't think of a single reason why this would ever be a bad thing.

>> No.8736454

wheres the fun in that? the protagonist is supposed to be a dude who knows nothing about the criminal underworld apart from video games & anime being dragged down into it

its like if an entire radio station in gta 4 had nothing but elevator music-nobody would give a shit about it

>> No.8736463
File: 112 KB, 973x746, corean_otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His room should look something like this

>> No.8736465

That would be a significant improvement considering GTA4's music.

>> No.8736468

What the fuck is wrong with elevator music?

You might want to go with the Dragon Crisis ED, if you're looking for a typical catchy anime song.

>> No.8736473

sure, sounds good!

>> No.8736493

You know what would be great? The story about some gaijin ota in japan. You could visit akiba, nipponbashi, gope girls on a train, have problems with yakuza, beat up some right-wingers and shit. Or you could just be a 2D only man and date girls inside your PC. The main cities could be Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka. This kind of stuff would be great.

>> No.8736498

You could probably find something better by googling "otaku rooms".

>> No.8736503


you live in the suburbs of a cheap parody of washington dc

regardless, itll be full of anime figurines, hentai posters, & manga...manga everywhere

>> No.8736513

Sounds like a Travis Touchdown clone, OP.

>> No.8736518

who the fucks travis touchdown?

>> No.8736522


>> No.8736524

Never played No More Heroes, I see.

>> No.8736532

but then he would be too badass :(

everybody needs a weakness...

>> No.8736538

Original poster, you're an idiot.

>> No.8736539

I'm dumb, disregard my post.

>> No.8736544

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8736548

cant wait for this thread to die?

>> No.8736552

you idiot!

>> No.8736564

So really I don't get it. What do you think people will get out of your character other than him spouting generic catchphrases, having figs and all of that?

There is nothing remotely interesting about that at all and as people have pointed out was done already in No More Heroes.

>> No.8736578


>> No.8736581


Where do you think you are?

>> No.8736586
File: 41 KB, 381x380, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've done it.

>> No.8736590


never heard of no more heroes until about now

>> No.8736604
File: 59 KB, 444x444, 1332012091888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to /jp/!

get the fuck out/spoiler]

>> No.8736609

Here's a ``PRO TIP'':
If you open a spoiler tag for the last part of your post, you don't have to close it. 4chan does it automagically for you.

>> No.8736623

Anyway maybe you should focus your attention on everything else. I just skimmed through it out of curiosity and it sounds absolutely boring, full of shitty and unfunny stereotypes (It's funny because people jack off to anime, right?) and more importantly it has already been done before.

Why don't you ask >>>/v/ for ideas.

>> No.8736629


on my way

>> No.8736636



Thanks anon.

>> No.8736647


I'm not him but good job.
