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8722910 No.8722910 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ living arrangements thread.

My mother's marriage might end soon, in which case I'll probably share a shitty little apartment with her because we have no money. I may be forced to get a part-time job and stop gorging at the All-You-Can-NEET buffet. I am concerned about this. I recall hearing about other /jp/anon who live in apartments with their mom.

What am I going to be in for? Surely there are other anon in this situation.

>> No.8722915

> gorging at the All-You-Can-NEET buffet

Anyway, that sounds bad. How are you living now? Do you think you'll get your own room? Having an apartment might not be too different from living in a house together.

>> No.8722923

I have to work 40 hours a week to keep myself and my mom afloat economically. It's an awkward situation and frankly I hate sharing my money. I'm going to get a promotion soon though so hopefully I'll make enough to be able to move out on my own.

>> No.8722932

But then what will happen to your mom? Or is she just taking your money for the sake of it?

My mom basically charges my brother rent for staying in our house. She has since he was 18 and now he's 23. I'm 21 and have never worked a day on my life, so I feel sort of guilty.

>> No.8722944

Well she's swamped with my family's college debt and the government keeps taking from her paycheck so I have to use like half of my paycheck each week to meet bill requirements. I'm sure my other siblings will be able to carry her a bit, I just can't not support her while living under the same roof because massive guilt.

>> No.8722948

It's the same with me and my older sister.

I actually want to start looking for a job, I'm feeling better recently, and I think I can handle it, but I keep putting it off.

Like, I don't even have my resume written out.

Procrastination will be the death of me.

>> No.8722958


Not sure. I'd imagine I would get my own bedroom, yeah. Not sure though. I'm living in a big house right now, although I don't think any house would be big enough to get away from the issues that go on here.

I'm not going to have to support my mom like >>8722923 unfortunately has to, but I think I'd have to get a part-time job to help out with the bills. Sort of like rent, but more practical instead of just being a kind of freeter penalty.

I am looking forward to it in some ways though. It would be nice to not have to live in an abusive situation anymore. If I could get up, make food, go through the day and not be physically or emotionally attacked by anyone.

>> No.8722962

word of advice, exagerate and lie subtly all over your resume


>> No.8722966

your mom should be able to keep the house you live in, my mom has been through 2 divorces and she kept the house both times, of course she and you would have to get a job in order to stay there

>> No.8722978
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I'm getting kicked out in about a month, so I'm trying to find somewhere affordable to live.

While I have no income, I do have enough money saved up to sustain myself for at least a few months and sort shit out.

>> No.8722982

This. Not to get too much into it, but there's a whole subculture of women who lie through their teeth to get money/property/etc. through divorces. It should not be difficult.

>> No.8722983


Your mom sounds a lot wiser than mine.

>> No.8722991


>a whole subculture of women who lie through their teeth to get money/property/etc. through divorces.

In a way, isn't this the same as NEETs feigning autism for welfare?

Different motives, same methods.

>> No.8723000

The biggest issue for me is that I have university debts. I know there are a few drop-outs here: did you guys not take out loans or something?

I just took out the maximum amount the British government would pay me ("It's the best loan I'll ever get, so why not?") and now I'm about £8,000 in debt. I really don't even know how. That's a huge amount of money to me. If I got a full-time minimum wage job (pretty much the best I can hope for), that would be almost two-thirds of a year's wages.

It's a shame too, because I would really like a flat.

>> No.8723009


Though even if that were true, there's a difference between leeching welfare from the state and literally ruining someone's life because you're greedy and/or hate them.

>> No.8723012


You seem misinformed.

>If I got a full-time minimum wage job (pretty much the best I can hope for)

If you had a "minimum wage job" you wouldn't have to pay the loan back. I forget the exact figure, but you don't have to pay your student loan back until you're earning >£15,000 or something like that.

Unless dropping out makes it different?

>> No.8723016

Bitch I'm 24k in debt get on my level.

>> No.8723018


Like I said, different methods.

In both cases it's still ultimately a desire for free money to take it easy with.

>> No.8723034

No, that's true, but I want to pay it off. It might seem like there's no benefit in getting rid of it earlier, but I hate having it there. Maybe I'm obsessive-compulsive, but even if I earned £14,999 and didn't have to pay the 9%, I would try to pay it off as soon as I could. Just to be rid of it.

>> No.8723094


But... why? There's no obligation. It may as well not even be there until you start earning more.

>> No.8723126

Again, I think it might be more of a mental thing. I am completely tied to the state until I give them their money back. It will loom over any money I make, whether they take some of that or not.
Plus I haven't read all the terms and conditions, but it may restrict me in some ways. What if I wanted to move to a different country? What if I wanted to earn money through other means? What if I wanted to kill myself--would my next of kin then be in debt? etc.

>> No.8723184
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That feel when you have no one to talk to about your problems. No family (especially if they are the problem), no friends...

Why can't I hold all this sadness?

>> No.8723193


Fair enough.

If it's any consolation there are plenty of unemployed graduates out there with 3+ years worth of debt looming over them rather than 1.

>> No.8723309

You should create another email and write long letters to yourself as if you're talking to a dear friend or brother. That's what I do since I don't have anyone either. It feels good to just talk to someone and vent, even if that person is imaginary.

>> No.8723323

This sounds very pathetic, but not in a mocking kind of way. Just very depressing.

Doing it now.

>> No.8723345
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Well I keep a diary, which might be something like an offline version of that.
