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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8718772 No.8718772 [Reply] [Original]

Wanna play a game or something /jp/?

I am feeling bored as HELL

>> No.8718776
File: 76 KB, 399x478, 1 (154).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boku wa tomodachi etc
will there be a season 2?

>> No.8718779

We could draw together:

>> No.8718782

God please no

Sudo is awake

>> No.8718790

Maplestory anyone?

>> No.8718802

let's play /jp/...

>> No.8718815

If anyone's up for DotA2 I'd join for a game or two.

>> No.8718809

What server are you on?! Tell me!!

>> No.8718816

I don't have an account.

Could we play on the European servers?

>> No.8718824

Its pretty late over here but I'd play anything with you guys, do you have games on steam ort something ?
Something simple will do it.

>> No.8718827

killing floor maybe ?

mindless zombie killing.

world of tank & tribes ascend are fine too; or terra EU beta.

>> No.8718830

I just got my beta invite. Been playing against bots. I'm absolutely horrendous right now. It sucks to suck at a game

>> No.8718832

I have tera eu too, anyone else wanna grind together ?

>> No.8718838

Just keep at it. You grasp the basics eventually. If you're coming from LoL, just read up on abilities and mechanics and try to get used to the animations and more subtle stuff like fog, uphill vision etc.

>> No.8718837

Let's pick a random MMO or something and play with all of /jp/

>> No.8718843

wow vanilla private server

>> No.8718845

Ragnarok International server

>> No.8718851

Why is Ragnarok music so good?

>> No.8718868

These threads never work because /jp/ can't frigin agree on aone thing to play.

>> No.8718879


>> No.8718876

Someone should pick a game and shove it up our asses then

>> No.8718877

darkeden, japanese version.


slayer or outser is fine, vampire can't really play in group. open pvp almost everywhere, appart from safezones, pretty balanced.

>> No.8718887

yeah, no.

gameplay is boring to the max, and it's all grinding.

If I wanted grinding I'd play world of tanks

>> No.8718889

Wow, that takes me back. I wonder how much it's changed.

>> No.8718892
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, [Nicorip] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku - 09 [1280x720][E34B74A3].mp4_snapshot_10.45_[2012.03.12_22.06.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's play Blazblue.

>> No.8718895


Pick one

>> No.8718907

It should be something we can just pickup and play, no betas, no grindy stuff, no homo stuff

>> No.8718911


>> No.8718912

I tell you DarkEden you shitbitch.

second server, and slayer; unless you want to play outsers, but slayer do better in a party because their role is more defined, but outsers are cuter.

they added outser as a race, they added high level skill (past level 100) they added some items, and some skills.

though this is easier than old dark eden, xp rates are 15x or something

>> No.8718916

God no, terrible game that died with Scout patch.

>> No.8718924

That looks cool

>> No.8718941

Lets play Tribes together, /jp/!

You can pretty much start playing right away, though there are some things you won't be able to do, and the game is almost out of beta.

Oh, the learning curve might be just a tiny little steep for the first couple matches, but don't worry, you'll do just fine!

And you can go really fast.

What more do you need, really?

>> No.8718937

I'm all good for some fightan.

Please respond if you feel like playing with me.

>> No.8718954

A thousand lasthits

>> No.8718960

Shazbot sandrakers might like this game.

I found it kind of dull.

>> No.8718974

Tera online...

>> No.8718975
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dota 2

>> No.8718990

EU or NA ?

>> No.8719002


>> No.8719005


>> No.8719041


>> No.8719044

I want to play DotA 2 but everyone in the /jp/ lobby are ingame or afk. FUCK DIS SHIT

>> No.8719053
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>> No.8719054
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Maybe we can play Monster Hunter or something.

Wast there a new CFW that lets you do that without using the PS3 party something or that xlink something?.

>> No.8719056

dota2 thread?

>> No.8719065
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I miss you ):

>> No.8719076
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So..what, he killed himself?

>> No.8719083

Then you just didn't go fast enough.

>> No.8719094

You can do it with 5.5 prometheus and stuff as well, it isn't particularly new. It can be a pain in the ass to set up though.


xlink is also buggy from time to time; for example earlier today I was in a room where one person could see the other three people, but each of us could only see him (it looked like it was just us and him in the room). When we all tried to join his quest, it kicked us saying "communications error". So that was cool. But mostly it works pretty well, and it's better than the alternatives (playing actually ad-hoc, buying a ps3, buying a wi-fi adapter that works with the psp)

>> No.8719100

Looks like the downloads links aren't there, but they can easily be found with some googling.

>> No.8719117

I meant this dude.

Seems is still work in progress.

anyway, what Monster Hunter should i download?.

>> No.8719127

The only one I have any experience with is portable 3rd, but Freedom Unite is still quite popular. The early part of the game is best solo'd, though, I don't know if you were planning on hopping right into multiplayer or what.

>> No.8719129

Also, if that works it'd be great, I'm so tired of dealing with xlink's weird hiccups. I misunderstood your first post.

>> No.8719159

Anyone wanna play a co op game? Like maybe left 4 dead 2 or something

>> No.8719180


play genius of sapphiros. there's a thread about it floating around /jp/ right now. too lazy to find it however.

>> No.8719210

never played L4D2 appart from one game but I have it
I'll see how long it takes to download. about 30 mins should do it at most.

>> No.8719217


though I have killing floor installed.

wouldn't mind magika either.

too bad nobody wants to plat dark eden with me.

>> No.8719215

You will never play Megaman Online with /jp/ ;_;


>> No.8719227
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Minecraft server at

It was once bustling with activity, as you can probably tell from the large amount of structures. However it's rare to see people log on anymore


>> No.8719231

I loved darkeden and played the chinese version exhaustively back in the day. I'll gladly play with you! Let me set up a little bit.

First off, what level are you? And will you be willing to make a new character with me?

>> No.8719236

I'm sorry but I don't have enough patience to play untranslated MMOs...

>> No.8719247

I'm level 40ish healer and I don't mind restarting, it levels pretty fast.

>> No.8719261

I'm signing up for an account right now. Are we playing slayers? I never played ousters because they never seemed interesting. Played a male vampire and advanced him into his second sprite, that's as far as I got. Also played all kinds of slayers.

The game is actually really good, but slightly controversial due to all the random pvp going around, but that's also why I fell in love with it.

How are slayers now anyway?

>> No.8719258

Oh god, minecraft. That takes me back to the old days of Lego minecraft and not RPG minecraft. Hell, I'd forgotten how to install that game and the custom client that allowed you to fly and shit. Is that server the latest /jp/ server, or did you guys just decide to populate some other guy's server? Maybe I'll pay a visit.

>> No.8719262

I'm pretty bad at it, but I'll play Tribes or another free FPS if anybody wants to.

>> No.8719264

The guy who hosts it is a /jp/er I think. It's just privately hosted so don't expect the best connection, but it's not a laggy hellpit so don't worry about that.

The large grey towerlike structure has a /jp/ room.

>> No.8719266


>> No.8719270

I haven't played much recently either.

slayer were always better in group fights, and at higher level with resistance stuff.

outser are nice, a bit stronger tham vampire but more specialised.

I wouldn't mind playing all the race, but I really only played healer at high levels, also blader and gunner but only around level 100ish, and not with top gear.

Oh and if anyone wants to play tribes with me later and is EU based, add Traps.

>> No.8719280

Well to be honest I'm sick of blood draining as a vampire and/or massmobbing, and I've played slayers way too much already, so let's go with ousters. I had no idea what was going on with them since it was all in chinese. What's with the rocks and what's their specialty?

>> No.8719283

Please visit. I'm warmly waiting

>> No.8719303

teleport; cost 10 000 credit
which server and which of the 3 lobby of that server ?

my in game name will probably be テシンゴ

>> No.8719308

No idea. 400/914mb download.

>> No.8719319

ah ok.

well if you're ok we could use some third party communication device; I wouldn't want to spam this thread without the actual intent of shitposting. skype/steam/whatever, I also own a private mumble server, but I'm fine either way.

>> No.8719320

How about

>> No.8719332

Oh, I remember this game.
It's fun till everyone leaves.

>> No.8719337


Name is de-buddy
Just query me

>> No.8719341

oh so all the time?

>> No.8719344

Why are you not on the Sageru network?


>> No.8719347

I've never played more than 20 minute sin that game.
Everyone always leaves after 10 minutes. ):

>> No.8719350

Who cares? I don't use irc often, if at all. irchighway is pretty public usage.

>> No.8719359

No one is on now, so w/e

>> No.8719364

Everyone is anonymous in sageru

>> No.8719369

Kinda of odd seeing this kind of thread when i'm actually bored out of my mind...

If anyone wants to play anything or just chat, steam id in email field.

>> No.8719368

And is thus harder to identify for specific things. What's the use of joining then shouting WHO DARKEDEN HERE? WHO DARKEDEN HERE?

Just give them your name on irchighway and you don't have to bother anybody else.

>> No.8719648

What is this and how I didn't know about it.

>> No.8719661

wat a bitch

>> No.8719667

I came looking for warmth and all I found were monsters trying to murder me and darkness.

>> No.8719681

You took too long. Did you find the city?

>> No.8719800

Not the one you're replying to, but I'm still trying to figure out how get the new minecraft. That's what you guys are using, right? There being zombies and such. Oh and do I need a specific version to play, if ever?

>> No.8719834

Newest one. You have an account? You gotta buy it you know. I don't think this server is pirate friendly.

>> No.8719859

Someone get in here

>> No.8719891

Whoops, that tears it, then.
