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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 581 KB, 1000x851, 1323633188613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8710433 No.8710433 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of panties are you wearing today /jp/?

>> No.8710436

I'm going commando.

>> No.8710440

I plead the 5th

>> No.8710441
File: 100 KB, 500x375, born to frag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colorful with flowers and a bow....

>> No.8710453

The slutty kind

>> No.8710467
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This question keeps Saten up at night.

>> No.8710469

i'm wearing my homu panties

>> No.8710478

All day everyday.

>> No.8710503

None, but I wish to wear a pair. Preferably pink.

>> No.8710507

Do they sell cute panties in thrift stores?

>> No.8710509

But she's asleep.

>> No.8710520
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>> No.8710526

What kind of panties hides a cute cock best?

>> No.8710527

I don't own any.

Because I wouldn't be able to buy them without getting embarrassed.

>> No.8710532
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>> No.8710538

Pink with black polkadots.

>> No.8710543
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>> No.8710549



>> No.8710559

I am afraid I will have to ask for source on that good sir. idqb gives nothing.

Also I wonder what it would be like to wear spats

>> No.8710565

None. I never seem to have enough underwear, so half the time I don't wear any. Probably been eaten by the mess on my floor.

>> No.8710566

is it lewd that I like to take my bra and panties off at the end of the day and just where shorts and a t-shirt?

>> No.8710576

They're not spats, they're bike shorts. Spats are something else entirely.

It's kinda fun actually, a little restrictive but not where it would be uncomfortable. Double neat under a skirt.

>> No.8710602

Lewd orange thong.

>> No.8710605


>> No.8710612

I take off my pants and socks at the end of the day and weekends too, but that's just to get easier access to my penis and masturbate the moment urge strikes.

>and just where shorts

>> No.8710613

too revealing

>> No.8710616


>> No.8710637


pics pls

>> No.8710647

just some plain old panties, they're blue with some kind paisley pattern

I'm sad my green and white striped panties got a tear in them, they were my favorite

>> No.8710648

How can I tell if a dress will look good on me without trying it on?

>> No.8710654

Source for this?

>> No.8710692

What a silly question anon-kun. Just try it and see!

>> No.8710724

I would suck your dick if you are wearing panties

>> No.8710731
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You should wear something more modest

>> No.8710729

Would you wear panties if I sucked you cock?

>> No.8710739

What type of panties would you want me to wear anon?

>> No.8710757



>> No.8710761

It is amazing how badly drawn that picture is.

>> No.8710775

I don't wear panties because I have a dick and I usually get a boner if I put them on and there is simple no room in cute panties for a boner. I wish I had a vagina though so I could wear them.

>> No.8710779
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There's always worse.

>> No.8710784

How do you find the right size?

>> No.8710786

Still, I wish I had a lifetime supply of those.

>> No.8710809

God I don't know what it is but I am only gay for you /jp/ers. You all seem so moe.

>> No.8710815

That's pretty common. Just don't try to make any sort of contact with /jp/ers outside of /jp/ or you'll soon realize the hideous truth about our personality and looks. Trust me, its much better to keep us to your imagination.

>> No.8710813

>God I don't know what it is but I am only gay for you /jp/ers.

>> No.8710818

We are soulmates here~

>> No.8710828

How is that narcissistic?

>> No.8710833

what the fuck is that tag supposed to mean? is 万乗 some codeword for tiny ribbon?

>> No.8710836
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1330348138083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see a handsome /jp/ anon, then that's a warning to be ten times as careful, probably full crazy psychos. If both ugly and crazy, then they use tripcodes like sparky.

>> No.8710837
File: 112 KB, 376x376, ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohoho, you just put my panties on and you're already like this? It's poking out the top so lewdly.

>> No.8710840

Every single person from /jp/ that I've met has been psychotic or schizophrenic in some way. Why is /jp/ so full of mental illnesses?

>> No.8710845

Care to go into detail? I want to live through your experiences.

>> No.8710854 [DELETED] 

B-But I though /jp/ people could be good friends.

>> No.8710851

I don't wear underwear. I wonder if I should buy some panties for masturbation.

>> No.8710860

I'm not and I thought it would be cool to meetup with you guys.

>> No.8710857

You mean actual schizophrenia or what everyone thinks that schizophrenia is?

>> No.8710865
File: 402 KB, 800x800, 0553f12d1e4f362315a5c47374f14dd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are my favorite asylum. Always switching between orderlies and patients

>> No.8710874

I'm not wearing any.

>> No.8710877

I doubt it. /jp/ is plagued with social disorders, not anything medical like Schizophrenia. You should not throw around tags and labels you don't understand like that.

>> No.8710894

There's no such thing as a social disorder. You're not born with social skills, you learn them. Asperger's is caused by too much internet, not enough parenting. Notice how it's usually single parents who have Asperger's children?

>> No.8710909

>There's no such thing as a social disorder. You're not born with social skills, you learn them.

A disorder caused by lack of social skills.

>> No.8710915

A lack of social skills doesn't magically cause hormones in your brain to become imbalanced.

People with schizophrenia, bipolar, sociopathic disorders, etc. have legitimate medical problems that need medication, people with Asperger's just need to join the marines.

>> No.8710917

I'm wearing short bloomers, they are the most comfortable underwear i've worn ever

>> No.8710918

Nobody argued with you that it is impossible to aquire social disorders, but I wouldn't stop calling them social disorders because of that

>> No.8710934

Language is a powerful thing, when you call something a "social disorder" you're making some pretty strong implications about the people you're describing. That it's a medical condition (it's not), that they can't really help it (they can), etc.

I've met some science/engineering types who I could tell were legit autistic, that their brains just weren't like normal people's. And I respect them because they really CAN'T help it, but they do the best they can with what God's given 'em. But the "Asperger's" I've met were just punk-ass fatbodies who would have benefitted greatly from a boot in the ass. These are the people I can't respect, because they CAN change but they refuse to even try, because of what someone else has told them they are.

>> No.8710935

Aspergers isn't the only problem on /jp/ regardless. If you check the kinds of things people argue here, I'd place it more on heavy Paranoia, depression, obsessiveness, and dependencies.

I'd like to say very few people here actually fall under autism spectrum disorders.

>> No.8710954

EVERYONE falls under a fucking spectrum disorder these days. It's psychiatry's biggest cash cow since ADD. Seems the most important color in the autism spectrum is green.

>> No.8710956

that may be true in the classical sense of medical disorders, but these days that term is used to demonize anything someone with enough money wants to. In other cases, even removed from the DSM for their plans to undermine society.

>their brains just weren't like normal people's. And I respect them because they really CAN'T help it

Yet homosexuality isn't a mental disorder, and there has been a push to make Racism or antisemitism one.

You know who's responsible for this right?

>> No.8710958
File: 179 KB, 1000x1067, ASSBURGERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has

>> No.8710964

The first person I ever really became "friends" with from /jp/ still hasn't left me alone. We were on a /jp/-related IRC channel and were left alone one night and although he usually never said anything, he ended up opening up to me that whole night about his problems; he had a fucked up family life where his single dad was an abusive alcoholic and how his mom died at an early age. He dropped out of High School and went to the psyche ward once after attempting to commit suicide by pills.

Anyway, I felt bad for him and thought it would be okay if we talked online sometimes about anime and touhou since he was boring and literally did not do anything. This was apparently the first time anyone paid attention to him because he became extremely clingy quickly. He would start confessing weird stuff he was doing like how he masturbated with panties on and all kinds of things stuck up his asshole (which is typical /jp/ fare but I honestly did not expect someone to just talk about it when they're not here posting anonymously) and how he did it while thinking of me. I pretended he was joking but I'm pretty sure he wasn't.

He'd do all kinds of other crazy things including cutting his arms and showing me pictures when I wasn't on for a day or two and begging me to never leave him. He confessed his love to me a couple of times even though I told him I wasn't gay, and he wasn't even a trap (or at least didn't look anything like a girl yet, he was gender confused). There was another person from /jp/ I know who's a trap but he/she still goes here frequently, I imagine. They had a host of mental problems too, probably compounded from being fairly old and still haven't gone through HRT, and a third trap I know from IRC who's fucking annoying and always spams pictures of his/her fat ass.

Actually, thinking about it, I think most of these problems probably stem from being so sexually lost.

>> No.8710981

>>8710956 homosexuality isn't a mental disorder, and there has been a push to make Racism or antisemitism one
Of course, it's all politics. There's a reason less and less people are taking psychiatrics seriously these days.

Psychiatry is deeply entrenched in traditions of misogyny. Hans Asperger invented his syndrome to discourage women from taking an active role in a child's upbringing; it's all Freud-era sexist bullshit. Psychiatry is like religion, it's just another tool used to enforce whatever cultural ideals are currently dominant.

>> No.8710985

That sounds like an opportunity to me. Take him in and make him clean your dishes.

>> No.8710986

I'm glad we have /jp/ where most people wouldn't look down on such behaviour.
It's no secret that barely anyone here is normal, but it's impressive how /jp/ has become a safe haven for people who would be shunned in the society

>> No.8711006
File: 25 KB, 461x350, 1322860661549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things never fail to entertain. Offboard interaction between /jp/ers is always bound to end up a train wreck. From meru dragging her fat everywhere, to that rita psycho last week.

Make more meetups /jp/, I feast on this.

>> No.8711007
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 1319197523776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love /jp/.

>> No.8711013
File: 298 KB, 843x848, ==1323049655324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye love you /jp/

>> No.8711017

Why are panties so expensive?

>> No.8711019

Aren't they going to read this, anon?

>> No.8711021

I don't think what actual schizophrenia entails, but the guy I talked about was extremely paranoid and made me reassure him that I'll never leave him. He was afraid I would hate him too, so he'd harm himself in response while asking why I hated him so much and why I was "emotionally abusing" him like his dad.
There is no way in hell I am "taking him in." I live alone in a university dorm and they wouldn't allow it, but more than that he would become far more obsessive than he already is. He doesn't know what I look like but he always calls me handsome and beautiful.
I don't look down on weird or strange behaviour but the people I've met have been downright mentally ill. A lot of them are also naive about the world because they've been shut-ins their entire lives and dream about unrealistic scenarios where they meet some pretty boy or girl who will take care of them for the rest of their lives and make them better. I really don't want to be that role but the kind of loneliness people from /jp/ suffer from doesn't allow for ordinary friendship.

>> No.8711027

This sounds dangerous.

>> No.8711029

Taking care of a sick person can be very rewarding.
At least consider it after you move to your own place.

>> No.8711036

>meet some pretty boy or girl who will take care of them for the rest of their lives and make them better.
I want to take care of a pretty boy or girl though, that would give me purpose of sorts.

>> No.8711038

It's funny that you say that, because I've met good friends here on /jp/ and also someone who is willing to accept my obsessive begaviour and takes care of me.
I'm sort if like that person you have described, except for the fact that I have to maintain the facade of not being a emitional trainwreck even though I used to often feel lije hurting myself.
I'd say your example is a bit more extreme than me though

>> No.8711043

there's generally a degree of maintenance needed to be pretty in the first place. You need a fixer-upper, something to doll up and shine real nice

>> No.8711050

I just want try giving a blowjob

>> No.8711054

One of them is diet. If you're trying to be a cute trap and you're eating junk food and such, you should cut that shit out and go to fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.
Not to health foods specifically, those are a bunch of crap. Just vegetables, less fats and sugars, eat fruit, etc etc.

>> No.8711059
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>> No.8711060
File: 119 KB, 850x708, sample-dfb3e6259d0997505c0654f45081e8e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>A lot of them are also naive about the world because they've been shut-ins their entire lives and dream about unrealistic scenarios.

I truly feel for you. Nothing against them but I would prefer my time and space more over taking care of as if they a child. But that is not to say I don't help my friends I'm just not your knight in shinnying armor no matter how glorious and glided it my armor seems.

>> No.8711069

I actually considered taking in a female /jp/er since I have more than enough income to support the two of us.
But I kept worrying about stuff like her becoming entirely dependent on me, her becoming even more reclusive than she is now, me becoming jealous of the financial inequality and going crazy, me not being able to help her with her problems, worrying about whether it would actually be a good thing for her, etc.

I just don't think such a thing would work out.

>> No.8711073

I just want someone who will be extremely dependent and subservient to me. To dominate them in every aspect of life and them being like a cute puppy loving me for taking care of them would be the best.

The opposite of >>8711060, really.

Most people overvalue their independence though, so that wouldn't really work out so well. Even then, they would accept things like being fed, clothed, and housed for free, but turn around and tell me they don't want to wear this dress today, or don't like getting hit.

>> No.8711074

Hit up Craigslist? Or is part of the appeal the fantasy that you're sucking on a virgin looser /jp/sie's desensitized penis?

>> No.8711078
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>>A lot of them are also naive about the world because they've been shut-ins their entire lives and dream about unrealistic scenarios.

I truly feel for you. Nothing against them but I would prefer my time and space more over taking care someone else as if they were a child. But that is not to say I don't help my friends I'm just not your knight in shinnying armor no matter how glorious and glided my armor seems.

>> No.8711081

>and dream about unrealistic scenarios
Such as not being alone.

>> No.8711082

Many of you will act perfectly fine, snarky, cute, and witty on /jp/. When it gets too personal, then comes down the clamp of neediness and desperation, becoming passive aggressive assholes.

>> No.8711085

bad idea

>> No.8711099

I'm that person, as long as you promise to love me I will do everything and always obey just to make you happy.
Even if that means that you will hurt me physicslly or emotionally

I already have a owner though, and I bet he takes better care of me than you ever could

>> No.8711106

Well good for you.
One less person that'll kill himself.

>> No.8711107

If this thread lasts into tomorrow, it's possible. But he's so far gone that it doesn't really matter what I say about him, or even to him. I've told him in no polite words that he needs to cut this shit out but every time he's gone back to being like this. Sad to say, I think he's been conditioned for abuse, but it's not as if he'll seek help even if I try to convince him. The cruelest thing I could possibly do is change my IRC handle and never speak to him again, but I can't do that because I know there is a strong chance he'll commit suicide over it.
I don't think you understand. There is nothing cute or rewarding about a mentally ill person like this. This isn't something that can be "taken care of" by another ordinary person. It requires professional help and medical attention which he won't do.
No you don't. You're falling into the same spectrum of naivety, only on the other end. Also, though I haven't mentioned it yet, the people from /jp/ who I've seen real pictures of have all been rather ugly, especially the "traps" (which really just look like men in drag). I think the concept of /jp/ being moe is just something that exists because people don't know the ugly truth.
That's good for you, I guess. Just realize it's going to be extremely difficult for two people from /jp/ to make their "relationship" work, and that means financially, physically, and emotionally.

>> No.8711114

So the conclusion is that there really is no hope.

>> No.8711123 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 473x555, 1154925292680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see the appeal in it! Domination and Submissive play has always been a fetish of mine.
But I never really thought of doing it in the way you described.

>> No.8711125

>>me not being able to help her with her problems, worrying about whether it would actually be a good thing for her, etc.

It kinda really sucks when you can't help your close (crazy moe) /jp/er friends with their problems. All you can do is continue being their friend I guess.

>> No.8711127

Well, obviously the attractive moe ones don't post pics unless they want creepy obsessive stalkers.

>> No.8711128

>the people from /jp/ who I've seen real pictures of have all been rather ugly,

This guy was attractive, and I'm not really into dudes.

>> No.8711130

Of course /jp/ could never be as moe as a 2D, but some come pretty close.

>> No.8711132

/jp/ - every color of messed up under the sun

>> No.8711136
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where are you and where have you been all of my life.

>> No.8711139
File: 1.61 MB, 827x1178, 7e5df817c3b1ed5a75a2568cfcb0c7c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is hope but for most of the people on /jp/ it hard to build up strong bonds due to trust issues and even harder to keep due to paranoia.

>> No.8711138
File: 152 KB, 720x900, 9847bc9387ce5f90cc4e13bf80afd3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already mentioned it before, but I want someone to treat like a dog. Feed you flax seeds to keep your head of hair lush and shiny of course.

Cat girls are too aloof. Dogs however, can understand true love.

>> No.8711141

I have learned how difficult it is for me to be in love with someone in previous relationships and I realize it will be difficult.
Before meeting him I never wanted to love again because I was better off without this stress.
It took me a long internal conflict to realize that the trouble will be most likely worth it with him.
Life is never really easy either way, and if it was it would be too boring
Heck, and after all I don't really have anything to lose

I'll just try to lead this crazy life with no regard for normality or fear of the future.

>> No.8711151

Would you leash her? Would you make her stay on all fours? Would you allow her to wear clothes? Would you keep her in a kennel at night?

>> No.8711157
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, 1311836765525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A good portion of /jp/ also are /d/,/g/,and /lit/ users.

>> No.8711175

How did you find a female /jp/er? All I know are boys and desperate attention whores everyone else on /jp/ knows about. I wish I could have a cute /jp/ girl to dote on...

>> No.8711184

This thread is going places fast.

>> No.8711179
File: 149 KB, 400x1154, 1329931744379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leash and all fours are fairly obvious yes. Clothes really depend. Some days I might feel like making her wear silly clothes, others not. A kennel seems very silly, I wouldn't want them to get sick outside or get roughed up like that. Need to keep delicate for my use.

Years ago I came across a guide to keep human pets, and how you could give yours a journal to write their day in, and what kind of things they want. Once a day she would bring the notebook in her mouth to the master, and he could read it. That way she never has to talk either, just listen to commands.

The whole thing is a tad farfetched, but it's an ideal in my head anyhow.

>> No.8711183

> I wish I could have a cute /jp/ girl to dote on...
That is exactly what they want you to do. That and fight over them for attention. Truly a disgusting creature, pay them no heed.

>> No.8711200

My fantasies usually revolve around being a dominant force in an intimate situation. For example; pushing your head into the pillow (sideways, so no suffocation- that's not the point) while I move my dick in and out of your ass and getting you to beg me to make you pregnant. I would want them to be completely mine during the 30 or so minutes of coitus. For relationship fantasies, I just want the normal stuff. Cuddling on the sofa watching some film, sleeping in the same bed, stuff like that.

>> No.8711214

Dick in ass is gross.

>> No.8711218

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8711229

They didn't post pictures, they showed me personally after we got to know each other. It's difficult telling them "sorry, but you're actually ugly" when they ask if they look cute or whatever.
Like I said, it's a nice thought and all, but it's typically delusional and naive, especially for /jp/ who has no experience in anything at all. The people I've met on, say, /a/, tend to be younger but more realistic and "normal," as opposed to the older crowd here that is sheltered and completely lost in fantasy. Anyway, good luck, I guess. I'm assuming you're gay, which probably makes things a lot easier if you plan to "date" someone from /jp/.

>> No.8711233

plain white ones.

>> No.8711236

Well, without delusions I would have killed myself long ago.
Anyways, thanks for your concern

>> No.8711239

Aren't we all delusional?
Dating is too much.

>> No.8711243

I think that rather than the shut-in environment causing the naivete, it's more that more people are naive than not. I know a lot of normals who are amazingly naive in certain ways, it sort of frustrates me.

>> No.8711262

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8711265


Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Experience. I see you only go for the super Alpha older and experienced crowd. I mean seriously, there are people on /jp/ who have no experience in sex either!!! How pathetic!!

>> No.8711278
File: 92 KB, 600x600, homu031756-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i'm wearing my homu panties

>> No.8711280


>> No.8711284

i hope your real proud of youreself...

>> No.8711285

I wouldn't say naive in the way that you're implying.


I read this and thought of /jp/. You guys might like it, so a bump.

>> No.8711291
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>> No.8711299

What kind of dress would give off girly curves and hide my masculine bulk?
Is there any hope?

>> No.8711304
File: 77 KB, 400x400, 0a922d007aee074445c208637136c358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are great and all, but 2d or bust

>> No.8711308

Even gays hate you.

>> No.8711321

Reading before going to bed and was hoping for a different direction on the thread...

I'll put in my 2cents at least.

I have someone who for a while was really emotionally dependent on me. Not obsessed, just using me as an emotional teddy bear. Wanted to be a girly guy, gay.

Actually offered me to have sex with him while he was dressed as a girl. I cybered a few times (first person I ever did it with) and I was really questioning myself because I hadn't been in a relationship before.

But, I took steps back and rethought what was really happening. He's not stable. He lives at home, isn't motivated, and it literally waiting for someone to come and fix his problems from his shit family (Who he incites to get angry at him), won't take responsibility for anything, and lashes out quickly without concern for others. I think some people can imagine the sort of person he is.
On the other hand he is honest, open, and really horny. I want to help him and I think he is a good person, but I can't see his life getting better until he takes charge of it. He just latches onto internet boyfriends he meets on the internet. It's pretty depressing.

I ended up not doing anything and keep in occasional contact still. It was weird because I was partly in a situation where I might have offered a place to stay for a while, but it wouldn't really be a relationship that was sustainable. Just... like sex for a person who has no plans for the future, and that felt really really bad to me on the inside although it felt tempting to have a half asian maid ready at home for dick sucking and sex who'd be face down on the bed telling me to cum inside... fuck. Goddam penis why do I have to fight you.

>> No.8711322

The only people that matter are on /jp/. I don't care what some non-/jp/ AIDS homo thinks of me.

>> No.8711356

You people who have /jp/ boyfriends are so ungrateful. I'd do anything to have a pretty /jp/ boy dress up as a girl for me so we could cuddle and watch anime.

>> No.8711361

please respond

>> No.8711365
File: 2.38 MB, 480x270, chihaya happy cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, this is just like my yaoi manga.

>> No.8711367

No one said they were pretty.
Sorry bud.

>> No.8711371

Would you be willing to wear pretty dresses on occasion as well? I certainly would prefer wearing the skirt in a relationship, but variety is important!

>> No.8711384

I've been wondering a lot lately if /jp/ers being moe is just an online thing, or if it can apply to actual meetups or not. I've met up with /jp/ers on a couple of occasions, although we haven't done anything gay. Meetups have always been fun though.

I agree with the people who say "I'm only gay for /jp/ers"; when I think lewd thoughts about /jp/ers, it's because of them and I being part of the same community and whatnot, not because I'm necessarily attracted to men. I don't consider myself gay, as I usually only jerk off to 2D and 3D straight porn. But when I see dick sucking threads on /jp/, I can't help but get excited.

I often think that I'd like to meet up with a /jp/er for sex, but I don't know how I'd get around the barrier of non-Anonymity when talking to a /jp/er in real life about this sort of thing. Maybe alcohol would do it, lots and lots of alcohol.

>> No.8711399
File: 236 KB, 500x703, 1328238922255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does this paranoid-schizoid sort of personality emerge? I can't help but recollect some sort of eva interp on otaku tendencies--to give a parallel, the desire for closeness with a /jp/sie feels like the entrance of the kaworu~ character, someone who "understands" the mc and gives unconditional, undying (lol) love to them.

There's the self-debasement and insecurities, probably enabled by this envisioned barrier between the self and the surrounding "world" and the urge to break down these barriers so that there will be some sort of "true" relation.

A lot of the time I'm inclined to have the kneejerk thought that my personality is the entirely the product of being a "sheltered child" and being brought up to think I'm different or special or have to follow some way of life in order to not be rejected from the human stock--go to college and live somehow through grades and recommendations. I don't quite know exactly where parental suggestion and upbringing effects stopped and self-deluding myself into certain things which if I thought about for a minute would immediately find ridiculous--but ultimately they are also "ways to live" or "raison d'etre"s.

I want to escape this cruel series of obsessions and compulsions, and I wonder if it's possible to just live--can a human being do that? This desperation seems to have its root in my fear of a failure destined to repeat itself throughout every manifestation in my life--no, it isn't even the failure but the endless entrapment in a sort of "dead end" scenario which is all too familiar.

I relied in the past on such inevitability, now a subtle change of fate has made such inevitability my waking nightmare.

>> No.8711424

I'm the same way. I think it's because it's easier to relate /jp/ like people to 'pure' 2D as opposed to corrupted sluts.
I can't believe I typed that.
I think you're over thinking a bit much and I didn't entirely get what you were saying.

Short version to me is that these people stay sheltered in their own interests and push away other things and expect everything to fall in line for them.

It doesn't work that way.

>> No.8711430

As much as I want someone from /jp/ to love, boy or girl, I really can't deal with the type of person the average /jp/sie is. They're weak, emotional, passive aggressiveness, and submissive. What I want is someone passionate and happy, especially about themselves. And if there's something they don't like, they'd do everything to change their circumstances. Someone who isn't afraid to change or fight or be truthful...that kind of person would be someone I'd like to be with, if they had /jp/-related interests and understood that I'm actually closer to the average /jp/sie myself...but this isn't the kind of place that attracts honest and strong-minded people. Everyone is so hikki and desperate, it's really depressing.

>> No.8711432

bloomers would be nice but the closest I'd have to pantsu are purple bikini briefs

oh yeah a healthy diet and exercise is good--get your daily fruits and veggies, oats and pb, do your squats but make sure to keep up with aerobic stuffs too and don't worry about doing everything all at once

spa treatments and massage and stuff is nice too, take care of yourself /jp/

(since there's no one else who can)

>> No.8711451

It's bad to generalize, Anon. Not everyone is a sad sack.

>> No.8711461
File: 973 KB, 1000x1000, 6a48b49635b65386a58673b8b380994a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the longest time I thought about this, but it just doesn't seem feasible outside of 2D.

>> No.8711460

Holy crap Anon, your rambling sounds exactly like I did about 8 or 9 years ago. I know that feel, bro, I really do.

Somehow, I was able to get over my worries about "AT fields" between me and the rest of the world, and learn to just take it easy. Like, I'd always known that's what I should do, but I couldn't really do it because I only understood it logically, not on an emotional level.

I do have to admit that I've never been able to really break the barrier between myself and the surrounding real world, but I've gotten to the point that it doesn't really matter anymore. A large part of that is knowing that I have boards like /jp/ to post on, because when posting here, I feel like I'm completely free to do and say whatever I want.

I would say though that since I've stopped worrying so much about social interaction, I've gotten better at it. I still wouldn't consider myself a very social person, but I've gotten to the point where I feel like I can socialize fairly well with mainstream nerds and weeaboos, which is a step at least. I still don't really like talking to "normal" people much, but I currently have a job in which I don't really have to interact with normal people that often.

I realize that it's quite silly to separate subculture people and normal people the way I do, but it's one way of dealing with social interaction that I've kind of figured out; I can't deal with being social with everyone, so I just pick and choose people who seem like they're a part of my "otaku culture", and interact with them.

Sorry if this blog post doesn't make any sense right now by the way, I'm very drunk at the moment.

>> No.8711471

>>8711321 Here
I swing by on occasion, maybe twice a week before I go to bed.
I'd say I fit that, but sadly I'm 6' and have broad shoulders.

>> No.8711508
File: 15 KB, 450x339, 048eR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of my very unattractive pantsu

>> No.8711545

You can't say everyone on /jp/ is like that. /jp/ may be fucked up and have similar degrees of fucked-upness, but there isn't any sweeping qualifier you could use. I've known people from /jp/ who acted very charismatic, intelligent and passionate but turned out to be incredibly manipulative and abusive with an inflated ego and sense of grandiosity. One in particular had sociopathic tendencies and emotionally blackmailed me with suicide multiple times but I couldn't refuse him for the longest time. He was really sweet when he could be, and a lot of his problems weren't his fault, but he was too sadistic. I prefer gentle people who don't mind my being shy or passive.

>> No.8711593

My pantsu are pink and frilly.

>> No.8711842

/jp/ - women's underwear and clinical psychology

>> No.8711999 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 850x529, sample-1c7fb36c375b415cb4a10464a1b095ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly anon your generalizing /jp/er quite bad. We some people won't open up even if you asked and everyone has different motivations for things. The emotion part is more so about trust issue but it can be over come with just being persistence. But most /jp/ers have a face for almost anybody or either put up and uninterested fancied.

>> No.8712024
File: 617 KB, 521x800, b7c20f40c7a79c3077f2522987a5422d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly anon your generalizing /jp/er quite bad.You can’t expect everyone to open up even if you asked and everyone has different motivations for things. The emotion part is more about trust issue but it can be overcome with just being persistence. But most /jp/ers have a face for almost anybody or either put up and uninterested fancied.

>> No.8712050

Reading this thread reminds me that while I'm a psycho by most people standards, I'm still a zen master compared to some of the people here.

>> No.8712092
File: 23 KB, 344x135, 1309949570861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kind of people

>> No.8712099

Tell me, armchair head shrinks, why is it that /jp/'s need for companionship is expressed so largely through sexual means?

I mean more traditionally, than recently however. No need to worry overmuch about what the offboarders do or say.

>> No.8712109

it's just skinship, skinship~

>> No.8712117
File: 12 KB, 200x200, firaeveus-carron-foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8712239

After you wear them for awhile you get used to it. Try to ignore the urge and do something totally distracting. For example, I play dota2. I even had a rotar down there, and I didn't pop a hard on.

>> No.8712243

What's this?

>> No.8712249
File: 68 KB, 400x300, 1_1285751106_m_t7DSv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my bad. An egg vibrator.

>> No.8712251

Well there's not much choice when your fantasies involve traps.

>> No.8712318
File: 19 KB, 500x300, Affection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the people meeting these yandere /jp/ anons such fucking assholes?

>> No.8712315

/jp/ is also disappointed romantics general

>> No.8712322

Too much H manga and doujins. That seems to be the primary source of love stories read on here. It's also something like snuggling taken a step further.
Many anons here are also just out of highschool age, so their libido is really high as well.

>> No.8712370

Convenient way of killing two birds with one stone. And I do so love the before/after sex type snuggling.

>> No.8712392

There is no hope.

>> No.8712447

I've never snuggled or had sex before, I don't think you have either. Cuddling is something I masturbate to though. Snuggling and kissing under covers.

>> No.8712469

Course I haven't. But you can at least find H manga/pictures with such a thing. And yeah they're lovely.

>> No.8712874

Share to tell some of them?

>> No.8712879

Check for an artist that goes by the name Tololi. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.8712898


>> No.8712929
File: 114 KB, 480x640, 1317894962736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ware panties, I ware diapers.

>> No.8712981

im wearing my hatsune miku striped shinampan... nice cute and tight

>> No.8713020

Am I right in thinking that OPs picture is Patchouli Knowledge?

It's the right style for her and the part of the dress you can see does seem to suggest so but...

>> No.8713025


How new are you?

>> No.8713630

Do they come in large?

>> No.8713644


What a cute shirt

>> No.8713689


I wish I made friends over 4chan, I'm sure there are a few people I could manage to be friends with.

>> No.8713713

Are you a trap?

>> No.8713719
File: 622 KB, 2981x4564, Kamei_Hatachi052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its never too late anon, you still got a few days left

>> No.8713718

I would befriend you

>> No.8713723

Why a few days?

>> No.8713741
File: 868 KB, 3346x4671, Kamei_Hatachi004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant tell you now, it wouldn't be a surprise later.
but its something big for /jp/

>> No.8713755

yes, i think you're correct
you can always use iqdb to reverse search the image
it would take your to one of the boorus where you) can look at the tags
please enjoy your stay at /jp/ !

>> No.8713768
File: 103 KB, 800x600, addab503474803f07ccac59c34513034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danbooru has a few pools that include happy cuddly lovemakey stuff, check The Morning After for a start. http://danbooru.donmai.us/pool/show/1700

>> No.8713777

Been here for years, and /jp/ still scares the shit out of me sometimes.

And fuck you OP and your picture, I just got home and I need to fap already.

>> No.8713787

Wow, I feel way better about myself after reading this thread.

Even if I'm not normal, I'm not completely gone and I'm working to make my life better. Reading all of this is kind of depressing, but also motivating. So many of these little stories seem like my life until there's something that doesn't fit and mine is actually better.

Thanks for that. I'm a little less worried now. And I hope that none of you worry too much about your lives either.

>> No.8713799

I can't stand the thought of meeting any of you or getting to know you individually. Everyone ends up being disgusting if you know enough about them. Because I don't know any of you, I can care about all of you.

>> No.8713810

I'm a little girl

>> No.8713861


I care about you too, anon.

>> No.8713941


But I don't know if we have enough things in common for us to actually be friends. I wouldn't want someone on /jp/ to hate me

>> No.8713942

You do realize half people here are trolling about wearing panties right?

>> No.8713946

Did you have romantic relationship with him? Also I am sweet and prefer shy people you should talk to me.

>> No.8713948


Does that count as at least one thing we have in common?

>> No.8713956

Scared at this thread? what?? it's pretty interesting and I even got a boner from a couple of posts.
But I have some cognitive dissonance here... I kind of always thought people here are way more normal than they pretend. But maybe it's me projecting: I can pass for a normalfag perfectly well and I do so daily. I'm good at small talk, I have a job and can socialize pretty decently. I am pretty knowledgeable about normalfag things. I look like a healthy young male and I am cheery and witty, joking about everything. Even though I am a cynic bitter bastard inside, I do my best to be positive around people and help.
If I were to attend a jp meetup, I'd be really dissapointing. I can't take my normalfag shields off, specially around strangers.
I assume everyone here to be like that, but that may not be the case
I fantasize about ejaculating inside a cute trap from jp, or inside a hot 2d loli like suwako. I play obscure Japanese videogames, daydream about touhou, watch weird niconicos and play disgustingly weeaboo music.
I don't go out much, I've been a true neet hikki sometimes, and i am a virgin. But nobody knows this.
Please be my girlfriend, anon, I don't care if you're a guy ;_;

>> No.8713964


>> No.8713967

It's not about that, it's about things like >>8710964

>> No.8713979


Well, that's one. What else do you like?

>> No.8714014

Will you be my girlfriend if I repent???

>> No.8714028


Um...i'm not very good at listing my preferences.

If this were a real life situation, I would find some method of diverting the attention away from me, and/or end up listing some trivial and safe things that it turns out have no passion for.

I think it tells a lot about me that i'm hesitant to describe myself to someone who I have no idea about in the first place, since I would hate to disappoint someone's expectations. But I would never say that outright, because it would seem like i'm there solely to please others.

>> No.8714058

Any recommendations for online stores to buy panties? Other than the fact that I can't bring myself to buy them in person, I never see any really cute designs locally.

>> No.8714076

only if you're my girlfriend too

>> No.8714092

Ok... let's wear skirts and suck our each others cock~

>> No.8714101

I wasn't.
I have orange thong, pink panties, very lewd black lace panties with a open slit at the bottom.

>> No.8714106

>very lewd black lace panties with a open slit at the bottom

I know the type. My sister has a pair just like that.

>> No.8714116

Pretty much describes me. You're not alone.

>> No.8714126

I'm not sure they are, and even so, that's not the people he was referring to anyway.

>> No.8714131

So, where is this IRC where I can get my own yandere batshit insane serial killer pet?

>> No.8714135

Why are there so many gays and traps on /jp/? I don't get it. Is it because "Otaku Culture" attracts these kinds of people or is it because everyone here is so lonely and awkward that they become gay?

It's not as if there's anything wrong with these things, but for those who are gay it just seems like they're only gay for other /jp/ users. And obviously, there's a bunch of traps/crossdressers who regularly make these kinds of pantsu threads. Are these people actually transgendered? Or do they only crossdress for fun?

I mean, /jp/'s userbase is in the older range (20-25) so for those who are discovering they're transgendered, wouldn't it be too late to "change"? By age 20, the body mostly stops growing and has matured to the fullest potential of its gender. So if you're a man now, it'll be extremely difficult to get rid of the bone structure in the face and shoulders or reorder the hips to be feminine. You would have to start Hormone Replacement Therapy early to prevent the onset of these characteristics, right?

>> No.8714138

They are so lonely and awkward that they become gay.

>> No.8714147
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.20_[2011.05.10_18.58.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sister has a pair just like that.

I am definitely going to leave home before my sister gets old enough to have something like that.

>> No.8714152

it's the same with /v/. 4chan is just full of fags. Possibly of the newer variety.

>> No.8714153

I just think the clothes are cute. I've no intention of hooking up with any 3D, man or woman, nor do I want to show off to other people. I feel like, and enjoy being, a guy. I just want to relax in my house in a skirt.

That seems silly. If you were that desperate for companionship you could always settle for ugly/fat women or prostitutes.

>> No.8714156

I think I watched them turn gay. But lately people seem to be coming from offboard just to roleplay being gay, which I'm sure in it's own right has drawn actual gays from offboard.

>> No.8714161
File: 399 KB, 768x546, 1327790492870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer you train for wizardry, the more fucked up things turn you on.
10 years ago I would have puked at the things I fap to now. Today I would fap at my younger self puking.
It's only natural that we, a bunch of lonely anonymous weeaboo virgins, the most sexually depraved, would end turning gay for each other.
Don't listen to the "real" faggots, they are retards. Homosexuality is a choice, and you can be talked into it. /jp/ will slowly turn straight people into gay or tg because the enviroment is highly toxic. After this thread I want to try putting on some panties~

>> No.8714173
File: 52 KB, 300x321, 1329198933322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me want to hug you guys and tell you everything will be ok.

>> No.8714177

hug my cock, dude

>> No.8714180
File: 886 KB, 3079x4599, Kamei_Hatachi066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them just roleplay, but some of them want to be the little girl, also such threads on /jp/ aren't that strange and far from new, it always ends with 2 guys role-playing how they will meet and have gay sex ... but it never happens

>> No.8714204

That's bollocks. I've been on /jp/ since the beginning and I haven't suddenly acquired a taste for cocks or wearing girl panties. I may have become more depraved since then, but I attribute it to natural sexual maturity rather than anything else. I certainly don't want to shag a socially awkward man in a skirt.

That said, I wouldn't mind dating a /jp/er girl, but it's not as if those exist, either. At least ones that aren't fat or ugly.

>> No.8714206
File: 96 KB, 372x407, hug a cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, done.

>> No.8714212
File: 642 KB, 3052x4599, Kamei_Hatachi059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well played anon , well played

>> No.8714223
File: 115 KB, 349x360, 1329032493478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you will also turn.
Can you honestly read a glory hole thread and not have your cock twitch a bit? if you just gave up resisting and started touching yourself when reading those kind of posts, you would become one of us in no time. You cannot even begin to imagine the orgasms when I finally gave up... the novelty feels great. Nowadays it's just like fapping to girls, but at first I was so fucking horny all the time, it was like being 13 again.

>> No.8714242
File: 232 KB, 732x2184, apothochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has a few femanons. There's Pygma-chan, Amanda-chan, and of course this girl that killed herself last Christmas.

>> No.8714259

>mfw newfriends can't remember the original Remilia!JAM.

>> No.8714263

I want to hug that person and be her friend and comfort her ;_;
I hope she didn't suicide. We can start small. You can tell me everything later. I don't care if you use me as a stepping stone. Please have hope.

>> No.8714265

Yea but who are you quoting?

>> No.8714267

It was proven to be a hoax as part of the winter break raid, so don't feel too bad about it.

>> No.8714272


Pretty much sums up all my feelings if not for /jp/ all of 4chan and the internet.

>> No.8714276

Someone I met on a /jp/ irc room killed themselves.

>> No.8714277


I think that ended up being fake, but apotho-chan or whoever was behind her diary entries is easily one of the more psychotic and delusional /jp/sies.

>> No.8714282

The risk of disease from glory holes completely kills any arousal they might have caused.

>> No.8714294

apotho who?
I'm seriously surprised people are so knowledgeable about the identities of /jp/sies
I tend to think it's just me and a couple of guys from Finland here, but it seems there's a lot of people around

>> No.8714320 [DELETED] 

This post is pretty spot on, however, I'd like to hold off killing myself until after I've played all the RPGs, VNs and watched all the anime I have yet to experience. I'd be cheating myself out of many good experiences if I end it all now.

>> No.8714397

orca stacks?

>> No.8714450

I don't like that mini-essay, it speaks too many relatable truths.

>> No.8714602

It hits way too close to home.

>> No.8714694

I try to know as little about jps as I can. External communication should be haraam.

>> No.8714817

So anyone here want a friend to talk with? I can do it if you want on msn chat or whatever.

>> No.8714830

Nice try, but you're not getting my NEETgold, norm.

>> No.8714850

B-but I just wanted to help

>> No.8714853


>msn chat

Normalfag detected.

>> No.8714966

> If you were that desperate for companionship you could always settle for ugly/fat women or prostitutes.
Except that's not right at all. Obese women have a disease and a prostitute could never love you.

>> No.8715079

>You're not alone.
Yes, we are.

>> No.8715182

3D in general could never love you, regardless of gender. My point was that loneliness is not going to drive people gay any more than it would drive them to fat women.

>> No.8715194

Well I think you're wrong there.
Women are incapable of love, but from personal experience you could know that you are capable of it.
Ergo, other men can also love.
Women, however, cannot ever love you back. It's just not possible for them. The poor things are too obsessed with status and shiny things to give a shit about you. The amount they love you is based on how much access they have to your wallet.
