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8710076 No.8710076 [Reply] [Original]

How do you think your significant 2D other would feel about illegal drug use /jp/? Do you think they would frown upon it or want to partake? I want to try pot but I don't want to do something that would upset her..

>> No.8710095

> I want to try pot
lol check out this kid
hey man i tried pot when i was fucking 9 dude

come back when you take some REAL drugs like crystal meth

>> No.8710099

If you're worried about a 2D character being mad at you for smoking pot, don't smoke pot.

I don't entirely mean that in a douchy way, it's just that if you are easily made nervous or paranoid, marijuana will bring that out 10x more. If you do try it, make sure you have other things to attract your full attention.

>> No.8710107

This. I have stayed away from hard drugs because of this. I am a very paranoid person and marijuana just made that worse. I think it should be legalized of course, but if you have a self-defeating personality it's not really a good idea.

>> No.8710120

Try pot, it feels good man. I'm sure your waifu wouldn't mind; she'd want you to feel good right?

>> No.8710126

Sticking your penis in someone feels good. Would she not mind that, Anonymous?

>> No.8710130
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But you're not cheating on her by smoking so it's ok

>> No.8710131

Mai waifu loves it because she becomes real when I use them!

>> No.8710133
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i dunno

>> No.8710139

­>Wrapping your lips around a fat blunt instead of her delicious futa cock
>not cheating

>> No.8710140
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Don't do drugs.

>> No.8710142

My waifu really doesn't mind, it's just another way to shill.

but if you really want to be with your waifu try DMT.

>> No.8710149
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Me and my significant 2D other do drugs together.

>> No.8710153

horomones aren't illegaL!!! WWWWWWW

>> No.8710156
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why do you do drugs
you are a beautiful man with everything to ant for

>> No.8710162

How do you even get high with a tiny piece like that?

>> No.8710175
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By packing more bowls.
Why not?

>> No.8710178
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>> No.8710187

Really, if you're shy or have low self steem, cocaine is the way to go. You become an alpha macho with only one line.

>> No.8710192
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I think I'm more likely to be the worried one. That said, I'm both too poor and too afraid of my own mind to drink, let alone start partaking in drugs.

Strive to escape reality without the need for drugs, you can do it anon!

>> No.8710197

What a waste...

>> No.8710208

How so?

>> No.8710219
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I faced this conundrum too, until I realised how silly it was that I even had to think about it. Pic related.

>> No.8710222

Well when i use a bowl i would go through much more weed. One bong rip pretty much has the same effect as an entire bowl.

I highly recommend getting one.

>> No.8710229

I already told myself that I'll get a nice bong once I move out. Which, hopefully will be soon.

>> No.8710233

I hope you never move out. You failure. Seriously, fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

>> No.8710239
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I'm sure they don't mind

>> No.8710248

My friend was mad as balls when I did a blunt at the beach.

However, I was so baked I didn't even give a fuck.

>> No.8710252
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I don't see a reason to wait but whatever.

I just keep everything in a drawer

>> No.8710261

I'm worried about getting kicked out of my house.

>> No.8710277
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Guess i'm lucky then. I only live with my dad and he doesn't really care as long as i'm not a dumbass

>> No.8710286

I think my dads fine with it, but I don't want to live with him because he has no extra rooms at his places. My mom on the other hand, does foster care and is scared that I'll end up getting her license taken away.

>> No.8710293

I've never done drugs because I'm a socially inept pussy.

>> No.8710301

You're not missing much.

>> No.8710311

I know anyone that I could get weed from, or else I might try it. I hope it gets legalized so I can just walk into a store and buy some.

>> No.8710306

good to know.

>> No.8710328

If you're capable of buying drugs, you don't meet the minimum criteria for posting on /jp/.

>> No.8710334

What if your Mom gets them for you from someone at her job? That's how I get them. I managed to convince my Mom that weed helps with my depression and suicidal thoughts so she buys me a bag every week from a lady at her work. I think I might the criteria just fine I'm just lucky to have a cool Mom

>> No.8710372

Unless your waifu is an ojousama-type you should be fine.

Drugs are a slippery slope, though, fellow.

I'd advise you to be very careful. Eventually you might want to try something else and pretty much everything else is very bad.

Except mushrooms. Definitely do mushrooms.

>> No.8710521


Well, you can buy them online. I've never tried it though, because paranoia.

The only category of drug i've been interested in recreationally are hallucinogens. Possibly LSD, since it's inconspicuously small enough and doesn't have an odor.

>> No.8710537

I have some mushrooms growing on my backyard wat do

>> No.8710937

Most waifus would not be cool with it, because it's not in the 2D nature to use drugs. Most girls hardly even drink alcohol. To ignore such fundamental characteristics like that would make me question if the character were actually my waifu. You love your waifu because of what she is, not because of what you want her to be. Please don't try to justify an action by shoehorning the idea of acceptance into her. I'm sure she doesn't appreciate that.

If you want to do it, just do it, don't drag her into it. If she frowns upon it, well you take the responsibility of that. I will tell you now though, from experience, everything beyond marijuana and psychedelics is a slippery slope not worth treading upon.

>> No.8713018
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>because it's not in the 2D nature to use drugs.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.8713031

My waiting is Alice. She would scold me first, but then I would convince her to try them with me, she was just being tsundere and really wanted to try...

>> No.8713036

ducking text prediction, i meant WAIFU not waiting

>> No.8713076

I was disappointed with my boyfriend when he told me he had been doing drugs, and invited me to try some. I would just look down on it. Like, wtf? I don't want to be with a cokehead / potential drug addict or whatever. Part of the reason why I was happy when he became my ex.

>> No.8713509
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Everyone should try a drug once.

>> No.8713518

Exactly. We are not winners, so we can use drugs safely.

>> No.8713557
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Just remember to thoroughly read about the drug online before you try it! And be safe!

>> No.8713669
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>> No.8713688
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I'm not gonna lie. I've fantasized about smoking some of Uiharu's special flowers with Saten-san and falling asleep on the couch with her. As long as there are no side effects I don't think she would mind. Maybe life doesn't work out for her and she ends up walking down a road of drug abuse. I'd be there for her.

>> No.8713705

>Maybe life doesn't work out for her and she ends up walking down a road of drug abuse. I'd be there for her.
Even if she's whoring herself out to her dealers for her supply of "level upper"?

>> No.8713722
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Saten-san might experiment with dangerous substances, but she would never do something like that!

>> No.8713725

This. OP, don't be a fag. If you wanna do drugs then do them, just make sure you take it slow.

>> No.8713870


She's extending her hand to take in the money, silly.~
