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8707435 No.8707435 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8707442

Shame it doesn't work in real life unless you have money.

>> No.8707443

Cool macro. Did you make it yourself?

>> No.8707455

Yes :)

>> No.8707467
File: 61 KB, 704x396, makoto_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Is it really *my* fault that every girl is falling over me? Or is this show trying to make a point?"

>> No.8707471

But he does have a personality, misogynistic and dense as hell. So it's not that unrealistic

>> No.8707474

I can vaguely make out a watermark in the lower-right.
He didn't even use Adobe® Photoshop™ himself!

>> No.8707482
File: 31 KB, 430x595, 1202966251557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto's looks and charisma are unmatched

>> No.8707534
File: 198 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 029a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But he does have a personality, misogynistic and dense as hell.

At no point does Shirou act misogynistic and he is actually quite intelligent, simply lacking any understanding of the idea of subtext.

Something tells me you only watched the anime.

>> No.8707538

Going on a tangent, on my quest to complete various VN I've started years ago, recently I read Snow Sakura again.

There's this weird scene there, where the girls get drunk, and get all over the MC, saying shit like "why are you so nice?".

The problem? He didn't do anything particularly nice to any of them before. Hell, he barely interacted with some. It's like the fact that protagonist is "nice" is self-explanatory, and doesn't warrant actually, you know, showing to the reader, as they will assume this on their own.

>> No.8707542

Shirou is just a dumb jock

>> No.8707543

>At no point does Shirou act misogynistic
Oh, you're one of those.

>> No.8707546

What you're thinking of isn't misogynistic in the least.

>> No.8707558
File: 216 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 177a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shirou did not want Saber to fight. Shirou didn't want anyone to fight. In Shirou's world, he's the only one who fights. All the swords belong to him, and he is no-one. Even if someone else is massively more powerful than him (Saber), from the way Shirou perceives the world, he is the only one who should fight.
The idea that someone would be hurt because of him is something that terrifies Shirou above anything else. He can't adequately explain this to Tohsaka and Saber, so when they were asking him what the hell was going through his mind, he scrambled for something to say, and just defaulted to "Girls shouldn't fight". He didn't mean it at all, or rather, he couldn't explain that he doesn't want anyone to fight but himself.

>> No.8707569

Misogynistic: All women are whores!
Chauvanistic: Women shouldn't fight. Their place is in the home.

>> No.8707572
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Of which Shirou is neither. Shirou wants nobody to fight. He is the blade works, nobody owns the blades. Even in a blatantly contradictory set of rules like being a Master, where if he dies, Saber probably dies anyway, he doesn't want Saber to have to fight.

>> No.8707577

Suuuuure kid, whatever you say.

>> No.8707580
File: 304 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 126d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah you've only watched the anime. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8707581

lol u mad

>> No.8707584

My Life: The Image Macro

>> No.8707589

So he's basically the embodiment of every protagonist stereotype ever...

>> No.8707601
File: 41 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 007a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A deconstruction of it, really. Shirou's life is heroism to a fault, and he brings mountains of suffering on himself because of it.

>> No.8707598

That's not Touma

>> No.8707603

Is this what Type-Moons fans really believe?

Because that's hilarious.

>> No.8707604

It's what anyone who paid attention while reading the VN would believe.

>> No.8707608

Isn't that what all the stereotypical shounen protagonists do?

>> No.8707621

Oh god, it's turning into PotC thread.

>> No.8707648

You got a problem with strong independent womyn?

>> No.8707652

since when is slight machism considered misogyny?

>> No.8707653

Shirou doesn't want Seiba to fight in Fate because in the fist fight she gets stabbed in the heart by Lancer and then almost killed by Berserker. In UBW where she manages to hold her own against Berserker he's much more willing to let her fight.

>> No.8707655

All you had to do was follow the damn topic, /jp/

>> No.8707657

All of you saying Shirou is not a misogynist must be men. Trust me, his treatment of women throughout the various routes is very misogynistic.

>> No.8707658

I don't think you know what mysogyny is.

>> No.8707667

No, I don't think YOU know what misogyny is. How can you presume to know about something you can't be a victim of?

>> No.8707671

Right, now I know you're a troll, never mind then.

>> No.8707677

I'm sorry Anon, just because your misogyny has manifested in the form of bitterness does not make that the full spectrum of the phenomenon. Although, in your shut-in world I would assume you couldn't imagine anything broader. Even if I was trolling, you would still be wrong.

>> No.8707701
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>> No.8707704

So what you're saying is, any response toward a female that is deemed offensive by said female, is misogyny?

>> No.8707710

Sure is /a/ shitposters/normalfags in here.

>> No.8707737

What I'm saying is your experience with misogyny does not define the issue. Looking down on women, failing to trust them with tasks "meant for a man" is misogynistic discrimination. Why does it kill you so much that your favorite protag is a misogynist?

>> No.8707743

Every post you didn't like ever made on /jp/ is clearly the work of /a/.

>> No.8707751


>> No.8707744

Female here, Shirou isn't a misogynist.

>> No.8707746
File: 69 KB, 550x454, white-knight..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poor lad just doesn't want women to suffer. How is that misogyny? He is a fucking white knight!

>> No.8707758

He doesn't want anyone to suffer. That is COMPLETELY separate from his treatment of women as inferior beings. Christ you people are dense.

>> No.8707760


>> No.8707769

I didn't read the thread, but I just wanted to say women are shallow whores. And I don't care if that's misogynist.

>> No.8707773
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Which is why he engages in typically feminine roles like cooking and cleaning, am I right?

Also, I request of you in which scenes he treated women as inferior. Quote it.

>> No.8707778
File: 361 KB, 1200x1000, 1276537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORT > Gil > Berserker (5th) > Dark Sakura > F15 Zero Berserker > Dark Saber ≧ Arcueid = Saber > Archer = Lancer = Rider (5th) = Zero Caster's Sea Demon (Gilles de Rais is Zero Caster) > Zero Rider > Kojirou > Zero Berserker > Nrvnqsr = Caster (5th) > Aoko = Kouma = Zero Lancer > HF Shirou = Zelretch sword Rin = Zero Caster ≧ Zero Hassan ≧ Ciel ≧ Shiki Ryougi (3rd) > Bazett ≧ 5th Hassan ≧ Akiha Tohno > Souren Araya = Kirei Kotomine = UBW Shirou ≧ Kiritsugu ≧ Fujino Asagami ≧ Kuzuki Souchirou ≧ Rin > Avenger > Avalon Shirou = Kayneth El-Melloi > 18th Roa = young Kirei Kotomine > Touko = Shiki Tohno = Zouken Matou ≧ female Ryougi Shiki ≧ Cornelius Alba > Kiri Nanaya > Karen Ortensia ≧ Tokiomi Tohsaka = Maiya Hisau > Leysritt ≧ SHIKI Tohno > Nanaya = Satsuki Yumizuka > Lio Shirazumi > Kariya Matou ≧ Irisviel von Einzbern ≧ Sakura > The Dead = Possessed Corpse > Misaya Ouji >Azaka Kokutou > Dragon Tooth Warrior ≧ dead body > Shinji Matou > Manchildren that can't comprehend misogyny

>> No.8707785

shirou is a chauvinist with old-fashioned views on gender roles. he doesn't hate women.

a lot of his stupider sounding lines in the visual novel are at least partially the result of awkward translation.

>> No.8707793

There we go, the word everybody was confusing with misogynist

>> No.8707794

I am not going to reinstall FSN and scour through it for snapshots of things just because you obviously didn't read it, Anon. Shirou's motivation at stopping Saber from fighting was due to her sex.

>> No.8707799

Only retarded women would think Shiro is misogynistic.

One of those "why should a man hold the door open for me?! He must think i'm weak and pathetic."

>> No.8707805

But they are weak and pathetic.

>> No.8707806

No, that's not right and it's also a mistake to believe they are mutually exclusive. What defines Shirou as a misogynist is that his perspective is "women are not suited for this role", not "I am better than women".

>> No.8707813

But that's actually a very condescending thing to do, Anon.

>> No.8707816

>no it's not right
>because otherwise I'd look like a retarded woman
Please, understand I have nothing against you

>> No.8707820

Your lack of ill intent does not suddenly make your argument grounded.

>> No.8707827

Chauvinism (in the gender sense) is patronizing females because of a belief in their inferiority or that they need to stay in certain roles

Misogyny is outright hatred of women which is clearly not applicable in this case

>> No.8707830

This is actually the sort of discussion I tried to have before... I think FSN is actually pretty interesting in terms of feminist/sexist themes...

Shirou is a Husbando.

>> No.8707839

>Misogyny is outright hatred of women
See, this is where you're mistaken. Misogyny does not have to be outright, and the attachment to the word hatred is what catches most people. Hatred is not a simple black and white thing. Even beyond that, do you realize how silly it is to try to make chauvinism and misogyny out to be completely different things?

>> No.8707847

The word misogyny is literally the combination of the greek words for "hate" and "women," and the hatred of women is exactly how it is defined in any dictionary.

While the two are obviously closely related and go hand-in-hand in many cases, it is possible to be a chauvinist without hating women

>> No.8707848

Keep in mind that Shirou is only really chauvinistic in the Fate route, and that's largely after seeing a bit chunk being taken out of Saber.

I think in the other routes he has a much healthier relationship with Saber - and interestingly enough, he's stronger in those routes too.

Could Shirou's sexism actually be down to his own feelings of inferiority? I am weak, I couldn't help Saber. How can this girl be stronger than me. etc. etc.

I don't think Shirou is a bad guy of course, just naive, which is kind of the point of his character.

>> No.8707846

That's funny, because I've just been trolling this entire time about the whole misogyny thing.

>> No.8707864

If I say, "Black people should not participate.", is it hate speech?

>> No.8707867

There was an interview posted the other day where the writer basically said that Shirou's emphasis on Saber's gender in Fate was basically just his awkward attempt to make readers conscious of her as 'female' despite her flatly masculine behavior, and that he regretted using such a blunt tool after the fact.

>> No.8707874

Bad analogy

>> No.8707876

No, you just have a bad understanding of hatred.

>> No.8707878

You can't compare blacks to women, go troll somewhere else

>> No.8707886

Why not, or was that supposed to be ironic?

>> No.8707900 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirou is not chauvinistic. Shirou does not want Saber to stay out of combat because she is a girl. Shirou does not want anyone to fight and it causes him great personal tragedy to see anyone harmed because of him, and Berserker was in the middle of smashing up Saber.

Shirou does not Sakura to be in the kitchen because she is a girl. Shirou and Sakura are good friends and both enjoy cooking, so if one is up before the other, they can naturally assume the other has begun cooking breakfast.

Seriously, you're assuming Shirou has any predisposition against women, when it all comes from one line, "Girls should be fighting", when that's just a lie by omission: in Shirou's opinion, NOBODY BUT HIM should be fighting. Men and women included.

>> No.8707911
File: 48 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirou is not chauvinistic. Shirou does not want Saber to stay out of combat because she is a girl. Shirou does not want anyone to fight and it causes him great personal tragedy to see anyone harmed because of him, and Berserker was in the middle of smashing up Saber.

Shirou does not Sakura to be in the kitchen because she is a girl. Shirou and Sakura are good friends and both enjoy cooking, so if one is up before the other, they can naturally assume the other has begun cooking breakfast.

Seriously, you're assuming Shirou has any predisposition against women, when it all comes from one line, "Girls should not be fighting", when that's just a lie by omission: in Shirou's opinion, NOBODY BUT HIM should be fighting. Men and women included.

>> No.8707922

Because woman are still human, even if a lower breed.

>> No.8707929
File: 243 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon, this was the reason why.

>> No.8707942

Not the same guy, but sexism doesn't make a good 1:1 comparison with racism, if only because differentiation along sexual lines is in some part the product of biological realities. Men can't give birth, for one thing, and there's a whole tangle of psychology we have evolved / instincts that come out of that.

>> No.8707970
File: 52 KB, 200x200, t02000200_0200020010692793280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pft tis threa oH fod

>> No.8707989

What would you propose the differences between races are based on, if not biology?

>> No.8707996


Are you seriously trying to compare race with sex?


>> No.8708012

As being the basis of demographics as well as labels targeted by hatred? Are you typically this dense, or do you just get this way after seeing the word "women"?

>> No.8708036

Races are social constructs - they're groupings human beings made up along arbitrary lines that have a lot to do with culture and class. There is no significant genetic or biological difference between any two given races.

>> No.8708055


Not sure if srs

>> No.8708052

Here's some practice, tell me how you would determine someone's race without asking them.

>> No.8708064
File: 98 KB, 614x341, 1326632849498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't appreciate her calling us dense all the time

>> No.8708092


>> No.8708102

I'm not saying that races are not real. I'm saying that they are arbitrary groupings based on biologically insignificant characteristics (melanin levels in skin, etc). Our discrimination on the racial level are the product of cultural associations, and don't have evolutionary psychology associated with them, unlike our differing perceptions of women against men.

>> No.8708129

So what you're saying is that if you discriminate based on insignificant biological differences it's hatred, but if you discriminate because of insignificant biological differences it's not?

>> No.8708223

I'm saying that because concepts of sexual difference are ingrained in the psychology of every single human being, it's possible for a man to think "women shouldn't join the army" without actively hating women. Not saying that isn't sexist and backwards thinking, just that it doesn't necessarily imply HATRED of women.

I don't think the same is true of a person who thinks "blacks shouldn't join the army." Can you see that those two feel a little different?

>> No.8708312

So what you're saying instead is that hatred caused by social psychology is different than hatred caused by social psychology? Can you see how you're just trying to minimize the issue of misogyny?

>> No.8708328

>Can you see that those two feel a little different?

>> No.8708342

Can you see that I can create questions to try to trap you as well?

>> No.8708354

That's not remotely what I said. I don't think chauvinism arises only from hatred, because our evolutionary psychology is a strong influence on our thinking about gender roles.

>> No.8708361

It may or may not be irrelevant to this discussion, but I'd like to point out that racism generally didn't exist for a long time. Sure, there was xenophobia and nationalism and shit, but that was more of a "we don't want foreigners" rather than being prejudiced against any group in particular.

As far as I know, blacks in particular were treated fairly until people started needing cheap labor in the Americas. And then, slowly, discrimination against them became the norm. But usually, in the past, one acquired slaves from the nations they conquered, and there wasn't anything like "this person is of X race, so he should be a slave."

On the contrary, discrimination against women has existed since thousands of years ago at the least... And there's a bunch of complicated reasons why that happened. It wasn't merely because of some economical need.

Humans must reproduce, because they are animals. Therefore, distinction must be made between the genders. Men and women dress differently, and have different expectations placed upon them. It's also a fact that women are generally not as physically strong as men, and that they are the ones who bear children and can breastfeed them. This would naturally make someone reach a conclusion like "men fight and do work while women raise children and tend to the home." But that conclusion did not come from a hatred of women. It came from a simple question of "who is better suited for what role?"

What I don't understand, though, is why there ever came to be some notion of "this is the way it HAS to be." That does not logically follow. It seems to me more like humans are just scared of change, and have tiny brains.

>> No.8708374

Wow, nice bullshit thesis, Einstein.

>> No.8708383

The first half of it is backed up by reliable data from my education. The second is my hypothesis, but it is at least true that gender discrimination runs deeper than racial discrimination, and has existed for a much longer time.

>> No.8708388

No point reasoning with a troll

>> No.8708389


Early human societies were pretty egalitarian.

>> No.8708391


Shirou was being transphobic, guys.

Saber was a boy until Shirou forced her to become a girl. Nasu and Gen agree, don't bother them about it.

>> No.8708405

>What I don't understand, though, is why there ever came to be some notion of "this is the way it HAS to be."

In the case of women, we've got instincts programmed into our brain pushing against the idea of equality, even when in the modern world it makes sense in many respects.

Racism is more arbitrary but also more severe, because it isn't modulated by the protective instincts men have for women - we just plug in a given group into the mental role of "hostile outsiders."

>> No.8708411

Talking about racism on /jp/ is generally a bad idea unless you want athens to dump his pseudo-intellectual racist waffle all over the thread.

>> No.8708416

>This would naturally make someone reach a conclusion like "men fight and do work while women raise children and tend to the home." But that conclusion did not come from a hatred of women. It came from a simple question of "who is better suited for what role?"
Nnnot entirely. At least "girls shouldn't fight" doesn't come from them being unsuited for that role. The thing is (or rather, was), males are expendable while females aren't. One guy can pollute shitload of women, while one woman can only make that much kids before crapping out during the birth.
So males have been used for cannon fodder for thousands of years while females were sitting in their caves.
At this point though, it's just a discrimination though (against males at that), as females don't really have that much value anymore. The question of maintaining the stable population doesn't really stand anymore.

>> No.8708421

Go to sleep, athens.

>> No.8708429

I don't think this is entirely true, especially when looking at Europe, but it depends on how early we're talking about here.

Instincts? I don't follow. Well, maybe it's true. I always thought it was just clinging to tradition.

This does make plenty of sense.

>> No.8708464


The difference is that Shirou's 'ideals' are presented like a mental defect and completely fucking unhealthy. He's like Kotomine, an empty man, in all routes.

Maybe not in HF at the end, since he begins to shatter and reborn to enjoy a peaceful domestic life of a normalfag.

>> No.8708565


He's acting that way because of bad writing. Nasu and Gen were speaking about it. Because Nasu tried to make Saber a girl, by reinforcing it via Shirou.

>> No.8708643

He was convincing himself that Saber was a girl, which was a stupid thing to do. Hell, even Takeuchi considers both the prototype and the Fate route as equals.

>> No.8708658

He was convincing the readers that Saber was a girl because the authors didn't know how to write a convincing tomboy character

>> No.8708816

The only thing I needed to be convinced is that Shirou saw a (an amazingly gorgeous) girl in front of him when he summoned Saber. That was all it took.

>> No.8708820

>Instincts? I don't follow.
I think he means how (sexually) a man is dominant and a woman submissive, and both parties (usually) prefer it this way.

>> No.8708849

just stopping by to say that Tohsaka craves cock.

>> No.8708849,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's "i'm slave"
