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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8705656 No.8705656 [Reply] [Original]

I am sorry to say, I have to disappoint you: I got a job.

>> No.8705660
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>> No.8705666

Enjoy being able to buy stuff you want. I'm jealous.

>> No.8705670

If I ever able to gather a good amount of money, I buy my dream bedroom and stay in it forever.

>> No.8705673

Figurine shelves and dakimakuras hanging on the walls right?

Some fumos on the bed would be nice too ;_;

>> No.8705674

This. There is a trade off though. It's not like any of us have ever had jobs before. I bought myself things when I had a job but I never enjoyed them because I was always tired and miserable.

At least as a NEET when I get things for holidays/my Birthday I can enjoy them to their full extent.

>> No.8705679 [DELETED] 


What did you get that you enjoyed? I mean, you have the internet and a computer, so music, games, animu etc is all free.

I work like 4 hours a week and I find it unbearable. Why people would choose to work a minimum wage job to support themselves over welfare is beyond my understanding. I think it's probably a result of pride and corporate mental conditioning

>> No.8705680

That's called being an overloved and oversheltered baby. I am jealous.

>> No.8705686

>Why people would choose to work a minimum wage job to support themselves
Some people want to live and not starve to death but don't have their parents to rely on.

>> No.8705691 [DELETED] 
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But they could get welfare, dumbass. Also, living with your parents is far superior to living on your own BUT working at McDonalds or some other shit-tier minimum-wage job.

>> No.8705698

By the way, I'll work with computers, so, I can stay here all day long. But outside

>> No.8705700

Well to be fair I've been getting less and less for holidays/birthdays probably because I'm getting older. Like for my last birthday my Mom just brought me home some candy and a prepaid visa with 50$ on it, I used to get a lot more than that, same goes for xmas. Their gift budget is steadily decreasing even though they have more money than ever at the moment. It'll probably get to the point where I don't get hardly anything but that won't stop me from being NEET. I plan to be like this until they pass away and then killing myself.

>> No.8705712 [DELETED] 


how old are you?

>> No.8705722

turned 19 last month

>> No.8705725

I wish I could marry a rich successful business man who will take care of me so I don't have to work and allow me to lead a quiet NEET life.

>> No.8705746

Is it possible to have a job and play VNs regularly?

>> No.8705759

Nope, it's some weird law of nature or something. You'll be instantly fired if you open up a VN.

>> No.8705781

Thats good, now you can buy all the merchandise you want.

>> No.8705846

>But they could get welfare, dumbass.
Well, when you grow up a bit, child, and actually try to get on welfare, you will see that unless you're a "minority" (nigger or Mexican), or actually have some severe condition that makes you unable to work, you're out of luck. And no shit, living with your parents is one of the greatest things ever. Not having to worry about anything is really great, I'm not arguing. But, you have to understand, not everyone gets a choice of living with their parents, you know. Some of us here are actually older than 15 and are way past their high school lives. In any case, you shouldn't really be talking here, and especially with the fact that you slipped out of /v/ or /a/ into a board you always aspire to be part of because of their touted elitism. Work on your reading comprehension and go back to bed; you have school tomorrow, Timmy.

>> No.8705893
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if u don't leave us.
I forgive you.
