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8700544 No.8700544 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better: Japanese comedy or British comedy?

>> No.8700554

Current British comedy is terrible.

>> No.8700552

Third option: Japanese British Comedy

>> No.8700557

>British comedy
1/2 of British comedy is drier than a 60 year old feminist dyke's cunt.

>> No.8700561

Neither. They're both awful.

>> No.8700562

The word is "half"

>> No.8700564
File: 109 KB, 654x529, acb44f1c17d1592fd9a2677903214406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not comedy. That's Azumanga Daioh.

>> No.8700565

There are plenty of good shows, e.g.
‌• Peep Show
‌• Graham Linehan's shows
‌• Peep Show
The list goes on.

>> No.8700559

i didn't even know it was safe to put british and comedy without at least 10 words between them

>> No.8700578
File: 37 KB, 300x450, guenievre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaamelott. It even has a canon pure maiden.

>> No.8700584

The actress has fucked more people than you can count.

>> No.8700599

I don't care about the actress. The character she plays is pure and that is all that matters to me. Do you care about your favourite characters' ``seiyuu''?

>> No.8700699

>we need to write out numbers instead of using digits.
Fuck off.

>> No.8700704


Only correct answer

>> No.8700715

Wrong. Tokiko cannot be right.

>> No.8700716


>> No.8700741

Where did you get that picture from OP?

>> No.8700753

Go back 2 Facebook.

>> No.8700756
File: 114 KB, 461x314, louisck_18950066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murricam comedy.

For 'murricans.

>> No.8700761

The internet.

>> No.8700768

The pronunciation of "1/2" is "one half", not "half."

>> No.8700771

my favorite kind of comedy is internet sarcasm. It's so easy to do and the fact that no one else gets it proves that you're smart.

>> No.8700777


>> No.8700785

Mock the Week had some good moments. I was going to mention Brass Eye, but it turns out that's a decade old.

>> No.8700809

>Mock the Week had some good moments.
My problem with this show was that it was like watching autistic kids playing D&D and competing for the most attention. Plus a lot of the regulars had gimmicks I don't like. Frankie "Hurr durr I'd titty fuck the Queen so edgy lol" Boyle and Russell "I am in my thirties but still find ur mum jokes funny" Howard are two of the most annoying people to ever appear on television.

>> No.8700829 [DELETED] 

I can't watch British comedy at all.

It's fine in written form, though.

And what are meaning by "Japanese comedy"? Shit like, say, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou has me in stitches every week, but things like their stand-up are really really really hit-or-miss, and the associated TV shows are ridiculous at best.

>> No.8700837

I can't watch British comedy at all.

It's fine in written form, though.

And what do you mean by "Japanese comedy"? Shit like, say, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou has me in stitches every week, but things like their stand-up are really really really hit-or-miss, and the associated TV shows are ridiculous at best.

>> No.8700842

Yeah, I like the humor found in their 2D stuff but the rest is dull.

>> No.8700867

Gaki no Tsukai alone shits on anything Britland has ever produced.

>> No.8700998

British. Japan just cannot do humor.

>> No.8701099



However this is mostly modern British humour.

Part of the problem is that anything "Un-PC" is automatically funny. The reason Un-PC things are funny is because it reminds of us a time when things like that were in common dialogue and how absurd that was, rather than the way the Daily Mail readers think it is. But either way purely saying something offensive on it's own doesn't make it funny.

I'm not sure how to describe the wider problem with comedians aside from saying it's like they're playing on easy modo or something. It's just kind of juvenile, but not necessarily in the potty mouth kind of way.

>> No.8701110

US comedy is pretty bad and has been bad for much longer than UK comedy.

The 90s were great for UK & Irish comedy, IMO.

Four words:

Shooting Stars.
Red Dwarf.

>> No.8701117

I love red dward

>> No.8701129

you suck

>> No.8701140

Red Dwarf got abysmal when whichever one of them it was left. Turned into hard-on jokes and made the characters one-dimensional as fuck (which is saying something when they were fairly standard archetypes to begin with).

The 2000s were terrible but I really like Phoenix Nights. It was just fun. I hope Peter Kay doesn't go solo George Lucas style and make a terrible movie. Which he will. The dick.

>> No.8701156

Have I Got News For You is the best, deal w/ it

>> No.8701165


it was fine until Season 8, and even Season 8 was still pretty good, just different.

>> No.8701177

Decent British comedy stopped being good the second it turned into "insulting / un-PC / lewd jokes = comedy".

Two Ronnies are still the greatest act in the world as far as I'm concerned, it was witty and intelligent wordplay delivered hand in hand with some fantastic body language.

Blackadder is pretty great too, a lot of it relies upon the insulting nature of Blackadder, but it's done well, unlike modern stuff.

Modern British comedy is indeed shit.

>> No.8701184

This is a good of a thread to ask.

I have been searching around all day for episodes of ギャグマンガ日和 and there seems to be NONE around anywhere. All I managed to find is some shitty torrent with barely any seeds.

Why is it so difficult to find any?

>> No.8701192

episodes online*

>> No.8701238

Western comedy:
"I just saw that movie yesterday!"
"Really? What was it about?"
"Oh it was about 90 minutes"
*Audience laughs*
Japanese comedy:
"I just saw that movie yesterday!"
"Really? What was it about?"
"Oh it was about 90 minutes"
"To say such a thing all of a sudden! I'm not talking
about the length!"
*Person B hits person A with a paper fan*

>> No.8701245


>> No.8701256

Actually, that is fairly accurate, on some level. Nip comedy is all about the reactions

>> No.8701255

anyone help me please?
