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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8699443 No.8699443 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know any good, F2P MMO's? (Yes, there are some, and no, not Maple Story.) I think it'd be fun if /jp/ gamed together. Why MMOs? Well, they have more playtime than other games and you can chat while you grind. And a weeaboo MMO is arguably more /jp/-related than some other online game.

>> No.8699444

Haven and Hearth if it counts.

But Gikobar is all we really need! ww

>> No.8699448

> Haven and Hearth
Russians. Fucking Russians everywhere.

> Gikopoi
Trolls make threads in /a/ and /v/ and /b/.

>> No.8699451

>Trolls make threads in /a/ and /v/ and /b/.
But that's where Gikobar started ;-;

Not hard to ignore such people anyway. Habbo Hotel residents could learn a thing or two from us! ^^

>> No.8699453

Does anyone still play Cosmicbreak?

>> No.8699455

I'd imagine some of the core hotglue members still do, but that game is terrible.

>> No.8699457

also, gikopoi is filled with chinese

>> No.8699461


>> No.8699471

Who would want to play with you, tokiko?

>> No.8699473

Pick one. It's a terrible fucking genre filled with horrible grind based games that involve zero skill. If a level 1 can't beat a top level player with superior tactics, then what's the point?

>> No.8699480

I'd play with Tokiko ;-)

>> No.8699491

> If a level 1 can't beat a top level player with superior tactics[...]

If he can, what's the point of grindan?

>> No.8699492

I don't know; i've pretty much given up on MMOs as a genre because of the massive timesink they are. You just never reach the apex, instead, you end up stuck several hundred hours in the hamster wheel with the constant longing for wanting more.

It makes me rather depressed. I just play some Killing Floor from time to time every now and then.

>> No.8699501

panduira sega :D:D:D

>> No.8699505
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>> No.8699510

Fuck MMOs, play Tribes instead.

>> No.8699523


By your logic, RPGs takes no skill as well.

>> No.8699532

mmo's have 2 paths:
reach the top, and be done with mmo's forever outside of maybe pvp in some game or another

or have fun with some friends and maybe get to the top or at least relatively high (you have alot more fun this way, and I think a /jp/ guild would be very silly)

for /jp/ it would have to a good game for tabbing in and out of and then doing something pretty quickly (grand chase would be good if they had actually made it like a real fighting game rather than every character has 2 combo lol)

>> No.8699587

EVE Online.
While not as extreme as being able to be able to kill any player from day one, train efficiently and killing 1+ year old players on a 1-2 month old character is definitely possible.

>> No.8699611

I'm liking Eden Eternal more than Vindictus (the only other decent f2pmmorpg I've played), except combat (especially pvp) is horrible and the devs don't seem to care about improving anything. I prefer pve, anyway, though. I'm up to level 48, and the best part is probably that you can change classes while questing to make it interesting. Some of these dungeons are also legitimately difficult (or just incredibly easy with the right classes).

Count me in for whatever /jp/ decides to play, though.

>> No.8699622

The last MMO I played was Guild Wars Prophecies in 2006 and it wasn't really an MMO. I met a 3DPD necromancer girl in that game who was drawn in by my swag monk abilities in the Underworld, we would farm all the time together, I was her sugar daddy.. er.. ecto daddy. She said she was from the Netherlands and even flirted with me a lot..... I miss those days.

>> No.8699629

>There will never be a well funded Pokemon MMO

Long have I waited for the day that will never come.

>> No.8699636

I am partial to Sword Girls, although I'm still mad butthurt over Kata Flina censorship.

>> No.8699640

Aren't MMOs legally required to be 16+? It would be difficult to make an MMO version of a game aimed at children.

>> No.8699645

In the US, the minimum age to be online is 13 (or something like that...) Why would it be 16? That sounds like something South Korea might do, but not anywhere in the west.

>> No.8699655

People are mean on the Internet and use dirty words.

Though I think you're right. Every forum ever begins with a disclaimer about how you have to 13 or older--I think it was part of the DMCA.

>> No.8699663

The only Mmo I'm playing is star trek online and only a few hours a week, at my pace it seems impossible to buy that Intrepid class Ship I want so much, only cool thing is naming your ship after your waifu, you can see the name on the hull.

>> No.8699671
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someone other than me actually used the edit I made! I feel so great at seeing this.

How do you feel about Mabinogi?

>> No.8699677

I don't think DMCA is correct.
I think it's COPPA.

>> No.8699684

Why don't you try Aion online. It should be free in Europe.

>> No.8699691

>the best part is probably that you can change classes while questing
I've always hated this. EE does it decently, but I'm a kinda "purist" I guess, that feels that MMORPGs need to have defined roles.

I love Mabinogi, and I'm going to say Mabinogi to OP, but Mabinogi lacks that whole one permanent class system. Everyone is a rangerspellsword. No one buffs and heals. I like Ragnarok and other older games for having you be a class and stay as that class. Your skills can make you unique, but your class is your class. I'm torn between whether you should look distinct or wear whatever you want, but I'm sure there's a happy medium in customized class outfits.

That said, Mabinogi offers probably the most freedom in fucking around and doing things that aren't grinding. I recently found a few clothes that flatten your chest enough so I can be a loli proper too.

>> No.8699694

Is anyone playing in the NA/EU Tera online beta weekends? Sure, it's going to be P2P at launch, but all you need to participate for now are keys you can easily get for free. It might seem like a waste to download a game for just 2 days, but that's enough time to mess around with your cute censored Elin and besides, no flavor of the month MMO has kept /jp/ interested for more than 2-3 days anyway.

>> No.8699697

I fucking hate that game. I want to play it so bad but I know when it finally comes out, I'll play it for like 3 days and have my fill of maids and ojous. It's so fucking stupid and random but I want to play it. I wish it was a minigame in a better MMO.

>> No.8700161

Let's all go to Alexina server on Mabinogi!

>> No.8700202
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Let's play MapleStory on the Windia server.

>> No.8700213

Let's not, Lualdi AKA Miao AKA Naz.

>> No.8700308


>> No.8700313

MMO's are shit. Clearly we should all play Doom.

>> No.8700314

sorry you think I am someone I'm not.
Lualdi/Naz plays on Broa as SideSaIad.
Broa doesn't have nice and forgiving people I guess.

>> No.8700317

Does anyone know anything about Web Koihime Musou? Is it something like those casual Zynga games?

>> No.8700325
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>Run Escape
it's in the name telling you it's a terrible game that should be avoided.

>> No.8700340

I've played every single free MMO out. They're all bad dull games that children play. The only one even moderately worth the time is Mabinogi but even that game has plenty of issues. The downfall of MMORPG games is the fact they are marketed as a timesink and within that time the content doesn't stay fresh. It's simply recycled gameplay with little to no variation that encourages you to "grind" through for minimal reward all leading to the next "grind"

That being said I'm bored, lonely, and I would very much enjoy playing games with you all.

>> No.8700356
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How about Aion /jp/? We can do the unlimited free trial til it goes fully free.

Also I have a maplestory character on Windia if we're playing that. Add Unblouse.

>> No.8700378

Realm of the Mad God
- Danmaku permadeath MMO

- Gikobar cute girl dressup

>> No.8700431

I remember TinierMe.
Seemed too much like Gaia so I abandoned it in a mere two days

>> No.8700463

All Points Bulletin: Reloaded

>it has:
cute girl dress up
uncontrollable recoil moe
in-game touhou music
weeaboo car customization

>> No.8700466

>Do you know any good, F2P MMO's? Yes, there are some

If you know some, then why didn't you mention any in your post? You aren't being very helpful.

>> No.8700476


I remember meeting a cool bro who dressed up like Erio, painted Erio on his car, and then transcribed Os-Uchuujin into midi so he could play it in his car.

He obviously spent a lot of time working on all that stuff. It was impressive.

>> No.8700498
File: 20 KB, 500x375, mage pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFO is becoming a full fighter (gear no longer a damning issue, all skill/matchup now provided you fight people within your rank) game in 2 days with the advent of fair arena. All you pretty much need to do is hit level 18 through pve, which takes about 2-3 hours.

The problem is we need players, dfo's population dropped hard due to the pay2win, hacking and merciless market/goldbuying which spread through all aspects of the game. The new pvp mode ignores all of that and gives you your own set of gear, and upgrades that you can earn THROUGH pvping only. no gold here

We need players. Come for pvp, stay for the pvp, enjoy the pve sidegame.

Some video hype for fun/cool pvp combos yes, a lot of these are practical/doable:


and the tl;dw and overedited version

please play

>> No.8700515

Isn't it NA-only? I hate playing MMOs via proxies, shit lags

>> No.8700517

>All you pretty much need to do is hit level 18 through pve, which takes about 2-3 hours
Guides for this?

>> No.8700523

Yes, sorry eubro/ausbro.

It's very linear and holds your hand the entire way. Just remember to pick up all epic and general quests for the dungeon you're going to run and finish it all before moving to the next one.

>> No.8700548

DFO is a brawler, not a fighting game. Difference save might life it your the know.

>> No.8700549

Most of them are just stay in one spot, tank damage until the enemy is killed with skill cool downs. There needs to be more games like Mabinogi which requires skill, you aren't just standing in one spot and can be knocked back.

>> No.8700568
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It's actually classified as an mmo rpg sides-crolling beat-em-up 2d action fighter real-time chess game

>> No.8700580

Come to my house after I spend 2-3 hours preparing for a fighting game experience and get a brawler instead, and tell me you're the chucklefuck that fooled me. See what happens.

>> No.8700577

It would be cool if there were a tactical RPG MMO. I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem lately, and it's great.

>> No.8700585

Wakfu. Atlantica too, I guess. Have fun.

>> No.8700589
File: 258 KB, 473x475, charimg_wu_sun-ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows anything about Web Koihime Musou? Is it like one of those Zynga FB games?


>> No.8700607
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But better be prepared for violent славянский dickings and self-appointed Peacekeeper guilds peppering entire towns and all their citizens with 7.62 by mistake, in true 'Nam spirit.

Oh, memories ヾ(>ワ<)ノ

>> No.8700611


In APB:R, you can die in under a second. Movement and situational awareness are very important.

Combat in APB:R takes much more skill than Mabinogi. (Mabinogi is still much more interesting in terms of combat than 99% of MMOs)

>> No.8700621

Mabi's fun (when it's not extremely frustrating), but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already have high level friends to help them out. Some quests are basically impossible for new players to do. I wouldn't have even been able to finish G1 or get Final Hit without a couple of level ~1000 buddies I knew from outside the game.

Also trying to fight more than one enemy at once is an excersize in extreme frustration. On the plus side, it actually has a pretty cool plot.

>> No.8700622
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>Come to my house
>See what happens

Will we have a brawl?

>> No.8700683
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I'll play with you Tokiko!

>> No.8700690

How about Phantasy Star Portable 2?
It's single-player, but you can also play online multiplayer.
We can all be adorable little girls together.

>> No.8700740


There's two version of it? TLA is the Russian one? .

>> No.8700747
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try R.O.S.E online, a kind of old and forgotten mmo but cool graphics imo. the first mmo i played even though i dont have time to play it's the best gameplay i played.

>> No.8700752
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I guess most people don't go through the trouble of having PCs that run Aion without graphical lag around here.

Not that it's an issue anyway. The game is an absolutely ABSURD timesink, where pretty much everything depends on RNG, even PvP.

Look, a player that did not use 550 hours of gameplay repeating fortress runs to gear his ass up and be able to pretty much two hit everybody! I'll have a very fun and fair fight with him!

Whoops, guess not faggot, he just procced his 1% godstone on you and got an instakill.

Believe me. I was one of the idiots who used 550 hours of gameplay repeating fortress runs to gear his ass up and be able to pretty much two hit everybody. And it turns out to be not that great. Everybody runs from you, and the fact that you LOSE more Abyss points by dying in PvP than you gain by killing other just makes everybody just hide all the time. Yeah, world PvP for you.

And it sure is balanced. Talk with sorcs winning 6x1 without receiving damage or the cool one-minute-long-unbreakable-chain-CC-where-he-can-attack-you-at-will fear of the SM.

The only fun thing in the game would be dressing your character up. And the game doesn't even have many outfits. And they are all expensive as fuck.

Also, when it goes free all instances will have many-days-long cooldowns, unless you pay. Yeah, free Aion for you.

Yes I'm mad as fuck for playing so much of that thing. It had so much potential. ;_;

>> No.8700754

Monster Hunter Tri/P3rd anyone?

>> No.8700781

Yes, and back in ye olden days it was awful, with techno BGM and unlimited leveling. Suspect it still is, considering the number of Russians staying off TLA.

2238 is where it's at.

>> No.8700824

Make a guild and I'll join back in a heartbeat.

>> No.8700849
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While all of this is true, the game is awful.
Its almost not worth it.

>> No.8700851

Anyone on Megaten IMAGINE? It's a nice game but it's filled with idiots, as MMOs are wont to be. You have to rely on those idiots to level, though, and that's sort of annoying. To wit, you can solo Suginami silver for 5% per 30-minute run or you can sponsor Ichigaya bunker gold for 70% in around 6-7 minutes.

>> No.8700876
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If only the vehicles didn't cost $100 to spawn.

Driving around is hilarious enough to be a game on its own.

>> No.8700895

The crappy cars are cheaper (0$, 25$ or 50$ depending on price tier), but they won't launch as nicely as a vegas with nitro 3

>> No.8700910
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Personally, I prefer the Vaquero.
But when I played i'd just drive the shitty starter car around because it was free.

>> No.8700929

The Vaquero is a fun car, but I found it useless in actual missions since it bounced everywhere and was not durable.

Don't know if it was always this way, but even slotted versions of the tier 1 cars are still free to spawn. A starter car with nitro and ammo in the back is way better than just a starter car, and tbh better than even a top end car that has no slots.

>> No.8700951

MMOs that aren't RPGs might be better/less repetitive.

Maple Story mixed things up a bit so it was fun for an alternative. Back when I played it(very early days) it was pretty repetitive though.

>> No.8700964

What server are you on?

>> No.8700965

yeeaaaah fuck this
thread over

>> No.8700971
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Why isn't there an MMO where I can play as a pretty girl who gets brutally gangraped until my mind breaks and I involuntarily ahegao.

>> No.8700974

I managed to tame the Vaquero so its useful in actual missions.

A few months ago the Vaquero would not suffer from slowdown from VIP-carry missions, it'd keep going at its max speed. But ever since they patched it out its basically more of a hindrance than a help.

Although the thing is nearly impossible to flip, unless you pin it to a wall. Turns on a fucking dime, and best acceleration, found it pretty good for chasing as long as they didn't have a passenger shooting at you.
But yeah there are significantly better cars you could be using.

>> No.8701004

The mikro had the same issue iirc, but when they patched it they managed to do it without preventing the mikro from going past 3rd gear.

The only way I've found to flip a mikro is to have someone slowly crash into you at a right angle and keep accelerating such that it rolls the car exactly onto its back.

I haven't tried the bishada, but I wasn't real impressed with the jericho (the wheels felt very slippery). I'm told the pioneer beats out the espacio something fierce though.

I currently use a 4-slot Moirai. Or a 1-slot Corsenza if I want a free to spawn car.

>> No.8701032

I've been playing Realm of the Mad God lately. It's not PvP but it's fun. It's a danmaku, just not as fun.

>> No.8701077

Tribes is almost an MMO!

There's levels and shit, and you can grind for classes/upgrades/alternate weapons.

And you get to go fast!

>> No.8701100

There is eden eternal. I put alot of hours in that game and it is very fun

>> No.8701106

I'm only playing because I want to eventually buy pretty dresses for my loli.

>> No.8701138


Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.8701183


So, how many Touhou avatars do you thing we could manage to create?

>> No.8701204

quoting the name field bro

>> No.8701237
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I made Aya, Koakuma, and Nitori which wasn't very good.
I've seen a Reimu running around, a few lucky star characters I guess, and some really shitty looking maid outfits in the shop.

If I sat down and thought about it I could make quite a few more. Wish i'd saved the Koakuma though.

>> No.8701252

Someone should make a /jp/ guild.

>> No.8701800

it's not even close to being an mmo

it's just another f2p shooter

>> No.8703850

I am. I wish /jp/ had a guild going. /a/ and /vg/'s guilds are awful

>> No.8703860

Remember Hotglue?

Yeah, bad idea.
In fact, any /jp/ community outside of /jp/ itself is a terrible idea. The moment you start so much as an IRC channel for your project, it's finished.

>> No.8703918

Surely you jest.

Second russian open beta was the best, NMA ruined fonline with their neckbeard roleplay ideas with resource collection and other bullshit.

im going to c/p a post i made on a forum now

>> No.8703922


literally spent my entire 2008 summer break struggling in the wasteland, trying to survive for another hour in face of constant russian ganking as they roamed in their tightly knit crews of high level players. i have not experienced the same amount of satisfaction from finally managing to fight back, having to lean on your comrades and call in favors from newbies you helped out. the power struggles and drama reinforced by the threat of imminent bloodshed was so fucking intense there really are no words to describe it. you couldn't just grind your way into greatness, you had to view every player as someone you could somehow outsmart and backstab in the long run, on top of that you had to decide which of your friends were expendable as you could seldom pull through without casualties in a tight situation, either you accepted these facts of life of you were a nobody. this wasn't a game to just kick back and relax to, since it was so ridiculously hard to get back on your feet whenever you get jumped, EVERY kill was personal. the sheer amount of deceit, low blows but also teamwork that was crucial to getting to a position of power could last any player a lifetime.

>> No.8703925


the only regulations were those that players themselves imposed (never forget the first time you blow an white knight fag anti-PK's brains out), sky was the goddamn limit. ambushing some fucker that ganked you in the past and talking shit as he goes batshit over all the loot he's about to loss, nigga that kinda shit makes you ejaculate from excitement. then you find his naked ass looking for gear and you still kill him out of spite even though there's nothing in it for you. when the open beta was about to close, my crew had heard some rumors about a farewell party in san francisco where every player could peacefully say their goodbyes as the servers were about to shut down. i was in the elite squad that spearheaded the assault on the oil tanker stationed in the city's docks where the party had been taking place. i have not seen that many players massacred in one spot in any online game ever. having whipped out my gauss and blade runner pistols, i embraced the glorious bloodbath to its fullest. one time after the servers had shut down when some guy called out my name and called me a bro in a fonline memories thread i nearly lost my shit and cried. to sum up this essay i'd like to say now that FOnline by Cvet was the single most libertarian game i have played in my entire life.

>> No.8703926

I'm down to play some H&H when the next world starts, I'll make sure to make a post.

>> No.8703975

No one in their right mind would ever play MMOs with /jp/. In fact I often try to avoid people like /jp/ as much as possible whenever a new f2p MMO comes out.

>> No.8703989

dont want to sound too bitter and i respect your choice of 2238 over cvet, but i dont really care for the 2238 crew "balancing" the fallout engine by messing with perks and stats that a professional team had put together.

they should have just added new stuff not fuck with the old. as a long time fallout tactics mp player i had a good idea on how to build my character (10k reg rules represent - gamespy lingo at its finest) but it was already too late when i realized that the devs took away the ability to skip taking a perk to pick one at a later time, so i could no longer take 2 lifegivers at level 12. my character was ruined and i uninstalled swiftly.

>> No.8704017

It works if people don't form cliques and run off to their little IRCs, if people at least pretend to be from /jp/, and if there is someone who will step on people who cause problems for others.

Unfortunately, (Hotglue) has left clumps of clique IRC channels and hurt feelings in its wake. With these around, you'd be hard pressed to even try forming a /jp/ guild without some moron feeling that you're intruding on his entitlements.

A sad situation, given the proclaimed principles of Hotglue. I'd be shocked if more than a handful of the "members" could cite more than one.

>> No.8704053

Well, I never did dabble too much with the reds, so what do I know.

I figure 2238 is the same as usual. Is Requiem and current TLA anything of value? My setups are long wiped and buried, so now is as good a time as ever for some off-world settlement.

>> No.8704925

ultima online

>> No.8704937 [DELETED] 

Why is this more related than Zelda?
Most of these aren't even Japanese.

>> No.8704940

Why? I thought /jp/ would know their shit.

>> No.8704951

We do. Hotglue has done very well in every game it has seriously participated in. Dominated them, even. /jp/ hating itself isn't anything new.

>> No.8704963 [DELETED] 

Hotglue could be shitting money for all I care, I wouldn't go near them ever.

>> No.8705029

Thank you for agreeing with the point.

>> No.8705516
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I generally play online games alone. Feels pretty bad.

>> No.8705571


I tend to play online games alone too. If you do not mind not playing online games alone with someone who also plays online games alone, perhaps we could share our repertoire of games to see if we have anything in common?

>> No.8705731

If only there was some rich benefactor who could provide /jp/ with a couple hundred Tera accounts. I miss styling all over pubs in PVP games.

There's the /v/ and /a/ guilds, but it just isn't the same. /jp/ groups might be full of insufferable faggots, but it's on a whole different level than dealing with these other boards.
