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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8693169 No.8693169 [Reply] [Original]

don't you hate it when your mom doesn't get groceries for a while and then there's nothing good to eat in the house, and all you usually have to eat is crappy canned stuff and frozen crap?

>> No.8693173

dont talk shit about my diet

>> No.8693176

She skipped shopping this weekend so all I have to eat other than dinner is pretzels. It's the worst.

>> No.8693181

Canned and frozen stuff is great.

>> No.8693183

All I eat are ramen noodles and donuts. I ran out of coffee last week every morning is shit covered.

>> No.8693187

C-can't you just go get groceries yourself?

>> No.8693190

How do you do that with no money and without leaving the house?

>> No.8693191

I tried eating ramen raw once from the packet because I didn't own a thermos and was too anxious to get out of my dorm room.

It didn't go well, and I just ended up sleeping it off.

>> No.8693194


yeah but I don't want to, also, I don't have much money personally

>> No.8693200

You people will complain about anything.

>> No.8693198


I used to eat raw ramen noodles all the time as a kid, it was delicious.

>> No.8693199

You're spoiled.

>> No.8693210


You're a nerd

>> No.8693216


deal with it

>> No.8693220


i spoiled ur mom when i let her not have an abortion wit u

>> No.8693221

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

>> No.8693243

just ate oatmeal

>> No.8693244

Just use your autism bucks to buy groceries online, Anon. Problem solved.

>> No.8693257
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 1321784147872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a ton of food in my house at all times. Though I barely eat any of it out of shame. My mom comes to my room and begs me to eat something, almost everyday. You should stop eating so much too if you're a freeloader.

>> No.8693258

I can't buy groceries online in my town.

Can I live with you, ZUN!bar?

>> No.8693266

I seriously need a job.

>> No.8693267

I get that too. I feel like shit when my mom has to throw stuff out that expires.

>> No.8693277

My mom will go out with her boyfriend and bring me back food, this has been going on for a long time.

Man it sucks being a grown man and having to beg for food. And the look he gives me, I can just feel everything he's thinking. I'd almost rather starve. Almost.

>> No.8693279

Where you guys perhaps super fat as kids so now you starve yourself out of hatred for your old self?

>> No.8693290
File: 25 KB, 517x454, 1319610705530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I starve myself to save money.

>> No.8693288

There's nothing to eat, but bread and some tea to drink. Not because mom didn't buy anything, but because kind of poor right now, living from paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.8693292

My mom buys groceries every day, the problem is that she's a terrible cook so I buy my own groceries.
You should humor her dude, give her one less reason to kick you out of the house.

>> No.8693296
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I was fat when I was younger but I don't starve myself on purpose or anything. I'm just lazy.

>> No.8693313
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She won't kick me out of the house. Both my parents know I'm hopeless, and kicking me out forcefully won't end with a happy coming of age story where I learn to become a man and support myself. I've got too much autism built up to function properly.

>> No.8693322

I do, but that makes the day after she does go shopping amazing.

>> No.8693350

Are you cats?

>> No.8693412

I just cut up my credit card so I can't get food delivered
I'm too lazy to go buy it myself
All that's left is bland stuff I won't overeat in a supply that will last me months
Now it's only a matter of time until I'm not fat

>> No.8693509


Why not just go jogging man

>> No.8693538


>> No.8694719

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8694730

ice burn!

>> No.8694759

I miss when my mom got groceries for me. Now I have to take two busses and make an 45 min trip whenever I want to buy food.

Speaking of that, I have nothing to eat now. Fuck.

>> No.8694843

What do you buy so you have stuff to eat for a while and it's not too bland?

I get completely lost in a store because I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to buy.

>> No.8694859

I'm 45, my mom barely been getting me food lately it's pissing me off, I yelled at her the other day cause I hadn't eaten all day and she said she was too tired to me bring me something so I just went to sleep. this sucks
