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8691162 No.8691162 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8651261

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8691175
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 217339-ar-tonelico-melody-of-elemia-playstation-2-screenshot-we-have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Ar Tonelico, which is a visual novel and goes in the VN general threads.

>> No.8691182

Finished Ayumu's first chapter in Natsuyume.
I really don't find the SoL stuff in the game entertaining, but the forshadowing work is probably pretty good.

>> No.8691188

Ayumu is an awesome heroine

>> No.8691195

Trying to start playing Triangle Heart 3 on a whim.
Waiting on a sporadicly seeded torrent, Share, or PD to finish downloading it.

>> No.8691193

I finished Deardrop a couple of days ago.

Enjoyable, but what was with the massive disparity in quality between the Riho / Kanade and Rimu / Yayoi routes? Fucking Overdrive.

>> No.8691202
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x1500, Konachan.com - 72970 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished Subarashiki Hibi. I was following the story along pretty nicely until Tsui no Sora II. Someone help me out here.

So, it all comes down to there being only a single soul? How does that relate to the final sky (how fucking abstract is this concept, jesus) and Ayana Otonashi anyway. My mind is just full of fuck.

>> No.8691199

Riho being a bitch took the time of Yayoi and Rimu's routes.

>> No.8691200

I tried to do the Triangle Heart series a while ago but choices appearing every minutes killed my interest for some reason

>> No.8691294

If you haven't re read Tsui no sora II, do it.
It makes more sense the more you re read it.

>> No.8691348

Yeah, I guess that's a good idea since I was half asleep when I read this epilogue anyway.

>> No.8691370

After almost a year in my downloaded folder I decided to start reading Saya no Uta
I wish I hadn't

>> No.8691385


You finished it, though, right?!

>> No.8691412

Why not? It's beautiful.

>> No.8691423


>> No.8691424


Beautiful is the wrong word to use...but so right at the same time. The word "beautiful" was never the same for me.

>> No.8691444

Greatest pure love story ever written.

>> No.8691445

Stories that make you have a shift of view like this are the best.
Go read Lolita, pedophobes.

>> No.8691532

Sorry for sounding like a faggot, but I just finished Meikyuu grand route and now I need something to fill this giant cliffhanger.
I have the following in my backlog right now:

Symphonic Rain
Tenshin Ranman
Hatsuyuki Sakura

At my current level I probably won't be able to do Muramasa, but other than that anything that has good writing and is funny/exciting works. Much appreciate.

>> No.8691546

I don't recommed Caucasus at all. It's really pretty, but I hate the system.
SR on the other hand is great, but not what you are looking for if you want something exciting.
Rape island is fun to play on auto.

>> No.8691550

Well paced, written and really funny.
Symphonic Rain is a must too

>> No.8691570


I heard there's some sort of keyboard game in SR for you to match the music?
Thanks for the advice though. I think I will try Rakuen out. Hopefully it will portray the eroge-making business realistically.

>> No.8691578

>I heard there's some sort of keyboard game in SR for you to match the music?
Yep, rythm game, if you can't do it decently, there's an auto mode, because failing at the exam means bad end.

>> No.8691589

It will teach you a few things

>> No.8691794
File: 1018 KB, 800x600, agireda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving my question to this thread

Hey, is Agireda in Rance VIII? I'm kinda interested in playing but only if some of my favorite characters are involved.

Otherwise I'll just be lazy and wait for the eventual translation.

>> No.8691814

Will I like Forest if I like Inganock and Sharnoth?

>> No.8691837

Nope. There's a Rance Quest wiki where you can pretty much get all the info you need.
And translation will probably take a while.

>> No.8691850

Still trudging through Chaos Head Noah. Holy shit these individual girl routes totally weren't worth all the fuss. Also spending upwards to an hour every time just skipping read dialogue to get to the different endings, fuck man... Kozupii, Rimi, and AA left....

>> No.8692336
File: 108 KB, 1030x601, sachigoodgirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Grisaia Kajitsu + Meikyuu. What a damn sweet read, like slow food cooking dripping out juicy bits slowly.

Got to say, Sachi is a good girl! Personal the 2nd maid type character I liked in all the vn's I read in the past.

On story side, I found it odd for Sakaki to be the only one with a normal end/good end. Makina/Amane routes were good, totally didn't expect Amane to unfold like that given how her character was portraited before route split so it broke me in funny but enjoyable way. Not to mention, the genius sister! I gathered most people would expect her to be alive after Kajitsu prior to release of Meikyuu. Glad I only started Kajitsu after Meikyuu got released. In retrospect, Amane's route is the most complete - hell, he even got over his nightmares and even died peacefully, more than just married/baby in others. Yet it is almost the most incomplete as it links most strongly with grand route via ichihime back-story.

>> No.8692344

continuing >>8692336

As for Meikyuu grand route, it's apparent from the conversations that it's a mixed of all of them (Amane's accident-only diary mentioned by Sakaki, Makina's defence techniques, etc) and ties into Yuuji/Ichihime. However, ichihime is clearly alive in all of the routes in Kajitsu/Meikyuu, and only reappears in Amane's. Guess she did really mean she will choose a suitable girl for Yuuji and thus only appearing in Amane's. Does this mean Amane is the default heroine in the grand route given the Rakuen text trailer? Also I wonder the significance of Yuuji being named as a terrorist on TV in relation to protecting the girls (number 5 is significant - he promised not to die before then as an asset)he Also I can't help but feel it's going to be like MLA(no time for love) except the one who dies will be yuuji. Also a big question on why ichihime deliberately shit on yuuji via that CIA order knowing who Ethan(oslo) is and the psycho suggestion that's rooted deeply in him. I didn't get the impression she was lying about her feeling for yuuji, not to mention the opportunities she has when Asako is still taking care of him (thus get intel from JB about his situation). We better get the full detail why she refuses to move outside.

Can't wait for Rakuen.

>> No.8692397

Oh, that's too bad. Will look up the wiki then.

>> No.8692530


We'll just have to wait and hope I suppose. Whatever they will throw at us, I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Oh and her name is actually Kazuki, not Ichihime.

>> No.8692623

The heck, you play the whole game with voices off or something?

>> No.8692691
File: 26 KB, 498x321, add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to finish Hatsuyuki Sakura before Dracu-Riot comes out.t

>> No.8693852

Doing Amane route in Grisaia now (already finished michiru/sachi) and holy shit is the backstory long.
I feel like its hard to get attached to the situation knowing already that everyone dies except Amane. Barely motivated to read it now.
Perhaps drama VNs are just not for me. Still want to get through it though, just so I can move on to Meikyuu+Rakuen for more delicious Michiru.

>> No.8693866

smells like machine translation

>> No.8693942

>>8693866, 8692530, 8692623

Brain fart at 4am, nothing else. Came back from a 9-course wedding, guilty as charged on the shitty kanji name read.

>> No.8693955

>>8693866, 8692530, 8692623

Brain fart at 4am, nothing else. Came back from a 9-course wedding, guilty as charged on the shitty kanji name read.

Now looking forward to material brave to chill out with its gameplay.

>> No.8694081

Fuck, I can't access erogamescape anymore, what the fuck is happening?

>> No.8694115
File: 107 KB, 831x525, erogamescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks ok here

>> No.8694117

Probably their usual "let's block random gaijin IPs for a few days" routine.

>> No.8694243
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 独り占め .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this artist

>> No.8694269


>> No.8694272

Subtetly is the best part of nukige.

>> No.8694296

u mena subtlety?

>> No.8694454

Well I'm going to start Dies Irae.
I actually thought about doing it like a year ago but when I asked about some opinions people called it shit on the same level as 11eyes which I hated.
Now it seems to have gotten a much better reputation for some reason.
Hopefully it will be good

>> No.8694458

I found it a lot better than 11eyes.
If you think of dropping it during Kasumi's route, don't, it's the shortest and shittiest one.

>> No.8694461
File: 232 KB, 1024x600, Snap7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking heroine

>> No.8694468

Finished Maki's second end in Natsuyume.
It may have been short, but that was some ending, loved the execution, and I like being right in my deductions.
Only a bit more to end I suppose.

>> No.8694515 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 800x600, dies_いい女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Dies Irae. I thought the best part about it was the outstanding cast of characters, and more importantly how they were handled. I feel like I know each one of them inside out, and I wish more eroge treated the characters they introduced as importantly as DI did. I always thought I'd never run into a cast I loved as much as I did Oretsuba's, but this game gives it a run for its money, just in a... how do I say this... different genre?

The OST's fantastic and I'm sure I'll be listening to some of the tracks on it for a long time - Thrud Walkure, Deus Vult, Walhall and Mephistopheles, to name a few.

I don't think there's much left to be said about its writing, so I'll just say that while most of it was well-written, some parts were just outstanding, like the intro to Marie's backstory for example, that was just unreal.

As for the routes themselves...
Why did this even exist? Terrible character, shit route. It's so ordinary even by normal standards, but how good the other routes are just make it look even worse in comparison. Well, at least it was short.

>> No.8694522 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 800x600, best_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing from >>8694515
With her being a long-black-haired rival swordsman voiced by Kawashima Rino, they couldn't have made her fit my tastes more even if they'd tried. I don't know if that's why, but I thought this was the best pairing in the game.

I shat bricks in rapid succession after Eleonore showed up. Kasumi's route lowered by expectations somewhat, so I wasn't expecting the three of them to show up so soon, let alone Mercurius. Shirou being a fucking hardcore badass was awesome, too.

Also, I have an unhealthy amount of love for Beatrice even though she showed up for what... an hour, at most? I even shed a tear when she faded away, which is just ridiculous.

I was starting to get tired of Triffer's shit so I didn't care much for that stuff, but this was otherwise fucking great. Those lines on the hospital rooftop. That Marie. That Shirou/Eri. Those three fights. That final fight. That everything.

I'll admit this route had me clueless for much of it, I didn't know where it was going and shit was just depressing. Everything from FRIENDSHIP onwards turned me speechless, though. I couldn't have asked for a better way to wrap things up, just fucking glorious.

Now listening to the drama CD, and Beatrice is drunk. Oh dear, what the hell have I gotten myself into?

>> No.8694532

the first route in something that has an overall spanning plot is almost always a shitty introduction to make you comfortable with the setting.

>> No.8694533

Kasumi's route is just a glorified bad end.
Honestly it must have been weird playing the first 2 versions of the game that only had hers and Marie's routes, Kei and Rea's routes bring so much.
I can understand why people were displeased.

>> No.8694534

Saaya put on a little weight...

>> No.8694559

What game is that?

>> No.8694563

Kami no yu.

>> No.8694570

Listen to this too

And read this

>> No.8694594

I serously wonder how that worked I mean you go from Kasumi's end which is a mass killing of the main cast to Marie's end which kills her and leaves you feeling pretty empty
Raging here was normal.

>> No.8694623

This screenshot oozes quality

It made me hard

>> No.8694701

So I started up Kaigen Seito because I enjoyed Hanachirasu, but well, the "gameplay" is pretty shit and I'm finding it almost unbearable.

Can someone who has played it summarise generally what happens throughout the main story? From my understanding and reading some of the prologue stuff, it's set following the Kaigen ambition ending.

I figured you play as Igarasu. Is Akane dead from the Hanachirasu events? Him talking to Kaigen in the prologue stuff was quite amusing.

>> No.8694921


Wait what, what are you guys talking about? Maybe I'm dense but what's so special about this screenshot?

>> No.8694953
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>> No.8695010

I just finished Coμ after putting it away for months.
The last route was pretty good but I am the only one who wanted a route that focused on Caesar's Legion?
It feels like everything about it didn't get enough focus, there are other plot elements that should have been more developed too.

>> No.8695015
File: 1.04 MB, 1700x2339, key 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to scan this air doujin,but I failed.

Yu-no doujins should be scanned by friday

>> No.8695064
File: 191 KB, 798x598, s12-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sad neither of them have a route in S.

>> No.8695326

That is fucking awesome, I might just go complete the game now. Thanks.

>> No.8695972
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>> No.8696125

Ok guys, I just finished Saya no Uta.
I... Don't know what to say about it. But of one thing I'm sure, it was really one of the best VN i read. Maybe, I would have liked it to be a bit more long, just a bit.
inb4 slowpoke, hate and etc. etc.

>> No.8696372
File: 621 KB, 905x483, kannopic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanno is manly

>> No.8696697

And finished Natsuyume Nagisa.
Liked a lot the end evenn if I was expecting him to come back and meeting in the real summer, I kinda wanted a happy end.
Really nice read anyway, I felt some parts of the end could have been a little longer though, they just blew through all the revelations in like 10 minutes.
Time for trample on schatten. I heard it's hotblooded action and I like it.

>> No.8697296

Hello guys.I heard there's an ONScripter port for the PSP. Can you play *any* NScripter game there? I'm probably getting a PSP soon and I want to know if I can read Umineko EP8 there.

The Linux port runs Umineko so I think the PSP port should too?

>> No.8697417

I haven't read any of the nitro+chiral works yet and I think I'm going to jump in with dramatical murder in a week. how does the writing compare to nitro+'s stuff? all I know is that the scenario writer is a girl.

>> No.8697625

It's GNU/Linux.

>> No.8698446

Hey guys, I have a little question. I loved Inganock back when I couldn't read Japanese and I read the english version. Since liar-soft re-released it recently it has been on my backlog but I can't really get the motivation to reread it. I have never re-read a VN that I have already read in english before so I don't know if it is worth it to do so. Is it worth it to re-read Inganock now that my moon can handle it? Did the translation do it justice?

>> No.8698562

I'd say it's worth it.
The full voices actually bring a lot to the game and Sakurai's writing really show all its goodness in Japanese

>> No.8698594


Way to buy into Zionist marketing from a fat Jew who hasn't written a line of code since the early 90s.


>> No.8698705

Finally finished Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to.
It was pretty stellar all around, great routes in general.
Though I guess the humor isn't probably not for everyone, also the lack of voice, the overall length of the game (VERY long)and the shitty system detract from the experience.
Anyways it was definitely a hidden gem for me.

Next will be Silhouette from CDPA since I'm dropping Shamana Shamana, it wasn't horrible but too boring for me.

I've heard some good things about it, also the art is by that south Korean who did UnbalancexUnbalance and Freezing.

>> No.8698860

Cyc keeps opening new brands, no idea what they're trying to do anymore.


>> No.8698967
File: 258 KB, 800x599, 306-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that's played Majikoi S know which two CGs I seem to be missing? I seem to have all the routes flagged and don't see anything else to go through.

>> No.8698972


did you keep playing the tutorial

>> No.8698987

new brands are usually people inside the company trying their hands at making a game, I remember seeing a job ad for an eroge company saying something like "you can have your own brand within a couple of years!". If they don't get any games past their first it probably means the idea the game flunked

>> No.8698995

yeah, looks like you're missing the PREMIUM scenes, just play the tutorial some 10 times or more

>> No.8699000
File: 12 KB, 151x232, PM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh, I see it now. Thanks for the reply and such guys. Appreciate it.

>> No.8698997
File: 158 KB, 1040x614, lx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/, just dropping by to let you know that the Guilty Crown Lost Christmas demo has been translated.


>> No.8699004

Damnit, I don't know how to make a cross-thread link.

>> No.8699007

No > in the number.

>> No.8699022

Woahwoahwoah wait...
Is Majikoi S translated or is it just the menu buttons?

>> No.8699026


Or you can just copy-paste the URL, and 4chan will convert it to a proper cross-link automagically.

>> No.8699028

more than a few games have english buttons

>> No.8699085

Yeah, I know.
I just got a little hopeful there.

>> No.8699152
File: 129 KB, 799x597, benkei230-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, wish Benkei got a proper route and so on. Oh well, from the ending, seems like there will be another anyways.

>> No.8699332
File: 81 KB, 795x618, forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started playing forest, I'm hoping this prologue is almost over.

I'd like to play a vn where I at least sorta know whats going on

>> No.8699338

>where I at least sorta know whats going on
Then don't play forest, it basically throws you into crazy shit and takes its sweet time to reveal shit so you enjoy the atmosphere.

>> No.8699356


>I'd like to play a vn where I at least sorta know whats going on.

Might wanna stay away from forest then.

>> No.8699379


gah, but I've heard so many good things about this one.
Will it be worth it in the end, do you think?

>> No.8699380

Yes, it is. It's better if you enjoy its nonsense and it doing a lot of different shit, treasure hunts, jumanji, zany adventures of Reepicheep...

>> No.8699437

Did you give up on Steel or did you just put it on hold?

>> No.8699476

Would it be possible to get script counts for Himawari no Chapel?

>> No.8699570

I gave up on it.
It's chuuni but more of the LN kind which isn't really my taste, for this kind of eroge I prefer when the writing is a bit more solid.

I did a shitty job at it and got 4.9mb after removing all the lines of codes, if you remove all the speaker tags it's probably closer to 4.6mb, pretty huge either way.

>> No.8699913

I have this little doubt about subahibi even though I finished it almosta year ago, what teh fuck was happening in down the rabbit hole I?
Was it some kind of limb for Zakuro or something before she died? Because I have no idea.

>> No.8699936

That's the first part with yuri and such right? Its just like an alternate world. One of the characters (I think Yuki) asks Ayane about it in one of the Epilogues - she asks how Takuji got the name "Tsui no Sora", and Ayane says it was from that "dream" - that they did really experience the events of that dream
Probably better for you to just rewatch the epilogues though.

>> No.8699961

There's a lot of stuff in Subahibi that doesn't really make sense in the larger picture. Rabbit Hole I is the biggest offender. It's more of a foreshadowing route that sets the atmosphere than an actual part of the story.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but everyone I've talked to has come to the conclusion that parts like Rabbit Hole I and the Tsui no Sora gondola just don't make a lick of sense if you try to put it together.

That said, everyone should replay Rabbit Hole I after finishing the game just to understand how much of the plot was actually in the first chapter (and to understand just how fucked up Subahibi really is, too).

>> No.8700067

It makes a bit more sense if you consider Subahibi as the sequel of Tsui no Sora.
Which is why the last ending is called Tsui no Sora 2

>> No.8700077

I don't think anyone else around here played Tsui no Sora.

I might play it if it would help it make more sense, though. I always heard that Subahibi was a majorly expanded version of Tsui no Sora, not a sequel.

>> No.8700121

I read it, before I even did Subahibi actually.
In retrospect it wasn't a good idea since Subahibi is pretty much a remake and most of the scenes are just copy-pasted.
The main difference though come from Ayana's character, she has mostly the same role in both games but in Tsui no Sora she actually gets some development and feel a bit more human since you can actually "romance" herwell as human as a godlike passive observer can be
Tsui no Sora has 2 ends depending on whether Yukito the first protagonist chose Kotomi or Ayana though both ends are pretty much just different sides of the same coins, and Tsui no Sora 2 is pretty much a direct continuation of these endings.

Anyways the gondola scene in Down the rabbit hole 1 is a direct reference to Tsui no Sora 1, if you consider Ayana it's easy to understand that Subahibi is both a remake and a sequel

>> No.8700140

If the scenes are copy-pasted, is it just Subahibi's absurdly awesome CGs and music that turned it into a kamige? I heard Tsui no Sora wasn't considered very good.

>> No.8700165

Subahibi is just a lot more expanded. Tsui no Sora is basically a diamond in the rough, you can see the design of something great but that's all, Subahibi is what happen when you refine it to its utmost.

>> No.8700218
File: 178 KB, 802x595, m12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know another VN similiar to what Majikoi/S is and such? Getting the hang of the language and such so wanting to try others out. Light-hearted if possible.

>> No.8700226
File: 21 KB, 200x400, story4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the artwork in Tsui no Sora

>> No.8700298
File: 39 KB, 229x400, sayonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reading さよならを教えて. The writing in this feels totally amazing to me, it's just such a convincing depiction of an extremely unhealthy mind. It's not a jumbled mess of random crazy shit, you can actually follow his thought-process which makes watching the degeneration more unnerving.

>> No.8700309

Little busters EX or Tsuyokiss?
One is basically incredibly similar and the other is by the same author.

>> No.8700322

Is Kimiaru similar as well? Not the same guy but I am looking for something like that as well.
I get the vibe from these threads that this game is a one route pony.

>> No.8700354

I just recently started learning moon, what does it mean when some katakana are written in just half the size as others, just like in the first word ?

>> No.8700383

How's the content? I remembered someone here played it before and it definitely seems quite interesting and unsettling.

>> No.8700405

Alright guys, new to VNs (not very new, I mean I have play beginner stuff like Ever17 and Saya no Uta). Can I get some VN recommendations? Need to be in English.

>> No.8700412

Check your katakana table, if it doesn't have the half width characters, find one that has them. I'm pretty sure wikipedia has the complete one.

>> No.8700432 [DELETED] 


>> No.8700440


>> No.8700473

Protag is an aspiring High-school teacher, dreams about a monster consuming an angel every night. Finds out that one of the students looks just like the angel in his dream. Constant anxiety, stress, fear make him lose his grip on reality. Watch him break.

>> No.8700500

That stuff is eventually covered in any serious textbook or grammar guide, so if you don't know it yet, you probably haven't advanced far enough and shouldn't worry about it.

Check hiragana and katakana sections if you want to know more.

>> No.8700606

Does anyone have the Muv Luv chart?

>> No.8700613
File: 118 KB, 799x597, m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the suggestions. Will check them out here shortly.

>> No.8700725
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>> No.8701034
File: 380 KB, 648x510, probablymyimagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if this is the right place even to post this, as if there was a VN translation progress thread, it would be more apporiate but here it goes.


This Russian dude put out some tools for playing around with the game files in Amagami but the last time he updated the tools was around 6 months ago and his precompiled tools don't work.

I made some teensy changes to the code and such so the tool works. So I guess I'll just post this here since I dunno where else to really post this. Also, do tell me if it works although it probably should since I tested this on my roommate's computer.


>> No.8701607

For real. The writing is easily the best thing about it besides Hitomi himself.

>> No.8701659

First sample CGs of Robotics;Notes are here:
I think I got too used to Huke's artwork, since these ones seem a bit unnatural now. Even if S;G artwork is actually quite unusual, too.

>> No.8701736

I am pumped, the art work will need some getting used to but the 3D is decent enough. Seriously, I may actually buy the PS3 version rather than wait for the PC version.

Why does it seem like only a few people care about this? I thought /jp/ would be creaming themselves over this game.

>> No.8701812

Not enough info. It's not like S;G was hot topic when it was first announced.

I just hope its not like the S;G cast who're meme-spouting brats, and the science make a bit more sense this time. I'm kinda offended that there's too little science in this science ADV series.

>> No.8701809

Just finished MLA, felt it was below my expectations but maybe my expectations was too high. I could see why people said it had pacing issues. Ignoring infodumps (some are justified, some aren't, and some are but had bad timing) I especially notice the overuse of constant flashbacks, even on silly things (felt like naruto).. which diminishes the effect the handful of revelations amongst others that weren't obvious as hell to guess. This compounded with cheesy muv-luv bgm (they should have made new or remix some of the tracks) or sound effects (heart beat etc) if toned down, could've made it better. It literally feels like watching bleach, whenever MC gets resolve and is followed by the 'number one' song. Not going to talk about the plot since that really needs a thread of its own, or better done in /vg/. Overall MLA had very high production values.

Playing MLA altered fable right now, but given how long MLA was I want a break from it's universe... I wonder if there is there any good space battle VNs or something? Not sure what's a genre that's novel which I can play at this point.

>> No.8701849
File: 20 KB, 902x52, ohfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that S;G is better than C;H I am hoping R;N will be better than both. It has a smaller core of characters so it won't have useless ones like S;G did (Rukako, Feris)
Pic related is what is worrying me though.

>I just hope its not like the S;G cast who're meme-spouting brats
That was the worse part of S;G, kinda of funny that is the reason a lot of people like it.

>> No.8701906

Yeah, but c'mon. Let's just hope the protagonist is not a retarded self-insert otaku like Takumi and Rintarou.

>> No.8702140

Is Da Capo worth reading, or should I just skip to DC II?

>> No.8702154

Neither are particularly worth the read. I would say 2 is better than 1 though.

>> No.8702279

i just completed unlimited blade works route on fate stay night.

damn i wished i knew about this VN back when it was fresh enough to talk about

>> No.8702653
File: 459 KB, 1280x768, yukiiro_wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nekoneko-soft just released a trial fro Yukiiro

>> No.8702655

Just what I need, a cure for insomnia! Seriously though, I thought they went under.

>> No.8702661
File: 359 KB, 1071x666, 9998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8702713

Just read Meikyuu Grand Route.

It was a pretty gripping read if a little inconsistent. I could have done without the foster-parents casually fucking the brains out of their traumatized teenager. I think they could have easily worked in more emotionally consistent sex scenes (slow-burning relationship with Asako coming to a head relatively late, mutual comforting with JB after her death) Instead they were pure shota sex-machine comic relief. Military stuff was really good, the motorcycle diaries were boring.

That cliffhanger is a bitch...

>> No.8702739

>That cliffhanger is a bitch...
Amen to that
Fuck, and there is still no set date for Rakuen

>> No.8702895

JB's sex scene was...something else. A very cute presentation of shota-Yuuji raping her into oblivion.

>> No.8702924

So... no loli fucking in this one? Fine by me.

>> No.8702930
File: 877 KB, 808x610, irudanaH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Venus Blood is actually a pretty fun series.

Now warmly waiting for VBF.

>> No.8702958

The game is divided into 2 parts, childhood and teenagers, choices during the the childhood part will decide the setup of the teenager part.
I don't think the loli part will have ero though

>> No.8702964

Was reading Hoshizora, but I entered Asuho's route only to remember that it wasn't translated..
So now I either wait half a month (probably more) for their patch, or change onto Isuzu's route.

>> No.8703342
File: 359 KB, 780x975, 14439115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah VenusBlood is really under-appreciated series. sure they aren't masterpiece level but damn if they aren't loads of fun. welcome to the group

>> No.8703618

Right. So this company named "Norn" is planning to release this gender bending game, and I quote [最強の不良が女体化!ツンデレ俺口調の美少女に!? ~馬鹿!中に出す奴があるかっ、俺が妊娠なんて有り得ねえ!~] ... I have grown cautious of VNs with stupidly long names.

What can you people tell me about this company? Is it good? Bad?

>> No.8703624

>I have grown cautious of VNs with stupidly long names.
Why would you grow cautious of nukige, Anon?

>> No.8703647

As to not expect anything even remotely resembling a plot and just skip to the porn.

>> No.8703652

Norn only makes nukige of the cheaper variety, usually the heroines are aimed towards specific fetishes.

Also all their titles are long as fuck.

>> No.8703656

Norn is a company that releases cheap nukiges.
Shame Crowd new game got delayed to April.

>> No.8703662

They're still alive?

>> No.8703663

My penis thanks god for that.
Also they've finally learned what people want to see in their games.

>> No.8703664

You probably won't find them good unless you're really starved for one of their games' fetish. I tried playing the elves one and it was really, really basic with really, really generic dialogue, basically an excuse to string ero scenes together.

>> No.8703674

Maou was actually a success. A shame they decided to go El Cheapo with the CG for their new game.

And goodness gracious, they are hyping this game really hard. It's not even out yet and it has a bunch of merchandise out already, promoting it in several magazines.

>> No.8703680 [DELETED] 

Is venus blood abyss connected to other series?
I mean if i did not play the other, will i miss something?

>> No.8703685

Is Venus Blood Abyss connected to other series,
I mean, if i did not play the previous will i miss something?

>> No.8703695

Maou was pretty hot, no wonder.
And this new gmae seems promising, demoness, tentacles and only guys for relevant roles so no retarded yuri.

>> No.8703698

no, each venus blood is their own game, they have bit similar themes at most but stories are unrelated

>> No.8703706

I started from that one too and had no problems, it's self-contained. Not a direct sequel or anything.

>> No.8703714


Guess i got to try it then, it has pretty damn high score in EGS - 85

>> No.8703734

The gameplay is really solid if that's what you're looking for. Plot and characters aren't that bad but don't expect them to be on par with 85-points scenario games.

>> No.8703774
File: 541 KB, 579x358, loot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150$ loot

>> No.8703775


They sure can make lovable heroines though. Aria and Tsukuyomi for example.

>> No.8703802

Story/Character-wise VenusBlood Empire is the best.
The protagonist is awesome

>> No.8703841

yeah Fried is pretty great, but still liked Kilt more, although it was mostly due to Kilt being incubus and the sheaningans it caused

>> No.8703888

What is the gameplay like? Grind-heavy?
I assume the scenes are mostly rape from the plot, but is it 'heavy' rape or more sengoku-rance style?

>> No.8704018

Now that I've finally finished downloading the games, can the Triangle Heart series be played in any order, or would I be far better off going in order?

>> No.8704043

They are unrelated.
Play them in any order you want, Triangle Heart 3 is the only one with action if that's what you want.

>> No.8704117

Alright, thanks.

>> No.8704215
File: 115 KB, 800x600, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Silhouette but it's a bit strange to read something that wasn't written by a native Japanese.
The writer is South-Korean and while the text isn't bad you can feel it's not his first language, there is something about the choice of words and the sentence structure that feel a bit weird at times.

It's this guy

Plot-wise it started a bit slow but it's getting more and more interesting where I am right now, I feel a genre shift coming

>> No.8704362

This guy sure loves to have a lot of projects running. There are like 8 ongoing series. Let's hope that this isn't a sign of his inability to write proper endings for his stories.

>> No.8704457

Fuck that author. I hate him.

>> No.8704776

I'm not the biggest fan but Silhouette is pretty interesting so far, I like the art too even though it looks like all the heroines were mindfucked since they all have dead looking eyes.
Too bad it's unvoiced

>> No.8704808

No mention of the vastly superior Jill? How dare you.

I liked the story in Empire better but I thought Abyss had a better overall cast. Maybe not for the characters themselves but I just felt that some of the conversations were better written in Abyss than Empire. Also Kilt's position made it easier to get attached to the heroines as opposed to Fried's. Fried was cool but felt kind of disconnected from the heroines. Emperor Fried has swagger though.

Gameplay was kind of a tie for me. Abyss was more advanced but I actually prefer Empire's style(which is why I'm looking forward to Frontier) Also Abyss lacks goddess corruption and that's a shame.

No grinding, really. (It's kind of hard to 'grind' in the series anyway due to how it works. It's possible but probably more of a pain than its worth) The rape isn't like Rance, but it's not grimdark rape either. I think the usually ridiculous and over the top 'evil' personalities the goddesses have after being corrupted from the rape makes it hard to find it depressing. And Abyss, the only one without goddess corruption, has rape done under necessary pretext to win the war so it's not so bad. Most of the people you're raping are mutual allies. It's a "no hard feelings" kind of thing

>> No.8705812

what are you some cyberpunk eroge? all I know of are kikokugai and Baldr Force.

>> No.8706689

Hello, World and Aekanaru Sekai no Owari ni

>> No.8706718


Second Hello, World, but boy, that one felt long. You might need a patched EXE to run it on Vista/W7 if you do managed to hunt down a copy

>> No.8706721

> if you do managed to hunt down a copy
Only reason I still haven't deleted it from my PC despite changing it 3 times.

>> No.8706856
File: 72 KB, 400x564, 1331644773184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first playthrough of Hello, World is pretty much one of the best experience you can have with this medium.
This trainwreck that never seem to stop, all the little hints that end up foreshadowing something bigger than you could imagine, this game really need to be done unspoiled

>> No.8706873

I'd pay for an actual remake, including art.

>> No.8707016


The first time I tried it, the art almost put me off as the beginning was too ~uguu~ despite the setting. Have no regret after sticking with it though

>> No.8707054

I'm curious too. I don't get it. Spoonfeed me please.

>> No.8707125


>> No.8707145

Maybe I'm just incredibly dense, but I still don't understand what's so special/subtle about the screenshot. What does Monopoly have to do with it?

>> No.8707155

It's the title of the game

>> No.8708335
File: 94 KB, 800x969, 209b5531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8708358

Them tits.

>> No.8708363

The only part I liked from the trial was the art direction and use of kirikiri.

>> No.8708437
File: 313 KB, 930x778, 1331159024817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blasphemy. Aoko is pure flat.

>> No.8708451

I liked the faces. I didn't expect that.

>> No.8708460

I liked Alice and the fight at the end.
Everything else felt a bit dull.

>> No.8708654

About to play France Shoujo. All I know it has Tony Taka art. What else can I expect?

>> No.8708661

3000+ unique kanji. Have fun

>> No.8708664

Not nearly entertaining enough to justify its length.

>> No.8708685

It starts with a good atmosphere but it quickly turns boring.
I wonder if anyone played it to completion.

>> No.8708723

What's the OP image from?

>> No.8708746

Guys? Did Luchs close down? Their webpage is gone.

>> No.8708862

Whatever happened to this company after France Shoujo?

>> No.8708931

How difficult to read is Dies Irae? I really want to read it, but I don't think my Japanese is good enough yet.

>> No.8708968

Pretty hard... Vague / cryptic sentences that are difficult to decipher the meaning, lots of NVL segments as well

>> No.8708983

Figures.. Looks like I got to keep going. Maybe one day i'll have the necessary skill.

>> No.8709365

I apologize for engaging in spoon feeding, but would anyone be kind enough to upload their copy of Hello; World? Or maybe direct me in a direction where I could obtain one?
I'm having some difficulty tracking down the file itself.

>> No.8709375

If I had good upload speeds I'd do it, but they are pretty crap.

>> No.8709395

Not him, but does yours work with W7?

>> No.8709397


Isn't there a file on TLWiki for Windows 7 compatibility?

>> No.8709402

With the non-align exe you can find at tlwiki, you can.
But it seems someon is seeding the one in http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=43982
no the best speeds, but decent.

>> No.8709417

I should've been more specific. I'm running 64 bit W7. Not sure if the non-align will work on my system.

>> No.8709421


Oh how did I miss that? Thank you very much.

>> No.8709422

So am I, it works without an issue.

>> No.8709458

I'm reading evolimit.
I've just started it, but the production values are pretty high and I like the characters.
people have told me the routes aren't good because the issues with the battles, but I just want a fun read and seems promising.

>> No.8709908

Just finished A Profile and came away disappointed. Pretty weak compared to Sharin and G-Senjou.

I suppose I'll start Coμ next, I've been putting it off long enough.

>> No.8710373

Any translated VN like Edelweiss?

>> No.8711255


>> No.8711283

My girlfriend is the President, Majikoi

>> No.8711293

Sort by popularity or rating, and check average titles.

>> No.8711398

Ok, I'll try that one, thanks! And thanks for that page!

>> No.8711420

How did you get hello, world to install? I can't find a product key for the life of me.

>> No.8711568

The serial.txt in one of the torrents I'm trying says 745-465-070-103
Try that.

>> No.8711577 [DELETED] 

Thanks you very much, it worked great.

>> No.8711591

PSP Dies Irae OP:


>> No.8711597

You know, if you are a newbie to all this stuff then you should check /vg/ too. They have huge ass general threads for translated VNs (/jp/'s VN general is mostly for untranslated stuff), it is basically a nexus where most of the English-only folk congregate. They are pretty friendly too as long as you are not donkey stupid and have read the OP message.

>> No.8711599
File: 30 KB, 806x628, zzhello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you very much, it worked great but only works with the patch found >>8709397. I am running 64 bit w7.

>> No.8711649

Wow, it's full of spoilers
Look good though, I'm definitely getting it

>> No.8711660
File: 338 KB, 1812x1014, 1331891773458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking yes

>> No.8711662

I like the visuals, but holy shit the song is terrible. Such a huge difference from Einsatz and Gregorio.

>> No.8711671
File: 219 KB, 949x500, 1331891636411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rusalka's route still not here?

>> No.8711676

Flat-chested non-virgin lolibaba.
Considering they show the album cover for the drama CD as a CG, what are the chances they include it actually as part of the game with sprites and all?

>> No.8711681

>Considering they show the album cover for the drama CD as a CG, what are the chances they include it actually as part of the game with sprites and all?

100%, both this and the Beatrice drama CD are confirmed to be in the game.
And looking at the opening what happen after Marie's route too.

>> No.8711685

>100%, both this and the Beatrice drama CD are confirmed to be in the game.
Seriously? Getting it then since I doubt this kind of psp things get uploaded normally.

>> No.8711697
File: 185 KB, 1949x2609, ntu73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, here is a sketch that is supposed to become a new CG for the drama-cd part.

Also Masada also said that he was going to rewrite the final fight of Rea's route to make it longer/more flashy.
No new route but there will be a fuckload of new content.

>> No.8711705

>That Rusalka
Who need a route when you just go and get the guy styling all over the rest of the main heroines?
>No new route but there will be a fuckload of new content.
This is how ports should always be, most VN ports are so boring, apart from voices if they weren't and a couple of new CGs.

>> No.8711833

>Also Masada also said that he was going to rewrite the final fight of Rea's route to make it longer/more flashy
Thank god. That was the biggest and most important battle in the whole story and it turned out be the worst fight in all of DI.

>> No.8711841

It wasn't really a fight, more like the prologue to it.
And the dialogue/narration was amazing.

>> No.8711947

Is Paradise Lost worst reading?

>> No.8711989
File: 79 KB, 580x619, top_bg_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed that on the official website.

Looks like I won't be playing Dies Irae soon now that Acta est Fabula won't be the definitive PC version anymore.

>> No.8711995

I wonder if they'¡ll make a PC port of the psp version.

>> No.8712129

There's also this.

That's what the picture says.

>> No.8712133

>That's what the picture says.
I never bother to read for some reason, don't mind me.

>> No.8712139

I wish the port would 'fix' some of the art direction, and by fix I mean using the new tracks of Acta est fabula in the older routes (or just Marie's, since no one gives a shit about Kasumi's)

>> No.8712173

That's a good news. I guess I won't buy it on psp then.

>> No.8712174

There any reasonable Miyako route estimates for Majikoi? Translation I mean.

>> No.8712178

I'd go with 3 months.

>> No.8712179

That's not as bad as what I was expecting. Thanks.

>> No.8712183

And rightly so. Fuck that abomination.

>> No.8712184

The PC version is going be all ages too?

>> No.8712187

>art direction
I emant music direction, shit.

>> No.8712188

Written in the pic that it's going to be the exact same version as the PSP version.
So yes all ages, not like DI had a lot of ero to begin with.

>> No.8712218

Oh wow, I hope it's 1080p or whatever the fuck resolution KKK ran at.

>> No.8712436

So according to /m/ thread reason Baldr Sky had no update last week was Futsuu playing Dies Irae. Unconfirmed, though.

>> No.8712461

He might not have a job but he probably still has a life. It's like everyone thinks he's going to keep up that pacing from start to finish. Fucking idiots everywhere.

>> No.8712463

This isn't the translation status thread.

>> No.8712464

The more or less DI CGs in KKK had the same resolution as KKK, so it's not unlikely.
My only problem with it, and malie as engine in general, is how horrible it is when resizing images.

>> No.8712506

The one who posted that is obviously Metarail, and as far as I know, he has connections with Futsuu, so it's probably true.

DI is awesome, so I approve of and encourage this behavior.

>> No.8712526

I remember one year ago when Dies Irae was considered a kusoge, time sure has changed.

>> No.8712534 [DELETED] 

Does not matter. Luchs/Psy-chs is dead. I weep.

>> No.8712536



>> No.8712546

It is. The original release at least.

>> No.8712549

How the fuck can you do afters of route that were made of 50% ero.
Well Majikoi print money so it was expected, S was pretty bad though

>> No.8712553

I can't blame them for trying to milk it to death, at least considering how it sells.
I just hope it's better than S, it was pretty bad.

>> No.8712571

They're appends.
Instead of doing a whole new game they plan to release appends every few months with new routes and after stories.

>> No.8712592

For free?

>> No.8712604

To you and me, yes.

>> No.8712625

To be fair translation status thread is dead.

>> No.8712634

There will be a new one tomorrow though will their not? Seems kind of silly to out of the blue say "reason Baldr Sky had no update last week" when nobody was talking about it. Not that I'm trying to be a bully or anything...

>> No.8712682

Probably brought it up because we were talking about DI and DI was tangentially related.

>> No.8712701

Are there still sites that allow you to buy VNs from Japan? I used Palet Mail Service in the past, but their PC game section seems to be growing thin.

>> No.8712750

>futsuu 9.9 2012-03-12
Go ahead and confirm that. >>8694515 and >>8694522 was probably him, too.

>> No.8712906

Don't dream

>> No.8712927

Is OP from Majikoi? I haven't really been following VNs for ages. Sorry for the scrub question.

>> No.8712928

I've been playing the Madoka psp game but it's annoying how it doesn't have the same soundtrack as the anime, it's just not the same when Mami transform without her theme playing

>> No.8712931

Girls using Keigo is just the greatest thing. I hear that -orimasu and my dick is diamonds.
Stalk somewhere else, christ.

>> No.8712939

I think the soundtrack has been good so far, though I haven't seen the anime. The thing that annoys me is inability to skip text and stuff though. I'm scared about losing in a dungeon because I assume it will make me load my last save and I'll have to slowly go through the dialogue again.

>> No.8712941

I prefer just old japanese myself. Especially 否 used normally and just not for politeness, gets me hard.

>> No.8712949
File: 332 KB, 812x1000, 1331814151743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more girls who scream NIPPON BANZAI when they cum.

>> No.8712956

I quite fancied the dialect/accent/whatever that Miyoko in 廻り巡ればめぐるときっ!? spoke with. I don't think I've played any other VNs with heroines that spoke that way.

>> No.8712961
File: 146 KB, 980x1059, FireShot Screen Capture 22 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google has a reverse image search, anon, if you don't know it yet.

>> No.8712963

Amiami, or proxy services.

>> No.8712976

I like old Japanese, but sometimes it's a hassle to read. I had to have a dictionary to go through games that was written in that format. The writing style definitely helps in getting you immersed in the game though.

>> No.8712982

I remember reading some nukige from AIL (I think?) a couple of years back about a Kunoichi in ye olde Japan. There was some kind of high-class prostitute who spoke with an amazing sex-goddess dialect. That was just something else.

>> No.8712985

Having to refer to a dictionary just ruins my immersion no matter the style. I agree with other posters though, old style japanese, when spoken by a female, is boner inducing.

>> No.8713023

Checking in as yet another boner-haver for old style Japanese. It's a pain to read but fuck me if it doesn't sound amazing.

A mature onee-san type character speaking Kansai-ben is pretty good, too.

>> No.8713034

Kansai-ben is the one which uses odore as 2nd person pronoun? If yes, I agree.

>> No.8713049

That's the more polite Kyoto-ben, I think. Very similar though, I believe it does fall under Kansai-ben.

>> No.8713072

I don't think I've ever played an eroge with that speech, care to name one?

>> No.8713079

Haven't heard it in eroge.
I only remember it because I'm watching nisemonogatari and makes Kagenui even hotter.

>> No.8713106

Kansaiben is a pretty wide range and includes lots of different dialects. I think odore would be more specifically Fukushimaben, though I may be wrong. I don't think very many people actually use it any more though...

>> No.8713374
File: 314 KB, 1040x614, oh god my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got around to actually finishing my playthrough of Strawberry Nauts (Mikamo's route, specifically), which I picked for my first untranslated VN since it looked simple. It went smoothly.

While it was utterly mediocre, thanks to a generic story and some "cheapness" (such as the timeskip they did in the beginning to introduce Mikamo and the fact that the first part of the game features scenes where every heroine gets a shot at the same thing, which felt extremely forced), I won't deny that it did what it set out to do very well. The game is about "how one falls in love", alright.

It was quite entertaining seeing MC and Mikamo's relationship develop. There wasn't much drama either, which was probably for the best. And, of course, Mikamo herself was incredibly cute. Like, seriously cute. Pic related, this scene brought my heart to it's limit.

The soundtrack didn't particularly stand out, except perhaps Te ga Todoku Youni (which, now that I think of it, I don't remember hearing in Mikamo's route) and the opening and ending songs.

I am not exactly qualified to say this, considering how little visual novels I have played and how I have only played through Mikamo's route (and honestly, I am not exactly planning on the doing others right now), but anyone looking for a simple, cute love story might want to give Strawberry Nauts a try.

If you pay attention, one of the lines in Mikamo's epilogue left a bit with the voice actor clearing her throat.

>> No.8714108
File: 46 KB, 500x372, 49066729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's the right place to ask, but would anyone be so kind as to provide a higher resolution version of this pic? Actually, any Forest-related wallpaper is fine really, shit's very hard to find - and I'm too huge a fan of this vn to not let this fact bother me at all.

>> No.8714112

It's a CG from the game, just use exhentai or something, it's easier.

>> No.8714139
File: 137 KB, 1280x960, forest3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried it too, but yeah. At this point i figured i'd have to re-download the game and manually extract the cgs or something, so yeah. And yes, i'm a pirate faggot who always uninstalls a novel after finishing it.

>> No.8714143
File: 810 KB, 800x600, forest xg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can give you this one, but it's just sniped so it probably lacks a bit.

>> No.8714166
File: 700 KB, 1280x960, forest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it of course it wouldn't have that high a resolution, it's a CG from the game after all. Many thanks though, I really liked that one in particular.

>> No.8714215


>> No.8714396

Has anyone here tried Cudder's translation of Milky Holmes on the PSP?

The untranslated game works fine for me but when I patch it with RePatch the game doesn't run with an Error 80020148.

Do I have to do something else? I'm running a PSP-2000 with CFW 6.60 ME 1.6.

>> No.8714403

The game isn't finished yet so I'm not sure why you would want to play it now but...

A guy on my blog using the same firmware as you and having the same problem said:
1. Apply patch to the iso;
2. Extract the EBOOT.BIN from the original ISO (unpatched one);
3. Replace the EBOOT.BIN in the patched iso with one from step 2;

Assuming that guy isn't you of course. I personally haven't had problems with it so I can't say one way or the other.

>> No.8714420

I just wanted to see the status of the translation, to see if I should get my hopes up or not.

Some guy told me the 80020148 came up with a corrupted EBOOT so that must be the problem. I will try it now, thank you.

>> No.8714445
File: 61 KB, 603x483, [4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this, but I would particularly like some Kariya art.

It's a shame I cannot find any. Very underrated VN.

>> No.8714461



>> No.8714463

Great, that was it. Thank you so much!

>> No.8714478

Not sure if it is an issue caused by the latest patch as I haven't actually tried that one. I know the others worked fine though.

>> No.8715674
File: 156 KB, 800x600, 1328969138290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8715684

『時計仕掛けのレイライン ~黄昏時の境界線~』
『MagusTale ~世界樹と恋する魔法使い~』

>> No.8715701

Doing this will mean that you will not get the fixes we have made to the backlog limit etc. and you may experience crashes later on. Before and after patching you should verify that the SHA-1 hashes match those we have published.

I thought you had tried it and did not experience any issues. That is why we release these builds -- for you to test!

The latest version is MHTRANS_20120120_6_IUO. [That was harder to copy that I had expected. Mediafire, stop stealing the right-click you offensive piece of shit.]

Either way, this will need more investigation.

>> No.8715703
File: 468 KB, 1000x750, 1331982876816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

『Zero Infinity』 light 夏予定
シナリオ:昏式龍也 原画:泉まひる


>> No.8715726

How and why?

>> No.8715733


Oh wow

>> No.8715752
File: 154 KB, 800x600, tomo talking to his fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tomo is the best. How can he be this cute? He puts all of the heroines to shame.

>> No.8715753

It actually looks like a fun read if you like myths and related things.
The parts about Shrodinger's cat and Maxwell's demon juts made me laugh though.

>> No.8715792


Gameplay movie of Demonion.

>> No.8716014

It looks good, the style feels a bit "western" though

>> No.8716058

New thread

>> No.8716062

the overall plot of the previous game lends itself to fandisc-like short stories very well

>> No.8716080
File: 951 KB, 1280x960, 07kus_mimagiri03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one here, dunno if you'll like it but yeah http://www.legar.org/pict/log/forest/
Actually I don't think I'll ever find a work of fiction that good in my life ever again, but one can always hope.
