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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 151 KB, 440x306, gf_pres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8689872 No.8689872 [Reply] [Original]

Did you guys like this visual novel? I just started playing it.

>> No.8689876

It was cute, funny, and mildly emotional. I liked it.

>> No.8689882

russia > usa

>> No.8689879 [DELETED] 

Authors don't know shit about politics, didn't do the research, there's no way she could be president.


>> No.8689897

Never grinned so hard playing a VN. It was okay all in all but for some reason felt empty after playing all the routes. Maybe because none of them really stood out.

I just want the fandisk to be translated so we can make sweet love to the loli alien.

>> No.8689937

I thought /jp/ knew how to use sage properly.

>> No.8689949

I felt like it was really well put together in some ways, but really generic in others. I really enjoyed it while I was playing it, but had little motivation to turn it on in the first place, since it was more the humor and stuff that drew me in anyway. At least the voice acting was fantastic. I agree on the fandisk though, her not having a route in the main game is almost unforgivable.

>> No.8689947

I don't know what I'm doing. I was trying to troll/flame but I couldn't think of a creative way to do it.

Just ignore my post, I haven't played this. It looks cute though, but I heard bad things about the JAST release.

>> No.8689983


I agree that it was well put together and honestly entertaining as fuck but the routes themselves had so much more potential. The "story" in each was pretty mediocre and I felt could've been much more.

Also I'm pretty sure most of the dialogue, even during serious scenes, were definitely not serious. It was so cliche and over the top that my face hurt from grinning too hard.

>> No.8689994

Putina's route is horrible, avoid it like the plague.

The rest is fun.

"story was mediocre" niggers need to fuck off.

>> No.8690003

Yeah, it felt really tongue-in-cheek a lot of times, which is nice sometimes. Like I said, it was definitely the humor and how polished it was that drew me in, the actual underlying substance of it wasn't really anything special. It's nice to take a break from serious stuff and read something like this, but it's honestly hard to decide how "good" I think it is overall...

>> No.8690010

The fuck is going on?

So I decided to get My Girlfriend is the President, and damn, this is the Saints Row: The Third of visual novels. That should be enough and I can just drop the proverbial mic right here and walk away.

So the story is as such, after an intense space battle, a space ship crashes into Japan and blows it the eff up. To cover her tracks, Qoo, a loli alien, decides to brainwash the entire world to convince them that a random girl is the president of the country ‘The United States of Nippon’, and moves the White House to cover the crater. The girl who is now president, as the title doesn’t suggest at all, is the protagonist’s childhood friend Ohama Yukino. The protagonist, Hondou Jun, is the vice president, and his best friend Morita is the director of intelligence. Jun happens to be unaffected by the brainwash by sheer chance, and thus Qoo has to convince him to play along. After a freak jetpack accident, he ends up saving a girl from a group of terrorists, and that girl happens to be the president of ‘Rusia’, Irina Putina. Along with the presidents, there is Miyoshi Ran, another childhood friend of Jun, and Ell, the spaceship that crashed into Japan, who Qoo turns into a teenage girl because why not?

>> No.8690011
File: 19 KB, 300x187, defective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the JAST release of this game come with DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)?

>> No.8690015


The act of brainwashing the entire world gets the attention of a race of alien known as the guardians, who are trying to turn Earth back to normal. To do this, an alien in the form of a panda tries to kidnap Ohama while she’s at a hot spring and... I, I just can’t.

The set up for this visual novel might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s amazing for it. The actual character routes, however, can get a little generic if you peel back the several layers of crazy, which is disappointing. But I guess the fact that even though Ohama is the president she STILL ATTNEDS HIGH SCHOOL and then the first day back to high school the Rusian president TRANSFERS TO THAT HIGH SCHOOL and thus this high school HAS TWO WORLD LEADERS AS STUDENTS is a pretty silly little addition.

Did I mention one of the girls is actually a spaceship turned into a girl? Yeah? Well did I mention Qoo transforms another spaceship into another girl who then tries to kill Ohama and the original spaceship?

Did I mention the first spaceship IS AFRIAD OF HEIGHTS?

You should play My Girlfriend is the President.

>> No.8690017

Not that I know of, someone ripped it for us the day it came out. That was megaupload links though, so someone would probably have to reupload it if you need it.

>> No.8690025
File: 14 KB, 400x148, DRM.article-width.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have a problem actually buying it if it came without DRM.

DRM is an injustice.
Products with DRM should not be used.

>> No.8690033

Well, afaik JAST doesn't really fuck around with DRM. I can't guarantee this particular title though.

>> No.8690043

Which is the best route?
And the best girl?

>> No.8690050
File: 377 KB, 2960x1060, dbd_color_logo_trim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. If a company uses DRM on its products, you should boycott that company. DRM is a disgraceful attempt to subjugate and invade the privacy of users.

>> No.8690053


>> No.8690059

I felt the gameflow too simple, it was basically "Do you want this girl? Y/N" and "In or out?".
But the references, oh god the references.

>> No.8690060

It's why I pirate anything with Steam as a primary distribution method as a knee-jerk reaction. Paying to be told how you can/can't use the shit you just bought is really silly.

>> No.8690067

whenever the news is on and the oval office is displayed, i can't help but think about this novel.

>> No.8690068

Didn't JAST patch out all the DRM on their products?

Anyway, a comment on this page suggests that there is no DRM: http://www.jastusa.com/my-girlfriend-is-the-president-release-notes (though it is not official)

>> No.8690072
File: 58 KB, 500x250, 2106355774_99ba48d106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Steam. I physically own games I cannot play. Granted it's partly because of my own stupidity and their support service are pretty helpful, but the idea itself is ridiculous. Why "gamer" kids support it is beyond me. Wouldn't you like to just install a game and run it? Like you used to?

>> No.8690086

The video game industry in the west is just a massive clusterfuck at the moment. Gamestop de-monitizes physical sales for the companies, but Steam is a virtual monopoly on digital distro while being some of the biggest horseshit around. I don't get how the whole machine is still churning along as lopsided as it is.

>> No.8690080
File: 168 KB, 469x640, 519889667_ef4e2b297a_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that sounds good.

Don't use software with DRM, /jp/. DRM is designed to restrict your freedom in order to benefit big companies and help them violate your rights.

>> No.8690098
File: 30 KB, 200x198, crew-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give Steam your money. Steam is one of the worst examples of using DRM to violate users' rights:

>> No.8690120

Honestly, I've never understood the love steam gets. It patches my games? This was barely a problem, most online games had patchers built in before steam.

All it allows is for companies to charge exactly the same price as retail, despite retail needing huge costs for shipping and publishing games.

The sales are a nice idea, but if you enter any retail shop, the PC games are cheaper than steam's brief sales. With no need to get rid of stock, valve can charge 40 bucks for a game forever.

Also, it runs like pure ass for me, taking forever to open despite it sucking 100k of RAM constantly.

>> No.8690129
File: 15 KB, 200x150, eliminate-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are seduced by convenience. Centralization is always a bad thing, but people like it because it saves them a bit of time. In return they let companies force DRM down their throats.

DRM is manipulative and dangerous. Educate your friends about the dangers of DRM.

>> No.8690130

Oh man, speaking of prices, I know a guy in Australia, Steam charges him close to double the price you would pay in the US or EU. Typically he has to pay a little more for stuff due to shipping and tariffs and shit, but Steam is charging him extra to 'ship' a digital copy.

>> No.8690138
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>buying information

>> No.8690147
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1920, awesome-attack.1308772078548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DRM guy, I agree with your sentiment, but you are spamming this thread. Don't spam off-topic replies.

>> No.8690152

It's Duke Nukem Forever: The Visual Novel.

It was mildly amusing at first as it lampooned all the typical visual novel / anime clichés and conventions, but then it unapologetically fell into them all itself without a hint of irony.

I enjoyed it for the first couple of hours.

>> No.8690164

I don't have a problem with steam for DRM. It's fairly non-obtrusive (unless you count having to have steam installed as obtrusive), and actually adds useful social features to games like achievements (unless you don't like being social).

It also encourages people to buy games directly from a publisher or indie, benefitting the developer rather than your typical used game store.

>> No.8690184

>(unless you don't like being social)
Really? REALLY?

It's non-obtrusive when you realise you can turn off the ads every time you want to play a game, but it constantly locks up for me, and logs out of my account inside the terrible browser. The main page pops up seemingly at random, blasting me with ads for the latest CoD or Skyrim.

Valve takes a slightly lower premium than publishers, but the amount of money that goes to devs is exactly the same for any retail game wether it's sold on steam or in gamestop. For indie games, buying it direct from the dev is a better choice, valve takes around 20%.

>> No.8690192

I'm backtracking a bit here to the start of the debate: You can't blame JAST or Manga Gamer for the DRM that comes with these games because the Japanese devs force them to include it.

>> No.8690205


Either your computer is garbage or it's so riddled with spyware and the likes that nothing can run properly.

>> No.8690215

No, steam just runs like ass unless you restart it every day or some retarded shit.

I can have over 200 tabs open in firefox, while playing a game, no problems. The steam client is terrible for trying to actually access the community page though.

>> No.8690234

No, that's just you.

The ads that pop up after you close a game can also be disabled from the settings menu.

I don't like the fact that Steam has a total monopoly over digital distribution, but like Google they are benevolent rulers for the most part. It could be worse.

Imagine if EA and Origin dominated...

>> No.8690235


>No, steam just runs like ass unless you restart it every day or some retarded shit.

No, it doesn't.

Say what you want about DRM but Steam itself works great.

Either you're doing something wrong or your computer is wrong.

>> No.8690244

Does /jp/ have a favorite visual novel of all time?

>> No.8690252

Saya no Uta. I am not even joking.

>> No.8690253


everyone here loves it

>> No.8690258


No such thing.

Least hated VN? There's probably one. Most liked? Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.8690260
File: 101 KB, 348x479, b66940e84a56ed888b77911f26baee72 120 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690264

>Saya no Uta

This is /jp/'s favourite VN.

>> No.8690431

I was once in a rockband but things went badly south due to my mental imbalances and I ended up all alone.

So Kira Kira is my favourite vn, followed by Cross Channel.

>> No.8690438

I don't know about /jp/ but my personal favorite is symphonic rain

>> No.8690477

But why is it your favorite?

>> No.8690493


That was my second VN. Good times.

>> No.8690842

Last time I asked this, the consensus was Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.8690893
File: 220 KB, 712x732, 1287232666724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The play, The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno, by William Shakespeare, was first performed around 1600. Since then, it has proven to be one of the Japanese language's most enduring stories, and there has never been a decade that hasn't seen dozens of new productions. The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno has come to the screen numerous times, in incarnations varying from early, silent versions to grand, color epics. As the curtain fell on the 2005 visual novel season, another The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno has opened. And, in a statement that I do not make lightly, this latest version is not only the best directed adaptation of The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno I have ever seen, but the best visual novel expression that I have come across of any of Shakespeare's plays.

Part of the enduring appeal of The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno lies in its complex characterization and twisty, tragic plot. Ryo deals with, among other things, madness and revenge, sex and love, politics and treachery, and ghosts, both real and figurative. Yet, despite the depth and weight of the issues it essays, there is still a great deal of humor and good, old-fashioned adventure. The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno can quite literally make you laugh and cry, hiss and cheer. 10/10

>> No.8690949

I hope all the people making fun of The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno for its title realize that it's actually a pretty decent VN.

>> No.8691021

It truly is the Boku no Pico of VNs.

>> No.8691033

>He isn't a /jp/ spy who sells information

>> No.8691047

Mine is Steins;Gate, personally.

Saya no Uta is probably a very close second.
