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8687506 No.8687506 [Reply] [Original]

Prisma Illya anime adaptation confirmed

>> No.8687508


>> No.8687509

Nasu needs more money?.

>> No.8687519


>> No.8687516

He needs more money to buy the Dark Souls sequel and MH S2 BDs.

>> No.8687537

Delicious animated brown Ilya

>> No.8687543

God damn it, Nasu - get to the Tsukihime sequel or remake. Or both. It's a shame to think we're Fated to have more of the same (extra, apocrypha, etc.)

>> No.8687554 [DELETED] 

The crusaders camp outside Constantinople while Alexius, as emperor, tries to raise his debt to the Venetians by taxing the citizens and confiscating church property. For nine months growing resentment within the city is matched by increasing impatience outside. In April the Venetians persuade the crusaders to storm Constantinople and place a Latin emperor on the throne. For the second time they succeed in breaching the walls.

The doge of Venice and the leading crusaders instal themselves in the royal palace. The army is granted three days in which to pillage the city.
The Venetians, from their long links with Constantinople, can appreciate the treasures of Byzantium. They loot rather than destroy. St Mark's in Venice is graced today by many rich possessions brought back in 1204 - parts of the Pala d'Oro, the porphyry figures known as the tetrarchs, and above all the four great bronze horses.

The crusaders, mainly French and Flemish, are less refined in their tastes. They tend to smash what they find. They ride their horses into Santa Sophia, tear down its silken hangings, destroy the icons in the silver iconostasis. A prostitute, placed on the patriarch's throne, obligingly sings a bawdy song in Norman French.

>> No.8687585
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>> No.8687605

Fate/Stay Night is like Nasu's own reliable whore with a heart of gold, she just doesn't stop putting out for him.

>> No.8688506

>Essentially, the entire point of anime broadcast in Japan is to be a very long-form ad for DVD/Blu-Ray discs and secondary merchandise as well as the original source material. Thus I’m guessing that Type-Moon will be busting out a VN for Kaleid in the not-too-distant future…

>> No.8688514

Released after the Tsukihime Remake.

>> No.8688526
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fuck yes for lovely Luvia, i hope that she is voiced by either Shizuka Itou or Tamura Yukari

>> No.8688531 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8688547

I'm pleased.

Unlimited Ilya Works makes my penis happy.

>> No.8688598

Type-moon will never be truly productive.
Why bother when they can just ride the spin-off trait and keep cashing in?

>> No.8689104

Oh god yes, more of the only good thing to ever come from Type-Moon.

I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8689164

I hate you Nasu, I hate you.

>> No.8691168
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Good to see that my favorite FSN spinoff is getting animated. Can't wait to see delicious animated Ilya fanservice.

>> No.8691186

is this right? http://www.mediafire.com/?l8mtq5txqmdqhpw

exhenati wont work.

>> No.8691212

it's not. can someone please post it

>> No.8691222

It's on BakaBT, I think.

>> No.8691236

What are you looking for?

>> No.8691285

this doujin(?) >>8691168

>> No.8691331
File: 312 KB, 847x1200, 2wei_17_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a manga. This is the group that's scanlating it:

