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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 600x338, SATOKO-PANIC.satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8686000 No.8686000 [Reply] [Original]

What's the longest you've gone without panicking in public since becoming an "adult"? How did you go for so long then?

>> No.8686002

Depends on how you define panicking.

For example, if I become nervous enough that I start to feel detached from reality, is that panicking?

>> No.8686010

I can not panic indefinitely for as long as I am intoxicated. Unfortunately, I cannot be intoxicated indefinitely.


>> No.8686016

That's derealization. Panicking is when you run into the street at full speed because you think your waifu is trying to feed you poisonous elephant tea.

>> No.8686020

It still makes me shut down though. No matter how hard I try, I can't function when it happens. And it happens even now that I'm in college.

But in that case, I guess I probably haven't panicked since I was in middle school.

>> No.8686027

I never really get panick attacks or so nervous I'm not lucid and/or I start blabbering.
Most of it goes straight into my fucking stomach, I don't sweat, I don't shiver, it's just my mind punishing my guts.
I hate that shit, it's actually became an habit so everytime I feel some stomachache I start getting nervous as a reflex action.

>> No.8686039

I don't go out in public.

>> No.8686341
File: 295 KB, 700x717, 36927b7394ff300152c97c1e13d9a139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higurashi hit too close to home when it came to the panic attacks and persecution complexes

>> No.8686611

But you have before. What's the longest you've lasted?

>> No.8686635

A full school day, followed by a trip to the grocery store. I don't know how.

>> No.8686636

I have something like this too. If I get nervous in a crowded room I can't concentrate on my work and just start thinking about cute lolis and stop moving entirely.

I can't work if people are talking or near me.

>> No.8686643

You were 18 then? If not, you need glasses.

>> No.8686656

No, in college. Lots of group work between classes (and I skipped one of my classes to work on the stupid project, too). I didn't panic at the end of the day, but I did take a nap.

>> No.8686679

I've always panicked as far as I'm aware, just to varying degrees. I used to be able to last the few hours I was at college, though I'd be plagued by chronic stomach pains and mostly mute and not manage to turn up every day, after finishing college (on my second try, after failing at the first one due to the amount of students, I had to find one with single digit students in the class) and getting grades good enough to go into a good university I found it unbearable though - far too many people. Low numbers of people worry me too though, you stand out more if you can't hide in a crowd. Haven't left the house since dropping out of university.

>> No.8686700

I do the same thing, except I instead spend my time imagining that I'm having conversations with imaginary people in this imaginary world I put together in my head.

Also, whenever I'm walking anywhere in public I try to change certain aspects of the appearance of my surroundings using my imagination, and I of course exclude all of the people from this image. It helps me to remain calm.

>> No.8686721

I had a full time job once. Teaching children even.

Now I am a part-time NEET who avoids talking with anyone for more than ten seconds or so.

>> No.8686737

A part time job is still employment, so you can't use that word.

>> No.8686753

I've never "panicked" in public.
I do however get extremely paranoid and irate, especially about how slow everything is. Especially on escalators, fuck people who neither walk up them nor stand to one side to allow those who aren't lazy fucks to walk up them.

>> No.8686774

I am unemployed.

Yes technically there is no such thing as a part time NEET. How else would you describe half-student half-faggot?

>> No.8686806

As in education, and hence not a NEET.

>> No.8686808

I don't panic in public as long as I don't look like shit.

Well, comparatively, anyway. If I think I look passable I'm fine. Usually me being washed and visibly clean clothes is enough.

>> No.8686818

I would walk up them but everyone gives me weird looks whenever I do.

>> No.8687019

this is why a use the stairs. well that and I don't trust esclators

>> No.8687058

Maybe try to fuckin relax

>> No.8687083

I am more attractive, of statistically higher intelligence and more culturally versed than the median. What would provoke panic?

>> No.8687092

I get really dizzy and start to faint, even when on prozac.. /jp/ what do you guys do when it starts to happen?

>> No.8687096

Your asperger's

>> No.8687095

Why would I panic in public?

Oh wait, I keep forgetting this board is filled with faggots with imaginary illnesses that work themselves into a frothing mess over nothing when they have to go to the convenience store to buy themselves diapers at 2 in the morning.

>> No.8687100

Felt nothing from that one, sorry.

>> No.8687118

Aspergers is an urban legend bounded within the textual confines of /jp/.

>> No.8687141

Yeah. He should really try harder to take it easy when trolling. The situation is far too exaggerated, so we can't sympathize. He needs to relax and get on our level before trying to get in to our heads.

>> No.8687284

I do the exact same thing. Sometimes I get nervous that people know that I am thinking such thoughts have to leave, even though I know that they can't read minds.

>> No.8687336

I cover my face and smile like I was holding onto a precipice with my cheeks.

>> No.8688234

haven't had a panic attack in years (meds help with that) but anxieties still make life suck

>> No.8688259
File: 78 KB, 459x450, dawn brownie spatula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take it easy.


I'm quoting no one

>> No.8688291

which "on one" you are quoting here anon?

>> No.8688297

Interesting question.

When I'm in public, I'm always in panic mode, I start to get dizzy and think wierd things to myself.

But I can put up with it. I'm really good at hiding it...until spaghetti starts falling out of my pockets. Thats when I know I'm fucked.

>> No.8688371
File: 507 KB, 852x480, Shaymin_curled_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the dyslexic one.

>> No.8688376

>Panicking public
Seriously how pathetic is that?

Also not /jp/ related.

>> No.8688401

How is that called when you have something coming up, not even something big, yet every time you think of it it feels like someone with a glove made of hot and at the same time cold razorblades is burrowing in your intestines?

>> No.8689795

It's hikkikomori related.

>> No.8689805


>> No.8690844

what's worse anxiety or paranoia

>> No.8690852

I don't panic in public because that would just make it worse.
Being DOUBLE paranoid is pretty beneficial like that.

>> No.8690854

Twelve years.
Just suddenly stopped.

>> No.8690885

Last time I remember? Maybe when I was 6 or younger and I got lost in public. Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by "panic".
Last time being severly anxious about something? About 2 years ago, for half a month or a bit more. Went away after I resolved what was bothering me.

>> No.8690911

The question isn't when you last felt nervous in public. The question is when last you didn't.

>> No.8690944

With or without alcohol? It's became a real crutch for me.

>> No.8690960

Alcohol is great for this. It may sound depressing or alcoholic, but just have a couple of pints before you leave the house. Don't get DRUNK, just get slightly tiddly and the outside word is a lot easier.

I'm surprised doctors don't prescribe vodka for the treatment of anxiety.

>> No.8690976

>but just have a couple of pints before you leave the house. Don't get DRUNK
Unfortunately, this is the difficult part once you get dependant. Maybe I should look into drugs instead.

>> No.8690996

I'm not sure if you're trolling or being serious, but I'll give a serious reply anyway. That's just not how doctors work. First alchohol has many, many MANY other side effects, all of which are negative. Then again, they just can't prescribe something that could get their patients seriously addicted, like if a doctor said "just drink some alcohol before you go out" 90% of their ansiety patients would never know when to stop, because that's also one of the side effects of alcohol consumption. Also, It doesn't really cure ansiety, rather just hides it momentarily really.

>> No.8690998


>implying alcohol is not a drug

>> No.8691002

They have super awesome drugs that will never get you high, but will keep you from panicking. You can't get at them easily, though, because of faggotry. That's why so many people still turn to crap like alcohol and weed.

>> No.8691011


That's not how you use the quote function.


>> No.8691013

>implying people don't get dependencies on other drugs with negative side effects

>> No.8691015

Yup. For instance smoking would actually be an effective way of losing weight for an obese person, but of course they could never actually recommend that for obvious reasons.

>> No.8691019

Never experienced any kind of panic attack.

>> No.8691017

All day, every day.

Some of us have lives.

>> No.8691022


>> No.8691026

> Then again, they just can't prescribe something that could get their patients seriously addicted

>> No.8691023

U jelly? Yep, u jelly.

>> No.8691025

How public do you mean?

>> No.8691031

As far as the topic of the thread, it hasn't happened to me since the last time I forgot to take my meds.

>> No.8691045

Can someone tell me why the janitor is arbitrarily leaving threads like this up when it obviously isn't /jp/ related yet he deletes other threads because he doesn't like them. Or is he just an asspie who made this thread himself?

>> No.8691051

Are you disagreeing on that? I'll give some drugs can be physically addictive, but the treatment is made in such a way where once the problem is solved (or being solved) the meds are slowly taken away, and no withdrawl crisis or retrocess should happen (usually).

>> No.8691062

/jp/ is a slow moving board as it is. Mods / janitors shouldn't be deleting any threads unless they are spam or illegal content.

>> No.8691064

Oh, I see. I tend to be pretty calm, so, I guess, most of the time, and now. Not that I consider myself 'normal', I just don't have any anxiety disorders.

>> No.8691060

What are your meds?

>> No.8691068

What happened to the old mantra of "you need to use all the pages on /jp/"?
It's like people are unaware of pages other than page 0. Use the Catalog if you hate clicking things but like pictures.

>> No.8691079

I'd prefer if people stopped posting off-topic shit that.

>> No.8691080

The bus is almost half full, or your line at the store is getting long, or the auditorium is packed, and everyone is excited.

>> No.8691087

Because this thread is related to hikkikomori.

>> No.8691086

But we're a community of like-minded NEETS and otaku as well.

There's nothing wrong with a meta thread like this once in a while.

>> No.8691099


That's because they've been deleting any thread they don' like even if they don't break any rules. Meanwhile blog threads are constantly on the front page. Hell, some of them are actually deleted, just the ones the mod/janitor doesn't relate to apparently.

>> No.8691124

Maybe one of these threads will encourage him to off himself and save us from his reign of terror.

>> No.8691141
File: 142 KB, 632x421, rika-crab.1330085669082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a blog thread.

>> No.8691165

What's the longest you've gone without spaghetti falling out of your pockets, /v/?

>> No.8691238

28 years.You?

>> No.8691257

i turn 30 in a few days and have never experienced spaghetti in my pockets, so i am thinking of going out for a nice italian meal on my birthday

>> No.8691288

You seem to be familiar with this faggotry. Get out

>> No.8691680

>0 withdrawal
>0 withdrawal

Please try to be less retarded.

>> No.8691708

Who else gets really gassy when they're nervous?
I'm constantly anxious at my job, and I need sit on the toil at least 5 times a day just to fart.
This only makes me more nervous because I know my co-workers must realize how often I go to the bathroom.

>> No.8691716

>panicking in public
/jp/ is so moe~ The things I'd do to you if I could /jp/...

>> No.8691739

I have panic attacks sometimes, they're really not nice.

>> No.8691841

Probably has something to do with the fact that you're a disgusting, mentally ill queer who should have been aborted. You will never be a real woman and I hope a law passes that allows you to be hunted and tortured to death.

>> No.8691949

That's a really nice projection you are having there

>> No.8692047

Except I'm not a "MtF transgender" queer so I am not projecting at all.

>> No.8692075

Why are you being so adorable?

>> No.8692383

Like, what sort of things?

>> No.8694039
File: 58 KB, 441x361, 1327898759170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know if that's a great idea. people in a panic can really do some damage, especially when then feel threatened/in danger

>> No.8696569

pan·ic /ˈpænɪk/ [pan-ik]:
a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior

this sounds like me
