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8685222 No.8685222 [Reply] [Original]

You're going to be deceiving yourself forever with that crying face of yours.

I pity you, Anonymous.

>> No.8685226 [DELETED] 

That's Nessie wearing a skull mask. He's really friendly so he decided to wear a skull mask to appear more scary, but everyone can see through it and just wants to give him a hug.

>> No.8685234

I have read my SICP today. Have you?

>> No.8685244 [DELETED] 

I took it out from the library and had it for three months but never read past the first chapter or two.

Am I a bad person?

>> No.8685257

Damn, you can read it in a day?

I opened it, and I had to re-read every sentence 2-3 times, and even then I couldn't comprehend what was written. I was just looking at symbols which didn't invoke any kind of reaction in my brain.

>> No.8685271



>> No.8685274

It's a textbook, not literature.

>> No.8685278
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Stop derailing the Ilya thread

>> No.8685286

It's strange that those words came from Ilya. She was the most pitiable one. And not because she suffered. Because she was stupid.

>> No.8685288

What is your point? Are you going to tell me that it's about computer and the spirits that live in them next?

Or are you implying that literature is harder to understand than textbooks?

>> No.8685291

MoS Shirou was completely insane abandoning Ilya.

>> No.8685292

derail your ANUS, clown.

>> No.8685310

I'm saying that you can't read it like literature. You need to read it like a textbook. Following the concepts is more important than instantly understanding what you read. It's not surprising at all that it doesn't click in your brain, it's not supposed to be like that.
