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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8675966 No.8675966 [Reply] [Original]

How did you NEET it up today, /jp/?

>> No.8675971

I think I made a friend today!

>> No.8675980

Just woke up. Is this NEET enough, I ask?

>> No.8675981

Homeless anon here. At the library. I think I might smell like shit.

>> No.8675987


My old campus had showers that anyone could walk into.

If you can afford it, a YMCA/whatever subscription would be great.

>> No.8675988

How do you survive? Why are you homeless?

>> No.8675993

Made sure to brush my teeth (t-thanks /jp/), ate some cereal, watched some Kamen Rider, and browsed Danbooru.

>> No.8676000

My old landlord who I didn't pay my last 2 months rent to called for the first time in a few months.

Asked me how I was doing in school, I made up some bullshit so he could feel good, went back to the internet. I haven't been to college in years. Told me again how I should join the military. Fat chance old man.

>> No.8676006
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Tell us your tale, Anonymous.

>> No.8676010

Try your best to get something part time at least. People don't like bums too much, man.

>> No.8676014
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That made me bawl my eyes out when I first read it.

>> No.8676021

Classes were cancelled on Monday, I skipped on Wednesday, and I should probably go tomorrow.

So I haven't been to classes since last Friday, nor have I even once left the house.

I'm bordering between Hikkikomori and College Student.

>> No.8676023

Don't worry--it's just a story. Like Blindmute Loli and that nurse guy.

>> No.8676030

I tried programming but there was too much to learn so I got discouraged. I browsed /jp/ instead.

>> No.8676044

Nurse-kun is real!

>> No.8676051
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I haven't finished Blindmute Loli and I have yet to start the Nurse story.

>> No.8676108

Blindmute loli?

>> No.8676122


>> No.8676136 [DELETED] 

I slept in until noon and played video games in bed. Then I had some Hot Pockets for dinner and fell asleep.

>> No.8676149
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I fapped a lot today and now the area between my anus and balls feel a little sore

>> No.8676153 [DELETED] 

When I became a hikki, I shut myself in two weeks or so before finals. ;_; I failed every class

>> No.8676162

1. Woke up
2. Washed some clothes
3. Drank three beers
4. Slept for three hours
5. Woke up again

And now I'm writing this.

>> No.8676768

Get out, attention whore.

>> No.8676781

Not NEET or hikki but why is it so hard to communicate with normals?

>> No.8676783
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>> No.8676789

There's no such thing on /jp/. You really have to use all 16 pages here, even if people do so to shitpost.

>> No.8676796

Because they are easily led creatures of whim. It's terrible.

>> No.8676801 [DELETED] 

How is it a necrobump if the thread's not even a day old?!

Kids these days.

>> No.8676807 [DELETED] 

They're closed-minded and shallow.

>> No.8676815

I want a friend!

>> No.8676811

Face it. There are more people on /jp/ these days and it has gotten more mainstream and full of shit posters. It is not as slow as it once was any more.

>> No.8676818

By playing Neptunia and having to reload my file because my characters were too much of a autistic spaz to heal themselves.

>> No.8676830

> Kids these days.
Very clever. Although you are in your late teens or early twenties, knowing the basics of "old school" Internet/Usenet culture allows you to call other people "kids".
You're the best, Tokiko!

>> No.8676884
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I finally worked up the nerve to open a letter I received yesterday, took a bath, washed my hair and took a shave.

I checked some pixiv accounts and their twitter feeds.

I also got to talk to my friend online. He wasn't online yesterday. Days without him are always bad days. I dread the day he stops talking to me.

>> No.8676899

I worked from 7am yesterday morning until now, almost 2am the next morning.

>> No.8676912

After waking up at 2pm, I went to a friend's house and used a Gentoo liveCD to fix the bootloader on a friend's computer for no compensation save for being able to converse for a couple of hours while his files rar'd.

>> No.8676923

Went loli watching (my favorite outdoor activity), came back home started drinking and browsing /jp/.

>> No.8676947 [DELETED] 


>> No.8676974

Got on the bus and had to sit amongst a bunch of middle-schoolers. They wanted my benis.

>> No.8676976
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I woke up, spent about 20 minutes holding my daki / waifu, enjoying myself and what not. Then I went out and bought some peach rings and got some chik-fil-a, which is probably the 2nd time i've eaten out this year (not that I ate out, but still). Came home, ate, waited anxiously to see if my japanese game would come in the mail (it didn't), went back to my room and stayed there all day, studying japanese, working out, playing video games or eating. Took two baths, and watched some minami-ke while doing so. All in all, a far more active day than I'm used to, but hey who's counting?
pic is the lovely lady whom I'm entirely in love with

>> No.8676981
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Good job on the letter. I'm serious too, I literally have a box of unopened mail from the last 2 months. Some of it is from people who care about me too.

>> No.8677005

I went grocery shopping at 9AM. That's about it.

>> No.8677034

There is absolutely no doubt that said middle schoolers wanted to have sex with you. Middle school girls are such whores, today I saw a bunch of eleven 12~13 year olds smoking (first sign of a whore) within school grounds, what shameful behavior for such young maidens.

>> No.8677050

>bunch of eleven 12~13 year olds smoking within school grounds
And these were once pure maidens? That depresses me. The become lewd earlier and faster these days

>> No.8677066

How do you do it? Where do you go? Do you ever speak with any of them? Has anyone ever confronted you?

>> No.8677067

My tendency to skip meals has gotten worse lately. Today I ate half a pizza (I forgot about the other half and it got cold). I guess it's okay since I don't get hungry or anything but sometimes I'm worried about vitamin deficiencies. I'm not convinced that multivitamins are going to keep me healthy.

>> No.8677087

I've been eating nothing but instant noodles and fried eggs in this week.

>> No.8677083

Just leave your home, lolis are ubiquitous

>> No.8677088

/jp/ is too much of a normalfag to overcome social anxiety.

>> No.8677095

I occasionally go out but I never really see any lolis. It kind of seems like a big deal (to me) whenever I actually do see a loli outside.

>> No.8677097

There's an elementary school right next to my apartment but I don't find 3D lolis cute so I haven't even thought about stalking any of them.

Besides, I'm afraid of kids. There's something eerie about them.

>> No.8677102


They won't. You should try to eat healthier anon. I recorded my food for a week and realized I was significantly malnourished in every area.

So I went to the store and spent like 30 dollars on healthy stuff. This week is my first week, and I already feel like I have a new body. It's good stuff too: oatmeal, grits, fruits, whole wheat bread, slices of provolone cheese, and meats like fish and chicken are what I eat throughout the day. Three meals.

For beverages I drink V8 Fusion or water. The cheap processed high frustose corn syrup drinks with no nutrition value are really really really bad for you.

>> No.8677108

No one has ever said anything to me or looked at me suspiciously, the trick is just to keep moving and look busy like you're actually going somewhere (don't take too much time in one place). I just wander near schools, since there are a bunch of them relatively near my house (I got the break times memorized). It's just innocent fun, it's not like I'm gonna assault or kidnap someone.

>> No.8677113

I'm assuming you're white. How do you dress?

>> No.8677117

Reported to the FBI.

I really wonder how the authorities would react to something like this, though.

>> No.8677122

Do you find them attractive or something?
I guess I'll never understand the appeal of 3D loli.

>> No.8677128

Why aren't you at Taco Bell right now?

>> No.8677131

A beige trench coat and balding hair are recommended for these kind of activities.

>> No.8677149

I am busy discussing the merits of the concept of Doritos Tacos Locos with my best friend. I would have no way to contact him and discuss this issue if I were at Taco Bell.

>> No.8677155

>How did you NEET it up today, /jp/?
By doing my homework

>> No.8677157

I am out of FBI's jurisdiction, and even if I wasn't I haven't broke any laws so there you go. My enjoyment of this fine sport that is loli watching comes from reasons that are 95% non sexual.

As plain as possible, I look much younger than I am so I can just pass for an ordinary teenager.

>> No.8677162
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I played that new Illusion game called LoveGirl and was extremely disappointed. Didn't stop me from spending 6 hours completing it.

I also swore off fapping for the 3rd time this month. It saps all my time and energy to go through my various backlogs. I'm tempted to just lob my dick off and become a eunuch.

>> No.8677185

There's something really almost overwhelming about being outside on a nice day getting some exercise and going past a school full of kids playing. When you're used to being shut in a room all the time.

>> No.8677199

I installed ubuntu since it was suggested to me that I use linux if I am to learn C, which I intend to do.

It might have been a bad choice, but whatever.

I also drew a bit, finished a small life drawing, now I'm going to draw a bit more.

Today was a productive day.

>> No.8677212

You will be amazed by how much simpler (but not necessarily easier) these things are on Linux.

However I suggest you try something like Cygwin/MinGW. Basically UNIX tools (and a UNIX command prompt/shell) for Windows.

>> No.8677275

I woke up at noon, fed my chickens, tended my garden, then came in to study Japanese.

Then the internet was down, because the storm last night knocked the antenna 3 degrees off, so I called the ISP to come and fix it.

While I was waiting, I melted some glass in the microwave, with this neat kiln thing, but the image was unrecognizable and it broke anyway.

I welcomed the ISP guy, then went to work doing the math and realized that my tobacco consumption had gone up, so I planted some more. When the ISP guy left, I visited my usual sites. I then went onto 4chan and proceeded to blog.

>> No.8677282

Where you live
You live an ideal lifestyle
In my opinion

>> No.8677303

A place in Texas that my father owns and lets me stay on. It's populated enough to have a WiFi ISP that can get me 5Mb/s, but also allows me to live weeks at a time without seeing anyone, if I can manage my consumption of milk, tea, and whatever else I have to buy in town.

I am very content living like this and I hope to stay here for a long time.

>> No.8677317

Sounds very, very pleasant.
Is the deal with your father: you take care of the place and he lets you stay there?
I am also curious how much housing costs in rural/borderline suburban south like that.

>> No.8677318

I'm jealous.

>> No.8677363

>Is the deal with your father: you take care of the place and he lets you stay there?
Yes, all I have to do is pay the property tax, which isn't that high because I grow food that I give to an uncle to sell on the side of the road. That usual gives me enough money to pay taxes and a thousand or so to save.

>I am also curious how much housing costs in rural/borderline suburban south like that.
I don't know how much it is worth, as far as I know, it has been in my family for generations as a larger area, but was slowly sold off over the decades.

I'm honored. Thank you.

>> No.8677386

You are better off just renting a cheap VPS, otherwise you will be distraced by flashy GUI garbage and want to learn GTK+ before you learn any real computer science.

>> No.8679348

We should be friends.

>> No.8679674

I don't have any money.
I kinda like the idea of getting comfortable with linux, it's just that the ubuntu version I got feels like it's trying too hard to be all web 2.0 and cloud-based, it's kind of annoying.

>> No.8679685


This is the life of my dreams.
Too bad I'll never be able to live it.

>> No.8679717

I was offline yesterday, what are the odds I'm your friend?

>> No.8679751
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I don't know if that counts, kinda I guess. My parents own a small business and they said I could come work for them, so I'm going to save up a bunch of money now to move somewhere else and then fund my NEET life with autism bux. I am pretty excited to finally move away from here.

>> No.8679762

Goddamnit, /jp/ is so shitty and infested with braindead liberal redditors, that I'm now motivated enough to go to class, just to get away from this place.

Where is the meido?

>> No.8679781 [DELETED] 

It's been like that for about 9 hours now. At least the Moetron spam attacks have died down.

>> No.8679825

But reddit is not liberal, I'd like it much more if it was.

Libertarian, maybe, but it's only liberal as far as personal freedom goes, if that.

Hell, the misogynist, "racism doesn't exist and if it does it's justified", and "everything that can be conveniently swept under the rug of stupid "political correctness" is bad" attitude of the vast majority of redditors would fit right at home on /jp/.

The only thing that average /jp/er would disagree with is that redditors are squarely anti-welfare.

>> No.8679914

My experience has been that reddit is a liberal shithole.

They support a legalized drug culture, especially marijuana.

They support gay marriage and homosexuality.

They strongly oppose firearm ownership.

And from what I have seen they certainly support welfare and public healthcare.

>> No.8679943
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I woke up with a fever, but it was lower than the fever I had gone to bed with. One again I am disappointed that I did not die in my sleep.

>> No.8679962
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It's a Cultural-Marxist shithole. The whole point of the site is to one up each other's Cultural-Marxism faggotry and call each other racists.

"I took 5 black cocks today, I'm a true non-racist free-thinker."

"No, you're a racist, I took 6 today!"

>> No.8679966

The biggest problem with the site isn't the opinions they hold, it's the awful "karma" system. It means that opinions that go against the grain are "downvoted", condemning them to the bottom of the page where no one will see them.

Go ahead, try to post an unpopular opinion there and try to get a discussion going.

It just creates an echo-chamber with no new ideas or opinions. It's just the same shit repeated over and over again, and people agreeing with each other all the time. It's a huge fucking circlejerk.

>> No.8679969

Today is the first day out of the past ten that I haven't had to work.

I started it off by sleeping for 16 hours. I think this is a new record for me.

>> No.8679971

Does anyone want to be friends?

please respond.

>> No.8679973

>They support a legalized drug culture, especially marijuana.
Marijuana is already legal here
>They support gay marriage and homosexuality.
Already legal here
>They strongly oppose firearm ownership.
Illegal here to own firearms
>welfare and public healthcare.
Here, thankfully

This is what accounts for liberal in America? Honestly?
I'll admit I'm retarded regarding anything politics and should not be allowed to vote.

>> No.8679993

Started an android programming job Monday, quit Tuesday because insane amount of work and forced socializing ambient.

>> No.8680021

Oh, it's not generall "unpopular" opinions at all, most of the time.

It's the opinions that go against the threads established direction.

I saw two threads, few days apart, about the same thing - but different posts got the biggest amount of upvotes in the beginning, and so the two threads had two completely contrary circlejerks going on about the same thing, on the same subreddit, just a couple days apart.

Shits silly, yo.

>> No.8680030


And you're on the opposite side of that spectrum. Equally stupid.

>> No.8680034
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Why won't my mother buy me a laptop and at least let me be productive with my time? Parents a shit.

>> No.8680037

I went to work with my father while I wait for the college's entrance exams.
I'm working with him as punishment because I flunked out of college, I'm surprised he didn't just dump my ass out of the house.
Currently working with him, getting paid, and my computer time is limited. No friends at all.
I wish I was still spending all my fucking day watching anime and playing VNs.

>> No.8680038

I was going to get some beer but then I realized I haven't showered or shaved in four days.

Maybe I should grow a full beard and become Stallman's heir. I already have a rather long goatee.

On an unrelated note: have captchas become harder lately? I just failed two in a row.

>> No.8680046

That, my friend, is what happens when you go NEET. Your brain starts getting duller.
Get a job or a productive hobby.

>> No.8680047

How hard can they be? All you have to do is type in one word using letters.

>> No.8680056

> I was going to get some beer but then I realized I haven't showered or shaved in four days.
Urgh, I hate this. And my facial hair grows really slowly and in patches, but I just forget to shave. It's simply not important to me until I realize I need to buy things.

> Maybe I should grow a full beard and become Stallman's heir. I already have a rather long goatee.
Do it. Become a hermit, dedicate yourself to free software. That's kind of how Linus Torvalds started.

> On an unrelated note: have captchas become harder lately? I just failed two in a row.
YES. There was a conspiracy theory that the difficulty of reCAPTCHA is inversely proportional to how many Google products you use. It would make sense because Google have dozens of ways to track you, including a profile of you even if you don't have a Google Account.
Go buy reCAPTCHA codes in bulk from Indians.

>> No.8680066


>> No.8680067

Some of the letters get clumped together or look very ambiguous, particularly if they shift from black-to-white at awkward points.
Plus they're not English words. The letter pairings kind of make sense and I guess they're based on n-grams or something, but the words are just stupid. Instead of "ebsessi" or "rntarik", why not use "house" or "stable"? Combine and use unusual words if you're bothered about dictionary attacks.
I guess Google just wants some way of bragging they have a 99.99% anti-spam rate, while conveniently avoiding that they have a 20% anti-human rate.

>> No.8680087

Umm, hi. I hope you're serious. I got sweaty palms just writing this.

Please leave your email and I'll contact you.

>> No.8680101

Blanket + footbath + atelier meruru

>> No.8680129

PROTIP: Even joining the military won't end your hikki tendencies. Every moment I wasn't required to be doing military shit, I was back in the barracks on the computer, as usual. On day offs I wouldn't leave my room. . .maybe I would go out at night to buy some food, but that's it.

>> No.8680136

Sorry. I'm really sorry.

>> No.8680308

Who says we want to abandon them?

Most people here are just looking to have a good quality of life, despite the hikki tendencies.

Unfortunately without a degree in anything you are looking at the same shit standard of living that wetback immigrants face, or worse.

>> No.8680335

Not the guy you quoted but I'm available as well ;_;

>> No.8680395

Stop it, I know you're not being sincere.

>> No.8680459

please respond

>> No.8680475
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>> No.8680481

I just woke up. I will report back in 16 hours.

>> No.8680487

I was planning on doing some studying for an exam in 3 weeks to try and get myself re-admitted to med school after dropping out.

Instead, I sat around and browsed 4chan all day.

>> No.8680485

I did, in fact. Just now, check your email.

>> No.8680499

I just realized that I'm not officially NEET even though I haven't done anything in 6 months. I still need to submit some paperwork to my university.

>> No.8680500

>Med school.

Don't do it. If you can't motivate yourself to study now, you won't last the 4 years + the residence + practice + the hundreds of thousands of USD in debt.

Also doctors have literally 0 free time, all your free time will be consumed by activities related to your field, especially if you want to be a competent doctor.

>> No.8680527

Come on, I can't wait much longer, I'm falling asleep. Or did you choose to ignore me?

please respond to my email.

>> No.8680924

Are you in the US anon? If so then being a haphazard doctor will not go over well in that litigation-happy climate. Even very good doctors have pretty high overhead... bad ones... oh god the premiums. You can make a shitload in private practice but your reputation is the hardest thing to earn (might not even be possible if you half-ass it) and the easiest to destroy. But I assume you already know this. Oh well.

>> No.8681423

It doesn't seem this hard on other sites with reCAPTCHA. I bet that google is punishing us because of we all just type "erfappr <letter>" (and /b/ types "erfappr nigger"), which messes up their OCR programs. Trying to confuse us as to which is the challenge word is hard though, they should just not accept entries from 4chan into the OCR possibility list.

>> No.8681805

I spent 9:00 to 3:30 interviewing with Microsoft.

I'm sorry /jp/, I can't NEET very well at all...

>> No.8682271

Where are Osaka's shoulders?

>> No.8682285

Holy shit nigga what are you doing.

Leaving working aside, working for a corporation? That's seriously fucking bad idea for a /jp/er.

Fuck, I'd say it's a seriously fucking bad idea for anyone.

>> No.8682290

I wanted to do some childish FSF `Micro$loth is the DEVIL' comment in a reply to you, but the muse didn't strike.

>> No.8682291
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Went to sleep, brother got locked out and was banging on the door and my window for six hours, got up and unlocked the door. Went back to sleep and woke up about an hour ago.

>> No.8682380

I got a letter from a psychiatrist I'm being pushed into seeing. It has a questionnaire attached. I hate these things, they're like the anorexia ones that asked if I thought my hips were too wide, too generic to be of any use. Asking me how I've felt over the last two weeks isn't much help - It's been years since I've went outside. How I felt two weeks ago isn't the problem.

Now I AM anxious since I'm worried I'll put the truth down and be dismissed as not having a problem.

>> No.8682411

Hey, corps take care of their own. Yuppies and the rulers that is. Even with pay freezes and bonus reductions they still have it very snug.

>> No.8682439

What were you interviewing for? I applied for SDE(T) intern but no response :(

>> No.8682509

I woke up around 2PM, and was told some family was coming for dinner and that I could stay or go out while they were here. I chose to go out and I was given $25 and the car keys. The relatives were due to arrive around 5PM so I left around 4:30PM. I drove all over in multiple cities and followed some roads until they ended, then drove back to my city and got some dinner and parked in a parking lot and ate. I just got back now at 10:30PM.

It's pretty interesting to see and interact with people after being alone for so long. At first I went to the mall for a Cinnabon, but they closed down the shop, so I left. As I was walking to my car some girl started talking to me about some movie she saw, and how she and her boyfriend were the only young people there. She swore quite often as she spoke. I also stopped at a thrift store which employs mentally slow/disabled people. I was checking the cabinets and eavesdropping on an employee being trained by another employee. Out of nowhere the trainee exclaimed "Hey! This is Elvis," and sure enough, Elvis was playing through the speakers. At another thrift store, I saw 3-4 young men wearing aloha shirts with baseball caps. I don't know why, but I started laughing as I was walking out the door after I saw them.

I picked up a bag of small apples at a farmer's market as well. A few of them are ever so slightly mushy, so I think I'll make some applesauce out of them tomorrow.

In the end I didn't do anything more today than any other day, but I feel really good about today for whatever reason.

>> No.8682521

>I woke up around 2PM, and was told some family was coming for dinner and that I could stay or go out while they were here.
I wish I was given that option. My father just tells me to stay in my room so I don't ruin everything.

>> No.8682536

>but I feel really good about today for whatever reason.

Reading that post makes me happy, and I don't know why. It sounds like an adventure compared to what I'm used to, not that I particularly dislike my life. I got to spend hours playing games online with my last, and most important friend today for the first time in what feels like forever. I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8682562

Doing an internal audit. The manager there was uncooperative as fuck. Call my boss back at HQ. Boss unavailable indefinitely. Required to get this shit done so call another colleague of his I met and talked to a few times. Is a cool guy that I'd want to hang out more with. Manager castrated in less than 30 seconds and starts being extremely polite with me throughout the rest of the procedure. Call back later to give him my sincere thanks. Response: "the emperor protects"... guess he saw the 40K stuff in my cubicle.
...Made my day.

>> No.8682612

>As I was walking to my car some girl started talking to me

She wants to fuck

>> No.8682978

played some 2hu (EoSD, PCB, MoF), watched the special episode of Steins;Gate (where they visit America...was actually pretty disappointing IMO).
Watched a couple of episodes of Cromartie HS, started watching Black Rock Shooter, installed S;G VN, tried to get 3D Custom girl to work, but it's not working for me (not sure what the problem is).
Ate some tempura soba.
Drank lots of tea/water/gatorade (the powdered kind). Ordered a pizza when I got really hungry, barely opened the door to greet the pizza lady, and went back to my room to sit down in front of 4chan.

Lost my job last week, so this is my first week being a real NEET, and while it felt pretty terrible at first, I've at lease overcome the anxiety of not having a job and living off unemployment for a little while.

>> No.8682995


i have my last day at work today and am preparing for at least a month back to NEETdom. wish it could be longer but all alone in not your homecountry kinda forces you to work.

>> No.8683028

That it does, bro. Sorry to hear that. I've had hiki tendencies since about middle school, and I've never done well in jobs of any sort. People tell me that I'm high-functioning and really good at customer service, etc. and while I might appear to be really good at my job, I am secretly terrified ALL THE TIME when I'm outside of my room or my home. I can play like I'm well-adjusted but it's hard. I don't watch TV, I don't like most of the things other people my age like, etc.

Working sucks. Luckily in the US for some reason they have this 99-week unemployment thing, so I'm planning to ride that for as long as possible.

>> No.8683031

I liked the episode, it was better than like a beach episode. Okabe getting arrested twice in L.A. was amusing.

>> No.8683033

I'll give you that! I was very pleased it wasn't a beach or onsen ep, but I guess I'm still just hungry for the movie.
Yeah Okabe getting arrested at the airport made me laugh so hard! I'm a little sad there wasn't more Moeka, but honestly, her reaction to them asking if she wanted anything was adorable.

Unrelated: SERIOUSLY, FUCK THESE CAPTCHAS. I have failed like six of them now. WTFHELL.

>> No.8683038

Use 4chanx to cache a few and post without typing them in.

I've seen the anime twice, and read the VN all but the true end because fuck I couldn't get it to work for some reason. Some message wouldn't pop up. But yes, the movie should be fun. I need to finish that non-canon game. This is my favorite franchise, and if I get some money I would get a figurine of Kurisu above all.

>> No.8683059

Downloaded/installed it; looking for that option now. Thanks for the tip! I've been using the Chrome 4chan extension, but I guess I didn't realize newer version of 4chan X have stuff like that. Thank you!

I'm excited to read (play?) the VN since it's my first one and I really liked the anime a lot. By non-canon do you mean some other game? I've only heard of the VN. I really like the franchise too, but if I got a figure, it'd have to be Feyris. Daru and I share similar taste. But Kurisu is excellent too.

>> No.8683066

Feyris is my favorite in looks. The 8bit game is cool, plays like an old text adventure. I'll find a torrent of it next post. also, on the quick post thing, it says shift-enter to cache, just do that and if you post with no captcha it will use a cached one. Took me a while to figure that one out.

>> No.8683067

I have a job so I didn't neet it up at all.

Some guy got hit by a train. Fucker messed up everyone's schedules.

>> No.8683064


wow i also do customer service and, while also being pretty good at it, i mostly hated it. still was sad about today being the last day because even though it was too many hours per week it supported my buyfaggotry and made me appreciate the evenings where you can actually do what the fuck you want

>> No.8683073

I spent at least 12 hours posting westiboo stuff of mine from years past on ebay to get money to pay for figures this month.

This month is fucking ridiculous. I hope I don't run out of shit to sell.

>> No.8683115

STEINSGATE 8bit - Henikuukan no Octet

Sorry, I may have gotten a mediafire link from /a/ for it or something. It had a nice thread when it came out.

That's pretty eerie after the Steins;Gate talk.

>> No.8683130

Oh cool! I hadn't even heard of that! Thank you!
And I finally figured the captcha thing out in 4chan X. You are a true gentleman.

>> No.8683154

No problem, it's just nice to help Anonymous sometimes. You guys truly are fun. Beware, playing that game is hard as hell too, the keywords can be odd. Try "What is love".

>> No.8683169

I like helping anon too if I can and you know, if they're not a dick about it or something.
And I'll take your advice once I find/install that game. Sounds fun/hard. Don't care, gonna play it anyway. This is how my 2hu obsession began.

>> No.8683170

Oh baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more

>> No.8683184

>2hu obsession
I know how that feels. Also, this may sound "Hivemind-esque", but it's the opposite. I only help the true Anonymous. But, what I mean by that is the type of people who aren't the ones asking for sources in rude ways, spouting annoying memes, et cetera. Some memes are okay, though.

>> No.8683203

there is a difference between being a meme-spouting newfag trying to seem like a true anon and just taking it easy.
tbh, that's why /a/ pisses me off so much lately. I won't say the whole board sucks or any gross generalization like that, but I find myself getting trolled by stupidity there a lot. I feel like maybe some people have never heard of google.

>> No.8683207

God, I know how you feel. Kill Me Baby threads and r/a/dio are my only sanctuary anymore. And you, /jp/.

>> No.8683215
File: 33 KB, 479x272, ZUN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are some of you able to sleep at all?
My heart races for hours and I become short of breathe whenever I try to sleep. I always end up waking several times in a 5 hour period.
Teach me your ways.

>> No.8683219

I've slept in either ~12 hour intervals or ~4 hour intervals since early high school. It's probably not very healthy.

>> No.8683223

>Teach me your ways.
You see that picture you posted? Do you know what ZUN is drinking? That is your answer.

>> No.8683224

I love r/a/dio! And honestly, I don't watch as much animu as I used to. Plus, my interests have been shifting to Touhou, Vocaloid, and idols for a few years now, and I just realized there was actually a board for that. For some reason, /a/ has its posters convinced that /jp/ is all autists/dakimakura fags, and to that I say....What's the problem with dakimakura?

I stay up until I absolutely cannot sit up in a computer chair anymore. If I wake up on the keyboard, I go lie down, but I'm usually up for 20+ hrs at a time. Then, I sleep for about 10-12 hrs (sometimes 16 depending on how long I've been awake)

>> No.8683229

oh yeah, or drinking. I guess that'd work too.

>> No.8683235

I love sleeping. A few months ago I was almost on a schedule where I slept for 12-14 hours after being awake for 24-36. It was actually kind of nice, because I would always be tired when I layed in my bed. It was really nice to get into bed around 2 or 3PM and lay there until it got dark before going to sleep. Something about that is really calming to me.

For the other times, I just take a small handful of Benadryl, no more than 10.

>> No.8683237

The problem is /v/ and, I came here and lurked after I saw /a/ spam their ">>>/jp/" at something, and it seemed pleasant. If you will, it's what /b/ should be.

apparently my father sleeps much better after having a beer.

>> No.8683246

Can you guys knock it off with the spoilers? It's really annoying and distruptive.

>> No.8683254

That's why I originally came here too.Yes, but as we all know, /b/ is the asshole of the internet. If it wasn't what it is now, those guys would be shitting up all the decent boards like /jp/

polite sage, because I've been forgetting it. orz

I'm sorry, I'll stop at least. I figured it was polite at least since we had gotten off topic. My bad.

>> No.8683251

I've been playing Kamidori all day without stopping. Now I can't stand this pain from my eyes to the back of my head. Oh god, please kill me.

>> No.8683272

It's a really nice corporation though, as far as corporations go. Don't even gotta wear a tie.

SDE, full time. I thought I'd put in my application as an internship but I guess not? Dunno, not gonna complain really.

>> No.8683273

To people who don't use them or see them used by anyone other than /a/b/v/ for literally no reason, it's just annoying.

Maybe if a conversation is turning off-topic you'd be best to not add anything to it.

>> No.8683293

I've actually let up on my sage a little lately, but it seems fitting for now. You know, /b/ isn't actually that bad besides it's key turn offs. Underage, (which I have no problem with, but they tend to post worse) bad grammar, and normals.

Sorry if the spoilering is a bother.

>> No.8683417

A lot of work goes into being a hikki you know.

I woke up 3 hours ago and started my usual rounds on the internet, now I already have 34 tabs open. After finishing all those, I need to finish up three VNs that I've been reading concurrently and I am ready to finish. Today is also scheduled as kanji review day, so I've got to review all of the 900~ kanji I have learned so far and arrange the ones I miss for further study. I have to recogize each one on sight, and later write the kanji from the reading. Finally, I need to complete this report that I've been doing on the optimal organization hierarchy for non-lewd images, lewd images, and non-lewd mini3D images. I've also got a meeting with my family about mental health treatments and the effectiveness of drugs. Then, to end the day off, I've got 4 hours of flame wars to do. All this on top of forex trading on practice account that I must do in the background.

This looks like it's going to be a long day.

>> No.8683428

Damn, that sounds just neet

>> No.8683512

Why can't my life be this awesome ;_;

>> No.8683559

I realized today that you cannot go on the swings anymore without looking like a pedophile...

>> No.8683568

Go with your little sister or other young female relative, or just go at night. I still occasionally go on the swings that are at the elementary school down the road, which was also the school I went to.

I even ride the same swing I rode when I was younger.

>> No.8683580

>Finally, I need to complete this report that I've been doing on the optimal organization hierarchy for non-lewd images, lewd images, and non-lewd mini3D images.
Uh, so.... what do you do with the lewd mini3D images?

Is this really what you want to be?

>> No.8683583

- Played Street Fighter X Tekken for ~5 hours; spent all of my time in training mode and still haven't played a real match.
- Played DOJBL for a couple hours, just screwing around with my save-states.
- Finished watching Dexter season 6. It was good.
- Watched a bunch of T-ara and Perfume videos on youtube. Same thing I do every day.
- Spent the rest of my time reading gaming forums and /jp/.
- About to watch Suicide Club and go to bed.

Not a bad day overall.

>> No.8683609

Played Dimahoo,Pink Sweets and DFK BL for about 6 1/2 hours
Played Powered Gear for 2 hours
Sniped some shit on Ebay
Finished my Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger modelkit
Browsed the net
Watched "The Thing 2011"

>> No.8683740

I can't seem to do anything without looking like a pedophile. Suspicious looks are everywhere, and I am only safe in my room.

>> No.8684182

I just woke up so here's yesterday as far as I can remember anyway:

- Woke up, showered (I shower daily) and turned on my computer to browse 4chan and see what people wrote over night
- Ate some pancakes with nutella my grandma made me the other day
- Spent at least an hour trying to figure out how to vector stuff, then gave up because I couldn't work with the pen tool properly
- Then I proceeded to try to cut out a character out of an image for a ghetto-vector; ended up looking pretty great although I can't use it on darker backgrounds because you would see the few white jaggies
- Continuing my katakana studies
- Read vol. 12 of Zetman

I think that's generally it, all while browsing 4chan and listening to music.
I still have one week left until the new semester starts.

>> No.8684202
File: 24 KB, 256x256, 1311240307415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we try to make mon­ey with a blog circle and a­ds­ens­e?

It's not like we have something to lose

>> No.8684214


Some of us tried this over a year ago. You need to make $100 to get your first payment and almost everyone's adsense accounts got suspended right before they hit $100.

It was still fun to read all the different /jp/ blogs.

>> No.8684223

Can we see your sugoi vector?

>> No.8684659

I know that feeling. It's like a dream: disjointed and meaningless as hell, but somehow calming and heartwarming.

I wonder what's the backstory with the girl though. People don't often talk to other people like that. (From my limited experience, anyway)

>> No.8685572 [SPOILER] 
File: 582 KB, 745x1111, okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

