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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8671387 No.8671387 [Reply] [Original]

Your deadly sin is Acedia, /jp/

Acedia is a state of not caring nor being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. It leads to a state of being unable to perform one's duties in life. Its spiritual overtones make it related to but distinct from depression.

>> No.8671396

That's a terrible idea for a sin. Were the Church-controlled peasants not producing enough food at the time or something?

>> No.8671405

It's actually Luxuria. I can't stop lusting over little girls, which is a mortal sin.

>> No.8671409
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>> No.8671407
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>> No.8671415
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Repent now and you can be saved

>> No.8671416

Even if I'm forgiven, I'll just start obsessing over them again. It's impossible to escape sin.

>> No.8671417

You are all suffering from sloth as well.


>> No.8671425

Position in the public sphere? Sure.
Otherwise? No.

Why would it be a "sin" (whatever that is supposed to be)?
Any position has consequences. I've once heard an interesting basilisk idea which essentially says that if you don't spend your entire resources/time to reach your goals (or a more specific goal that was related to said basilisk, but I'll leave that alone for now) you will suffer or worse.
You could say the behavior is slightly unethical/immoral, but only when your goal is reducing global suffering and when you can achieve that goal (and not its opposite).

>> No.8671427

I prefer Anomie.

"...a lack of social norms; "normlessness". It describes the breakdown of social bonds between an individual and their community ties, with fragmentation of social identity and rejection of self-regulatory values."

>> No.8671442

Acedia is Latin for sloth.

>> No.8671542

is the c in acedia pronounced like an s or a k?

>> No.8671566

If it's followed by an e, then it's s. I think...

>> No.8671644

I've been studying hard so that I can become a priest and share transcendental bliss with people.

>> No.8671651

judge this *whips out dick*

>> No.8671658
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Everything is a sin anyways.

Who cares? It's not like these supposed deities ever help out the world in any way whatsoever.

>> No.8671666

If you look at the Indian concept of karma, (their roughly equatable concept of) sin will take you to a poor state of mind, which will lead to unhappiness and suffering. If you live a pure and virtuous life, you will be happy and life will be enjoyable for you.

>> No.8671663

They aren't supposed to help, they are supposed to torture you for fun.

>> No.8671676

He didn't say he believed in it.

>> No.8671672


Keep believing your hippie garbage.

>> No.8671697

The Indians don't believe that karma is "be good and God will reward you" and I don't either. That interpretation of karma is just silly. Read what I wrote again.

>> No.8671726

ake:dia in Greek, asi:dia in English.

>> No.8671756
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Screw off, Yamadabadoo.

Who are you to place judgments upon others and how they live their lives? Choosing what is "good" and "evil" based solely on one's petty laws and "power" to distinctly choose an ultimate judgment?

Your deadly sin is Vanity.

>> No.8671786


But I don't feel that way at all. I harshly judge myself for who I am and how it relates to society.

>> No.8671790
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Is it a sin to want to hug shiki?

>> No.8671794

It is if you do it with lewd intention in your mind.

>> No.8671795

Like the anime vampires? I don't think so...

And why did you attach your captcha? It's not very interesting.

>> No.8671802

Not really, my libido hasn't been too good lately.

>> No.8671808

There's an anime called Shiki that had some cute girls in it. It's pretty good.
