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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8671215 No.8671215 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon, /pj/.
Feel better after getting all that sleep?

Brush your hair and get comfortable, there's still plenty of time to do stuff at night, all night, again.

>> No.8671218
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>> No.8671220

I want to have a meetup where we all wear pj's. That would be awesome. Soft pjs and pillows, someone bakes cookies, we all sleep on a big bed together...

>> No.8671222
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Do you wear pajamas? Shorts maybe?
A long t-shirt at least?

I certainly hope you don't sleep naked.

>> No.8671225
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I got 2 hours and feel like shit.

>> No.8671226
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pajamas thread?

>> No.8671238
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>> No.8671239
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A lot on your mind?

>> No.8671246
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>> No.8671255
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Like hell you know.

>> No.8671256
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>> No.8671257
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>> No.8671263
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I want to have a sleepover with Yuuka in her mansion and stay up all night with her.

>> No.8671262

I sleep in just a shirt. My mom used to wake me up by pulling the covers off my bed and making it cold, but I told her to stop because she's ugly and I don't want her to see my penis.
Wish I had a hot mom.

>> No.8671268

I haven't slept in 3 days, I don't even know how do I manage to type anymore. I feel like I could die any second. This is horrible.

>> No.8671271
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Go to bed.

>> No.8671279
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the longest i've ever been awake was 2 days

>> No.8671280

You should post a picture of your penis. Just the other day I was looking at videos of handsfree anal masturbation and ejaculation. Do want to do oneday myself.

>> No.8671283
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I wear a plain sleep shirt with sleep pants. And underwear of course, usually loose briefs or boxers.
Sleep shirts are just soft, plain t shirts and sleep pants are light, baggy, simple cloth pants, usually with a drawstring.

>> No.8671290
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>> No.8671289
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Someone busted open my gate and it made me too paranoid to sleep.

>> No.8671292

What if you have a sleepover and it's really cold but the other /jp/ers are using the comforter, and a single sheet blanket doesn't provide enough cold protection.
Would you spoon with another guy there, fully knowing that he might get a boner and rub it on your pajama wearing butt?

If you were the one being the big spoon, where would you put your hands? Would you place one on their hip? Stomach? thigh?

>> No.8671293

Please tell me more. Like, what you are doing, how you perceive things, and such... I'm interested in sleep deprivation.

>> No.8671303
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This thread has some uncanny timing.

Truth be told I'd rather still be sleeping, but I want to keep a regular schedule for a while

>> No.8671302
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I would be the big spoon and put my hands on their heart.

>> No.8671310
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I feel the same, I usually would wake up here in another hour or so, but I got up a couple hours early.

>> No.8671314

You have two hands though. What would you do to prevent a boner? What if it was a girl /jp/ too? You'd feel her tits you pervert?

>> No.8671322


I would have gone to bed ages ago if I could.


I have noticed an impairment in my ability to produce and express slightly complex thoughts. I have completely lost my ability to focus, I'm just randomly drifting though the internet without even realizing. I'm starving. My neck feels numb and turning it around is really painful. I hear a constant high pitched sound in the background, but it disappears and reappears randomly. Moving my eyes makes the back of my head hurt. I don't really feel an urge to sleep anymore, nor am I tired, it's a different sensation. I've also noticed a general slowing and drowsiness in all my movements, including typing (I've had to correct the misspelled words in this post many times). However, my senses are amazingly sharp, I can hear every sound in the house. And that only makes it worse.

>> No.8671350

I see. May I ask why you are doing this? How can you be forced not to sleep for 3 days? I see only negative things in your report (even the "sharpness of your senses", because that's more like paranoia). And you don't look like you are doing this as an experiment either.

>> No.8671351
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I think you're about to die.
You should really go eat, get a cup of milk or something and just lay down.

I don't want to lose another friend on /pj/.

>> No.8671355

Has your extended wake time influenced your propensity to suck cocks?

>> No.8671358
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Good night

>> No.8671369
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I didn't get much sleep last night.
I'm at my parent's home for the week and I stumbled upon my old collection of burnt visual novel CD's. Stayed up all night playing old VN and getting a nostalgia overload. Started at like 9 PM and when I looked at the clock it was 7:30 AM. Felt like I was back in middle/highschool. These VN were the reason why I am the way I am today. When I discovered them, I stopped being social at school and spent more time in my room because the 2D girls in the games were better than the girls at school.
I regret nothing, because they still are better.
And there are so many translated VN now compared to back then when there was only a handful. VN taught me to torrent too, because like hell was I going to buy hentai games when I still lived with my parents.

Played some Let's Meow Meow. Damn, that game came out eight years ago...

>> No.8671374

Alright, here's a way to fall asleep.

Turn off the computer or put it in stand by. Get something light to eat and drink (piece of bread and glass of juice/water/milk), take a warm shower and brush your teeth. Being clean can make it exponentially easier for you to fall asleep easier.
After doing so, stretch for about a minute, and lay yourself in bed. Close your eyes and think to yourself not to think of anything.

Hopefully, you'll have fallen asleep before you know it.
Seriously, this is very dangerous, and I have heard convulsions aren't a particularly nice way to die. Even if you're going to kill yourself some day, make sure it's not through sleep deprivation. Very unpleasant death; almost like self-inflicted torture...

>> No.8671386

>I regret nothing, because they still are better.
That's the way!

>Played some Let's Meow Meow. Damn, that game came out eight years ago...
Holy shit, what?

>> No.8671391

Better advice is to let one of us visit and hold them near out bodies, so our breaths calm us both down. Then he can get his hair ruffled and petted until he gently falls asleep.

>> No.8671394

He'll fall asleep eventually, even if he doesn't the body will lose conscious for small amounts of time, usually without your notice.

>> No.8671398

I'd put my arms under her bosom.
And for the boner, hopefully I wouldn't get one because our spooning would be pure. If I did, I'd adjust to an awkward position to try to hid it.

You should go to sleep.
Staying up for longer than 3 days without ANY rest whatsoever will start to cause brain damage. And the enhanced senses is probable paranoia. I used to stay up for long periods too and I would get very paranoid and slowly feel myself going insane.
You should just try laying down for a bit. Just give it a shot. /jp/ will still be here, you aren't missing a huge amount. This thread will still probably be here too.

>> No.8671406

Heck, I'd be willing do it. I'm not gay, unfortunately.

Would you prefer to pass out on your keyboard or to rest with dignity?

>> No.8671411


I don't think I'm about to die. Also, I've been eating a lot, I don't know where this hunger is coming from.


I can't sleep. I've tried it almost 7 times on the last three days, with no luck. I just lie down, turn off my computer, and close my eyes, trying to sleep, but I can't. I'm really fucking scared. I've been hearing constant scratching noises, and I've checked the two rooms that make my apartment thoroughly. I might just be paranoid as you said. I'll go to the doctor as soon as the night's over. I'd rather not go outside, but this is getting really bad. I don't even want to search for information about it on the internet because that'd only scare me more. Why can't I fall asleep? I'm not taking any kind of medication nor drugs and this has never happened to me before.

Shit, I bet my post doesn't even make sense, I can't remember half of the shit I wanted to say.

>> No.8671422
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All I do all day is look forward to the night time, when I am able to disconnect from the pressures of life and immerse myself in the 2D world.

Very occasionally I stop for a minute and wonder if perhaps my life is somewhat pointless if all I do is look forward to the handful of hours I have at night to do things like watch anime, play video games and eroge, and shitpost.

The feeling seldom persists.

>> No.8671426


Another one to add to the filter.

>> No.8671432

You must be terribly new, White and nerdy has been a faggot for a long time.

I feel the same way he does though...

>> No.8671438
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That is why I keep a strict sleep schedule, the longer I stay awake the less likely I am to fall asleep due to increasing anxiety.

>> No.8671439

That's one interesting case, if I may say so. My friend tells me that's it's something that is well known, although he couldn't find how it was called, and that it is relatively benign if treated. I think you are taking things intelligently. You are making the best choice by deciding to go see a doctor ASAP, so please do that. You should relax, too, since this should be over in no time.

>> No.8671433


Um... You must have forgotten that you're in a den of festering sex-deprived boners.

>> No.8671435
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Let's Meow Meow came out translated in 2004
Sagara Family in 2005
Brave Soul in 2003
Tokimeki Check-in! in 2001
True love in 1996 and Nocturnal Illusion in 1997

It's 2012, Anonymous.

>> No.8671437
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New here, chief?

Did that little post make you feel like a big man?

Are you OK?

>> No.8671441

>den of festering sex-deprived boners.

I want to be thrown in a pit with all of /jp/. Right after we have been deprived of masturbation for a whole week.

>> No.8671445

Sometimes I'm too tired to fall asleep.

>> No.8671446

>deprived of masturbation for a whole week.

That's a long time?

>> No.8671447
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>Also, I've been eating a lot, I don't know where this hunger is coming from.

I do that too when I am sleep deprived.
It's because your body needs energy due to lack of sleep.
Go to bed, Anonymous. Why are you still in this thread?

>> No.8671448

I may be a pervert, but I can't masturbate while somebody else is also masturbating in the same room. Too awkward.

>> No.8671450

For me its not so much too tired as it is things start getting too freaky to sleep. The most common one for me is slipping on my sleep and becoming very tired some time at night.

Things just get rather creepy but I can usually put my mind at ease once there's enough light outside to sleep.

>> No.8671451

Maybe it's because you're not tired?
Try using your muscles in some form of light exercise.
For example extend your arms, and with your hands imitate that there's a stress ball in your hand while you stretch your arms. Almost like you're lifting the air, without actually moving your arms.
Or with your feet, lay down in your bed and extend your legs and do the same thing with your toes that you were doing with your fingers.

Alternate and mix these exercises for about 5-10 minutes and you should feel fatigue.

>> No.8671461
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>> No.8671457

I've gone camping before with my uncle when I was younger. I held off masturbation for the entire week (and showering too, egh) until I got back home. When I did, I had the hardest boner. I just entered the bathroom thinking of just girls butts and I came so hard my knees buckled and cum sprayed all over the place. I kept on masturbating right after cumming for a few more that day. I've never held it longer than that, I cant imagine what it would feel like if I did.

>> No.8671463

If you hold off for too long, you just do it in your sleep.

>> No.8671464

How would you know if you never tried it? Just look at each others dicks and you wont be as nervous.

>> No.8671471
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/jp/ slumber party

>> No.8671481

I seldom fap and I've never had one of those

>> No.8671485

It always takes mean hour or two to fall asleep, even when I'm tired. I sleep for a long time and still feel awful when I wake up.

>> No.8671490

It's reportedly rare in adults if they've masturbated before that's happened.

And if you didn't realise it in your sleep a whole bunch of problems wid occur.

>> No.8671491

I have something of the same issue, I usually sleep 12 hours because I don't want to get up after 8, and at that point I have to get up and just sit around in a fog for the next hour

>> No.8671492

As long as you do it at all, your body doesn't feel wet dreams are necessary. So to speak.

>> No.8671498
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that is because you have a worthless, useless, wimpy, tiny baby noodle only useful to pee or flop around as your bum gets pounded.

>> No.8671499

I've gone weeks without it though, oftentimes when I get finished reading or watching something I really liked, its hard to explain.

>> No.8671508

You would use tenshi wouldn't you

>> No.8671512

I've been in the same room with another guy masturbating, though. I felt too sick to masturbate also. It's really, really awkward. Pretty common if you have share a room with a twenty-something. I would recommend avoiding doing so.

>> No.8671533

I masturbate with my brother in the room all the time. I try to sneak a fap, but it's not something that's sick.

>> No.8671527
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>> No.8671541

I hate sleep. I always wake up tired.

>> No.8671547

Oh, that does remind me.

Me and my family went on summer road trips back when I was a teen. We were on the road for at least 5 days in between destinations.
When I had to sleep, I laid down across the back seat of the van and usually got carsick, but it helped me endure the long times on the road. With my two younger sisters, it was a bit crowded, but nothing we couldn't handle.

One night, after several days on the trip, I could not go to bed because of the uncomfortable boner in my pants. I tried to hide it away and pretended to sleep, but just couldn't get the boner down.
We ended up stopping at a rest area for bathroom breaks, and I decided to play my chances and stay behind to see if I could get a quick fap.

After laying down on the bottom of the van and getting a couple of those course fast-food napkins, I aimed to end this as soon as possible, lest my family find me masturbating. So I did my business while imagining something I can't remember now, probably some girl from my school though. I was still young and naive back then.
It was quick and just as I climaxed, the indoor lights of the car lit up. I hurriedly grabbed the coarse napkins, messily cleaned up and put the napkin in the cupholder beside the seat just as the younger little sister opened the door.

I still don't know which was worse: the dry semen sticking my penis to my underwear throughout the night, or the boner...

>> No.8671551

I lose my erection when I'm trying to do that.

>> No.8671552

Don't you always wake up tired? I do.

Except once, woke up completely alert like I had never slept, weirdest feeling ever.

>> No.8671603

It means your bed has bad back support.

>> No.8671604

I was once nearly falling asleep against my will because I was so tired, then I just suddenly felt perfectly fine with no determinable cause for this sudden renewal. Also had some minor nausea that disappeared.

>> No.8671619


How does time fly that fast?

>> No.8671628


>> No.8671634

Son of a bitch.

>> No.8671792

I just want to lie down and take a nap. Who here will keep me company?

>> No.8671811
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Only if you promise not to get out of bed~

>> No.8673766
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Good morning to those of you just waking up.
Try to have a better day than yesterday.

>> No.8674491

I'll be gone for hours, now. Anyways, enjoy your day everybody

>> No.8674906

Oh, this thread is still up?

I'm the anon who hadn't slept in 3 days, I went to the hospital shortly after writing in this thread. They gave me some meds and made me sleep on a bed there. I slept for almost 14 hours. Apparently, I fucked my sleeping schedule so badly that my brain couldn't bring itself to shut down. I think I haven't felt this good in years. I had forgotten how sleeping more than 6 hours felt.

>> No.8674914

Damn, that does sound pretty nice.

Sleeping 20+ hours after being completely exhausted is really the best feeling... Sort of a shame you only got 14 out of it!

>> No.8674998

Or the stench of semen your family had to endure during the rest of the trip.

>> No.8675006

That's good to hear. Take care anon.

>> No.8675024

>Feel better after getting all that sleep?

After not getting much sleep the day before due to a slight 'mishap' with my PS3, yeah, I did.

Other than it being my common daywear when I'm in the house, I usually go to sleep in pyjamas. This is because getting dressed into proper clothing is a waste of time.

>> No.8675072

I woke up 8 hours ago and I'm already thinking of going back to bed.

>> No.8675089

I only slept 4 hours. I can't go to bed before 4 am, but had to be up 8 am. Today I had to show myself to the army representatives and pledge my life and loyalty to the nation.
Do you guys in the US still have to do this?

>> No.8675166


What kind of third world underdeveloped country do you live in?

>> No.8675178

yes, i do feel better. thanks for caring uwu~

>> No.8675189
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What's wrong with sleeping naked? Sometimes when it's warm I'll sleep in pyjamas because I'm not sleeping naked without covers when people could end up entering my room, but otherwise I'll always sleep naked.

>> No.8675195

I got drunk yesterday. Yesterday was Wednesday. Today is Thursday. Should I get drunk again? Since tomorrow is Friday I will want to get drunk then, too. Plus after that it's Saturday, so there's a good chance I will be drinking then as well. I know these days are all the same for a NEET, but it just feels logical.

So yeah, should I go buy some booze and get drunk, knowing it will mean having gotten drunk for up to four days in a row?

>> No.8675214

I don't get how people are able to do this. Am I the only one who wakes up with semen all over my boxes and small parts of the bed about once a week? One time, it was 4 weeks before it happened, but it's rare that it ends up being that long.

I think I need to become a monk and train my mind, because this is incredibly irritating.

>> No.8675222

Sometimes I'm annoyed that there are siblings in my room using the computer or consoles, so I just place my laptop on my lap, and rub my dick until I cum in my pants.
Then I just take a shower.

>> No.8675230
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as a lewd person it's rare that I would go so long without masturbation

>> No.8675248

Process your sexual desire as soon as you notice it and this won't be a problem. I beat off on a regular schedule 3 times a day and I'm spiritually calm and sleep like a baby

>> No.8675263

I slept 9 hours last night (well more like 7+2 hours of light sleep after waking up as always) but I only got 6 hours the night before so I'm sleepy. Oh well, I'll have to put off feeling awake till tomorrow.

>> No.8675303
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Nope OP, my shift begins again in 5 hours.

>I slept for almost 14 hours.

I wonder how does that feel... I've been waking up at 5-6am almost everyday for about 4 years, sleeping only 6-7 hours daily.

And now, I wake up automatically 5 minutes before my usual alarm rings, even when I don't have to go to work, or even when I'm sleep deprived. I can't keep sleeping.

>> No.8675964

>I wonder how does that feel...
Not the same guy, but the day before this thread was made, I got myself a good 12 hours of sleep. It's an indescribable feeling of being refreshed, and there's no such thing as drowsiness for half the day (for me). You're completely awake and aware, and can account for everything. Your pupils also adjust to light almost immediately, so opening the blinds/curtains or turning on the light doesn't bother you at all.

I achieved it through simple and complete darkness. Well, not complete, but it was dark throughout the day by placing bedsheet curtains over my window blinds. I also kept a glass of water beside my bed (which is pretty damn comfy in the first place) to quench my thirst or dry mouth in the whenever I woke up. Every time I woke up for some reason or another, I laid back down and closed my eyes, careful not to let my mind wander.
Sure enough, I fell asleep over and over again, and before I knew it, I had slept for five hours more than I usually do.

>> No.8676089

>I achieved it through simple and complete darkness.

I'll try that, maybe it's the fucking light that pours trough the skylight that rapes my sleep, though I'm not that sensitive to light.

Thanks for the advice bro, this room is going to become darker than the SDM.
