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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8668812 No.8668812 [Reply] [Original]

EPIC WIN!!!!!!

>> No.8668816

epic for the win

>> No.8668819
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This thread is now about my favorite herb.

>> No.8668820

wait a sec are u trying to make me sad again *the car frog*

>> No.8668823

epig wig

>> No.8668825

That's not how sage is used.

>> No.8668832


What, are you an expert on the various uses of this glorious herb?

>> No.8668828

>Affirmative action revisited by supreme court


>> No.8668862

I prefer to use it in rice, myself.

>> No.8668863

I can't believe this news took front page spot over missing dog found.

>> No.8668864

>thinking of transferring into DePaul
Guess I have to go somewhere else now.

>> No.8668868
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I hate this. It's a sickness and plague going through every university. It's been at my university for months. Pic related, it's the fucking "Meme Generators" at my school.

>> No.8668874

Relax, it's just a phase. When they grow out of it no-one will remember these stupid kids with their masks.

>> No.8668916

ebin X----DDDD

>> No.8668926
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not quite, but close.

>> No.8668940


aww shit nigga fucking 5 star post *the 5 star post guy*

>> No.8668941

>Photos illustration compiled from DePaul Meme's Facebok

I don't even want to see the articles.

>> No.8668957
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Call them out on their act of stealing other people's originality and capitalizing on it. When they respond with "Trawlface dot jay pee gee" (because they cannot conjure any other response whatsoever), calmly explain the definition of trolling and how what they did was not trolling at all. You have to show absolutely no emotion during all this.

It works surprising well, especially on rebellious leftist teenagers. The look of guilt on their faces when you explain how they only help a site make a quick buck on stolen content is delicious.

>> No.8668954

I blame reddit for this shit. I don't care if it started here, they're the ones who exported it to the masses. As long as it was here, it was protected by the normal-people repelling barrier of anime pornography and vile racism

>> No.8668960

I just don't even understand why. I mean what's the point? I'm a neet and even I don't have the urge to waste time making myself look like an idiot.

>> No.8668968

Oh no, normals found the memes you didn't like anyway.

Who cares?

>> No.8668976
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>> No.8669027

>Salvia and "sage" are derived from the Latin salvere (to save), referring to the healing properties long attributed to the various Salvia species.[5] It has been recommended at one time or another for virtually every ailment by various herbals. Modern evidence shows possible uses as an antisweating agent, antibiotic, antifungal, astringent, antispasmodic, estrogenic, hypoglycemic, and tonic.[7] In a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial, sage was found to be effective in the management of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.[8]

I wonder if it's effective against autism.

>> No.8669123
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It's true. It's all true.
