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8668386 No.8668386 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom just died.
>Don't give a shit.

Is this experiencing Satori?

>> No.8668389

It's called being a sociopath. Get help.

>> No.8668395

how much inheritance are you getting?
when my mom finally dies i'll be getting her 2 million USD house.

>> No.8668402

I'm getting the alcohol she left under the cupboard.

She died of cirrhosis, just like I told her she would if she kept drinking.

>> No.8668404

OP you subconsciously want us to c
heer you up by posting this. I su
ggest that you seek professional 
help instead.

>> No.8668406
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Am I that transparent, Sam?

>> No.8668410

This. It's not cool or edgy, it's awful. She's your mother.

>> No.8668411

I remember being 10 or 11 when my grandfather died. I was raised by my granaparents and I saw him like a father. I just couldn't cry though. I cared, but I just really didn't feel sad or hurt enough to cry.

>> No.8668414

its a mixture of grief and relief

its a part of life, everyone experiences it, you are apart of it.

no, its not a transcendental experience, its simply life.

cry if you want, cry when you will...

>> No.8668417

Was she a huge bitch OP? If she was a huge bitch, then it's ok.

>> No.8668420


Dude. Suck my dick. Seriously. Get down on your knees and suck the semen straight out of my testes you fucking FAGGOT.

>> No.8668430

Not to me, no. She liked me because I basically inherited her low self-esteem and extreme laziness.

It's probably because of the latter that I don't care.

>> No.8668441

Go back to bed Mersault.

>> No.8668442

and what, you're bragging about it here? /jp/ isn't your blog etc, you'll feel it some day, it sometimes delays.

>> No.8668445

OP, you sound like me. We should be bros. Shame about you mother, though. She also sounds nice.

>> No.8668449
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I don't think you understand. I'm the first person who has lost her parents, I think I've earned the right to brag.

>> No.8668451

Which brings us back to >>8668389

Reported because you're using your own mother's death for attention whoring.

>> No.8668455
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Why is everyone surprised that /jp/ doesn't have a healthy relationship with mom?

>> No.8668458

You're the first person? of whar group? I'm confused, you still have no right to brag, go to r9k or something if you want pity.

>> No.8668459

Bullshit, I lost my father a year ago and /jp/ didn't learn anything. You know why? Because I'm not an attention whore.

Reported for spam. Delete your fucking thread.

>> No.8668461

So you say, but it's been years since the man who raised me died and it has never "hit me." The only thing that upset me about it was that I was expected to attend the funeral. Being full on hikki at the time, that... didn't work out so well.

>> No.8668463

The joke flew pretty far over your heads there.

>> No.8668466

You may want to troll, Joseph, but threads about dead mothers aren't funny. They are shameful.

>> No.8668470

There is no joke whatsoever in this thread, Joseph, and you know it.

>> No.8668475

It's funny how different the responses are, spanning the gamut from "you're a fucking sociopath" to "we don't care, fuck off."

>> No.8668478

Who the fuck are you? The internet sensation of the month? Fuck off

>> No.8668482

I like how the trips who do actual shitposting (you know who you are) never get this much hate.

>> No.8668489

Those kinds of people thrive off hatred. Flaming them is self-defeating.

>> No.8668493

You tell me who I am, Josh, I've never used a trip in my life.

>> No.8668494

I'm your fucking senpai, kid. Lurk the fuck more.

>thrive off hatred
Oohhh. Time for some Gluttony Fang.

>> No.8668496

Actually, this is the first time I've noticed where someone called out this particular tripfag. As for the ones who do the real shitposting, I think /jp/ is not vocal enough about them.

>> No.8668502

People hate me for being "new" all the time. You should pay more attention.

Ironically, in the past, new tripfags weren't hated anywhere near this much... At least, not for being new.

Hell, even Sakura hates me now. What a joke.

>> No.8668499

Unknown tripfriends aren't anyone's "senpai", you fucking weeb who can't even post in the right thread. Go log in back to reddit where it's easier to post.

>> No.8668505

>At least, not for being new.
Nobody gets called out just for being new. Something about your posting has to be otherwise objectionable.

>> No.8668506

>Ironically, in the past, new tripfags weren't hated anywhere near this much... At least, not for being new.

Stop using "In the past" for three months ago, gaiafag.

>> No.8668508

pretty sure I got the "new trip" treatment as well, plus some because I didn't make a point of making every post of mine pointlessly inflammatory.

>> No.8668510

>Hell, even Sakura hates me now. What a joke.
Is this supposed to be surprising or even interesting?

>> No.8668512

>Nobody gets called out just for being new.
Hahahahahahahahaha! Riiiight.

Try three years ago.

>> No.8668519

Well, yeah. We were bros back in the day, after all.

>> No.8668522

nobody on /jp/ cares about how "new" someones trip is. Its the content of your posts that is the issue. You would be hearing the same responses if you were posting anonymously, because you're clearly an awful poster.

>> No.8668524

>Hahahahahahahahaha! Riiiight.
I'm glad you agree.

Of course, since you're being sarcastic, you're probably just in denial.

>> No.8668525

Sorry, kiddo, I know "three years ago" is popular to use when you want to sound experienced, but you haven't been here that long. You're too much of a gaiafaggot.

>> No.8668528

How long have you been here yourself?

>> No.8668530
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>> No.8668533

Board veteran or not (I happen to know it's the former but it's a moot point), you're a shitty poster either way.

>> No.8668536
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Get a load of this crying nerd.

>> No.8668542
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>> No.8668551

You haven't even matured to the point of not replying to every post about you, let alone to the point of discarding your trip, and here's to hoping you do some day.

>> No.8668553

Oh, I'm certainly shitty by your standards. I happen to be quite fond of myself, though.

>> No.8668560

This thread sure went far afield.

I don't even want to think about what it would be like if one of my parents died, or how I would react or feel in such a situation. Even considering it makes me uncomfortable.

I cried my eyes out when my grandmother died when I was of single-digit age, but none of my relatives have died since then besides a great-grandmother who I had only met once.

>> No.8668561

Jesus, /jp/ is like a miniature model of Japanese nationalism. Only the nation is /jp/ and the pure bloods are autismals.

>> No.8668571

/jp/ is communism realized. Our hate to others doesn't aim their origin, but their way of functioning. I've welcomed way more newfriends, rather than call them out, simply because they don't post like this faggot.

>> No.8668573

Never had a problem with people dying, even relatives.

I guess it's because I never really get to know anyone enough, coupled with the fact that death really isn't all that bad.

>> No.8668588

>coupled with the fact that death really isn't all that bad
I don't get why people freak out about it. Dying can be a real bitch, but being dead itself is basically the ultimate in taking it easy. I don't see the issue.

My interpretation? They're selfish cunts who just want to keep the dead around to please themselves. They don't even stop to think about how their half-crazy grandpa in a nursing home on fifty different drugs would feel about having another five or ten years left.

>> No.8668593

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.8668596

i am truley sorry for your lots

>> No.8668599

Don't worry, you'll feel it eventually and it will hurt like a bitch. My condolences.

>> No.8668604
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>> No.8668612

I also feel like this bullshit right here is a way of socially pressuring someone into feeling bad about it when they actually do not give a fuck.

Fucking normalfags, I swear.

>> No.8668625
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I cry at complete strangers funerals. I've never lost a family member. not sure how I'll handle it.

>> No.8668635

It's weird, I feel more emotion reading VNs and manga than to actual sad events happening around myself in reality.

>> No.8669114

How many funerals of complete strangers have you attended?

>> No.8670419

Friends of friends and family and such.

>> No.8670510

When my dad died I cried for about 5 hours straight, even though I made a concious effort to avoid him at home. I couldn't even bring myself to see his dead body at the hospital. I was surprised that my mother could because she was crying the hardest she ever had a couple hours before.

>> No.8670749

>socially pressuring someone into feeling bad about it when they actually do not give a fuck.
that wasn't my intention, tripfag. When someone experiences a loss it is customary to send their condolences.

>> No.8670975

I haven't felt a strong emotion besides hatred and ill feelings towards internet entities for about 5 years. I don't see it as something positive nor negative, I just don't give a fuck. I sometimes miss that feelings when I'm consuming a particularly good piece of Japanese media.

>> No.8670983

Don't kill any Arabs, OP.

>> No.8670998
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>> No.8670999
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When I was like 10, my grandma died.

I didn't feel a single thing.

Now, I'm 22, and I see my grandpa on the verge of death.

I just don't feel a single thing.

My mom sometimes asks me if I even care whether she dies or not.

I don't answer, but the truth is that I wouldn't.

You know, people were supposed to learn that humans have a 100% mortality rate when they were like 5. Yeah, back then, when I learned that I and everyone else are going to die, I was devastated and had nightmares.

And now I've gotten over it. People die. It's just how shit works. Why act so surprised when it does happen?

Besides. Why should I care about humans, especially 3D ones? Fuck them all. They never cared about me. They just enjoy making it look like they do, and then asking me why I don't give a shit about them in return.

>> No.8671019

No one cares about your oh so cool sasuke no feelings skills


>> No.8671022

I cried a lot before my father died, when he was in a coma. But not afterwards.

>> No.8671032

I'd fucking get a depression if my mom died. At the very least I'd be inconsolable. And I don't even depend in her financially.

Tbh, I'd rather die myself than have one of my close relatives die. Yeah, I'm soft like that.

>> No.8671040

I kind of wish my whole family would die. Then I wouldn't have to bother with the outside world ever again.

Of course I could just stop visiting them and answering their calls but that seems rather rude. Not to mention my mom would probably think I've killed myself or something.

>> No.8671078


>doesn't want to be rude to family
>wishes they were all dead

who am i quoting?

>> No.8671094

If I'm not the one behind their deaths, it's okay.

>> No.8671102

OP is your name Meursault?

>> No.8671105


read the thread, that joke was already used.

>> No.8671107
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This whole thread

>> No.8671109

Mersault got mad pussy, so no.

>> No.8671113


>> No.8671119

only one result, from me

fuck you!

and fuck you too for that matter for using those disgusting gook pictures

>> No.8671130


I know how that guy's feeling, it sucks being loved, I'd rather them be dead than be the cause of their emotional anguish.

>> No.8671131

you might want to look at this post >>8668441

>> No.8671135

I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. We're here for you.
Now I just hope nothing like this happens to me in the near future.

>> No.8671137


do they really love you if they don't accept you as what you are?
trying to change people into your vision of what is correct isn't love, it is akrasia

>> No.8671163


Whatever, all I know is that they wouldn't like it if I disappeared from their life, for one reason or another.

>> No.8671182

People have different ways of reacting to death. There's no "right" way to feel about it. Others can't even imagine something like that happening to them, so they assume what they would feel is what you should too. Ignore them and give yourself some time to work through it all. There's nothing wrong with being at terms with your mothers death, and there's nothing wrong with letting out any grief you might have over it either, if that ever comes.

>> No.8671185

i always found this notion odd. people have an attachment to other human beings to such a degree that it stops being a benefit and just becomes a hindrance.

>> No.8671200
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Please kill yourself. You're worse than kingofjp.

>> No.8671210


You've got the idea.

Personally, I was sadder when my dog was electrocuted than when any of my relatives who died passed away -- and by that I mean I had no fucking reason to be sad about people I only saw on my/theirs birthdays, where we pretended to care for each other and traded clothes.

People expect you to care about your relatives JUST because they're your relatives. Fuck you. I don't even know the names of those guys. Did we ever spend important moments together? Supported each other? No, so shut up. I can see why someone who grew up close to his family and have great memories with them would be sad, but that's not everyone's case.

On the matter of specifically your parents, I'd also say you're not obligated to love anyone just because they decided to put a human out of the wife's vagina and it happened to be you, but you usually grow attached to them anyway. It's instinct. I don't blame anyone for being sad at the death of his parents, but I don't think there should be so much expectancy of everyone loving the guy who spitted him out of his dick.

>> No.8671240

If the kid doesn't care then why did he make the thread in the first place?

>> No.8671260

I never go to funerals because I'm prone to uncontrollable laughter in the worst situations. I was rolling on the floor back in elementary school when our teacher told us that a classmate had been electrocuted when playing with a kite.

>> No.8671294

Because he does. He's just trying to wall himself off from the feeling of loss by saying he doesn't.

If he truly didn't care he'd be playing PS3, or whatever the kids play nowadays, like nothing happened and not shitposting about it on /jp/.

>> No.8671307


What if his day comprises of shitposting on /jp/?

>> No.8671397

What if he just genuinely feels that those who do suffer from this are morons and so he posted it here to rub it in their faces?

>> No.8671431
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My condolences, go pay her respects anon, you can keep being edgy once it's done.

>> No.8671489

Then he's a piece of shit.

>> No.8671598
File: 185 KB, 600x540, d0f22813e3a6de2e66b537338dbeb3a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i became a cripple a while ago but lately everything has seemed very flat and tedious, and it's tiresome when my family wants everything to get better, and feels bad that things have become like this.

maybe salvation is possible, but because they take life so seriously I'm not sure if they can ever be happy. right now I can't imagine any good end except ending their suffering--just for a moment I felt as though that everyone is on their own and to forget the self is the height of folly and the cause of much more suffering, so that it'd be fine if I disappeared and left them to their own devices.

/jp/ has its gensokyo, christians and the religious have their heavens, but I feel as though it might be much nicer to simply eradicate the conceited notion that my self exists outside of my consciousness in the minds of others--that is but a synthetic "I" formed from a incomplete sort of recollection of all of the previous "I"s made to seem continuous by connecting them in some sort of coherent fashion. and interpolating a future out of such a pitiful continuity of the self.

but that's just the sort of historical revisionism that people use everyday to keep their own sense of self, of others, of everything--but that isn't what is, that's just a sort of delusion which detracts from the sensations of living and interacting with new things within which something like freedom might be possible.

"I" am nothing but the sensations and consciousness and interconnectedness formed by my interactions. "I" cannot live on the reconstruction of the past or the portending of the future.

>> No.8671608

I can't believe someone actually refferencing Albert Camus on /jp/

Bravo monsieur

>> No.8671616

The only serious question in life is whether to kill yourself or not.

>> No.8671631 [DELETED] 

I don't get why death depresses people.

>> No.8671643

So dark and edgy.

>> No.8671646 [DELETED] 

Death is? But it's always here and it already has been. More like old and busted.

>> No.8671650

Seen alot of death In my life I cannot cry anymore.
Most grotesque one must have been seeing a guys head run over by a IFV it just stops being "shocking" or whatever.

>> No.8671648
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>> No.8671657

I used to have this. Actually after i lost many that were close to me. I stopped feeling anything.

Then after a long time i lost one whom life i tried to rescue. He died and i didn't for my surprise, horror feel anything. Then on one day i tried to cry for him, to force the tears come out. It felt impossible and my stomach hurt. Then i started crying and couldn't stop tears flow ever since.

This thread is getting too emo.

>> No.8671652

yeah man... now get on your knees and suck my cock dude.

>> No.8671655

Oh, I agree with Tokiko. How strange.

>> No.8671659

I know what you mean. I'd rather die than have any of my friends here on /jp/ die.

>> No.8671664

Do you seriously not understand why somebody with, say, a terminal illness would be sad? In the slightest?

>> No.8671677

You know "a lot" is two words, not one, right?

I'm sure it was just an honest mistake. Don't let it happen again.

>> No.8671680

"Dying" and "dead" are completely different.

Being in the state of "dying" is shitty because you still have an intact will, but there's nothing you can do about it. You suddenly have a great limitation hanging over you.

Being "dead" is no big deal, because you're no longer capable of things like unhappiness, boredom, or desire.

>> No.8671689 [DELETED] 

I think that the threat of dying only makes us more conscious of the limitations of mortal life and time. Despair felt is the realization that reality is conflicting with your dreams, hopes, and desires.

I almost died a few years ago, before I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, when I was going through a lot of stressful events in my life. I remember thinking, ``thank God, I can finally take a break." No sadness or longings for anything. Death is a release from life. Don't tell me that if you got a phone call saying you'd be dead on Friday that you'd spend the last days of your life crying and feeling sorry for yourself. And if I knew that I were going to die, I wouldn't want my friends and family being upset about it.

>> No.8671699

I did not know we had Iraqis on /jp/

>> No.8671702

Just interlope, already.

>> No.8671708


>Being "dead" is no big deal, because you're no longer capable of things like unhappiness, boredom, or desire.

And that's precisely why it's a big deal. You'd have to have a great deal of autism not to realize why someone wouldn't want to be in this state, or why you wouldn't want it to happen to someone you actually care about.

Impersonal deaths shouldn't mean much though, I honestly don't think anyone actually gives as hit about 9/11 for example.

>> No.8671704

I have a tendency to smile when it's inappropriate.

Not because I think the situation at hand is funny or amusing in anyway. It's just that the second I realize how bad it would be for me to smile, I suddenly smile uncontrollably.

>> No.8671712 [DELETED] 

> interlope

How is talking about death and dying in a thread about death and dying wrong?

>> No.8671722

Not from Iraq.


>> No.8671768

>You'd have to have a great deal of autism not to realize why someone wouldn't want to be in this state, or why you wouldn't want it to happen to someone you actually care about.
I wouldn't mind being in that state if it came unexpectedly or at the end of a fulfilling life. I just don't want to have to think about and cope with such limitations in my prime. I feel the same about others--I didn't like seeing the man who raised me bedridden and dying, but I was relieved when he finally passed on.

This isn't autistic, just reasonable.

>> No.8671821

The only death I've seen is my grandpas. He was bed ridden with paralysis for over a year and his health deteriorated over the days. There were periods in which he would recover, and then he finally gave in. I was over at his place and by his side when it happened, didn't shock me as much and I probably was smiling. Well no one was "crying", I mean he was being a burden on the family after all, and he probably was happy that he'd died; he wasn't the type that liked to stay still. All that made me realize that I was in favor of Euthanasia.

>> No.8674871


These. Although I was in this strange mix of disbelief and apathy when I first heard about it (note:heard). When I first saw her body I bursted into tears and always did whenever I saw it again. In-between the funeral and finding out, I'd randomly come to the realization that she was really gone and cried.

And my mother and I weren't even that close. What the fuck are you doing on 4chan? I'd at least be comforting my family members, you sociopathic ass not being blogging about it on /jp/ of all places.

>> No.8674896

Are you sure you're not a normalfag?

I'm finding that a surprising number of anons on /jp/ are normalfags.

We're supposed to be different from the rest of humanity, aren't we? Otherwise, why would we feel the need to be shut-ins?

>> No.8674900

It's good to know at least some /jp/ users see it my way. "Normalfag with social anxiety" seems to describe far too much of the /jp/ userbase.

>> No.8674901


I am a normalfag, I'm not even going to lie. This is my first time on /jp/ and all.

>> No.8674910

And the thing is, we're not sociopaths. We still have emotions. We just see things differently.

>> No.8674922

I'm pretty sure a sociopath would never be on /jp/ in the first place. Emotions are sort of a basic requirement to enjoy "otaku culture." Sociopaths are more into thrill-seeking and manipulation, which you... really can't do on an imageboard.

Their entire attitude toward it is off, too. "Someone died, so you should be horribly saddened by it!" The fact that they actually reject a fellow /jp/ user over an "abnormal" emotional response is pretty telling.

>> No.8674944
File: 372 KB, 848x480, bonborihozukis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My great grandmother is going to die pretty soon. She's about 91. I don't feel that sad; It's not that I don't care, or that I don't love her, it's just that she's live a really long life, and if it goes on much longer, she will suffer. She's already starting to enter the early stages of dementia, having heart problems, etc.

So, I think my emotional position is quite normal. I feel bad whenever I wonder if she'll leave me anything. She's not rich or anything, but she is generous. She gave me a lot of college money, which makes me not want to fuck up in school.

In short, life is suffering, and I want my great grandmother to go peacefully.

>> No.8674992

I think it's possible to do it on an imageboard. It's just that the results wouldn't be nearly as interesting as they would be IRL. This is just the internet, after all.

Honestly, I feel like I'm in a bad shounen anime. This world is not black and white. In fact, the vast majority of humans (if not all of them) are some shade of gray. When humans grow up, they're supposed to be able to understand this. Arguments like the ones in this topic are just childish: "ooh, I don't like you so I think you're a darker shade of gray than me." It looks like nothing more than a contest to see who is better than who.

>> No.8675056

It's a real shame not everyone can be as psychotic as you.

>> No.8675121

>for being new

What's that's not a reason for you, newfag? Well, no one gives a shit. Boo fucking hoo. You're a terrible poster anyway, having a trip just makes it easier for me to filter you.

>> No.8675125

This thread does have a purpose, btw. The OP wanted to know if what he felt was normal, and so we're discussing what's normal and what's not, and whether that has any bearing on whether it's right or wrong.

Come on, guys. This should be obvious.

>> No.8675409
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>In short, life is suffering, and I want my great grandmother to go peacefully.

I cried when I heard such wise words. I already knew it was, but never thought to apply it to anyone but myself in the matter of family members dying. I'm so conceited.

>> No.8675460

I tend to see the world in black and white, too. It's just that these idiots, who would judge others according to how well they conform to the norm, are black as the night.

That's why I came to like /jp/ in the first place. I saw a subculture which was willing to reject the things I hate so much... To think this was the extent of that.

>> No.8675723


People who say things like that tend to be hypocritical. Myself included, since there are some people I can't stand.

>> No.8675767

Oh? How are you hypocritical about it?

There are plenty of people I can't stand, but I don't just let it sit at emotion. If I'm going to hate someone, I have to analyze them to make sure my hatred is logically consistent.

I'm a very emotional person, but that's why I understand the importance of not being consumed by emotion. Emotion exists to help guide us to happiness, but it's just a rough idea... You can't leave it on autopilot and expect it to work out. That's as true for hating others as it is for being sad about death.

>> No.8676148

Well, I talked about being childish and then I said:
>It looks like nothing more than a contest to see who is better than who.
So there's some hypocrisy even in my post there.

"Emotion exists to help guide us to happiness," is something I've never heard before. Wouldn't most people say that happiness itself is another emotion?

But yes, other than that I generally agree.

>> No.8676186


Actually, I'm willing to bet most emotions are used to guide us towards procreating, or punishing us for not doing so.

>> No.8676189 [DELETED] 

What's the point of hating someone?

>> No.8676205


Kills time on your journey to death. Really, hating someone is a powerful form of passion and motivation.

>> No.8676259

>Wouldn't most people say that happiness itself is another emotion?
Actually, not really. Traditionally, "happiness" has referred to an enduring mental state of general satisfaction, while the most strongly associated emotion is "joy." I know it sounds a bit pedantic, but still.

>I'm willing to bet most emotions are used to guide us towards procreating
You're not wrong, but you're overlooking something. For many people, successfully procreating, raising their children, and equipping them to succeed is the way to find happiness... their true goal.

Certainly, from an evolutionary perspective, this is the entire point of all life and everything that comes with it. However, it's a convenient coincidence that evolution has been able to provide a malleable framework of emotion rather than simply propel us forward on instinct. There are some who are willing and able to break the yoke of their origins, choosing other paths to their reward.

>> No.8676281 [DELETED] 


>> No.8676289


I was simplifying it for the pleasure of having people fight about it, but in truth, I think evolutionary pyschology, and all pyschology, is complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.8676303

This is a separate post because it's not really the same subject.

The point >>8676205 made is fair, but I think there's more to it.

To achieve happiness, one's self must be at harmony with the world. It sounds pretentious, but it's a pretty simple concept--negative emotions are pretty much always a product of a person's environment, since they wouldn't willingly bring these things upon themselves.

Hatred is "a powerful form of passion and motivation," indeed. Like other negative emotions, it drives us to change the things which hinder our happiness. However, other negative emotions generally drive us to change our own behaviors or beliefs.. Hatred compels us to correct the world around us.

Most people today find it impossible to achieve happiness even if they take all the "right" steps. They just end up stuck with anxiety and depression. I'm sure most here are familiar with this.

Embracing hatred over things like "fear" and "sadness" drives you to change the world, bringing an otherwise impossible happiness into reach. In fact, being able to actively pursue the goal of lasting happiness is a temporary happiness in itself.

>> No.8676310

Well, I think you're a bit of a fuckwit.

>> No.8676373

Maybe you just didn't like the person that died, or feel strongly for them.

I was 11 when my Great grandmother died. I didn't cry at all, I actually had to fake it I cried more over my little sister tearing up my rare yugioh cards.

When my other great grandmother died, my mom was in tears for weeks. I didn't feel much either even though I knew her very well. I did feel more sad over her though, maybe because I was older and saw her as the ideal classy lady.

My moms father died too, but I was actually glad. That guy was an asshole to everyone and took advantage of them.

My grandfather on my fathers side is very sickly now though. I saw him recently and he has parkinsons, and shakes every now and again, spends his days looking at the lake by his house, ad his face always looked droopy since I can remember.
just seeing him like that made me cry. If he died I wouldn't cry though, he'd be much better and calmer then.

>> No.8676673


Hatred seems to only be effective when its outwardly directed to a large degree, e.g., in people who have an unusually high self-regard and self-importance. I often find that my hatred for others is proportional to my hatred for myself as a human being insofar as I recognize myself as part of all humans.

It seems like one either needs an egotistically warped sense of reality ("i'm way better than everyone else") or at least have a certain degree of love for humanity that in order to function properly within society.

Can't manage either, so am fucked.

>> No.8676723

A possibility.
What's the point of anything?
I'm not saying that there's no point to anything, mind you. Just answering a question with a question.
There is something to be said for passion, true.
Hm... If you use that definition of happiness, it certainly does make sense.
Being arrogant is alright with me. I just try to keep it within moderation.

>> No.8676743 [DELETED] 

This thread:
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.8676746

Words? On a forum?!
I don't habeeb it!

>> No.8676748



>> No.8676754

I'll tell you if you touch my harbl.

>> No.8676767

why are you doing this......
please stop...

>> No.8676769


>> No.8676777


>> No.8677206

>egotistically warped sense of reality ("i'm way better than everyone else")
Oh, you don't necessarily need to have an egotistically warped sense of reality... You just need to actually be way better than everyone else.

Yes, I am arrogant as all hell.

>> No.8677250 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8677329

>You just need to actually be way better than everyone else.
not that anything like that is even possible. since you're on /jp/ you're an animu nerd, so you're automatically worse than most other people.

>> No.8678225

There are few trip/namefriends I hate, and you are not one of them. But we were never "bros".

>> No.8679061


>> No.8679138

As someone who is, or was, the actual friend of an arrogant person: Jesus fucking Christ. Are you people even aware of how grating you are? Do you even know your self-conceit poisons every god damn conversation it arises in? The arrogant honestly seem to be people who are just so damn stupid that they can't recognize their own flaws.

You got beaten in the game. It's okay to accept the lose. No, if you were better than me, you would have won instead of trying to find excuses for your failure. You're not perfect. And no one is unhappy about that but you. Please shut the fuck up.

No, I'm not angry, but I'm definitely frustrated anyone can be so fucking retarded.

>> No.8679171

When my parrot died I didn't cry but I felt really shitty. I wonder how I would react to some familiar human demise.

>> No.8679437


The arrogance is strong in this one.

i.e., you sound fucking retarded, in case you don't realize it, kthx.

>> No.8680209

It's not like all arrogant people are idiots. For example, I still recognize that I'm far from perfect. I don't boast until I come to a situation where I earned it and feel secure in my victory. But despite that, I do feel that I'm superior to the vast majority of humanity.

>> No.8680223

Oh man, this thread is still here... Why?

>> No.8680228

People like being edgy I guess.

Also, every single person thinks they're of more value than the next, this is absolutely normal behaviour and the only people that don't think this are religious and insane people (though there is not much difference between the two).

>> No.8680233

If you don't view yourself as superior to the rest of humanity there's something wrong with you.

>> No.8680290


Hmmm, so you're not that different from me. How dark and edgy you two are.

>> No.8680295
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/jp/ just got edgy

>> No.8680295,1 [INTERNAL] 

