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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 800x600, 1270429344156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8666370 No.8666370 [Reply] [Original]

How fast is your internet, /jp/?

Mine is only 1Mbps, which makes the NEET life pretty tough for me.

>> No.8666380

2 MB upgrading to 15 MB next month. Living in a 3rd world country is suffering.

>> No.8666381

Mine is 1MB/s as well.

>> No.8666387

Like 5MB

>> No.8666388

I upgraded from 1 to 10 earlier in the year. It's like a whole new world my friend.

>> No.8666389

It is included in the rent of the apartment complex I live now, and at least is better than the one I had in my previous house.

>> No.8666401

12 Mb/s down, 0.64 Mb/s up. Upload gets throttled to ~0.1 Mb/s for torrent seeding.

Get your units right.

>> No.8666408

100 at uni, 25 at home. But at home it turned out to be some retarded package where you can't P2P during the day due to draconian traffic throttling. Fuck BT, but since I'm moving out from my parents' soon it's not a problem.

>> No.8666410

upgraded from 1 to 8 or so. unfortunately filehosting sites cap speeds at like 30KB/s nowadays so it hasn't got much use.

>> No.8666414

according to the contract, i got 3.5Mbps, though at most i see 2.7Mbits of it, plus i got a "lovely" 15 gigs "reasonable user quota" after that is reached, 128Kbps speed till the end of the month, you got it easy OP, presuming you got no limiter like mine..

>> No.8666416

No, stop with the anal autism.

>> No.8666419

100/100 ftth

>> No.8666420

I never get those units right, should be 2Mb/s.

>> No.8666428


1MB/s is slow?
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but are we talking about download speed, or just connection speed?

>> No.8666436

Obviously download speed.

>> No.8666439

Did you quote the correct post? I never implied that 1MB/s is slow.

>> No.8666443


Yes, I accidentally quoted you. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.8666450

I pay for 16 and I get 6

fucking canada.

>> No.8666451

If it is download speed, then it's 125kb/s on average.
The connection speed is 10mb

>> No.8666453

It's cable internet.
Just the internet though. I wish we had the TV service too.

>> No.8666456

I went from 3 Mb/s to 20 Mb/s. My backlog has never grown so fast.

>> No.8666460

25 MB/s Download and 6 MB/s Upload with a 15 ms ping

>> No.8666461
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>> No.8666464

>not 6 like me

why can't others feel my suffering ;_;

>> No.8666468

I think that just has to do with the specific area you're in. I pay for what I get, 12 Mb/s. Why don't you give your ISP a call?

>> No.8666475

200 Mb/s? Fucking fibre optics internet, I'm so jealous/

>> No.8666479
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>> No.8666482

well i've been told that there are federal caps on ISPs but besides that, they just say they'll fix it when in fact it's been like that for a while.

>> No.8666500

3 mb here, only downloads at 500kb i think im getting ripped off

>> No.8666498

It's quite nice except for the fact that it's fucking comcast.

>> No.8666503
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1817994421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My actual download speed is about 1.1 megabyte, with 1.3 being the peak...

>> No.8666504

Where the fuck are you getting 200 Mb/s from?

The only difference is MB is 8 bits and Mb is 1 bit. Quit nitpicking like a retard and use some sense. He obviously doesn't have 200Mbps.

I hate nerds like you who think they're smartasses.

>> No.8666508

100 MB/s download, 10 MB/s upload. I upgraded a year ago, only had 4MB/s until then.

>> No.8666509

50 Mb down, 5 Mb up, unmetered. Never slower than 90% of what I pay for, practically no downtime.

I can't imagine using anything lower than 10 Mb down now, but I'd gladly switch to something like 25/25.

>> No.8666515

There's a certain irony in this post, and I cannot quite place my finger on it. It might be bumping an off-topic thread, but I don't think that's quite it.

>> No.8666521
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I used to have 20Mbps for the same price with Comcast.

I hate my life now.

>> No.8666523

25 Mbps downstream, 1.5 Mbps upstream

I hate my low upload speed.

>> No.8666532

He's nitpicking about something that isn't close to nitpicked, and then tells the poster to stop nitpicking.

>> No.8666540

A little less than 3 Mb/s down. I'd probably never leave the house if I had anything faster.

>> No.8666551

Stop using an uppercase B for bits, retards.

>> No.8666553

You don't really need anything faster than 1mbps for 99% of the internet. Anything more is just convenience for impatient scum.

>> No.8666559


Did you fail grade school math classes?

>> No.8666581

Making up statistics is such a wonderful pastime.

>> No.8666583

I know where you got it from, I'm just railing on you for being a fuckin' nerd who thinks he's some big shit.

/jp/ is my turf. Step off.

>> No.8666627

I don't pay for megabits where I live. My connection has no maximum speed - it's shared among other ppl in the block. However, the bandwidth is so immense, that my maximum torrent speed was like 12MBps (bytes, not bits) down, 10MB up. I am never below 20Mb though. Ping varies from 10 to 15 ms.

>> No.8666680
File: 32 KB, 300x135, Speedtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't always like this, though. Do you see my ISP and Server?

Yeah, like was said before, living in 3rd world countries suck. Mine specifically is still far from getting rid of dial-up. Yeah, you've heard it, there's places on the world that are not on Africa who still use that.
And I was locked in a place like that until last year. A place were no cables were changed or had maintenance since 1970. Where you'd go out of energy for two weeks, and the amazing 56k dial-up internet internet would stay down for months because the ISP station caught on fire.

So FUCK you people who complain about your connection speed.

>> No.8666756
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>> No.8666800

What kind of ping do you get to NA servers? Say, the Chicago server for example.

>> No.8666811

No. You get the fuck out.

15 Mbps here, though I'm moving up to 30 Mbps soon.

>> No.8666838
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818032260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My upload speed has actually gone down over the years. What the fuck.

>> No.8666839

Same as you OP

>> No.8666852
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>> No.8666872
File: 416 KB, 790x535, internet_speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks way more impressive than it is. Download speeds are still throttled by other factors.

The big thing I noticed when I upgraded was I could have way more concurrent downloads without getting bumped off. That's pretty nice.

>> No.8666887
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...Oh well. I just moved and I'm leeching my neighbor's wireless connection while I can't get something for myself.
Mu previous house wasn't anything that great either, with download speeds peaking at 500kb/s, but it felt so much better than this. I don't think I'll ever get used to going this slow again.

>> No.8666893
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>> No.8666902
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818030413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why people are putting weight on ping, that just means how close you are to the specific server you're testing on. I can get a 14ms ping to my nearest server, but it can't handle my full dl speed.

>> No.8666905


>> No.8666922
File: 31 KB, 291x129, 2012-03-06_1809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My upload is fucking terrible

>> No.8666928
File: 33 KB, 300x135, 1818052860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my internet backwards. Also I don't think this is accurate at all since both tests finished instantly.

>> No.8666927
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10/10 Mbps at my university dorm, but it drops off a lot during peak hours.

>> No.8666929

>mfw I realized Internet speed is measured in MegaBITS and not MegaBYTES

>mfw I have no face

>> No.8666950

> I'm not sure why people are putting weight on ping
I'm not seeing it.

>> No.8666954
File: 33 KB, 300x135, 1818050203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My contract says 20/20, but for some reason the speed for upload is always at 150-200%. Not like I really mind that or anything though.

>> No.8666960

I'm suppose to get between 500 kbps and 1 Mbps.

I actually download at ~150 kbps.

Stop bitching, all of you. If you want better internet pay for it.

>> No.8666964


What the fuck.

>> No.8667016
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818069944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get like 4mb up what the hell happened.

>> No.8667033
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818072198[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite shitty compared to everyone's speeds in here.

>> No.8667042
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1432147342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is bullshit

>> No.8667079

1.5 Mbit/s down, 0.375 Mbit/s up.
My dsl modem/nat gateway has terrible bufferbloat. I get something like 3000 ms latency under load.

>> No.8667096
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818084311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. My ping sucks. Also, shitty up.

The service I'm switching to is advertised as 30/5, though, so that'll suck somewhat less on upload.

>> No.8667220

Uh, no?

Ping is an indication of the quality of your line and how well the wiring is set up. High ping is an indication of either a long distance and/or packet loss, which may not matter for browsing and downloading but it's incredibly important for online games.

I would know, I'm a Comcast technician. I actually ran into one of you nerds once. 2hu shit was everywhere in the room, the place was dark as fuck, /jp/ was in a background tab, and the guy whose connection I was fixing was hiding in the bathroom pretending to take a shit for 45 minutes while his mom helped me find everything.

>> No.8667226


>> No.8667237


>> No.8667239

GVT, I suppose?

>> No.8667240

384Kbps download, 128Kbps upload.

And i paid $30 for this shit.

>> No.8667257

Hahahaha. I can imagine it.

>> No.8668309

....I think that was me.

Holy shit.

>> No.8668319

>Holy pretend shit.

There are slightly classier ways to avoid talking to people that aren't your mom, you know.

>> No.8668321

Sucking their dick?

>> No.8668326

5Mbit down, 768Kbit up
My 4G phone goes faster than that. Kind of sad.

>> No.8668331

Running too much shit to get an accurate speedtest.net result, but its 15mbps (1.8mb/s) down and 5mbps (800kb/s) up with 10ms ping, fiber-optic is nice but considering I never play online games the low ping only makes pages load a bit faster.

>> No.8668334

12Mbps down, about 5Mbps up. However, the connection is heavily throttled by TCP traffic, so it's more like 9Mbps on average.

>> No.8668336

It's actually a lot easier to just talk to them a bit and then move out of the way. If you try to avoid them entirely, they'll know something's up, so it really just attracts more attention.

>> No.8668338
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818391039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people have nothing to complain about.

>> No.8668340

Could be worse, could be Hughesnet/Direcway

>> No.8668347
File: 51 KB, 300x135, 1430703297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and cheaper than a 3mbps DSL line too, not sure how that works

>> No.8668353
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818396490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least im better than OP's

>> No.8668361

probably slower than yours op. I hate life

>> No.8668370

10mbps up 2mbps down, which I'd be fine with if I didn't have a fucking 200gb/month cap.

Australia, why must you be so shit.

>> No.8668381

200 GB, right? I bet you have it easier than Canadians. How much do you pay for your connection?

>> No.8668398

Well, mine is >>8666521 so the bar is pretty low. Or high.

>> No.8668400
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818416396[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian here
I have a 120gb cap per month

>> No.8668409

I'd be somewhat jealous of these 20mbps and up download speeds if I didn't know they come with peak usage bullshit, and caps when you're torrenting.

>> No.8668413
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818420097[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better than mine.

125Gb cap.

>> No.8668448
File: 24 KB, 294x130, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fast. Daily 5,3GB quota though.

>> No.8668469
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I miss being at uni, I used to be able to think of a movie I'd want to watch, torrent it DVD quality, go make some popcorn, comeback and turn it on.
now it'll take me a full day to get an anime season.

>> No.8668484
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>> No.8668513
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I know, right? I really miss this. When I used DC++ on the intranet, I often maxed out 100 Mb/s, and the school being what it is, people on the DC++ network had fucking everything when it came to nerdy stuff.

>> No.8668532


The fuck? I went to 3 different unis and all 3 blocked torrenting.

>> No.8668543
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My uni didn't block anything at all, but was capped 10/10 per room

>> No.8668558
File: 74 KB, 288x499, 1325165977176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-b-b-back the fuck up. countries have download quotas?
is this very certain ISPs in your countries, or is this just a general rule of thumb to be expecting when getting any internet there?
man, even my cell phone doesn't have a data cap.

>> No.8668562

It depends on the countries. Some markets only have a few ISPs who try to stick you with a transfer cap, while some are dominated by the policy.

In the USA, pretty much only Comcast will pull that shit, but in Canada, pretty much everyone does it... or so I've heard.

>> No.8668568

Anyone know a good ISP around Westchester, NY?
I'm using the wi-fi internet from the landlord but wi-fi sucks and the speed is really bad anyway.... but he told me that I can get my own internet if I wanted.
Recommendations, please!

>> No.8668565

Mine doesn't. As far as I know they don't block anything. Even Tor works.

>> No.8668566

How new are you?

>> No.8668570

Shit, seriously? Forget the anonymity. Serving as a Tor node is a huge strain on bandwidth. They allow it?

>> No.8668572

Not true, I haven't heard any complaints from my ISP ever (telus lul), and I download a fuckton of shit, it's either that or my quota is fucking massive.

>> No.8668574

Comcast cable internet is generally the cheapest in areas where they have competition.

>> No.8668578

It doesn't use too much for me, but then again, I only run it while I'm asleep or out of the house.

>> No.8668581

fiber-optic won't be coming for at least 2 more years.

>> No.8668582
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My uni doesn't block anything, but I think they give RIAA permission to monitor our traffic or something. Some people have gotten in legal trouble for torrenting stuff.

>> No.8668586

Telus does have a limit as far as I can tell from their advertisements and website. I have Shaw and my limit has never been enforced (I >>8668413 was using up to 150GBs a week a few months ago).

>> No.8668592
File: 30 KB, 625x560, lolcomcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comcast has yet to complain to me about it.

>> No.8668594

Seriously. I don't know if it's technically "allowed" per the AUP, but it works and I haven't gotten any nasty emails from the IT department.

The one thing that I can't get working is Share/PD, but that might be because I don't know how to set it up right, and I haven't really spent much time trying to figure it out. I remember I had some trouble with it on my home network, too.

>> No.8668597

Someones mad I used a reaction image.
I almost considered using another one in this post, just to spite you.
maybe even one with a certain siegfried kircheis capture.

>> No.8668603

(>>8668513) here, and since I couldn't port-forward, I was also unable to get Share/PD/Winny working. Funny enough, my school had a 2 GB daily softcap, yet I never received a complaint about it, pulling more than a terabyte in some months.

>> No.8668605

I think he was referring to the fact that last year the whole site was flooded with threads about UBB and the like.

>> No.8668607


You don't know the feel of having 12Mbps speed but having your ISP have image compression.

That means that anytime you save a 1MB jpeg, it saves to about 80k thus ruining it.

>> No.8668617

Oh I'm paying like $80 or something. It's ridiculous.

Atleast you get nice pings to America.

>> No.8668628

I think my uni has a softcap like that, too, because my first year here IT sent me a warning about excessive bandwidth usage. Haven't had a problem since then, though. There have been days where I downloaded 50+ GB and seeded even more, and no fucks were given.

>> No.8668632

Jesus. What do you download? And do you delete everything as soon as you watch it?

>> No.8668657

This thread is disgusting.
It's time to remind /jp/ of what most ten year olds probably learn at school.

Kilo: lower case 'k'.
Mega: upper case 'M'.
Giga: upper case 'G'.

Bits: lower case 'b'; B*8.
Bytes: upper case 'B'; b/8.

Don't be lazy.

>> No.8668655

I think I've downloaded around 20 GB in the last three months.

>> No.8668675

>b = B*8.
>B = b/8.
It's funny how you still got it wrong.

>> No.8668676

I just leave stuff to seed.

>> No.8668681


To clarify:
and the reverse. Because that's the calculation we are normally dealing with here.

>> No.8668688


You are small time.

>> No.8668689

It's because Americans hate SI or standardized and sensible units of measurement.
Jokes aside, thanks for pointing it out. I already did earlier in the thread and I didn't want to repeat myself.

>> No.8668690

I have 24kgps internet speed, it's really fast! I have 10 tabs of /jp/ open and I can still run a game with realism graphics and a play 10byte encoded video.

>> No.8668890

What's your upload and download speed?

>> No.8668899

I usually have 250kb/s going up at all times.

>> No.8668943

6Mb down, 0.7Mb up. I'm switching to Comcast in May, can't wait to finally have a decent connection.

>> No.8668956

I've got a 25mbs up/down.

Swag as fuck.

>> No.8668965

I live in Australia and have unlimited ADSL2+ with TPG for $60 a month.

Sucks to be you dude.

>> No.8668984

go to bed tanami.

>> No.8669006

>I'm switching to Comcast in May,
>can't wait to finally have a decent connection.
Oh, you poor, lost soul...

>> No.8669056
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17 MB/s 6.1 MB/s

>> No.8669066

Go to bed, Robert

>> No.8669075
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>> No.8669099

It's only idiots that look at the popular overrated phone companies (they do internet here). That get download quotas and pay like $80 bucks a month for it.

It's very easy to find cheap, unlimited download adsl2+ plans here.

>> No.8669116
File: 18 KB, 300x135, 285054_10150235479400887_641855886_7885229_4941961_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of /jp/ lives in Japan?

>> No.8669132

I was just there a week ago. How's pirating over there? I heard they monitor PD/Share 24/7 and raid people's homes every now and then.

>> No.8669154

It's only anime raws that people raid, if you only download child porn it's fine.

>> No.8669164

That's so fucked up, it's hilarious.

>> No.8669165
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I kind of wish I had something to do with this upload.

>> No.8669181
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>> No.8669182

Stream some touhou for /jp/.

>> No.8669183

You almost made me crack this mud pack that I have on my face by making me laugh.

>> No.8669185
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818689097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez, I can't imagine what some of these speeds must be like.

>> No.8669187

You think I'm joking?


Also look at the Winny/Share ones. You only get in trouble for uploading stuff. Downloading is never an issue. And it's only uploading music, movies, tv shows, etc. that get you in trouble. Child Porn, there is sooo much of it on P2P and there is like never issues about it. A lot of it is new content too.

Obviously I take no part in any of that...

>> No.8669190
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818694953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All shall fear me and despair.

>> No.8669195

12 mbs downstream, 0.58 mbs upstream

I'm pretty happy with my internet, though, even though it's rated as shit. Have RR/time warner btw.

>> No.8669204

I make a few torrents a year for /jp/ but other than that I really don't upload a lot of anything. Also, aside from those torrents that I make I never seed.

>> No.8669207

What in the sweet strawberry fuck.

>> No.8669218

Jelly of the speeds posted here.
Though I don't have anything to complain since my ISP allows me to download anything without limits. I even used to download CP shit and illegal software without receiving a single letter.


>> No.8669216
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818706938[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way better than the first one.

>> No.8669225
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1818706400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm... That's some shitty UC internet.

Though I can sympathize with all you slow internet peoples, since I've had 1Mbps until college.

>> No.8669229
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818713596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine needing anything more.

>> No.8669231

It's throttled to 1 Mbps because I have the cheapest plan. I could get six more if I paid an additional fifteen dollars a month. I don't know why I don't, I eat way more than that in a week.

>> No.8669241

I've never received complaints either. I occasionally read ISP forums and found out that my ISP doesn't throttle in this state. There are supposedly "limits", but if you go over them they don't do anything at all. I wonder what the point is, then.

>> No.8669251

>I even used to download CP shit and illegal software without receiving a single letter.
>download CP

>> No.8669258

Enjoy Rescomp while it lasts.

>> No.8669259
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>> No.8669266


Luxuries of the 3rd-world country, well in my country anyway. There would even be stores at the mall selling OS, games, adobe shit, movies, etc... for like 2 dollars (these are for the people who don't have internet or are too lazy to download). .

A few people who sells these shit gets caught for appearance's sake but a buyer can never get jailed for buying a pirated windows 7

>> No.8669275

24 Mbit/s w/static dedicated IP address for $20/month.
It's peculiar because upload+download combined cannot exceed 24 Mbit, so for example I can only download at 24 Mb/s, only upload at 24 Mb/s or DL+UP at 12 Mb/s each. Don't ask me how. Moscow.

>> No.8669274

Sounds like China. If it wasn't polluted as fuck, I would move back to be closer to Japan.

>> No.8669280

No consumer connectivity technologies I know about have dynamically reconfigurable down/uplinks. Who provides your internet?

>> No.8669283

Close but no cigar.

We're as lax as china but no commy shit. It's a democratic country actually. There's not much to hate here except for the fucking koreans who keep on immigrating because their english class is HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGOD expensive in their own country,

>> No.8669287


>> No.8669295



>> No.8669301

I was there for 3 weeks. For a country that has internet cafes every few blocks, your internet is abyssmal. Get into Korea's level.

>> No.8669309

sup Calfags

>> No.8669316

Standard UTP category 6 cable directly from a local ISP. I have no idea how do they do it myself, but my computer isn't a bottleneck (torrenting from/to a RAM disk on a Q6600@3.2GHz) for sure.

>> No.8669317
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>> No.8669318

I live in the woods outside of town so anything faster is crazy overpriced ($75/mo for 25/1 is insane).

>> No.8669320

What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.8669321

30/4, $70/mo

>> No.8669324

If you went to the Philippines for the internet shops then I'm sorry to say that those exist only for two things.
DOTA LAN with friends
and fucking facebook/twitter.
Going by american currency you're paying .50 cents or less for an hour of usage. So yeah you get what you pay for.

If you want fast internet then you go to an ISP and sign up for a plan just like everybody else, including filipinos.

>> No.8669345
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1818770761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black out ISP, but leave original filename.

>> No.8669692
File: 89 KB, 482x362, psodownloader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few good and cheap thing over here.

>> No.8669903

He's on a small ISP, who knows what they're running?

>> No.8669914
File: 164 KB, 715x355, internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cup and string master race

>> No.8669917

Good god

>> No.8669923

holy shit, you've probably been uploading that since the thread started. I feel you, I just got off a 7KB/s dl line myself. It took 2 minutes to load /jp/ completely.

>> No.8669926

I shed a tear for you.

>> No.8669930

You could have saved yourself a lot of time by uploading the image they generate for you.

>> No.8669933

2Mb/s. It's ok since I'm not paying for it.

>> No.8669948

I pay for 7 mb/s, I get maybe 700 kb/s.

>> No.8670009

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8670013

8 mbps = 1 mb/s

>> No.8670020

Why can't you read?

>> No.8670138

What's this about? Are you saying zunbar-chan isn't pure anymore?

>> No.8670145


>> No.8671035

I'm >>8666680, I know how >>8669914 feels.

Also, I'm impressed by how many people from shitholes we have around. Guess that's kinda of a good thing.

>> No.8671045

6Mbps download, 512Kbps upload.
No caps, which is the most important thing for me.

>> No.8671051

No. Using "/s" or "ps" doesn't make any difference. Both mean "per second". The difference is in the case.

B = bytes
b = bits

>> No.8671052

100/100 Mbps

There's a 5 GB daily cap since it's a student apartment (haven't been a student since the first week, though). I really should move somewhere else but I don't know how organize something like that.

>> No.8671053

That's because they were idiots and posted what they uploaded from their home IP on 2ch. PD is safe by default, it's only a problem if you go telling others what you did outside of PD.


>> No.8671101

You're probably mixing up bits and bytes there.
If you pay for a 7 Mbit/s connection, getting 700 KBytes/s is reasonable.
millibit cannot exist.

>> No.8671110

Units seem to be quantum physics difficulty level.

>> No.8671138

A bit is either 0 or 1 (can represent 2 possible values). A byte is 8 bits (can represent 2**8 possible values, or 0 to 255). Usually a KiB is 2^10 bytes, and a MiB is 2^10 KiB and so on. People sometimes use KB/MB/GB/TB to mean MiB/KiB/etc which are powers of ten approximations (10^3 and so on). I blame idiotic marketing done by some companies for this - they want you to think their drives have higher capacity than they do by inventing new terms, this started with floppies and continued from then on.

>> No.8671167

/jp/ - Computer science

>> No.8671174 [DELETED] 

I know it's been implied already many times that living in a third-world country is suffering when it comes to internet, but I just want to hammer the nail, that they're absolutely correct. I've been trying to contact various ISP's in my region in order to get a better upstream for months now, in order to have a more decent connection to host a web server, but not only customer service is shit on every single one of them, not a single one offers a decent download-upload ratio also.

I guess Brazilians like to compare their download speeds to their dick size. At least there's no download cap, that balances things out. Sorta.

>> No.8671184
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1819952202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's been implied already many times that living in a third-world country is suffering when it comes to internet, but I just want to hammer the nail, that they're absolutely correct. I've been trying to contact various ISP's in my region in order to get a better upstream for months now, in order to have a more decent connection to host a web server, but not only customer service is shit on every single one of them, not a single one offers a decent download-upload ratio also.

I guess Brazilians like to compare their download speeds to their dick size. At least there's no download cap, that balances things out. Sorta.

>> No.8671192

Depends on the country (and continent). There's some "third world" countries which do offer uncapped symmetrical 100Mbps.

>> No.8671197
File: 589 KB, 640x702, 1328098465098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISPs advertising with Mb/s instead of MB/s is the biggest scam since canned bread.

>> No.8671211
File: 142 KB, 544x960, 2012.03.07-16.20.54..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSPA connection. Upload is three times faster than my cable internet. Too bad that it disconnects under stress, so I can't upload anything large to DDL sites.

>> No.8671217

2Mbps. Upgrading to 4Mbps, cause virgin is doubling it for all customers..I think.

>> No.8671233
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1819982088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least yours is faster than mine.

I can't complain though, this one is way better than my previous one.

>> No.8671259

Mine actually goes up a little higher, up to 10Mb/s. Velox is a little unstable these days so the test's having major spikes, unfortunately.

But yeah, I remember back in 2004-5 when I had less than a megabyte available to me. It used to be way shittier, but it could be getting better faster.

>> No.8671287

>On 8 October 2010, a 42-year-old woman was arrested for uploading the Mitsudomoe TV anime series
>42-year-old woman

Oh Japan!

>> No.8671313
File: 15 KB, 299x102, 56356353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just live in the middle of nowhere, I'm used to it...

>> No.8671315
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 1820016714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually around 12-15. I was stuck on Rogers for a year until Teksavvy finally started providing service to my town.

>> No.8671319
File: 96 KB, 230x295, 1327356628043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300kb/s capped mobile internet.

It's all I can afford.

>> No.8671331
File: 41 KB, 195x158, brazilian night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least there's no download cap
Yet, for most of them. Apparently, Velox has been wanting to implement that for a little over a year now, but whenever it gets close to the date they say they're going to start it, it gets pushed away a bit. At the moment, they say their quota service is going to kick in starting June or so.

I just wish GVT had better coverage, they seem pretty good.

>> No.8671338

I know. I was joking because most people in this thread, and in the world, get them wrong.

>> No.8671344
File: 22 KB, 295x128, ss+%282012-03-07+at+11.09.39%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8671385

Really? Well, I guess I'll have to change mid-year or so. I never really liked Velox anyway, way too much downtime on the service.

I hope GVT's better. At least, every Brazilian in range of me seems to get rock-hard whenever they hear about it. All I want is a better upstream speed, god drat it.

>> No.8671714

Bytes are a stupid unit anyway. Bits should be the standard for everything.

>> No.8671721

A country of leeches.

>> No.8674207
File: 30 KB, 300x135, 1820935036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too low

>> No.8674432

20mb down at home

>> No.8674462

how do so many people not know what ping means

>> No.8674464

5.5 down, 0.4 up.
Relatively good on the morning and night, but shit on the afternoon. Such is life in south america

>> No.8674472

my peak is 60 kbs down, maybe 20 up. I even live in a so called first world country, living in the middle of nowhere in the country sucks

>> No.8674478

Down: 24.96
Up: 5.00

>> No.8675895


2Mb/s Download, 0.5Mb/s Upload. 50ms ping.

A few years ago I had 4kb/s Download, 0,5kb/s upload, infinite ping.

Trying to browse with that shit was the most infuriating thing I've experienced in my life... well, it was normal when I used to visit cartoon network around 1998, but NOT IN 2007, FUCK.

>> No.8676703


Not the guy you're replying to, but from all I've used to far it's the less worse by a fucking lot.
