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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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866382 No.866382 [Reply] [Original]

You know what /jp/ needs?

Another tonberryking; specifically of the !vzc9TxEtRo type.

>> No.866383


>> No.866385

Go back to bed, Tonberryking.

>> No.866387

Agree, needs a good troll.

>> No.866388

He's right, of course. The man was my hero.

>> No.866391

Shut up Tonberryking.

>> No.866392
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Just like this picture.

>> No.866393

you know what this thread needs? to be reported and hidden

>> No.866395

oh god please no

the only tripfags from /a/ i would want would be cirno and food anime

>> No.866397

A tonberry, you say?

>> No.866398

Another tonberryking? Why can't we use the old one? I don't like change.

>> No.866401

Tonberry was great. I miss him so much ;_;

>> No.866426

>food anime sucked

>> No.866434

Funny how everyone hated food anime, yet everyone misses him now.

>> No.866431

Same Tonberryking

>> No.866439

Russia was good. I liked Russia.

>> No.866442


How does it feel to be wrong?

>> No.866444

I don't.

>> No.866447

I'm not

>> No.866449

How about another ISM? Oh, wait...

>> No.866460


I never hated him. He was the best of the lot.

>> No.866477

Yeah where is that bastard he need to came back and make shitty exploits and stuff...

>> No.866493

Banned by name, I assume. Nameless Fairy is banned as well.

>> No.866509

I love you.

>> No.866503

Nameless Fairy isn't autoban anymore.

>> No.866507

You know what you need?
To shut the fuck up.

>> No.866514

But Russia knew about UNICODE
Name-bans are meaningless before the might of UNICODE

>> No.866526

This man speaks the truth

>> No.866559

Well...I can't say I'm a tonberryking, but if you wanted someone, I believe I could pedal my work if so desired.

>> No.866564


>> No.866571

Not this shit again

>> No.866569

More imposters...

>> No.866575

Impostor has no 'e', you stupid faggot

>> No.866578

Wait, Pedophile Banker isn't for real?

>> No.866579

But I was called forth this time; Summoned, if you will.
How can I deny his wishes?

>> No.866587

Forgive me, I am not a perfect being like the one you try to mimic.

>> No.866589


Of course not. No one on 4chan is law-abiding.

>> No.866593

It was a pun on the word 'poster'.

>> No.866604

I see someone is able to view brilliance.

>> No.866610

I am You!

>> No.866613


>> No.866616

...Excuse me?

>> No.866618
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>> No.866620

ITT we suck tripfags' e-penises.

>> No.866625

Pedophile Banker is ISM.

>> No.866631

hey look what tripcode i managed to dig up


>> No.866651

And that is to what?

>> No.866656

This smells of autoban

>> No.866704


I don't recognize it.

>> No.866709

What /jp/ needs is less Touhou.

Nothing wrong with one or two threads, but if there's just only one thread properly related to Japanese stuff...

>> No.866721


reeks of newfaggotry

>> No.866717


>> No.866718

What /jp/ needs is a dump/rapidshare of Megane of Ceremony's glasses folder.

>> No.866723


>> No.866733


ANIME_EXPERT. How the shit did I miss that?

>> No.866743

Not before I get broadband. Which won't happen for about the next 11 to 15 months.

>> No.866770

Memory stick + somebody else's connection = ???

>> No.866783

You know what /jp/ needs?

>> No.866808

Hahaha oh wow.

You clearly are not familiar with our friendly meetings with the mods.

>> No.866824

I arranged one.

>> No.866972

I felt like bringing this back up to page 1.

>> No.867004

Good for you, good for you.

>> No.867040

TonberryKing is one of those tripfags everyone insults and despises while he is here, but in reality everyone misses him now he's not here.

Now look who you have for tripfags on /a/, a bunch of GAR faggots.

>> No.867055

>possibly also the athens dude.

Eat shit and die.

I regularly destroy his bullshit over at /n/ on plus4chan.

>> No.867061


I saw your post on that blog Megane of Ceremony, where you insulted /jp/sies.

I've seen your other shit too, you're a normalfag, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.867076

You're a normalfag

>> No.867085


Considering I invented the term, I don't think so.

>> No.867107

Only normalfags feel the need to inflate their e-penis

>> No.867108

>Now look who you have for tripfags on /a/, a bunch of GAR faggots.

True. People on /a/ think liking GAR makes you cool, you don't see a single tripcode defending Clannad for example. I'm the only one.

>> No.867133
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>> No.867157


Been single for 2 and a half years anon, only had one girlfriend, that was out of blind luck, spend literally MOST of my life now on 4chan (now that I've finished my degree) and playing PS3/360/PC games. Cried at the end of MGS4. Scrawny as shit (look like a holocaust survivor). Fap 3 times a day. Played and replayed 11 VNs. Seen countless anime series. Read countless manga. Play PCB every day. Undergraduate year of university I went out clubbing TWICE (second time I just purposefully got 'lost' from my friends and went home at 11:30pm) and stayed in, in all honesty, 99% of the time. Only music I listen to is classical (late romantic, baroque and some early classical), anime soundtracks and video game soundtracks.

So you see anonymous, I'm clearly not a normalfag.

>> No.867173



>> No.867167

>anime expert, has seen over 1000 animes

>> No.867192

I consider that to be pretty normalfag; you're just a casual person who lost their way and came to the "/jp/-life" as the medium. You could have gone in any other direction, but just happened to go this route. Plus, you're one of those type who are insecure and try to become like "one of us".

So, go the fuck back to neo-/b/.

>> No.867207


How am I a normalfag? I really dont get this. How do I fall into the definition of the neologism I was using to describe the decline in quality on /b/ in the copypasta? How does that even work?

>> No.867220

You seem to be a mix of the casuals/normalfags and "this" community. You think that you lean more towards "us", but in reality, you're split.

>> No.867236



Now shut up and stop using neologisms I made.

>> No.867246

The phrase "normalfag" was invented before 2008.

>> No.867257

Now I know you're trolling.

Normalfag was used long before you "invented it".s

>> No.867250

O hi guiz

/g/ doesn't need me anymore, so I guess I'll hang out here

Don't worry, I have my share downloading all of your touhou fighting games, so I'll be up to date on the lingo in no time.


>> No.867251

Is this a tripfriend thread?

>> No.867258


kill yourself
