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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8659447 No.8659447 [Reply] [Original]

The popularity of Madoka Magica was the product of viral marketing.

>On Jan. 1, a comment was made on 2-channel regarding a link on the website of an anime company called Shaft. Within the link — to a Shaft product on Amazon.jp — was embedded a Amazon Affiliates ID tag belonging to a 2-channel summary site called Yaraon. This convinced some people that Shaft and Yaraon — and maybe more companies and summary sites — are secretly working together to promote certain products on 2-channel to make a profit.

The cause of an incident is "Madoka Magica".

>Yaraon is a big site treating the subject of 2ch which many otaku's use. It's Affi-blog. An affiliate blog makes an advertisement an income source. Affi-blog reprints description of 2ch, occasionally edits it. Since description of 2ch is edited unfairly and the information is diffused, 2ch user have an antipathy to affi-blog.

>They noticed the situation quickly and suspected relation of shaft and Yaraon. Moreover, Aniplex of subsidiary of Sony was suspected. The evaluation of Madoka Magika was being doubted by 2ch user in news flash forum [Newsokumin]. Moreover, 2ch was hostile to Sony as a company which fabricates reputation. There was many circumstantial evidence.

>2ch became a big uproar at the doubt whether the animation production company has done stealth marketing using Yaraon.

【Stealth Marketing】SHAFT/シャフト 64【ステマ】

>> No.8659450

Touhou is a vast viral marketing conspiracy by China to reduce America and Japan's population to useless NEETS.

>> No.8659449


>> No.8659454


>> No.8659458

2ch drama is always /jp/

>> No.8659463

This is pretty old, anon

>> No.8659470
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Targeted viral marketing in sites which are highly frecuented by homogeneous audiences is an old, old new. You don't need to be statistician to know this.

>> No.8659492

But no one on /jp/ can read Japanese. If they could, why would they prefer to be here?

>> No.8659496

I imagine they prefer being around more like-minded people.

>> No.8659521

This pretty much explains why only trolls and shitposters remain here right now.

>> No.8659566

2ch claims fucking everything is viral marketing, even more than 4chan does.

>> No.8659571


normalfag viral marketer detected.

>> No.8659582


>2ch claims fucking everything is viral marketing

Are you 100% fluent in Japanese and regularly follow and take part in discussions on 2ch? Because it just seems like you're an idiot making warrantless assertions that concur with your bias or you're just a plain idiot.

>> No.8659589

Most of the people on 2ch are idiots, much like 4chan. Some of them like to accuse Yaraon as being responsible for poor sales of shitty shows too, because of their 'viral marketing' (a term they use for all sorts of things all the time). It's kind of silly. Don't take it so seriously.

>> No.8659606

The western world is made of viral marketing and other forms of propaganda. Japan might be a little behind though.

>> No.8659611

of course they're marketing stuff. they'd be foolish not to. here's the thing: it worked. deal with it, futaba. if you want to blame anyone for madoka being everyfuckingwhere, blame yourselves. you ate that shit up.

>> No.8659616

Western game devs also do the same with /v/
Except by using /v/ the devs become shit just like /v/

>> No.8659642

Did you even read the OP?

>> No.8659785

fucking minecraft

>> No.8659810

Oh fuck I KNEW IT!

>> No.8659817



>> No.8659836


>Except by using /v/ the devs become shit just like /v/

They were always shit.


>The western world is made of viral marketing

This phenomenon didn't occur until the late 90's and why are you trying to minimize the occurence of this on image/boards by saying bullshit like it happens pretty much everywhere?

>> No.8659839

Why haven't you had a girlfriend yet?

>> No.8659869

This is /jp/, why do you bump?

>> No.8659868
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In case you guys didn't know, Japan is basically entirely consisting of stealth marketing. Hachimakikou game blog is pretty much the major core for all of this shit, having tie-ins with a lot of other places. Hatimaki is controlled by a company called iido. It's not just one person. If you post about it on any livedoor blog, you will be blocked in all livedoor blogs. They control livedoor too. Jin115 (oreteki) and Hatimaki's blogs use a shared blocklist, which are both Sony Kadokawa stealth marketing blogs.

They're like the Kotaku and Sankaku of Japan. Ironically, Kotaku and Sankaku are guilty of taking material from both blogs, and both blogs are guilty of taking information from each other and 2ch.

>> No.8659873
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Who gives a shit?

>> No.8659885

Maybe he forgot he wasn't on /a/ lol

>> No.8659895


Please stop derailing the thread and shitpost else where.

>> No.8659898

Thread is off-topic anyway. If you want to discuss it, discuss it in /a/. Or better yet /anime/, since this could be a long (time-wise) discussion.

>> No.8659905

lmfbo look at this nerd. where do u think u are?

>> No.8659917


Why do you continue to derail this thread? Just hide it if you don't like it.


Grow up.

>> No.8659986

>This phenomenon didn't occur until the late 90's

Can you back that up? In any case, assorted marketing propaganda has been going strong for some 100 years, and I don't mean direct advertising.

>why are you trying to minimize the occurence of this on image/boards by saying bullshit like it happens pretty much everywhere?

I'm not. It's just not very notable, as there is loads of more meaningful propaganda in our lives than the marketing sort.

>> No.8660002

Who gives a shit. I haven't even watches it.

>> No.8660206


>Can you back that up?

"The term Viral Marketing was coined by a Harvard Business School professor, Jeffrey Rayport, in December 1996 article for Fast Company The Virus of Marketing."

"Among the first to write about viral marketing on the Internet was media critic Douglas Rushkoff in his 1994 book Media Virus."

"The term "viral marketing" has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns - the unscrupulous use of astroturfing online ... to create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm."

>I'm not. It's just not very notable

Some people are sick of being used as consumer sheep yet you're going out of your way to dismiss this issue and throw out red herrings.

>> No.8660222

you fucking get the t ruth out

wake up you fucking sheeple big shit is happening in japan now

people are ufcking trying to make money those jew fuckers

>> No.8660262

Considering that the definition of Viral Marketing is literally just Word of Mouth advertising online, that wouldnt suprise or annoy me in any way

>> No.8660276

>The term... was coined
>Among the first to write about

I believe it took a while for the term to reach public consciousness, as is usual with propaganda innovations, and as happened with the concept itself. Viral marketing does not require the internet as a platform.

>Some people are sick of being used as consumer sheep yet you're going out of your way to dismiss this issue and throw out red herrings.

With consuming it's easy, you can simply not buy anything that you haven't personally judged to be of real value to yourself. This gives consumers power over the propagandists, even if they aren't thoughtful enough to use it. With politics the issue of propaganda is more complicated: understanding that democracy is a sham doesn't give you any power.

>> No.8660291
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As usual, the Jews are to blame.

>> No.8660359


>Viral marketing does not require the internet as a platform.

Some early forms of it precedes the internet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shill but viral marketing as in stealth marketing through online astroturfing is specifically the issue.

>With consuming it's easy, you can simply not buy anything that you haven't personally judged to be of real value to yourself.

If only it were that simple.

>With politics the issue of propaganda is more complicated: understanding that democracy is a sham doesn't give you any power.

That must be very depressing for you. You should stop wasting your intellect in this thread and expound your thoughts on politics in >>>/pol/

>> No.8660363

> You should stop wasting your intellect in this thread and expound your thoughts on politics in >>>/pol/
Do you mean to imply that discussing politics on /pol/ ISN'T "wasting your intellect"?

>> No.8660724

>If only it were that simple.

The community, authority figures or society does sometimes judge the products for you without your consent, but otherwise it is that simple.

From my few visits, /pol/ is /b/-tier.
