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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8658164 No.8658164 [Reply] [Original]

Which Touhou has the cleanest anus?

>> No.8658171


Any of the full ghosts. Their current bodies are entirely separate from the originals. It is unlikely feces ever passed through their ethereal digestive tracts.

>> No.8658169

Left my sage on. Surprisingly according to the archives the discussion hasn't continued since my last thread, though.

>> No.8658181

For some reason I imagine Suika to be very clean and hygenic.

>> No.8658183
File: 1016 KB, 1246x1600, 7d00ac8caf4f0fdaee0d27d76b3a070a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magician yokai don't need to eat, therefore no poop comes out.

>> No.8658196


If you're going to post a theory you need proper evidence to support it.


Suika is likely more on the dirty side, and doesn't fully wipe her ass after taking drunk shits.

>> No.8658220

I disagree.

>If you're going to post a theory you need proper evidence to support it.

"Magicians" in touhou can cast a spell to have no need to eat, and those with inherent magical ability probably get that at an early age.

>> No.8658222


Anus-kun is that you? are you going to do all the tohous that's a pretty big project to fulfill

also we had a HUGE thread on this already I think we pretty much agreed the Ghost Yomu/Yuyuko would be cause they can't poop since they have no need to eat actual food

>> No.8658303


Just because they have no need to eat, does that mean they won't?

Eating snacks is enjoyable even when you're not particularly hungry.

>> No.8658323

Did we ever agree on who had the hairiest anus?

>> No.8658326
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>> No.8658327


Mhm. The other poor guy has been invalidated.

>> No.8658328

Waiting patiently for anus analizer-kun. Or did he analize all the touhous already? I don't remember.

pffftttt, ANALizer xDDDD

>> No.8658343


Why are you waiting for someone? Present your own theories.

>> No.8658349

But I'm not very well-versed on the english language yet, I might not be able to come up with interesting walls of text.

>> No.8658350
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>> No.8658354

Obviously Cirno. She's ice-cold, and it is well known most bacteria die in low temperatures.

>> No.8658360

Cirno is the youngest of 2 touhou that have a perfectly clean ass. The other is Yukari. If I was her, I'd just altar the boundary of my bowels, so all my digested food would just teleport into another dimension, and it would be perfectly clean all the time.

Cirno's just naturally very clean and poops ice, which doesn't stain or linger. Straight out.

>> No.8658364

which touhou bleaches their anus

>> No.8658371

Yukari's anus is like a forest.

>> No.8658383

3 highest for me in my speculation
1/2. cirno/letty as nothing could live in there with the cold and it wouldn't smear as it would be frozen to solid chunks

2. Mokou - she seems to be immune to heat from her magic and with all the fire she stands around in and throws around it would probably kill all the bacteria in her, but then again I don't know much about lunar bacteria. THen again, why would she use fire magic on the moon w/ no oxygen.
you know what fuck it she's out and her shit would probably be liquid that is so runy that it wouldn't stick so it would actually clean out her but and MOKOU IS BULLSHIT THAT MAKESA ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, I don't care if I find her to have a cool and admirable attitude

4. Yukari as she can bypass her anus and possibly even her rectum if she wanted to from poop, however the normal amount of germs and bacteria on your skin would still be present.

>> No.8658384


I think it's the opposite.

>> No.8658385

Another thread has popped up, person who did the analyzations here. I didn't start the previous thread, I just started writing up analyzations in it.

I've only done EoSD, PCB, IN, SA, and UFO so far. They're all in the first thread besides SA which I dumped in a different thread since the first one died before I could post in it again. You can find them here.


I lost interest after that other thread I posted in died as well. PoFV, MoF, and TD are left. I guess I'll get started them eventually.

>> No.8658387

Bacteria certainly find it a lot more difficult to propagate, if they don't outright die.

>> No.8658402

uhh no, in fact just like humans, most known life dies in any extreme (and when I say extreme I mean outside of it's small comfort zone) below freezing all life need liquid water too, the rest depends on exactly how cold cirno/letty are, and then heat also kills most microbes.

and none of the bacteria that normally live in humans would be able to take it, that's for sure though

>> No.8658409

For people talking about freezing bacteria. It works to some extent, but the moment it thaws then the bacteria multiply to pre-frozen conditions. This results in the new generation of bacteria being more cold resistant as well. Also some bacteria aren't affected by freezing at all, freezing also affects both bad and beneficial bacteria in the same amounts generally.

Freezing does make quite the effect on bacteria, but only when it stay frozen. If Cirno or Letty have ever been melted, then there's a good opportunity for the bacteria to re-multiply and become more hardy to the cold as a result.

Ultimately any bacteria that live on Letty or Cirno are going to be rather cold resistant eventually.

>> No.8658459


The cold does not kill bacteria. It just causes them to multiply slower.

>> No.8659708


>> No.8659720
File: 155 KB, 1240x1754, yoshika34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would YOU eat the maggots off of Yoshika's anus?

>> No.8659727

There's a limit in that, the nature of molecules can't evolve and there's a point when homeostasis can't happen and cells just die, also I doubt there's enough elements in a fairy diet, if there's anything, to create such compounds.

>> No.8660011


But she isn't rotting, is she? Maybe the maggots left a long time ago.

>> No.8660016

There's "having a funny thread" and being nice and letting it die when it should have. Then there's "making the same funny thread over and over until the joke gets so horribly raped to death people start to take it seriously."

>> No.8660044

didnt we already have this thread?

>> No.8660118

>how do i abuse scientific terms
There are many species of bacteria which happily live in sub-freezing temperatures.

>> No.8660939


There's only been 3, and I've made two of them.

>> No.8661295


I took it seriously in the first one. It's a legit discussion.

>> No.8661342
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If the trend of extremes continues, then #5 would be Okuu's irraditated cloaca would only host a couple of niche radiophillic organisms like Deinococcus Radiodurans.

>> No.8661354

Which 2hu would make the best shitposter?

>> No.8661366


>> No.8661490
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Extreme frost-defrost speeds kills ALL CELLS, I say that even fucking tardigrades would collapse when cells just explode after increasing it's size by a 9% of their volume in water in less than a second, don't talk about growing, getting masterSpark'd and then be frosted again, and when I say this we're assuming that cell equilibrium is something dynamic but you should know that it's not, in fact, is one of the most delicate process in nature.

Hell, I'd bet there's a higher chance of bacteria developing intelligence to take off Cirno ass before developing a stable and efficient system to resist said changes, and nigga, we didn't talk about extreme temperatures best friend, extreme pressures, but since this begins to look like a TL;DR I'll stop here.

P.D: You don't even know what homeostasis is, don't you?

>> No.8661811

Apparently E. Coli and another type of bacteria can survive being crushed between a diamond anvil. E. Coil also survives at freezing temperatures as well.

Though that's not a reason for it surviving extreme heat, we weren't assuming that Cirno was getting vaporized by master spark in the first place which would pretty much destroy all bacteria, but Cirno as well. I don't think we're assuming Cirno is constantly shifting temperatures. She's probably freezing, but in the "she's very cold" sense, not the "her temperature is rapidly shifting downward sense".

>> No.8661839

>Is that some new birth control device you're wearing?

>> No.8661856
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>> No.8661876

Again you refute the wrong point, homeostasis is the process of keeping the inner equilibrium of a cell, you should know that a cell is made of 70% water and other fragile organules that would stop working if something like being frozen in less than a second happened, of course a cell can survive -200Cº because of ruthless natural selection but I ensure you that if the water around a mitochondria is frost the cell dies in less than another second unless it prepares for it in advance, natural freezing is a gradual process to which a cell can adjust with enough time but there's no suitable living being that can keep a constant, successful homeostasis which such an adverse environment .

Do exist a material/compound/process that can keep a living being safe to extreme adverse elements?

-It's suitable for living microorganisms whose main strength is fast reproduction and adaptation using abundant substances in its ambient to produce multiple copies of itself ,thus, forcing natural selection to happen faster?

We could design a living cell which could do so in a totally artificial environment but no in the ass of a fairy, not there, it's way to dynamic and there's way too much events that could obliterate this amazing characteristics by simple, efficient fast reproduction.

>> No.8661918

Is this a separate discussion from the one about the Touhou with the cleanest asshole (outside)?

>> No.8661958

I wasn't the person you were talking to originally. Also at this point we have to base our speculations entirely on what Cirno's ass is like for the likeliness of bacteria survivability which is not really determinable in any way.

It's cold, but we have no idea how cold, nor do we have any idea what Cirno's ass goes through on a regular day to day basis.

>> No.8661970

She freezes water instantly, minimum error still proves my point.

>> No.8661988


>> No.8662002

Her power is that she can freeze water instantly. She however does not cause the water around herself to freeze instantly by being in it.

>> No.8662006

Ice comes from her hitbox when shotting danmaku, close enough for me.

>> No.8662009

/jp/ - Bacteria Culture

>> No.8662048

What about psychrophilic bacteria?

>> No.8662055

And that's when she's shooting danmaku. In a normal state where she is not shooting danmaku, she does not create large amounts of ice.

>> No.8662088

Cirno is a bwaka, bacteria die of autism.
If this point is wrong your is right. Good evening.

>> No.8662132

It's probably Sakuya or Yamaxanadu, OP. Both of them are probably the cleanest anuses of Gensokyo.

>> No.8662182


>> No.8662421


what is this from?

I used reverse image search and only got a hit form some hong kong website I have to sign up for before I can viewi t

>> No.8662427


nevermind found it


if anyone wants it dont know where an english version is

>> No.8662444 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 1200x1693, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako have cleanest anal look at all that shampoo around her ass.

>> No.8662451

Is this NSFW? Do I report it?

I'm so confused.
