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8655583 No.8655583 [Reply] [Original]

ROSA-Beatrice. Interesting, no? Tell me more, /jp/. If you have art of her, I want it. If you have any theories on what she would be like, please tell me.

>> No.8655589 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 1104x768, 25300176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is too old to be a witch. She doesn't have THE HEART.

>> No.8655602
File: 666 KB, 1376x725, f4b2c71c075ba88b2a8d460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only just reached Eva entering the location of the gold and becoming Beatrice, when I saw Rosa at the top of the stairs, I thought, "Wow, what if Rosa got there first..?"

>> No.8655632


>> No.8655642

Umineko is old and busted. Gun & Roses is the new hotness.

>> No.8655670

That shit's gay, nigger.

>> No.8655704

The Witch of Hitting Little Girl.

>> No.8655724
File: 686 KB, 586x799, RosaBeatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this more seriously, What I'm talking about is this... Eva's personality is exaggerated when she becomes EVA-Beatrice. She becomes the kind of person who flaunts how great she is. Her constant struggles to out-do her brother Krauss made her the kind of person who always wants to win. And when she gains powers of the witch, she, of course, uses those powers to show further, how great she is, how deserving she is of the Family Head position. What changes would this instill in Rosa? Rosa's frustration might manifest itself in outbursts of unprovoked violence and I think that, like Eva, she would become quite obsessed with showing how powerful and great she is to everyone, since she was always looked down upon by the others.

>> No.8655742

I think she'd be pretty uninteresting as a Witch. She doesn't have a "younger" personality in her like Eva, so it's pointless.

>> No.8655751

You think? I don't agree. That younger Eva is just her conflicting emotion. Everyone has that voice that tells them the opposite. Like if you finish taking a big test, you might say, "Damn, I did terrible, I'm gonna fail it." but you'll probably have a voice in your head saying, "Just believe in yourself, you did fine." and this is no different from that. So, it's logical to say that everyone has that.

>> No.8655820


>> No.8655827

Why are you posting here? Is /seacat/ dead?

>> No.8655836

That place is shit. That's why. Although, maybe their faggy twisted vision of umineko is better than this place's unresponsive nature and general lack of interest.

>> No.8655866

/jp/ is for shitposts and touhou only.

>> No.8656151

Rose Beato would just kill Maria like 1000xs and probably the rest of the family then summon like 80 guys to run train on her...

She was almost likeable if it wasn't for the child beating and just being a general selfish cunt.

Natshushi though now there's a MILF damn that woman is so fine and loyal holy shit.

>> No.8656173

I really want to see KYRIE-Beatrice.

Kill all the useless cunts who only get in the way of your dreams. Don't be one of those faggot villains who's too busy being ashamed of what they've done or are doing or will do, like Sasuke. Grab what you want for yourself, and don't let anyone tell you you're wrong.

>> No.8656182


Considering it took her dying like 3 times before I even remembered her name that'd be okay I guess but she already was a bad ass once against EVA so I don't she needs to be a witch

>> No.8656190
File: 147 KB, 554x530, fmt9nd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, seriously? I think her abuse of Maria is understandable to a point. At first, I thought it was terrible of her, but Maria is impossible to deal with normally, I think I would end up locking her in a closet for hours if my kid acted like that. And Natsuhi would make a terrible witch. She's way too moralfag.

This is a fun idea. Kyrie has the brain to use that power infinitely better than Beato and she's probably cut-throat enough to do what she has to to get what she wants. She would apparently look retarded, though.

>> No.8656195

Rosa doesn't have any really bad personality traits despite being emotionally weak so she'd be pretty boring

>> No.8656205

Well, in both Episode 3 and 4, she shows that her "weakness" isn't nearly as bad as she would have others believe. I mean, she solved the epitaph right after Eva and was acting like she had no idea and was lost just because she was figuring it out for herself. And when she was the only adult in the Ushiromiya family left to watch over the kids and servants in episode 2, she acted ruthlessly and even threw the servants out. She used that gun very well and took hold of the situation just like Eva would have and had no trouble even calling the servants "useless furniture" behind their backs or whatever. And at the end of that episode, she even decided that it was worth going to steal some of the gold ingots at the risk of her and her daughters' lives. All of those are "bad traits", really. I think she'd make an especially cruel witch because she wouldn't even have to act timid and weak anymore. And Maria would certainly no longer be a burden.

>> No.8656204


I don't get me wrong Maria is an annoying like bitch but Rosa should've just aborted, I guess all that Ushiromiya competition she had to produce something she could consider an heir after herself.

I don't think Natsushi would make a good witch I just like her, she's almost my ideal woman

Who thinks Jessica would make an interesting witch?

>> No.8656209

Isn't Jessica way too nice for that? And she loves Kanon and all that crap. All unfitting for a witch.

>> No.8656211

You mean 2 and 3.

>> No.8656214

I totally agree with you about everything here. It's hard to believe that I found someone who shares my opinions about all of this.

I really wonder why Kyrie was never one of the people who found the gold, even though she's probably the smartest one there. I guess it's because she didn't know about Taiwan.

>> No.8656224

Probably the smartest? Nah, she's definitely the smartest one there, man.

>> No.8656229

I think if Jessica came to know the truth like Battler she'd hate the vast majority of her family.

She'd tell Yasu to get fucked, that's for sure.

>> No.8656262


Nah breh nah

Bitch couldn't even solve the epitaph she's not that smart...


Exactly she has witch potential but obviously events would have to be manipulated in order for her to be brought to potential

>> No.8656265

I think that the only one who has pretty much no capacity for "evil" in the Ushiromiya family is Natsuhi. She's strictly dedicated to meaningless things until the end, because she doesn't bother to think beyond what she's told to think.

Jessica is one of the ones with the least capacity, but it will come out when she's less emotionally stable and when she's in front of someone she hates.

Battler himself is one of the weirdest people in the family, I can't quite tell whether he has any capacity or not. After he learned the truth, he changed very significantly, and I somehow get the feeling that he had become more like a Kyrie who's very good at hiding it.

>> No.8656270

If Natsuhi were given a class, it would be Paladin .-.

>> No.8656312
File: 384 KB, 604x499, testicles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GEORGE-Beatrice. There's a thought
Yep, there's a thought. A thought I wish I hadn't had.

>> No.8656319

George would be a good Beatrice.

In the past, he was a faggot, but now he's not so bad.

>> No.8656353
File: 176 KB, 259x472, GEORGE-Beatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb, shooping...

>> No.8656445

That's not so bad. He's kinda hot.

>> No.8657814


George is a lot like Battler in the way he is very in control of his emotions, he's too much of a bitch to make a good Beatrice, even when faced with the death of Shanon he basically was just okay.jpg

>> No.8658528

Do explain, because I seem to remember George grieving over Shannon every time she died to the point of following a shady witch out of a window just because said witch promised that he might be able to bring Shannon back with a wish.

Also, I don't remember Battler being that much in control of his emotions, at least not until after EP5.

>> No.8658565


I guess but it wan't typical over acting "I've lost the one dearest to me etc." grieving, i'll agree though that following a stranger to make a wish to bring back someone you already confirmed dead is pretty bad.

Battler even when face against the truth could've easily said NOPE fuck this shit i'm done, which I guess what he pretty much did in IV but he did come back so in that way I say he composed and focused and not so willing to let him emotions control him, they just get the better of him from time to time
