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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8655373 No.8655373 [Reply] [Original]

how do i troll /jp/

>> No.8655384


>> No.8655383

Tell them you are woman and that they fail their lives to shitty 2D. And put some soul into it.

>> No.8655397

And tell them that only antisocial and/or ugly nerds are virgins. Also, offer one of them to take their virginity.

>> No.8655396

Talking about opression of wymen is a good idea too

>> No.8655406

tell them madoka is godsend anime
pull up your arguments from google/gaia/wiki
be adamant about it

>> No.8655413


/jp/ does not care about 3DPD

>> No.8655416

>tell them madoka is godsend anime
but madoka is godsend anime

>> No.8655417

they do claim this is so quite often but deep down, they know its a farce

>> No.8655423

Put on a tripcode and be as vocal as possible.

You don't even have to act stupid, we'll come up with our own reasons to hate you.

>> No.8655422

Enter any thread and imply it doesn't belong on /jp/

You'll really get a firestorm going if it's something only quasi-related, like an LN thread or the eternal GUST thread

>> No.8655421
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atta boy

>> No.8655437

The only ones who can truly reject 3DPD are the ones who have had previous experience with 3DPDs, and thus know how terrible they are compared to 2D.
The rest are just trying to fit in and would engage in sexual intercourse with a 3DPD without thinking it twice if given the chance.

>> No.8655441

While I think what you're saying is quite an unfair generalization, this is what happened to me. Though people who insist on bitching that ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!!!11 FRIENDZONED FOREVER_ALONE.JPG can fuck off to Reddit or /r9k/.
We get it. They're outside, so they're not even real. Stop going on about it.

>> No.8655442

Truly, those who never had sexual experiences with 3dps are despicable immoral sluts. Willing to lay in bed with both 2d and 3d partners

>> No.8655443

i like madoka...

>> No.8655445

You must declare every on-topic post is off-topic due to some arbitrary criteria.

>> No.8655451

It's funny because we do the opposite.

"Hey /jp/, which Touhou would WHAT SHOULD I EAT 4 DINNER 2NITE??"

>> No.8655458

Post a opinion.

I've never even kissed a girl and I completely reject 3DPD. However it might help that I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the world so I know far more than a normal person. Even in that "waifu becomes real" thread a few days ago I thought it through and still wouldn't touch 3D.

So don't all lump us together, there are a few who actually mean it when they say it.

>> No.8655464

I'm so smart guis!!! xxXD
200 IQ LOL!!!

>> No.8655468

"Previous experience" does not mean only sexual or any kind of physical experience.
When I said it I was thinking of all the times I was rejected when I was in school, because I was a "nice guy". I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

>> No.8655469

> I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the world
Disregarding what you said next, I think this is important. I never understand how people can outright reject real life when they have not even experienced it. "Oh, I've always been a shut-in, ever since I was a kid!" Hey moron, try going outside. Maybe it's great. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Come back when you learn you were right about everything and all people are horrible and sluts and society is fucked up in ridiculous ways and everyone is out to get you. But only then (don't worry, it doesn't take long).

>> No.8655472

Pretty sure most of us here experienced highschool

>> No.8655475

don't listen to this anon
he's trying to troll you in real life as well as internet
he just wants to see you rejected and dejected for it gets him erected

>> No.8655476

Finishing school is enough to know how horrifying the outside world is.

>> No.8655478

Obviously not everyone's circumstances are the same, but I want you to take comfort in the fact that you are (and were) completely right. I was in your shoes, then I gave the real world a go. Partied, made friends, had fun, got a girlfriend, fornicated lasciviously. Yet I now feel the same way about people as I did BEFORE all that, and my experiences of what normal people are (and are supposed to be) like has just confirmed it. Which is quite a nice feeling, because I am stubborn and like being right about everything. However I also feel guilty and wish I could have spent those years sitting in my room watching 80s anime and shitposting on 4chan instead.

>> No.8655482

True. I think I always had that delusion that everything gets better once you're a grown-up. I'd still recommend it though, because of what >>8655475 said.

>> No.8655485

Actually I only became a shut in about.. four years ago? And I'm 21. I've experienced enough of the world to know that I don't want any part of it.

On top of that everything that you see in the news, the general state of the world.. I have no interest in ever going back. Maybe if it were about 20 years ago and I was the same age I am now, then perhaps things would have turned out differently.

>> No.8655489

come back when you are late 20s at least.
you young whipper snappers don't even understand your own-selves let alone the world outside

>> No.8655493

There are fewer wars now than ever. The world is fine. Quit being a baby.

>> No.8655497

The only reason there's less wars is because the threat of nuclear weapons. Almost everything else has become worse over time.

>> No.8655498

Why does it even matter if the outside world sucks? Live life like it's a video game and just do all kinds of crazy shit until you die or go to prison and get rapes everyday.

There are a LOT of fun things you can do if you don't care about the social ramifications. You could even find out what it's like to rape or kill a man.

>> No.8655504
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>> No.8655505

420 erry day brah xD gotta get laid brah

>> No.8655506

This. You can do anything. You can do anything at all. Want lots of money? Steal it. It's not even difficult. Want to get laid? Go rape someone. Want to kill that guy who bullied you in school? Cool, go for it! You can do it. Of course there will be consequences and if you consider yourself religious or ethical it may be mentally difficult, but you can actually perform these actions so that they will have happened.

I cannot believe people kill themselves without doing something they want first. Even the law cannot really hold you back if you are going to be dead ten minutes later.

>> No.8655507

>Why does it even matter if the outside world sucks?
because i live it in? this video game sucks i want play a good vidya

>> No.8655510

because people kill themselves because they believe they are weak and helpless to better their lives

if they could do those things in the first place, they wouldn't be contemplating suicide

>> No.8655512

Post pictures of nuclear blasts.
