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8653801 No.8653801 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes when I'm at work staring into space I wonder what other /jp/ers are doing at that exact moment assuming they aren't in front of a computer.

>> No.8653811

When I'm not in front of a computer I'm shoving a dildo up my ass on my bed.

>> No.8653812

Pumpin' iron and bangin' hot sluts.

>> No.8653814

We only exist when you look

>> No.8653848

Picture yourself, in every moment of your life, passing from place to place and time to time.

Picture those places and times and picture what happened to them.

Has the past gone away when you left it?

Is this true, can you not go back?

If so, surely this can be the same way for places as it is for time.

Imagine that when you leave a room, or simply turn away, a multitude of tiny organisms deconstruct the reality you can't see, and it ceases to exist.

At the same time, the organisms weave together a new world wherever you go and for whatever you look at out of the material of that dead reality.

This of course implies the back of your head does not exist either.

So how does it seem familiar?

Because when the back of your head does not exist, these organisms may restructure your brain directly in order to create the feeling of familiarity and of memory.

They do all this, without ever ceasing, out of knowledge passed down by instinct that when you cease to acknowledge reality, they as a whole will cease to exist, because reality is the knowing and they are the unknowing, both in mutual interdependence.

In time they may attempt to rewire your brain or body to ensure this does not happen, but it is far more likely just one of them will realize that your brain is just a construct of your thought... and since thought is a product of your brain, that single organism, one of an infinite number of organisms will know it's true purpose is not in line with it's kind.

Its purpose is tanasinn.
