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8653726 No.8653726 [Reply] [Original]

After a long period of abandoning my console, I fired up my Wii and looked in the WiiWare titles area of the shop and I saw a demo for a STG called Kyotokei. I downloaded it, and while the CGs of the characters are nice, the music is really repetitive, the controls are a bit awkward, graphics are very ugly, and the worst part is it's in the horrible horizontal format.
The only thing it has going for it is the "polarity" gimmick, but that was already done in Imperishable Night so it's not such a novelty

>> No.8653780

>Imperishable Night

I think you mean Ikaruga.

>> No.8653818

Well if you want to get that way about it, I think you mean Silhouette Mirage

>> No.8653849

Hoizontal is best format.

>> No.8653869

U.N. Squadron was hurr.

>> No.8653875

That's not even a shooter.
And I was referring to the polarity thing OP mentioned. Ikaruga had the same mechanic, whereas IN did not.

>> No.8653911

Fine. Radiant Silvergun. My point still stands though

>> No.8653957

I thought there was another but I forgot what it was. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8657168

Does anyone else pronounce STG as "stug"?

>> No.8657639
File: 1.55 MB, 1173x1100, 1324258851563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This is a Stug. It stugs."

>> No.8657678
File: 494 KB, 1200x1586, tamiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not a StuG.
This is a StuG.
But then again, I'm quite certain that anything with the Wustenfuchs at the wheel is perfectly capable of stugging if necessary, so you are still right.

>> No.8657685

Quality Post!

>> No.8657713


>> No.8657754

OP I think you forgot the actual problem of it being a fucking awful piece of shit that blatantly steals a previous mechanic, strips it bare and implements it in the worst way possible, all the while having no real design thought and utterly disastrous bullet pattern design (if you can even call it patterns), that makes it one of the true pieces of scum in all of shmupdom.

>> No.8657950

thank you for your kind words
