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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 732 KB, 1600x1119, 1843cfb36e5a9f6951c8a0a948634c47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8653216 No.8653216 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8653256

i was actually able to join that guy's game because i guessed (correctly) that he was >>8649711

>> No.8653305

Makes sense.

>> No.8653740

Those were some really fun matches. Such a shame it had to end.

>> No.8654133

Is anyone even playing this still?
West Coast
Not good

>> No.8654216
Average tier

>> No.8654263
US, Absolute Shit tier

>> No.8654338

GGs. Sorry for wasting your time; it seems my internet is on the fritz tonight.

>> No.8654364

GGs. Rehosting.

>> No.8654373


>> No.8654671

Good games, first time I got a 3 delay so that was fun.

>> No.8654682

I have no idea what a 3 delay is
Therefore: glad I could be of service.

>> No.8654695

Our connection was good so it gave a low delay, it's a good thing. The lower the delay the better.

>> No.8654725

Oh cool. Thought it was some technique. Yeah twas fun.

>> No.8654761


>> No.8654853

was fun

>> No.8654859


>> No.8654867
File: 20 KB, 311x553, garcueid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
midwest, below avg

>> No.8655013

ggs. You never said challenger could not be shit tier.

>> No.8655019

Well, yea. I keep playing hoping that maybe the other person will learn something other than to just mash 2C out of blockstrings all day. Usually, I am disappointed.

>> No.8655026

Well shit. I think I do that. Any tips?

>> No.8655066

Yea stop mashing 2C

>> No.8655643

twitch dot tv / funkyp

Top 8 on now.

>> No.8656210

ciel dude is dead?

>> No.8656220

hey niggas why we not create thread in /vg/ ?

>> No.8656277

/vg/ is too busy with Tekken Calibur vs Capcom XII Turbo Arcade to bother with some "weeaboo shit" like Melty Blood.

>> No.8656303
US East, relatively new

>> No.8656971


>> No.8657077

EC someone host.

>> No.8657382

Great imitation of the typical ghetto ass FG player, but you're the only one who keeps complaining that this should be in /vg/.

>> No.8657871


>> No.8657981

Sorry about that. Waited half an hour for a game and nobody showed so I started doing something else. I'll be back in a bout 30 minutes or so if you still want to play.

>> No.8658056

East coast. Below average skill.

>> No.8658080


Yo dude I just have to say your name and comment are awesome.

>> No.8658090

lol sorry for no skills, just got the game working yesterday. Whats the proper way to host games?

>> No.8658111


Network mode > direct connect mode > host

And it should automatically put your IP and port on your clipboard, so just paste it where you need to and people should be able to join, assuming you've got your port situation sorted out.

>> No.8658118

Needs more hosting.

>> No.8658123



>> No.8658150

Oh god the other people on my network must be hogging everything. Sorry about the lag.

>> No.8658179


Yo it might have been me, my Internet totally blew up there. Think I'll give hosting a rest for a while. Ggs.

>> No.8658184

West Coast - Below Average

>> No.8658210


>> No.8658209

Far below average.

>> No.8658527

Taking a break from Kamidori.
Central US
Bad, day 1 stick, new character

>> No.8658566

Hosting shit tier. East Coast

>> No.8658647

GGs. Rehosting.

>> No.8658754

anyway midwest/EC players around

>> No.8659003

ggs. wish we could have some 4 delay matches

>> No.8659026


>> No.8659233

GGs. You might be the best person here for me to play.

>> No.8659294

GGs. It was fun but it was pretty onesided once I swapped off VSion. With the exception of you spamming keys and me trying to charge meter in the last set it was very one sided. Crazy awesome games sometimes though. I remember when I played you before we traded arc drive command throws one time and another I Last arced your arc drive etc.

>> No.8659315

Is Melty netplay P2P? I ask this because my university doesn't allow P2P programs.

>> No.8659316


>> No.8659321

Yeah I just wanted to try out the flowchart on that last match. Sorry for being so incredibly awful on some of those matches, though. I'm probably the worst player here.

>> No.8659329


>> No.8659331
File: 65 KB, 1584x957, 1328495605140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. And I forgot some parts, damn.

>> No.8659341

Hah, but had I not been playing around with charging meter I don't think I would have got hit with so many keys. Also that was the first match where I learned enemy projectiles got rid of orbs. That was frustrating.

>> No.8659384

Absolutely anything touching an orb gets rid of it. Attack hitboxes that don't overlap with the character's at points count too.

>> No.8659738


flowchart epic win

do you have more for other characters?

>> No.8659763
File: 18 KB, 1661x205, anime4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659807

EU shit tier

>> No.8659829
File: 60 KB, 1617x306, anime11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659975
File: 106 KB, 1278x907, badagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US West, bad again tier, delay doesn't bother me

>> No.8661733
US East

>> No.8661859

GGs, too much lag at the end there.

>> No.8661871

ggs, i agree, lag made it unplayable.
thanks for the games

>> No.8661916 (EU) Pretty bad.

Might not work, getting questionmarks in the ingame IP box.

>> No.8662010

were you European? Holy hell that was laggy.

>> No.8662015

Ok, so Im getting questionmarks for my global IP. No idea what's causing it.

>> No.8662018

US East Coast. 6 delay isn't all that bad, considering.
GGs anyhow.

>> No.8662193

East coast.

Also, does anyone know what the cause of Melty showing my IP as ???.???.???.??? is? It's only started doing it recently, and I've heard of a few people having this issue.

>> No.8662321



>> No.8662455


>> No.8662558

i started getting the question marks after messing with my regional settings but idk about anyone else

>> No.8662584


>> No.8662607

>> No.8662703


>> No.8662714

ggs hisui, rehosting

>> No.8662716


If you're below average I think I'm just going to stop playing. Fucking hell. Been playing since the demo and I can't even scratch a "below average". Fuck this shit.

>> No.8662737

you just gotta up your knowledge. one thing i can tell you about my sakiha is that my pressure is paper-thin. most of the stuff i try you can usually either reversal or use shield bunker to escape.

>> No.8662766

sorry about that. not sure why it was spiking

>> No.8662778

gg (even though it was spiking)

>> No.8662811
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, [GotWoot]_Seikimatsu_Occult_Gakuin_02_v2_[720p_H264][73E6109E].mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2010.10.07_19.55.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8662824

Mira, cabroncito. Deja de estar dejando comentarios estupidos en mi profile y los profiles de mis amistades. Si quieres encontrarte una fucking novia vete a facebook y dejanos a nosotros en steam EN PAZ. Oh, y te voy a bloquear pa que sigas jodiendo.

And now English translation for all to enjoy~

Look, litte asshole. Stop leaving stupid comments on my profile and on my friend's profile. If you want to find a fucking girlfriend then go to facebook and leave us in steam IN PEACE. Oh, and I'm going to block you because of your fucking around.

>> No.8662838


Yo man we were at Final Round and stuff.

Shut up it's a big tournament!

>> No.8662955

ggs naou
i decided to go out on a high note

>> No.8662982
File: 110 KB, 712x717, 1330734970978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8663319
File: 103 KB, 712x717, 1328199259621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664508 EC

>> No.8664556

I can't connect.

Europe Poland Midtier

>> No.8664571

I thought it wouldn't be playable at all with delay 15 Too bad it lagged so much, it's probably the distance.

Europe Poland Midtier

>> No.8664574


can i still join again?

>> No.8664577

Sure go ahead. Someone tried connecting but it dropped connection right away, it wasn't me who cancelled.

>> No.8664620

Getting more and more lags, better to stop now

>> No.8664626

Whoever it was, Great Games, I had fun playing against you! We had pretty low ping but the lag was pretty bad for some reason... I had less lag with my friend and we have ~200 ping all the time. Still fun games and it's great to play against someone new!

>> No.8664631


i feel left out.. *sob*

>> No.8664635
File: 118 KB, 632x631, ss+%282012-02-03+at+10.47.50%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime you try to connect I get this ding noise and then an error messege ;_: I'm sorry bro

>> No.8664639


i am so left out now. well, alright, its ok i'll just play with the CPU or something *sniff*

>> No.8664646
File: 13 KB, 280x260, Forever Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone wanna play with me?

>> No.8664651

Good Game Anon, unfortunately it disconnected after just one match.
I'm still hosting
Europe Poland Midtier

>> No.8664652

I´ll play once I have installed this, played the "beta" before and liked it..

>> No.8664657



>> No.8664680
File: 28 KB, 200x200, Forever Netplay Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8664691
File: 131 KB, 398x641, 1330363275759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the links in the pastebin are broken

>> No.8664703


try this


>> No.8664783

thanks, but the game crashes when I try to enter network play...

>> No.8664789


crashes? hmm, are you entering Match Making Mode by any chance? cause it does not work for "non-registered games"
try Direct Connect Mode

>> No.8664807

nah it crashes before that, in the main meny

>> No.8664818


hmm, are you using rev 1.2? if not then maybe it needs an update

>> No.8664826

Wow... /jp/ has really fallen.
it used to be the last bastion of all hope, and now its the home of /b/tards.

>> No.8664837


link just in case..





>> No.8664851


or better yet..

Crack + English Menus:


>> No.8664865


if the update MBAACC107ReleaseRev120.exe does not install, you can install it manually by opening it with 7zip or WinRar etc. and copy/cut paste the contents in the Melty Blood directory

>> No.8664873

Like literally on the first section of pastebin if you even bothered to look.


>> No.8664903


well, maybe he can only use non-torrent means or something

>> No.8666733

Bampu pantsu.­

>> No.8666815
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 13229748490802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8666821
File: 513 KB, 640x480, 1259256189141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8666821 EU

>> No.8666822

what a cow.

>> No.8666826

That guy aside, does /jp/ even have any Sion players?

>> No.8667431
US, Shit tier

>> No.8667574

It seems the game keeps crashing whenever I use Ries, so I'll just stop for now. GGs.

>> No.8667608

That desync. Seems like my internet is still being shitty. Sorry.

>> No.8667619


>> No.8667625


No problem

>> No.8667970

Anyone hosting?

>> No.8667979

I dont know any combos and I'm just gonna spam. Fight me faogts

>> No.8667980 might work maybe?
SW good tier?

>> No.8667995

You should post your actual IP address if you want to host.

>> No.8668006

fuck this game

>> No.8668008

Desync, but I'll call that a night. GGs, sorry about the slow pace. I'm still not good at dashing on stick.

>> No.8668093 [DELETED] 

hostan shit tier (I have been drinking)

>> No.8668107

hostan shit tier (I have been drinking)

>> No.8668124

Says you have a different version of the game. Have you updated?

>> No.8668218


>> No.8668275 [DELETED] 

just upgraded to Rev1.2 and my keyboard is back to default, MBAA-net.exe does not work for it, how do I change my keys?

>> No.8668316

Use mbaacctools, configure the ini.


>> No.8668434

Is anybody hosting, I still suck at this game but I wanna see how it will be like now.

>> No.8668473
West Canada

>> No.8668550
File: 30 KB, 350x350, d97f95bc9fc8f12f8ca0c2e03e7edd3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
midwest, below avg

>> No.8668555


>> No.8668580

hey focus, you should rejoin, i was just getting a drink

>> No.8668620


>> No.8668626


>> No.8668680

Good games.

You should of been there! Joined someone else. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.8668686


>> No.8668693


>> No.8668697

because im bad at it ;_;

>> No.8668719


>> No.8668721


>> No.8668725

You gotta take it easier, slower. Raging doesn't help.
Took me about 4 years with no competition to reach "Learning Matchups" Status.
There are plenty of guides available, why aren't you using 'em?

>> No.8668728

I don't know where to find them, I shall go do this.

>> No.8668731

ggs 2.0
you gotta chill out with the mashing.

>> No.8668732


Like every post from bell.

>> No.8668736

Unleash your fire!

>> No.8668815


>> No.8668847
File: 26 KB, 300x509, 7456354353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
not play for a long time
Forgotten Tier

>> No.8668898
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 6754764574564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg rehosting

>> No.8668912

To the honorable warrior that fought me for three hours:
That was some good shit.
See you around.

>> No.8669121


>> No.8669130
File: 10 KB, 194x259, 435345345346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8671754
West Coast
OK tier

>> No.8671775
EC shit tier

>> No.8671788


>> No.8671804

>300 average
Nuh uh. Rehosting.

>> No.8671819

dat desync
inevitable at 6delay, I guess

>> No.8671829


Fuck it. Why I was expecting a good connection was beyond me.

>> No.8671828

ggs, yeah it was only a matter of time

>> No.8671845
File: 200 KB, 543x521, autism ciel kamina battlefield 3 2012 world ending arcade edition now with gems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CielDude no longer melting his blood
A disappointed to the crown.

My inner thoughts

>> No.8671853

hes dead jim

>> No.8671859
File: 20 KB, 545x466, crazy woman in the night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cannot be, you lie. Off with your head!

>> No.8671916
West Canada

>> No.8671937
File: 41 KB, 336x400, 1261711778203 (1261711778.jpg).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting shit tier. East Coast

>> No.8672322

ggs, wow i've been raped pretty hard

>> No.8672325

GGs, fighting through molasses really killed your combos eh?

>> No.8672330

Forced meme.

>> No.8672352


I don't know why I did that fucking 2C every single time when I know I shouldn't, it ruined my combo 95% of the time

>> No.8672392 [DELETED] 

Forced meme.

>> No.8672421
File: 33 KB, 500x619, 1257126670675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
EC Bad tier

>> No.8672448

gg. Nanaya player. Fun games. Don't know if I've ever seen a good H-Nanaya before it's usually C.

>> No.8672515

GGs. Rehosting.

>> No.8672525


>> No.8672595
File: 70 KB, 330x419, 1320086683634-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%8F[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8672625

need to stop playing on keyboard
can't do low/back A

>> No.8672636

Yeah, I feel you man, my pad is starting to get worn out and I can't do instant fast falls as good anymore.


>> No.8672729

ggs, kept forgetting they were ft3's

>> No.8672739


>> No.8672757

ggs, you get better every time i play you.

>> No.8672791

If you say so man. I was going to say I thought I'd gotten much better but that it didn't show at all. Also I tried to block much more this time but all that got me was you punishing me with throws.

>> No.8672830

you were definitely much, much harder to open up this time in terms of high/low mixup, so i'd say that your blocking has improved at the very least. throws are a natural counter to blocking opponents, and they can be especially hard to react to online, but don't forget about jumping and airdashing out of pressure. this is especially important in the corner to avoid the endless mixups that result from being trapped there.

>> No.8672836

Well I tried to jump out of the corner a few times but I got forced back in pretty fast. I also got thrown around alot in the middle of the map. Is that a command grab you do or can F-SAkiha convert a combo off a throw outside of the corner. I can only combo off throws in the corner with VSion and I don't think I got to throw you once since my pressure was shit.

>> No.8672844


>> No.8672854

FMech's zoning tools are pretty godly, I must say.

>> No.8672864

she does have a command grab (which allows you to perform a combo) but for the most part I was using her regular throw to keep positioning.

there's no one tactic i could suggest to you to avoid throws, but maybe you could try shield bunkering through my ring pressure? i literally have no idea how that would work out since no one's done it to me before, but hey.

>> No.8672878

I don't think I've really ever used that tactic and that's probably a weakness in my game. Man the rings are so frustrating and it doesn't help that your simply being better than me makes it really hard to play aggressively with VSion.

>> No.8672883


>> No.8672895

I don't think anyone else I've played has kicked my ass as consistently as you have. I don't think I can ever beat you by just trying over and over though.

>> No.8672901

So I've been directed over here from >>>/vg/
I've been playing and failing at Capcom fighters for 15 years now, never advanced in a single tourney. I suck at all other non-Capcom fighters. I recently purchased BB:CSX and have had fun with it, but am still bad. /vg/ suggested this would be the perfect fun game. I've read up a lot and finished some explanation vids and have some basic game mechanics down. However, I am still not entirely convinced that I like this game at all.

I'll take whoever will have me. West Coast.

>> No.8672911

Oh it's you huh? What character did you end up choosing for now?

>> No.8672915

Playing Melty because you suck, huh?
Sounds like your setting yourself up for more failure.

>> No.8672916

maybe you should go into the lab and try to find some anti-sakiha stuff, or at the very least find some ways to deal with the rings (because if you take that away, i haven't got much left).

>> No.8672917

Oh I see, Shiki Tohno huh?

Even though the characters seem like clones in appearances that's where similarities end. Along with here you can get some matches at the mizuumi #mbaa irc channel.

>> No.8672921

Well I could run under some of your rings but when you put them up after a combos is over I'm more or less obligated to block right? I end up blocking 95% of the time I'm not getting comboed by you.

>> No.8672930

Tohno Shiki, I think.
Probably. Doesn't help that fighting is my favorite genre of games, does it?

>> No.8672933

the meaty rings were what i meant, since the ones i leave floating around the stage aren't much of a threat, just a temporary obstacle. and well, here's the thing: i'm not entirely sure what you can do, since i haven't yet played anyone who was able to get out of them. i would imagine that DPs or certain EX moves could be used as a method of escape/reversal, but i'm not sure on the specifics.

if your character doesn't have that kind of option you can just try blocking until it's gone, then attempting a reversal (as that is usually when my method of pressure devolves into IAD mixups).

>> No.8672934

>Probably. Doesn't help that fighting is my favorite genre of games, does it?
Once again, I'm in same exact boat. Just keep at it man. You picked a decent character to start off with too, maybe use Full Moon since it's closest to what you're used to.

>> No.8672950
wc middle -tier

>> No.8672951

I don't think my 263 has much in the way of reversal potential unless it's EX and it sure doesn't move my character out of the rings unless they disappear when I hit you. I'm unsure if they do that sometimes it looked like it did.

>> No.8672952

Yeah, after watching the videos on how the moon mechanics work, I'm 100% sure I will be playing Full Moon for a long time before I get adventerous.

>> No.8672965

they do disappear when i get hit. i've actually had my raw ring tosses stuffed more times than i can count.

>> No.8672969

I only saw them disappear when I was Nero since that was the only time I managed to hit you in the middle of your pressure. With VSion I can't seem to hit people when I'm under pressure at all. 2C isn't fast enough and 2B not far enough and they're so predictable. I'm going to watch a few SAkiha vids and see what the players do.

>> No.8672982

If anything yeah, that would help.
I find it hard to believe that 15 years of fighting experience will keep you from much, to be honest.

>> No.8672992

i think i'll do that too. i've actually been playing her by ear, so i'm not sure how to "properly" use her.

>> No.8673016

You do more damage in your combos than the video I'm watching but what I'm getting from this video is just that i should block better. Dragonfist if I can and shield bunker the last hit maybe? Is that possible after blocking?

>> No.8673029

i believe you can shield bunker whenever you want.

>> No.8673058

Even in the middle of blocking an attacks that's going on? Well that's still only useful if you come at me from that angle.

>> No.8673075

Seems like I can can only do it after the attack is done not while blocking.

>> No.8673084

GGs, sorry I wasn't moving around a whole lot.

>> No.8673088

GGs, next time try to be cheaper.

>> No.8673103

I forgot the exact terms for it... but you can only shield bunker on block hit, not on block stun.

>> No.8673100

eh? the whole point of shield bunkers is to attack while in blockstun.

>> No.8673116

GGs. Nah that actually helped me a bunch. I had to work on my pressure anyway. You should work on your combos and pressure, too.

>> No.8673122

Well I don't think I'll be using 100 meter as H-VSion to get out of rings that often then.

>> No.8673127

Wow at least I am don't try to pressure the whole game.

>> No.8673149

Yeah, I'd use half moons for both Akiha and VAkiha - which have easier combos and pressure - but I enjoy the full moons' movesets a lot more. I think I can step up my game once I'm comfortable dashing around on stick.

>> No.8673231


>> No.8673256


>> No.8673252
US West Coast, Shit tier

>> No.8673336


>> No.8673384

9 delay is pretty terrible. Sorry if that was from my end.

>> No.8673404
File: 111 KB, 600x900, 036c4a696a5716293294760c7deef704265d49db[1].jpg_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673412


>> No.8673520

Please teach me your ways, that I too may one day wreck a nigga with 11 delay.

>> No.8673531


>> No.8673685

Calling it a night cuz I need to start a problem set.
GG anon. Your fierce combos are getting a little predictable to block. Perhaps some variation in their start would return your former supremacy over me.

>> No.8673690

Man, those Ryougi unblockables always get me. GGs though. Got some practice in with my blockstrings and mixups.

>> No.8673713 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1330906699612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't choose a main so now I'll just be hipster to narrow it down.

Which of the three, Arc, Ciel, and Warc are least commonly used?

>> No.8673717
File: 6 KB, 264x235, 1330297504445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't choose a main so now I'll just be hipster to narrow it down.

Which of the three, Arc, Ciel, and Warc are least commonly used?

>> No.8673716

I have not run to any of those in net play.

>> No.8674233

Learn all 3. But if you really want to choose a single one, I've played only a handful of Arcs and even less Warcs.

>> No.8674522


>> No.8674963

I ask because I've been playing this game for a month and I at least want to have one main to focus my efforts on--I'll back to the others once I do.

So you haven't seen a lot of Ciels?

>> No.8674972
File: 89 KB, 543x521, picking ciel when your name is no ciel dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8675126

0424.132.244.111:7500 EU, 3 delay or less only.

>> No.8675148

EU shit tier

>> No.8675216


>> No.8675318
File: 319 KB, 707x1000, 1328588285584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs E

>> No.8675328

You should type your IP correctly if you want someone who's decent to play you, I'm getting wrecked since I can't even execute BnBs (or know them)

>> No.8675352

GG, was fun

>> No.8675445


>> No.8677153
File: 2 KB, 60x85, 304484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central US

>> No.8677204


>> No.8677248

Are your ports forwarded correctly or did you just stop hosting? Either way, I couldn't connect.

>> No.8677399

GGs, I'm done.

>> No.8677407

weird to think we were technically only playing one character that entire time

>> No.8677466

Guys, I wanna play with my friend but I dont know how to port forward in order to host. What do I do?

>> No.8677472

it's really not hard at all. just google it. if you can't manage, maybe your friend can

>> No.8677475


>> No.8677528


>> No.8677617

I tried to open a port with the 46318 thing they give you and melty blood and it isnt working. What do.

>> No.8677685

Kill yourself.

>> No.8677733

cmon nigga

>> No.8677737

Kill yourself.

>> No.8677748

if you couldn't manage to open a port with such simple instructions, i dunno what to tell you.

>> No.8677800

Cmon please help me.

>> No.8678092

Is there a hamachi server for mbaacc?

>> No.8678160

Anyone in the mood to play?

>> No.8678368

can you give the exact error or screenies? not that i can help you but some else might

>> No.8678372

yes, host please

>> No.8678440
US West Coast, Shit Tier

>> No.8678524


>> No.8678586 EC

>> No.8678619

please respond

>> No.8678626

Wrong coast.

>> No.8678706

Sorry for lag before, gg.

>> No.8678710


>> No.8678841

GGs. That was my first time fighting C-Roa, I think.

>> No.8678846

GG I'm still trying to get used to him

>> No.8678880


>> No.8678906


>> No.8678935
EU shit tier

>> No.8678969


>> No.8678995

Lagging pretty hard with you, too bad.

>> No.8678997

>> No.8678999

forgot EU

>> No.8679005


>> No.8679030

Guys, If I'm looking at combos, what the fuck does j.BC mean?

>> No.8679035

Jump, button B then button C.

>> No.8679054


>> No.8679063

Does AT mean air throw?

>> No.8679119


>> No.8680049

Why is there that retarded message highlighted at the top of the pastebin?

>> No.8680503

for the LOLs i guess

>> No.8680612
File: 31 KB, 256x256, st_face22_02[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8681313

Would anyone like to play?

>> No.8681323


>> No.8681327


>> No.8681332

I'm up for it if you host.

>> No.8681357


>> No.8681411

That is all I can take, someone from my country/coast wanted, rehosting.

>> No.8681412


>> No.8681432

Hosting west coast
Haven't played in ages. Also, not sure if the host will work because its just giving me a bunch of question marks for my IP.

>> No.8681455 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 508x533, wow woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games and I take back my comment, I was sure the delay was not on my side but I guess it was. You destroyed me and I want to play you again later when my connection should be lower. Also nice comment, haha.

Also good games Naou, will also play you later when I fix my connection.

>> No.8681550

Got a vector of that pic with no letters?

>> No.8681553


>> No.8681555


>> No.8681646

GGs again, the lag was getting to me and I'm going to go eat something. Sorry about the lag.

>> No.8681652

No problem, gg.

>> No.8681658

New thread.

