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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8652237 No.8652237 [Reply] [Original]

Today has been boring, /jp/.

As truNEETs, you should have an idea on entertaining things to do while inside the house, so post them here.

Masturbation is boring too, anything to spice that up would be nice as well.

>> No.8652246

All of /jp/ could get on stickcam and drink together. Just wear a mask or a hat if you're nervous.

I want to drink with /jp/. There won't be any handholding or physical contact, but it'll have to do.

>> No.8652250

I played games all day and now I'm going to catch up on my Winter anime backlog.

Those are the only things I know how to do.

>> No.8652252
File: 616 KB, 1692x1194, Shadow Over Mystara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He...he thinks I'm a truNEET!
Play some Mystara you faggotborn.

>> No.8652251

Why aren't you playing Deardrops or Kamidori like the rest of us?

>> No.8652257

Those girls aren't cute enough

>> No.8652264
File: 239 KB, 850x1200, Pink Sweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink sweets then.
That elf may not be very cute, but she's super moe

>> No.8652274

What MMOs aren't you playing.

>> No.8652286


I'm seriously down for this. Fuck, im so tired of drinking alone.
Im not getting booze till later tonight though.

>> No.8652287

MMOs are for normalfags who cannot live without socializing.

>> No.8652291

I play my MMOs without socializing just fine.

>> No.8652293

>no armpit hair

>> No.8652297

Today I played some GBA games. It was awesome. You should try it too, OP.

>> No.8652298

Persona sucks.

>> No.8652302


>> No.8652309

Watching other people play video games

>> No.8652311

/jp/ is for normalfags who can't live without socializing.

>> No.8652313

Don't ruin his life!

>> No.8652314

Just grind away your brain cells on MMORPG?

>> No.8652318

I love grinding but there aren't any interesting mmorpgs! A lot of them seem to be very casual too and fuck F2P Korean shit.

>> No.8652336
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Reading doujinshi.

>> No.8652341

Is there a Japanese-language term for someone that's a total loner but not a NEET or a hikki?

>> No.8652344

Tried Entropia?

>> No.8652359

Just google translate "Cynical asshole"

>> No.8652366

Ooo... Look at the psychological depth, a monkey bear!

>> No.8652367

Home improvement.

Seriously, I'm working on making my room a livable place again after a few months break, and I remembered how fun that is.

It can be hard work, depending on what you're doing, but making the place you spend vast majority of your life in nicer is just really satisfying.

>> No.8652457

Welp, I just poured my first drink of the night, let's drink together /jp/.

>> No.8652460

I wish I was affluent enough to afford alcoholic beverages.

>> No.8652465

I'm a cynical asshole, a NEET, and not a loner...

>> No.8652466

Alcoholism moe~

>> No.8652492
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Threads like these make me wanna finish my /jp/ drinking game I promised like a month ago.
I'll get on to it soonish! I...I swear

>> No.8652543

It makes life bearable.

>> No.8652587

who gives shit retard reported

>> No.8652594
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shikata ga nai

>> No.8652596

What a terrible life you must lead.

>> No.8652610

I wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but what the hell.
Cheers, anonymous.

>> No.8652614
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mfw someone posts descent1

>> No.8652626
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hell yeah, been playing that + 2 the past couple days
these guys right here, so shitty, but for some reason I remember them best of all

>> No.8652663

I'm exhausted because I didn't get any sleep last night so I'm just getting drunk and watching a lets play of Deadly Premonition. I've had worse nights.

>> No.8652704

What's the appeal in watching others play videogames?

>> No.8652711

I just got up at like 6:30pm

I haven't even had breakfast yet

>> No.8652955

How are your nights, with such a schedule?

>> No.8652960

when you can't be assed to play a game.

>> No.8653055

Entertaining things to do while staying locked up at home?
Online drama, always online drama! If you don't know how to stir shit up easily, just become a tripfag on some board which is neither too fast nor too slow - ensuring that the community isn't too small (these tend to relatively resistant to intrusion by strangers), but that you'll still be visible.
Then proceed to troll and shitpost massively, but somewhat cleverly; evade bans and start talking with some of the other posters outside of 4chan.
You WILL be noticed and drama will ensue, this will give you what everyone craves for - human attention and entertainment.

When you run out of steam reboot and repeat on a new board.

However, this obviously requires patience, dedication and a minimum of social skills.

>> No.8653063
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read a fucking book

>> No.8653076

i play dota, dota 2, and watch dota/dota 2 tournaments. of course, i watch anime, read manga, and light novels too.

>> No.8653083

Stop trying to force this

>> No.8653090

Read a book! Try reading Soren Kierkegaard's stuff. It's neat! I can understand your typical /jp/er wouldn't be all that religious, but he still has good points.

>> No.8653099

How is masturbating boring?

>> No.8653097
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Did Meido really just delete that autism thread? Who the hell would report that?

>> No.8653104

You're all fucking twats and I hate every one of you.

>> No.8653108

Beating off will never be as fun as touhou.

>> No.8653106

An autist

>> No.8653111

Play Dwarf Fortress, if you're truly autistic you'll spend hours tiling over different coloured rocks and obsessing over symetry, then have something happen that disrupts your master plan and results in you reverting to an earlier save, losing an entire days progress.

I'm not bitter.

>> No.8653129
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Grand strategy.

>> No.8653147

You don't reclaim?

>> No.8653169
File: 252 KB, 800x638, NeverToBeReleased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play through the BG saga with all the snazzy mods and stuff. I am at the moment and it's pretty swank. Multi-romance mod means I have my very own travelling harem!

>> No.8653191

>BG2 Touhou mods.

Link now please.

>> No.8653206

Not a touhou mod, it's just a portraits on top of romance mod

>> No.8653214

>reverting to an earlier save

That's not good anon, you must learn to accept defeat.

>> No.8653260

I leave the house and go fishing. No, really; in the winter, I usually have entire areas of the river to myself and on warm days the fishing is great because all the fish get hungry and they'll hit anything.

-Fresh, delicious fish for pennies on the dollar
-Almost always alone on the river
-Helps with my depression
-Good exercise

>> No.8653871

still a link would be nice for the lazy

>> No.8653893


There are no links. The guy making it never finished and he never released what parts he had done. A shame, really. Doesn't seem like it'd be that difficult to finish, just a little tedious.

>> No.8654158

I have a backlog of 80 games
30 PS3 games
and 50 DS games
of those games, 30 are 100+ Hour JRPGs

I'm good for the next 2 years or so

>> No.8654164

I know that feel. And I know I'm never going to play any of them.

>> No.8654191

Too bad, this might be news to you but people actually play games.
