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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8650766 No.8650766 [Reply] [Original]

i cant live off my mom forever /jp/. What are some jobs i can get that dont require any job experience? How do you make your money jaypee? I'm sure im not the only one in this boat right now.

>> No.8650772

>i cant live off my mom forever
Why not?

>> No.8650779

i dont want to be a burden for her. I've been doing it for too long. Plus i need to fap naked in my living room with my butt plugs and loli onaholes without the fear of someone walking in on me.

>> No.8650780

Some of us don't tale suicide as an option for everything, and obviously our parents aren't going to live forever.

>> No.8650781


Invest in life insurance, anon.

>> No.8650790

Sell RSGP off PA on RuneScape.


>> No.8650796

Sounds pretty cool, but i dont have enough time for that.

>> No.8650797

See if there's any fast food or grocery store in walking distance (because a car is expensive as fuck). They take idiots with no skills in particular, and they'll at least pay enough for a single man to live off of. If you get the cheapest apartment possible and spend your money like a miserly bitch, minimum wage will get you by and you'll have at least 8 hours a day to play eroge or whatever.

No, it's not exactly a nice way to live, but if you're not willing to go to college and can't mooch off your parents, it's probably your only choice. I did it for a while before college and it's not as bad as it seems. Only problem is you have to go outside and interact with people.

>> No.8650802

you're probably young enough , having no experience shouldn't be that much of a problem for most menial jobs

>> No.8650800

Move out of the US and into a country with welfare out the ass like Finland.

>> No.8650807

Work night shifts. It pays more and everyone else that does it is an antisocial faggot and/or is nearing insanity, so you don't have to pretend to be sociable.

>> No.8650808

you're both right.

I'm going go out today and apply like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.8650815
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>looks at the nature of OP's post
>looks at the nature of other's posts

But /jp/ still argues there's nothing wrong with them at the slightest.
How can you want a voice in society but not even contribute to it?

>> No.8650819

>How can you want a voice in society
Who ever claimed such a thing?

>> No.8650821

Who are you quoting, you faggot?

>> No.8650823 [DELETED] 

Don't act like previous posts on this board advocating pedophilia never existed.
Especially in the midst of the conviction of that weeapedo Thaddeus Mcmichael

>> No.8650826


And then not get a job because you're a 20 something year old homebody with no experience, in a shit economy. It doesn't matter if they're entry level jobs or not.

Try a temp agency, you'll pretty much be guaranteed employment of the worst kind unless you're a druggy.

>> No.8650827

Take your shit and leave.

>> No.8650828

The only actual pedophile who regularly posts here is Investment Banker.

Which is not only hated by the rest of the board, but may also be an actual investment banker for all we know. Go figure this out.

>> No.8650835

I am living with a friend instead of my parents and it's stressful not having any money. He's not obligated by familial ties to keep supporting me.

If I start to bother him the only thing keeping me here will likely be pity.

I really want to start earning money, just so I can ease my mind a little bit. Just enough to afford a bus ticket or something, I don't know. I don't want to be shit out of luck some day...

>> No.8650844

Also try clinical trials guy's they general pay pretty well for not all that much time.

>> No.8650845 [DELETED] 

Not until I'm finished administering chemo.

>> No.8650846
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It's okay my real life hasn't started yet

>> No.8650856
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>> No.8650859

Posts advocating pedophilia are done by anon most of the time not any particular cancerous tripfag or namefag.

These same kinds of rights are also requested by those dumb enough to believe that lolicon should be morally accepted because most of its pedophile viewers are only into "2d" works (which mcmichael proven to be wrong)

>> No.8650862

it'll be okay Anon! All you have to do is go out and try your best!

>> No.8650864

Go to bed, Showa.

No one cares.

Go back to /b/ and preach to them.

>> No.8650872

Well, I'm applying to a local health co-op where my dad would be my manager. A couple of my childhood idols work there too and said they'd give character references. It's a good job with moderate pay and few requirements. I hope this helps, OP.

>> No.8650884
File: 576 KB, 708x850, Okuu hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to any grocery store or a factory, they always hire all kinds of people.

And dont even try to complain that these jobs are boring or hard, job dont have that benefit now.

>> No.8650898
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*You dont have that benefit now.

and dont forget to take it easy, ok?

>> No.8650904

Is it even possible to get a job when you haven't got internet, nor a phone at home?

>> No.8650903 [DELETED] 

Due to /b/'s mainstreamness its firmly within my beliefs that people who post there are sure of a hell less helpless than the casuals here.

why don't you go back to >>>/a/ with your sage shitposting?

>> No.8650916


Yep. Just tough as hell, assuming you're about as useless as /jp/

>> No.8650925

But suicide is wrong.

>> No.8650930

>why don't you go back to >>>/a/ with your sage shitposting?


>> No.8650927

Sup Suigin! why aren't you posting under your trip?

>> No.8650937

Don't worry guys, as soon as I hit the lottery, I'll let you all live in my mansion for free.

>> No.8650942
File: 60 KB, 634x373, Hahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon

>> No.8650948 [DELETED] 

What's your problem, bro. Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.8650943

I would love your forever...

>> No.8650947

will you really

>> No.8650953


>> No.8650954

Why not get some job training then apply? Become a plumber or something. That is what I plan to do once I must work.

>> No.8650952

Dude don't steal my life plan

>> No.8650962

Are you gonna fuck all the MILFs?

>> No.8650972

He will leave no MILF unfucked.

>> No.8650975

I doubt they would want me. Even the unattractive ones

>> No.8650979

Shave, neaten yourself up, wear half-decent clothing, work out, and they'll drip all over you.
You don't have to be perfect, just kinda muscley.

>> No.8650981 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8650976 [DELETED] 


>> No.8650977

why are we not all trying to win the lottery?

>> No.8650983

Tell them you can 1cc Touhou.

Bitches will be all over you.

>> No.8650987

There's a reason people call it the stupidity tax.

>> No.8650988




>> No.8651001

Shouldn't expect /jp/ to take care of themselves. Half of the board still lives with their parents

>> No.8651029 [DELETED] 

Leave Showa alone, he's a nice person.

>> No.8651030
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I just asked my dad to ask one of his friends, and bam! I had a job, no experience required. So my advice is to look for someone to hook you up before taking the scenic route up from the bottom.
Technically I still have to finish getting my GED before I can officially be on the payroll (fuckers split the tests up prolonging my agony).

Good luck, OP!

>> No.8651083

Suggest you do the same then.

Wow, a GED?
Weeaboo literature is such a good way to cloak the fact that beyond the internet you're all the socially inept sons whose burdens would result in the suicide of your mothers in Japan.

>> No.8651126

Your intended insult falls short since the mother-suicide thing you mentioned simply doesn't happen in Japan.

>> No.8651139 [DELETED] 

You're such a tool, it's simply unreal. You can't even defend your arguments.

>> No.8651168
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I've recently considered the possibility of opening a bubble tea kiosk/novelty drink stand at my university. No actual tangible effort has gone into this endeavor and I'm convinced the idea will not proceed beyond the musing/contingency planning stage. Startup is reasonably low and the business plan itself seems hypothetically auspicious but I fear my propensity for inaction will ensure nothing ever transpires. Does /jp/ have any business anecdotes that will serve to further demotivate me?

>> No.8651188


Stop samefagging, showa.

>> No.8651194 [DELETED] 

I bet I'd rape you guys in Hisoutensoku.

Bring it, bitches.

>> No.8651191

Retail is probably your best bet seeing as you don't really need experience and the hours are ideal for someone who just wants to fool around at home most of the day.

If you want something more substantial you could try substitute teaching.

>> No.8651192

I pointed out that your description of Japan was inaccurate. Your post didn't contain any sort of argument that had to be responded to in the first place; take out the insult and nothing remains.

>> No.8651212 [DELETED] 


>> No.8651218 [DELETED] 

I think that you confused me with Showa, fucktard.

>> No.8651226

Oh no.

>> No.8651233
File: 12 KB, 171x171, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best be able to host or have hamachi.
You brought up the wrong topic.

>> No.8651298

I like the idea of starting my own business as well. I just worry that I have no real concept of what normal people would actually support. There are so many things that do well I can't understand and so many things lacking in the area where I live that seem would be obvious.

>> No.8651322


Business regulations prevent you from setting up a stand or some shit too. It's a pain in the ass unless you live in India or something.

>> No.8651394

Find an old lady and do odd jobs for her. It's nothing but if you save up while you parasite off your parents, it'll build up a little. If you get the right personality, she'll even feed you. You'll be sort of like a butler. You like maids right? It's sort of the same thing,

>> No.8651453
File: 171 KB, 1315x260, OAM61v0_iXiZM13NhqTFLQCw-4tZbASj0AxNZMCkL9Bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norway has loads of unskilled jobs that the natives are too lazy to do.
You can peel bananas for €17/h, you have to compete with Swedes and various eastern europeans though.

>> No.8651494

You forgot to mention that a banana probably costs around 17€ a piece in a store.

>> No.8651509

Mailman is a job ive alwas considered. You make a fair amount but you are getting exorcise and you get payed for the full day if you finish your route fast. Im not shure of the requirements though, but im sure their not that bad if there are any.

>> No.8651516

Nah if you prepare your own food you can live cheaply in Norway, besides as a non-national you pay less tax too.
What is expensive in Norway is service stuff, like eating out because the waiters are paid the same decent salaries.
Also alcohol and tobacco and such as the government has put loads of extra tax on it in hopes to make people more healthy.

>> No.8651538

All the mail carriers where I live are foreigners who barely speak English. I doubt there are many requirements beyond being able to walk.

>> No.8651533

what kind of job did he find you?

>> No.8651550

>Also alcohol
isn't that pretty much a requirement when you live in Snoreway?

>> No.8651558

I work for a local call center that allows me to work from home. I set up a coffee table next to a beanbag chair as my office.

>> No.8651574

That's up to you. I don't smoke and rarely drink so I'm doing fine on just basic student loans alone, in fact I can barely spend it all, maybe I should invest it.

>> No.8651577

Seems like a decent job unless you get stuck delivering to a bad neighborhood. I wonder how they decide such things.

I'm currently working a job (research engineer) that I like and feel has some value to society, but I'm questioning if it is worth only having 3-4 hours of free time after work. I don't like that I am basically living for nothing but the weekends with no time to accomplish anything outside of work. I very well may consider doing something that gives me less money if it means having the time to enjoy my life. It would be ideal if I could simply just work shorter hours.

>> No.8651611

I'd really like to open up a manga/media cafe. I know there were a few in the states who closed down or changed business models, but Asian culture is very prominent where I live (Hawaii), so I think it could work. I know nothing about how to run a business but I'm considering majoring in entrepreneurship. My backup plan is getting a MLS and joining the /jp/ library crew.

>> No.8651716
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>My backup plan is getting a MLS and joining the /jp/ library crew.

Every other member of my family is a librarian and they say that the value of a specialized degree drops more each year because of cost-cutting.

>> No.8651764


How is Norway when it comes to loli laws? Since it's in Europe I'm guessing I'll be put to death if I so much as look at a 2D loli.

>> No.8651957
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I really don't want to work almost everyday with only 8 hours or less as home time.

Is there work that's irregular and not so tightly schedule bound?

>> No.8651966

It's not even the fact that 8 hours are long, it's the fact that the time you spent idling on the computer will be heavily limited, right?

>> No.8651971

professional cocksucking

>> No.8651972


>> No.8651975

*spend, *at

>> No.8651994

Work really sucks, but on the bright side, you'll value your time at home a lot more. And if you can find a cheap enough place, you can even live on your own.

>> No.8652005
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I don't want to do things that suck, I want to just take it easy.

>> No.8652015


If your a compassionate and patient person then my advice would be to look into a three month course to become certified as a CNA, the classes and tests are usually pretty easy, and there's a need for CNAs in general, especially male CNAs.

In the period while you're taking your classes, and waiting to get certified then volunteer in various health and long-term care facilities such as Hospice, Nursing Home, Assisted Care Facilities, etc. If you play your cards right, you'll have a job lined up for you automatically.

I have a starting pay of $10 an hour working as a CNA in an Assisted Care Facility, working in an acute care setting they usually have pay of $14 an hour.

It's definitely not for everyone, but I would recommend it for four reasons:

1) Working in any health care type setting is generally very secure.
2) Not difficult to become certified, the courses and the certification exam may hold you back a few hundred dollars.
3) Tons of places are constantly seeking CNAs, the fact that you're a male will greatly help in your advantage.
4) The satisfaction you would receive from helping and caring for others.

>> No.8652047

Join the air force. All I do is take is easy. Unless i get deployed, I'n which case I take it easy overseas and get extra money.

Air force deployment locations are awesome.

>> No.8652082

Whats it like?

>> No.8652088

I don't know, OP. I'm still a leech ;_;

I could probably benefit from disability or something, but that's probably not the right path.

Bad end. I can see it now.

>> No.8652108

I've looked into joining the air force, but they don't take you unless you have a high school diploma. Hell, I don't even have my GED yet. Only thing I'd be good for is to be cannon fodder for the army or something.

>> No.8652111

There is some vague law text that says it's illegal but it's not been tried in court before and I've not heard of anyone being arrested for drawings either.

>> No.8652131

I used to sell runescape mils for $50 each no joke back when I was in middle school
$20~$40 each on ebay until they banned the hell out of me

>> No.8652147


How much does being a CNA pay? It seems like one of the few white-collar jobs that being a man is a benefit in.

>> No.8652160

I feel really bad for living on welfare but I seriously can't work. I'm not entitled to a normal life as I'm not a normal human being, and I don't mean that in the "unique snowflake" sense.

>> No.8652164


That's the kind of condition autism money is for

>> No.8652183


I get paid $10 an hour, which isn't too bad considering I had no experience in the field and it's my first job.

Working in a Hospital you usually get paid $14 an hour.

I would highly recommend getting certified before becoming a CNA, because they would start you off on a higher wage. If you applied for a job as a CNA before becoming certified, they would probably start you at around $8.00 an hour.

The pay isn't the best, but I mainly do it because I get sanctification for helping out others, and I plan to go to school to become an RN in the future. Being a CNA seemed like a logical place to start.

It's real easy to get certified, you take a three month course and perform a few skills such as bedmaking or feeding a client on the exam. Most facilities are understaffed and a job is almost guaranteed after you become certified.
