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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8648948 No.8648948 [Reply] [Original]

Well /jp/ I have some bad news. I've been a successful NEET for several years and even dropped out of school, but there has been a nasty turn of events. If I don't go to college or get a job, I'm going to be thrown out of the house. My plan is to work part time at a local health-food co-op, but in doing so, I feel that I've betrayed myself. Any advice/consolation for my situation?

>> No.8648959

It can't be helped

>> No.8648960

Just go to college and don't work until you graduate.
You'll get a lot of time.

>> No.8648958

Just think of it as a means of funding the figs and games you buy.

>> No.8648966

How old are you OP?

>> No.8648971


>> No.8648974

Yeah, what they said.

Just think of it as a means of funding the figs and games you buy; it can't be helped.

>> No.8648981
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Don't listen to these anons. Your parents would never actually kick you out. Just wait a few weeks and they'll forget about it.

>> No.8649016

I hope you didn't get this attitude out of /jp/.

>> No.8649019

No. I'm actually fairly new to /jp/.

>> No.8649030

I did. I quit high school just a couple of weeks after discovering /jp/ and I've been a NEET since.


>> No.8649033

Part time hours are like babby hours, Anon. You'll be fine.

>> No.8649037


Same here, actually.

>> No.8649041

I sometimes feel like a hipster because of it, but I don't regret it.

>> No.8649046

I think that once you've gone this far, you're not doing it to be cool. If you don't enjoy it and you're here, there's something wrong with you.

>> No.8649051

Nah, it just feels hipster for having done it in the first place. I still do it because I like it.

>> No.8649053

I didn't know people took the whole thing so seriously.

Shows what I know.

>> No.8649065

Seems we're in the same boat anon, I just moved into a place of my own after landing a decent job. I've been afraid to tell you thinking /jp/ would shun me.

>> No.8649076

I say go to college and put off work for as long as possible. Just make sure your degree is useful and try to get grants if possible.

>> No.8649080
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This picture has some good advice.

>> No.8649104

tell your stupid parents you're a NEET 4 lyfe and they just don't understand because they're old and stupid

>> No.8649106

Whatever you do, don't become a slave of society, just do what makes you happy. Everything else is just a waste of time, really.
If your parents really try to throw you out just get a part-time job for a while to shut them up and then go back to you hikki lifestyle.

>> No.8649128

I'dd like to think that I have the grit to do it, but I'd rather not.

>> No.8649155

I was in and out of elementary school and middle school before I just quit altogether. I never even made it to high school.

>> No.8649164


>> No.8649173

OP again... I just finished reading it... pardon me while I bawl my eyes out...

>> No.8649176


>> No.8649193

>That ending
All of my why.

>> No.8649204

Don't forget that reality isn't sweet like that.

>> No.8649217

The story is made up anway.
But yeah, all 3D bitches are whore. Don't you fucking forget it.

>> No.8649230

Right. Now back to business. My dad and two of my childhood idols work at this co-op and are able to act as character references (My dad is cool with me, it's mom who wants me gone and he's a wimp) So I'm really leaning towards the job.

>> No.8649251

Honest advice: If you can stand the job, go for it. It's not going to get any better.
If not, depression, meds, autism bucks, gensokyo. You know how it goes.

>> No.8649254

ecks dee autism lulz

>> No.8649256

and welfare

>> No.8649262

can someone give cliffs
I lost interest and respect after he insulted the virgin race, but I can read a sentence or two just fine.

>> No.8649301

Go to school OP. Trust me, uneducated work sucks.

When I was 19, I was pretty much like everyone on this board (according to one, at least), a directionless pedophile. Unfortunately, my parents were never really fond of me, so they threatened to kick me out unless I found a job or when back to school. I hated the thought of school, so I chose to work. My uncle always liked, me so he got me a job as his welder helper on a pipeline. On my first week was 80 hours long, and the 2000$ paycheck did little to sooth my body or fix the skin left burnt by the evil Texan sun. After six months of that, it was clear that college is far superior.

Just go back to school OP, it's far easier and you won't have to work with mean-looking minorities if you choose the right major.

>> No.8649346

>directionless pedophile
Closeted normalfag detected. Your kind disgusts me more than anything.

>> No.8649351


Kicked out, homeless, steals and becomes a nigger, gets beaten a lot, tries to get a job, hard because he looks like a hobo, meets some girl, she takes him in, trusts him after some time, she takes away his chance at wizardhood and then goes into a coma and dies.

>> No.8649356

How does one be a `closet normalfag'? A normalfag is normal on the outside, so how can you be a closet normalfag and still be a normalfag at all.

Not that I am confirming or denying the validity of your claim, I just must know more about what this seemingly oxymoronic statement means.

>> No.8649364

>>directionless pedophile
It's official, moot said it. Lurk more.

>> No.8649368

Wanting to diddle 3D girls (of any kind) is a sure-fire indicator. I guess you can figure the rest out yourself.

>> No.8649377

that fucking story might have changed my life

>> No.8649378

I am afraid that that does not explain how that would lead to a conclusion that I were a `closeted normalfag'. I seem unable to bridge the proverbial gap between uttering an administratively induced meme to being, and having been, a closeted normalfag. Please educate me.

>> No.8649381


>> No.8649385

Get back to /b/ you normalfag peice of shit.

>> No.8649392


>> No.8649398

My curiosity simply cannot allow me to go until the mystery of the closeted normalfag has been revealed.

>> No.8649410

It's because of people like you that /jp/ is becoming shitty. Why the hell aren't you happy, faggot? Don't you have Gensokyo? Don't you have the internet? Don't you have us? It was your fucking choice to be here. Well, I can understand that maybe it wasn't. If that's the case, why aren't you dead? If you ended up here out of mistakes and you regret it, drop dead right now. Kill yourself.

Why? Seriously, why would you want to become a normalfag? Were you always a closeted normalfag who kept crying over not having friends and being an active part of society?

>> No.8649422

OP here, are you referring to me or the troll?

>> No.8649425

Excuse me sir, but you seem to be informed of the term >closeted normalfag as well. Perhaps you could explain to me the logistics of such an concoction. I reason that a normalfag who is closeted, would be a neurotypical on the inside only, meaning that he would be freakish on the outside. But, that would still violate social norms, ergo, he would not be a normalfag at all, even internally. The term must contradict itself.

Please point out any logical errors that I have made.

>> No.8649444

Your a fucking faggot, that's what.

>> No.8649456

I was unable to discern the intentions of this fellow as well, though because of his use of the phrase, >It's because of people like you that /jp/ is becoming shitty, that I assume that he is speaking to that dastardly fiend, the troll. I will be sure to watch out for him, as he seems to have made our friend upset, and I have not yet learned the secrets of the closeted normalfag.

Sir, please! That is not how a true gentleman behaves!

>> No.8649453


>> No.8649470

Yes, watashi mo wakarimasen. Perhaps this mystery can be solved by clearer minds another day.

>> No.8649484 [SPOILER] 
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Search the archive and leave us alone.

>> No.8649498

Researching the archive could take days; this is a critical matter with seconds on the line! Neither could I use such a poor archive as foolz, either, as Woxxy is a member of our long foe, /a/.

As an expert, could you compiler your knowledge into a single, coherent post, so that we may reduce the duplication of work done by ourselves, and to serve as a future reference for the younger generations?

>> No.8649515
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>> No.8649639

By examining the definition of the words that make up the phrase, we might be able to reach a suitable conclusion. From such techniques, I deduced that a closeted normalfag would be someone who is normal, but acts un-normal on a non-normal community, such as /jp/. This naturally leads to the question of his or her intent, which is out of the boundaries of my exposition, and will be an exercise left to the reader.

>> No.8649676

> take days
Learn how to use the search function.

>> No.8649673

That still leaves the question of why a normalfag would want to pretend to be abnormal on /jp/.
