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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.07 MB, 640x1050, WNADRH!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8648394 No.8648394 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8648403


>> No.8648423

Sure are a lot of razors in gensyoko...

>> No.8648445

Get out of /jp/ you gook bush loving scum

>> No.8648449

You'll come to realize how boring shaved is one day.

>> No.8648456

I find it very arousing to imagine all of the Touhous as actors who agreed to be nude for this scene and expose their breasts and vaginas to a large audience

>> No.8648458

A little bit of hair is really sexy, but not on Japanese levels. Trimming it or shaving it once in a while is not only hygienically but also sexy as hell.

>> No.8648468

The ability to produce danmaku has taken a toll on the hormone system of the girls, in fact they are completely incapable of growing hair.

What about their heads, you say? Wigs. Every one of them.

The fairies have it the worst, the poor girls.

>> No.8648481

So smooth and clean.

They must shave with magic.

>> No.8648488

I bet Mokou has a small shop set up where she performs almost painless hair removals.

>> No.8648504

Okuu would be better at it

>> No.8648506

ZUN should draw nudes

>> No.8648513

Just look at Meiling.

Delicious pussy lips asking for a kiss.

>> No.8648521

It is SO not fair that I don't get to see Okuu and Orin in the nude.

>> No.8648544

Couldn't Yukari just manipulate the border between hairy and shaved cunts?

>> No.8648549


If you pray enough or BUY more games they'll produce the next episode Okuu was already in the OP even though I couldn't care less about her.

>> No.8648552

No such thing.

>> No.8648601

Why are pictures like this so much more arousing than pictures depicting much lewder things?

>> No.8648608

Touhous are as hairy or smooth as you desire them.

>> No.8648632


Because this is official and fanon shit no matter how good the art for it seems like a cop out

>> No.8648666

What? This isn't official art.

>> No.8648725

It amazes me how many retards think this is official art.

>> No.8648730

I'd never want it official, it's way too lewd.
If it wasn't for the lewd bath scene this video would be perfect

>> No.8648738

I think the best part of the video was Parsee's envious face. I don't have the screencap anymore, but if you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.8648752
File: 59 KB, 634x335, 1325865997128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8648763


Oh, well.

>> No.8648759
File: 173 KB, 602x960, Parseeatfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was in one of the first threads, I don't remember seeing a version without the text.

There's the gif on the other thread though.

>> No.8648764

She's a miracle of the universe.

>> No.8648770

i see Rumia is taking it easy...

>> No.8648780

I used to be able to float like her when I was younger.

Now I just sink if I don't hold in a large breath of air.

>> No.8648869

what is the official name of this?

>> No.8648877

Boku no Tohou

>> No.8648882
File: 276 KB, 501x382, 1329268195491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else notice shes not wearing underwear?

>> No.8648894


Probably has a Fundoshi or something under the skirt, or one of those rope thong things they wear at Matsuri festivals or the things sumos wear.

Reimu isn't wearing bloomers at the end of the video either but Marisa is

/jp/ has done this to me

>> No.8648896

This image became much less disturbing after I expanded the thumbnail and it turns out those are mustaches and not mouths.

>> No.8648902


it's pretty >new in here today

>> No.8648941
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1325371508721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri festivals

>> No.8649218

where's the dl link? google aint saying shit

>> No.8649229

Huh? The Youtube video is all there is. Whole thing isn't out yet.

>> No.8649234


Got something to say douche'kun?

>> No.8649242


For what the anime? just use youtube I even gave you a link which should have the rest if you'd just click it, i'm not spoonfeeding you lazy assholes anymore, as a matter of fact i've gone further than most 4channer HELL /jp/ would to give you sauce

>> No.8649354

Not only is the whole thing not out, it never will be. Unfortunately this is just a one-shot, unlike How I Learned to Love the Kotetsu.

>> No.8650348


It was absolutely normal to not wear any panties at the time Gensokyo was sealed.

It's safe to assume most touhous don't wear any underwear.

>> No.8650353

It's canon that they wear pure and elegant bloometd

>> No.8650354

Is this from jewtube?
have superior dvd rip

>> No.8650362


I really doubt they wear them when it's hot.

>> No.8650371

touhou anime games /a/ you dumb faggots.

>> No.8650383
File: 69 KB, 675x475, hatfan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup newfriend

>> No.8650385

Well there is a bloomershot in the inaba comic which have summer chapters too.
But I have no idea if this particular shot is during one of these chapters

>> No.8650393

Do you also go on /v/ and complain about videogame threads or on /a/ to complain about anime?

>> No.8650406

Do you always get so easily antagonized by people who can barely be considered to be trolling?

Unless that's happening to me right now. In which case IHBT.

>> No.8650410
File: 162 KB, 422x290, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in chapter two is in Reisen's imagination, the same one where they're trying to stay cool. Also this one from chapter 15.

>> No.8650516
File: 370 KB, 421x236, parsee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8650857

Wasn't the year Gensokyo sealed 1885 in the Western Calender?
Knee-length bloomers were definently the common womans undergarment in the west. And although two peice, and crotchless styles were still avalialable, one piece closed crotch designs were already the most common.
Also you are wrong about only things that existed before Gensokyo was sealed being available there. Curiosities of Lotus Asia shows that anything that becomes obsolete or dies out in our world shows up in Gensokyo. Including obsolete styles of clothing, hence the popularity of bloomers in the story-they are cheap there.
Although the real reason is Zun likes bloomers and thinks they are cute.
Women in Japan had a far better set of active wear available to them then their counterparts in the west had until the 20th century. They had items like the umanori, sarashi for breast support, and if needed fundoshi

>> No.8651692


>> No.8651703

Gensokyo must have been a bit behind even then though. All the backstory text files make it clear that outside world-Gensokyo relations were dwindling as humans became more scientific.

I'd say most Touhous wear normal underwear, because the outside world still exists and they have some connection to it (Rinnosuke etc)

>> No.8651708
File: 60 KB, 600x600, mado1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8653061
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>> No.8653077

someone has the 3dpd version?

>> No.8653087 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 387x538, 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8653114
File: 287 KB, 960x1440, spic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


happy 天

>> No.8653145

thanks anon

>> No.8653150


>> No.8653151

Holy fuck, this dude traced and still managed to make it look that bad?

Damn, suddenly I have newfound confidence in my art skills.

>> No.8653160

don't get mad
