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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8645222 No.8645222 [Reply] [Original]


Shocking phenomenon in Japan when the Earthquake took over.

>> No.8645230


>> No.8645234

Strike the earth!

>> No.8645236

Earth moving during earthquake, what a shock, that was totally unexpected.

>> No.8645259

Where does the water come from?

>> No.8645262

I was kind of hoping the beige bricks were going to collapse into a subway or something.

>> No.8645267

holy shit, a pipe bursted. it's like magic.

>> No.8645264

Water coming out of drainpipes? How shocking.

>> No.8645268


Who you gonna call?

>> No.8645271


>holy shit, a pipe bursted. it's like magic.

The past tense of burst is burst, fagnut.

>> No.8645282

i fukt youre mom, autist.

>> No.8645290

Congratulations, nobody cares. It's fairly common and it makes sense, even if it's supposedly superfluous.

>> No.8645293

Pfft, so did I.

>> No.8645295

everyone here did.

>> No.8645314

Ahaha. Look at them running around. It's water, you know, not poison.

>> No.8645411

Touhou Subterranean Animism

>> No.8645438

Remember those ancient writings about the earth opening up and swallowing people up?

What makes you think it does not happen during earthquakes?

>> No.8645487
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>> No.8645495

Thats the first thing I thought of too after the video....

>> No.8645505

The video description sounds plausible, but I'm still gonna call bullshit. This is probably to build up hype for some movie about floods or some shit. A Waterworld prequel, maybe?

I mean, if this was filmed a year ago, why wait until now to upload it? Why have that teaser bit at the end about Beijing?

>> No.8645511

As a plumber this shit frustrates me.

>> No.8645514

that's what I thought. like another Japan's gonna sink movie

>> No.8645527

At least you are not one of those poor bastards who have to take a dip into waste waters to fix god only knows what is stuck in the sewage.

>> No.8645556

I spend all my time on /jp/, you think I'm afraid of that shit?

>> No.8645552
File: 36 KB, 400x316, mask-mask-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start to watch the video
>see white masks... white masks everywhere
>Close video

This is one aspect of asian culture that I find intolerable. An irrational fear of the common cold.

>> No.8645577


They wear them for anonymity.

>> No.8645575


No, they wear it for exercise.

>> No.8645580

they don't wear it to not get it, they wear it so they don't give it to others
it's called being a nice person.

>> No.8645581



>> No.8645582

They wear it because it's fashionable.

>> No.8645593


No they do not wear them for excecise you fuck retarded dumbshit kid. Are you new to JP culture?

>> No.8645599

How would that even work?

>> No.8645633

They wear it for respect of others. I fucking hate it when people with a cold start sneezing in the bus, especially when all windows are closed.

>> No.8645643

I can forgive sick people for wearing the masks out of respect for others, but the vast majority of mask wearers are not sick. They wear them 365 days a year in public.

It is a culture of hypochondriacs.

>> No.8645647

>not wearing one every time you go outside
Perhaps you should also drink the water out of public toilets whenever you're thirsty.

>> No.8645658
File: 43 KB, 560x428, snap_masks,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people defending Japanese/Asian culture in this thread? Masks are for 3DPD, and none of the girls in my VNs wear them.

>> No.8645662

Who are you quoting

>> No.8645675

Why are you shitposting?

>> No.8645681
File: 78 KB, 300x400, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that!

>> No.8645725

Is it just me or 7 out of every 10 japs wear a mask?

>> No.8645732

yourr a idiot

>> No.8645763
File: 282 KB, 600x452, japanese commuters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is it just me or 7 out of every 10 japs wear a mask?

More like 9 out of 10 if you are talking about commuters who use public transit.

>> No.8645778

Insane. I've been watching videos about the earthquake all day. It didn't look as half as scary back then that it does now.

This video is by some guy who landed just when it all started.

>> No.8645791

Why? It would be easy for crime to spread if everyone wears masks by default.

>> No.8645801


Yeah that's what america has conditioned you so well to believe.

Anonymity =/= Exorbitant crime

>> No.8645809

I really fucking wish this caught on outside of Japan. It's one of those things they got right and the West should learn from but we NEVER WILL. On which note, fuck "text messages".

>> No.8645822

I seriously would've only gotten sick like 3 times in my life if I had worn a mask to school. Nearly everything I caught was caught from someone else.

>> No.8645867
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>if I had worn a mask to school

You know that getting sick annually while young helps your body develop it's immune system? Hypochondriacs and clean freaks dodge more of the superficial bugs, but when they do inevitably get sick they are often at higher risk because their body is immune system is under-developed.

The old saying that a healthy person should "eat a pound of dirt" as they grow up has merit. Get out there, get filthy, get exposed to mother fucking nature and the people around you. Play in the sand box with that snot nosed kid from down the street and just don't give a fuck about anything.

Failing to do this makes you feeble.

>> No.8645869

You'll never be a Japanese in Japan. ;_;

In before posts about work pressure, unhappiness etc.

>> No.8645876



This will cure your unrealistic view.

>> No.8645872

I think you're overstating the benefits here a little. As a kid, getting sick is great and it's supposed to happen which is why we let it happen. As an adult, going onto a bus full of people and having them cough in your face so you get ill has *no* medical benefits.

>> No.8645882

My view isn't unrealistic. I just think people on 4chan don't know jack about anywhere. Every country has its flaws and so does Japan.

Thanks for the video though.

>> No.8645892

Did you not notice something odd?
He's outside.
He talks to people.
He's clearly nothing like me.

>> No.8645899


That is why it is courteous for sick people to wear masks when in public. No one is questioning this.

Most of the people in masks are healthy able bodied member of society wearing a mask "just in case". Excessive prevention is pandering to a culture of fear.

These commuters should also wear bright orange reflective vests so that they can cross the street safely. These vests are proven to be effective at improving a drivers awareness to road workers or traffic cops. Surely prevention-minded pedestrians could benefit as well?

Growing up we had a "helmet kid" at our school. He was mildly retarded and his parents made him wear a helmet because he was prone to running around wildly and crashing into things. Perhaps non-retarded people could benefit from wearing helmets 24/7 as well?

I don't want to live in a helmet kid society. Enjoy your fucking mask.

>> No.8645910

Nigger I have not gotten hit or nearly hit by a car even 1 percent of the times I've caught something from someone.

>> No.8645912
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>> No.8645931

On a crowded train, one person is pretty ill and it's likely a lot of the other passengers (perhaps even the whole carriage) gets ill. They then spread it further and suddenly there are real world effects. People taking time off work, etc.
If I get hit by a car--which isn't even likely--then I'm dead or off work for a few weeks while I recover. One person. They're not paranoid, they're just sensible. No reason to risk illness if you don't have to, and it's not like they're wearing personal disinfectant tanks or anything super inconvenient.

>> No.8645961


And if you had worn a mask you still would have become sick because those masks don't cover the eyes.

A virus enters the human body through contact with mucus membranes or other body fluids. While it is possible to breath in infected particles it is the eyes are especially vulnerable. Besides being unprotected to airborne particles from coughs or sneezes, people tend to touch their eyes many times a day without noticing it. The vast majority of colds and flu are spread through hand-eye contact.

Soap and water (even antibacterial soap) do very little. Alcohol based hand gel is the only proven method that will reduce the spread of sickness, and it has to be used every time a handrail or doorknob is touched.

This is why governments around the world were in a mad rush to distribute hand sanitizer during both the H1N1 and SARS panic. They did not give out masks as they knew masks did fuck all (except for people already infected. The masks catch the outgoing water droplets in a cough or sneeze).


Unless the mask is a full face respirator it cannot stop a common cold. The masks worn by Asians are not N95 masks (modern surgical masks capable of catching microscopic particles). They are just simple dust masks.

>> No.8645967

Why is one of them naked?

>> No.8646016

That seems pretty interesting, I'll be sure to watch it later. I'm still not ready to have my unrealistic view of Japan crushed.

>> No.8646234
File: 82 KB, 692x589, 1230018275330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's heavy.
Once they remove it their power goes up.

>> No.8646306

Why are we talking about earthquakes again? That one in 2011 should have been strong enough to make people stop being so surprised at things like that.
And speaking of it, did everyone die because of the radiation already?

>> No.8646342

>Soap and water (even antibacterial soap) do very little.
I thought the infection rate in hospitals dropped, like, a million percent when doctors started washing hands way back in the nineteenth century.

>> No.8646369

I've been to Vietnam twice and people wear masks there too. I don't know if it's the same as Japan, but they wear the masks because there's a lot of shit in the air. The dust in the air sticks to you, and nobody wants that shit in their lungs.

They should switch to respirators. Those things look so cool.
