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8642962 No.8642962 [Reply] [Original]

I keep having these fucking dreams about sucking my own dick. It's practically the only kind of sex dream I have anymore. It gets irritating every time I'm awake and I remember I can't do it.

>> No.8643078

Man, I haven't dreamt about that in years.

Now that I think about it, back then I thought it just meant I wanted my dick sucked but since I didn't have any experience with the opposite sex, my mind just made me do it on my own - but now I realize that it was instead just an early sign of wanting to suck a dick.

So yeah, enjoy your gay.

>> No.8643095

Some recurring dreams I have involve me sucking my own penis, performing oral sex on a loli, or being in elementary school at my current age when everyone else is still young.

>> No.8643338
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>> No.8643459

Have you ever tried to suck it?

>> No.8643466
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>or being in elementary school at my current age when everyone else is still young.

FUCK, every fucking night man. It won't fucking stop!

>> No.8643492

I only ever have dreams about being surrounded by bugs and being hunted down by groups of people.

>> No.8643524

I have recurring dreams about having to go back to HS to take math classes to get my bachelor's, but I'm too stupid and I start failing. I have other dreams where I just end up back in HS for whatever reason, and see former friends. It's really painful when I wake up, since I know most of them abandoned me.

I didn't have a wet dream until I was 21, despite being at my least sexual in the past 10 years or so (Thanks to zoloft, yipee). Shit was weird. I had one the other day, too, at 22 years old. So irritating to have to change your underwear when you wake up.

Also used to have lots of dreams about losing my teeth, getting some disease-oh, weirdest ones involved my penis. I had ones where my dick would sprout new dicks, like a mushroom, or I would lose my original dick and have to grow a new one, and it would be small and off-kilter and shit. Terrfiying.

I hate my life.

>> No.8643528

That's cuz you need to find someone else's to suck.

>> No.8643543
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>Not lucid dreaming to have a 2D suck your dick

>> No.8643545

Ive never had a true wet dream but I do have dreams where I am having sex and can sorta feel it. If I could orgasm in my dreams then I would probably sleep all day trying to fuck 2d girlies.

>> No.8643563

>having a penis

Why haven't you gotten a penectomy? It's not like you use it.

>> No.8643577

I'm sure everyone gets these same dreams but I have that "go back to high school at 2X years old" one a lot. Also one where I kind of come out of a mental fog near the end of a semester and realize I've been forgetting to go to half my classes or do work in the others. I don't really mind any of these dreams or the feelings they give. They're all interesting.

>> No.8643585

according to legend these dreams mean you will never have children.
though that's little surprise since this is /jp

>> No.8643651


I use my penis for masturbation every day

>> No.8643656


There's legends about people who dream of sucking their own cock?

>> No.8643670

I dreamed about sucking my own cock just the other day.

>> No.8643673


no, that was just a legend

>> No.8648852

I hope I dream about sucking my own cock tonight.

>> No.8648884

i remember when i came on my face for the first time. it sure was a intresting experience.

>> No.8648885
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Yes. Those that dream of sucking their own dick will inevitably wander upon the great phallus sword in the stone. This is the most powerful sword ever made, and can slice the a mile deep with one swing, and grant the user incredible speed, power and sword-wielding skills merely by possessing it. However, to get the Phallus Blade, when the cocksucker of legend comes upon the great phallus sword in the stone, three great ancient sages will appear, and spread their robes to reveal their throbbing-hard cocks,and the cocksucker of legend must suck them.The great sages put a spell on their own penises and created this system to seal away the great blade, unless a man with the magical, legendary cocksucking power of old appears who can properly wield such a terrible blade for good. If the cocksucker can make the three sages come, and swallows, that semen will give him the power to pull the phallus blade from the stone.

>> No.8648888

I'm black so I have no problem doing that. Not that I find it appealing you. I'm not a faggot.

>> No.8648892

I remember the first time I thought to ejaculate on my face. I spent a good hour edging, and I leaned forward while slowly stroking my fully engorged penis. As I looked down at the swollen, shiny head and felt the beginning of an orgasm, I decided it was a bad idea and leaned back into my chair, and tilted my penis upwards. The semen ended up shooting up to my chest.

Man, I really miss those long masturbation sessions and edging. They were a lot of fun.

>> No.8648897

Have any of you tried peeing on yourself in the shower. Tip: it's more better if you do it before turning on the shower. The warm feeling of your urine is nice. It's even better if you imagine being the little girl getting peed on.

>> No.8648912

I wish my dreams were that crazy.
My normal dreams about falling off cliffs or spiders crawling into my bed is starting to get dull.

>> No.8648917

I've always wanted to, but I pussy out at the last second.

>> No.8648942

Surprisingly, it's super difficult to actually do this, especially with clothing on.

>> No.8648964
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>falling off cliffs

I used to have those dreams all the time. The first ones were where I would fall down the stairs leading to my basement, do a flip and smash my head on concrete wall, but I'd wake up just as I hit the wall.

I've had a bunch of other spots where I fall in dreams, though. It doesn't happen very often anymore.

Also, I hope you're well, Saten-anon.

>> No.8648969

I've done this, but never on my face. I'll try it tomorrow I guess.

>> No.8648980
File: 108 KB, 452x306, y1243117322466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dreams are anything BUT LEWD

>> No.8648989



>> No.8649001

DIY, faggot.

Probably too many frames anyway. Plus I don't see why you keep requesting this. "I found something cool, so I want it in an even older, lower quality higher filesize proprietary format, with fewer frames and a much smaller resolution!"

>> No.8649029
File: 490 KB, 900x651, 1321491588584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I had a cute dream in which I noticed that my bkub doujins were randomly appearing in random places around a dorm that I lived in.
I later find out that Kaguya was stealing them to read because she thought they were cute and they were the only thing in Japanese around. She was happy to meet a new real person and we became friends.
Apparently she has been living as a magnet on the fridge in the community kitchen and could become a real girl at night. Sounds weird, but I think it seems like something from a "modern" fairy tale.

Also, my room mates were the main characters from Cromartie Highschool and they were trying to sing Frank Sinatra songs. However, they were singing "Beyond the Sea" which is more of a Bobby Darin song.

>> No.8649035
File: 82 KB, 303x289, dgftf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trying to start something, asshole?

>> No.8649048

I'm living the dream.

>> No.8649060

I have a lot of dreams involving high school. Sometimes I'm a regular student there. Sometimes I've been there for more than 4 years. Sometimes I go back to high school.

I also have a lot of dreams where I'm being attacked by cats and I end up beating the shit out of them. Mostly by grabbing their tail and smashing them against walls and the ground. WHY ;_;

>> No.8651768

After reading a couple konataxkagami doujins a while back I started getting strange semi-reoccurring dreams wear I am konata and am married to kagami. Quite pleasant, but I had a bit of an identity crisis for a while.
