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8640869 No.8640869 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm doing a research project of sorts... it started sort of on hikikomoris and NEETs in specific... but it became sort of... well... I don't know. Hard to find some of the information I needed. so I've broadened it to encompass general social disorders and inversion. Right now I don't really know what exactly I'm trying to do with it, or how I'm going about to gather information, but I decided maybe /jp/ would be a sort of good place to start?

Research that I'm doing, not all of it needs to be super scholarly, as it IS for an art class. So whatever I might be able to get here could be nice?

These are some random questions I thought up to maybe stir the pot. Maybe?

1) How would you describe your current situation?
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?

So yeah.

>> No.8640874

1) How would you describe your current situation?
Delicious solitude.
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
Uninterested, brief answers, only speak when spoken to.
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
People have fun until they die.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?

>> No.8640893

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
I'm ronery, hungry, sleepy, and anxious.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I get nervous, cold sweats, stutter, get teary eyed, weak knee's.
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
Every man is an island whether they know it or not. you'll never really get to know another person unless you join some kind of hypermind chamber. People who work all day are too tired to do any pondering and can be treated like cattle by their corporate masters.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
I don't know, there is no one to change for since I'm alone.
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
You can only have importance in a relationship when it is not based on material gain, since all that could be obtained while alone and it'd be much simpler too.

>> No.8640960
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this is really useful by the way, so everyone has my infinite thanks~ please keep it going~

>> No.8640982

1) How would you describe your current situation?
Untimely and degrading.
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I am a very good socializer in general. Moderately outgoing and generally fearless.
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
Humans are very flawed but are able to improve.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Yes. Either it's against their moral philosophy, the society or even their families - I will have the initiative to deceive a bit to do some good that I perceive as true justice.
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Yes. Many relationships lack the intrinsic value of an actual connection. Material gain is temporary. Emotional rapport and memorable events are forever.

>> No.8640995

>1) How would you describe your current situation?


>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?


>3) Explain your general view of humanity.

It is what it is.

>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?

Depends how much it would mean to them.

>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?


>> No.8641029

1) How would you describe your current situation? Living in home and only going to school so that I don't get kicked out of home. Thinking of suicide.
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people? Awkward and shy in real life, internet is fine.
3) Explain your general view of humanity. I hate it. Such a terrible species should already be extinct.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others? No
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain? I love my waifu. She is very important to me, so yes.

>> No.8641045

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
Feels like being invisible.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
Lazy, funny, and clueless
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Hell no. They can either accept me as who I am or not. That's how I know who are my friends vs "acquaintances" who I don't actually give a fuck about.
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Yeah b/c if it's only material gain, it feels shallow as fuck.

>> No.8641091

1) The idea of meido seiba yelling at me turns me on
2) N/A
3) N/A
4) N/A
5) N/A

>> No.8641149
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Thanks everyone! All this info is somewhat of an eye opener for me, but I should be able to use it. If anyone has anything else to add, please do so, but again, thanks~!

>> No.8641176

It's a good thing it's just for an art class, and not for real research, because a survey on 4chan is beyond meaningless. Not only is it not a representative sample of anything, it will also be composed of intentional misinformation and bullshit.

>> No.8641193

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
Shitty, I want to die.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
Awkward as fuck.
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
Interesting and unique.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Of course.

>> No.8641196

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
Numb, having loads of free time isn't enjoyable forever.

>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?

I almost never initiate conversations, and I can't really connect with people too much because I'm constantly afraid that they either have no interest at all in speaking with me, or if even really mild things would just make me sound like a retard or make them uncomfortable.

>3) Explain your general view of humanity.

No worst than any other part of nature.

>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?

Suffering for someone else doesn't appeal to me, no.

5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?


>> No.8641200 [DELETED] 
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>1) How would you describe your current situation?
I'm slowly getting better, but my family and financial situation is steadily declining. It's just a question if I can get on my feet before the entire thing collapses.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I'm fine dealing with my family and any kind of semi-anonymous interaction, but one-on-one situations make me extremely anxious. I hide it real good though.
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
99% of humans are worthless for variety of reasons. Mostly because of their utter and complete lack of empathy and selflessness, as well as the lack of any deeper consideration of their actions. They can, however, be helped - I, too, used to go through life like some kind of organic robot - and the 1% decent folks makes up for it.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Others I know? No. Others as in general public opinion? No. The off-chance I might someday meet someone I could fall in love with? Yes. That change is still limited to things I dislike about myself, though, not the things that are generally frowned upon by prejudiced people.
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?

>> No.8641211

1) Alright.
2) lol
3) lol
4) lol
5) lol

>> No.8641215
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>1) How would you describe your current situation?
I'm slowly getting better, but my family and financial situation is steadily declining. It's just a question if I can get on my feet before the entire thing collapses.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I'm fine dealing with my family and any kind of semi-anonymous interaction, but one-on-one situations make me extremely anxious. I hide it real good though.
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
99% of humans are worthless for variety of reasons. Mostly because of their utter and complete lack of empathy and selflessness, as well as the lack of any deeper consideration of their actions. They can, however, be helped - I, too, used to go through life like some kind of organic robot - and the 1% decent folks makes up for it.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Others I know? No. Others as in general public opinion? No. The off-chance I might someday meet someone I could fall in love with? Yes. That change is still limited to things I dislike about myself, though, not the things that are generally frowned upon by prejudiced people.
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?

>> No.8641224
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>1) How would you describe your current situation?
Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I am the bone of my sword
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Have withstood pain to create many weapons

>> No.8641221

1) How would you describe your current situation?
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
>90% of humanity should be lined up and shot.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Not really, unless those love hormones kick in and fuck me up.
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Does putting p0n0s into vag00 count as material? If so, then no.

>> No.8641228
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Oh I'm aware, and I'd never dream of using a chan for like a psychology class or other such. I also will probably not be posting too much in verbatim and instead will probably be summarizing points. That should help filter a fair bit of misinformation.

>> No.8641237

How much misinformation do you think you see in this thread, as a percentage?

>> No.8641232

1) How would you describe your current situation?
Can't really complain.
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I don't.
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
A plague to the Earth.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
I guess.

>> No.8641245

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
I'm stuck in what is pretty much a gated white community. And the people here are kind of cruel to me.
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I like talking to people, but I never really have much to say. I love trying to make other people feel happy.
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
I love humanity. Some people are cruel and there are a lot of problems when all of those cruel people reassure each other that what they are doing isn't wrong. But talking to people individually and getting to know them shows me all of the pressure that they feel and why they act so coldly sometimes. If someone does something terrible, they think it's right in some way most of the time and usually have a reason for it even if you don't agree with it. Unless they are messed up and don't know what they want. Those types of people I try to stay away from.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Kind of. I really want to change myself and my life for my own reasons, but I wouldn't be against changing some things that I don't care about for someone else. Right now I kind of have to pretend I'm the same person everyone thinks I am so I guess I'm forcing myself to be different than the way I want. But if I didn't do that I wouldn't even have a place to live.
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Yes. Just making someone happy makes me happy. Maybe some day I can find someone who actually wants to make me happy too.

I'm not a NEET willingly so I don't know if this will even help you.

>> No.8641251


How do you propose we measure misinformation on an imageboard known for it?


I know. Also, pyschology is bullshit. I consider pretty much all social sciences bullshit, as they rely on extremely weak evidence, but they're not entirely useless endeavors.

>> No.8641259
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Everything helps. Even the less serious posts at least help me guage some relative indifference people feel. But yeah, thanks for the elaborating. It's helpful.

>> No.8641263

That's exactly the point.

>> No.8641267
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I don't think they're all so much BS, but in the institutionalized form, there's a lot of problems.

>> No.8641310

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
Not yet NEET, though I'd much much rather be one. I hate this shit.

>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
Not bad if I can get comfortable. Extremely awkward otherwise. Quiet and hesitant in either case.

>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
There's only a few good people.

>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Sometimes. I've never had any luck with it though.

>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
I could.

>> No.8641355

>1) How would you describe your current situation?
>2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
>3) Explain your general view of humanity.
>4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
>5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
I wish.

>> No.8641534

1) How would you describe your current situation?
21 years old, starting college next month to keep some distance from getting kicked out. Almost absolute lack of drive/will, which leads to pathological lack of attention, which leads to memory problems. Been through a suicidal phase, etc.
I'd say the world wouldn't be a worse place if I died.
2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
I'd have to establish two different cases there:
a) For people I don't give a fuck about/I can deal with by just appearing normal. I 'detach' myself and put up a normal front. I make contextual jokes, I laugh at their jokes, I create opinions in the moment, etc. At the end of their day I'm another forgettable Average Joe, and at the end of my day I feel the same as if I had stayed at home.
b) For people I care about, when I actually want to be Me, not Average Joe. I wouldn't say I appear autistic but it's pretty bad. In the case of the one girl I tried to 'hit on' or however you call it, I couldn't bring myself to use the informal pronoun/conjugations (let's say I treated her not unlike "[Surname]-san"), which is something people here do from day 1, 100% of the times. Not as awkward as "Thou art a funny girl" but not normal in any sense either.
3) Explain your general view of humanity.
We're animals, after all. Animals are dirty, stupid, they kill and they are killed. Humanity is not far from them, yet.
4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
At the time I have nobody to change for. I suppose I could change if I found somebody to do it for.
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Importance? Relationships are what animals are made for. Relationships are, or have the potential to be, for everything BUT for material gain.

>> No.8642582

1) How would you describe your current situation?
Lots of physical pain, isolated, mostly forgotten, outside.

2) How do you describe yourself in terms of interacting with other people?
Ok. No anxiety about it, but much more of a listener than a talker. I run out of things to say to most people pretty quickly unless they are talking about something.

3) Explain your general view of humanity.
Pretty much a blight. Would like it to be better but I don't see it happening.

4) Do you find any incentive to change for others?
Not really.
5) Do you find importance in relationships beyond material gain?
Yes, I don't seek material gain from relationships. I have very, very few relationships, and those I have I value.
