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File: 122 KB, 1245x322, display ID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8636636 No.8636636 [Reply] [Original]

Even if the Mods implemented DISPLAY_ID on /jp/ you fags would just fuck it up because you weeaboos use SAGE ALL THE TIME.

>> No.8636642

>Mods seriously using the word shitposting

/jp/ influence too much?

>> No.8636644

>The users are at fault for using the system correctly
Damn, you're bright.

>> No.8636645

agreed, this function shouldnt be implemented on /jp/

>> No.8636647

Cry more weeaboo
sage this *grabs cawk is over 9000*

>> No.8636651

Yes, it would be bad if people called you out on samefagging entire threads after all.

>> No.8636658
File: 19 KB, 450x450, 1279136541082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is the point of offering an opt-out anyway? It basically defeats the purpose of display ID, so it should appear for all posts.

>> No.8636664

please respond more

>> No.8636673


It's not a mod; it's the Admin and owner moot.

>> No.8636676

It's moot you shithead

>> No.8636678


>> No.8636683


>> No.8636682

Now it makes sense. mewt is crazy wet for /jp/

>> No.8636701


>> No.8636850


>> No.8636853


>> No.8636859

You really ought to use sage properly.

>> No.8636868
File: 72 KB, 186x204, 1328317577903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please implement this on /jp/ ;_;
please ;_;

>> No.8636881

/b/ is different from /jp/ in that /b/ is a fast board. sage doesn't quite work the same as it does here.

by offering to hide the ID by saging, it prevents shitty threads from being bumped on /b/.

>> No.8636885


but every thread on /b/ is shitty

>> No.8636900

Maybe it'd work if you couldn't freely switch between sage-but-trueanon and bump-but-idanon no I still think it's dumb and ID should appear, period.

>> No.8636909

>Maybe it'd work if you couldn't freely switch between sage-but-trueanon and bump-but-idanon

That would be retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.8636913

just like /jp/?

why hasn't moot made /jp/ nijiura yet?

>> No.8636927

That's kind of my point. Stupid feature, should be always-on IDs.

>> No.8636929

Some tell moot to add this to /jp/ already.
